Minister Wang returned to the office, he carefully considered the conversation with Minister Li, and from some details, he could feel that Minister Li attached importance to Sun Mingbo.

This is not only because of Sun Mingbo's competition results, but also some other reasons that he doesn't know, although Director Li didn't say it, but Minister Wang can feel it.

At the same time, he also felt the pressure that Director Li was facing, although Director Li did not talk about the consequences of this incident in person, but Minister Wang could imagine it after calming down.

Director Li, the main purpose of going to Qingcheng with great fanfare this time is to comprehensively inspect Sun Mingbo, an athlete, and train athletes who can win gold medals in international competitions for the country.

And he prematurely started the negotiation of Sun Mingbo's commercial endorsement contract, and in the eyes of some people, it is likely that the field management center is going for Sun Mingbo's commercial value.

If someone with a heart takes advantage of this opportunity to guide public opinion, it will have a great negative impact on the field management center.

What's more serious is that the IAAF's anti-doping flight inspection team, before the results of Sun Mingbo's urine sample test came out, led the Ministry of Commerce to negotiate the commercial endorsement contract with great fanfare, which is a bit unreasonable

, if there is a problem with Sun Mingbo's urine sample test, then it will be in a very unfavorable situation for the field management center.

Originally, the field management center could stand at a certain height and stay out of this matter, but as a result, he rushed in, and the yellow mud fell into the crotch of his pants, which was not but.

Although Director Li did not say the consequences of his life, he was only angry with himself, and he also silently took over these responsibilities.

Minister Wang was a little glad that I had followed a good leader.

I was really impulsive this time, and now it's too late to say anything, for the reputation of the Tianguan Center, for Director Li, and for myself, I must find a way to remedy it.

If it is really negotiated with Sun Mingbo and his parents and negotiated the commercial endorsement contract for him free of charge, then the field management center and himself can stay out of the matter.

We did this from the perspective of caring for the athletes, and we didn't get any benefit from it, and if the worst happened, then this reason can be said to be in the past.

He first booked a ticket to Qingcheng in the evening, and then began to carefully check the information of Sun Mingbo and his family in the office.

Now the Internet has been very developed, and the introduction of Sun Mingbo and Sun Haisheng on the Internet, all kinds of posts, almost all of which fill the entire computer screen, and the top ten rankings of various headlines are almost all related to Sun Mingbo and his son.

This phenomenon can no longer be called detonating the Internet, but it has completely exploded the Internet.

In this Internet context where traffic is entertainment and traffic is money, it is no wonder that so many international business giants are interested in Sun Mingbo's commercial endorsement, and some companies are involved in the competition for this endorsement contract with the mentality of ambition.

Minister Wang had already considered Sun Mingbo's influence before, but he didn't expect Sun Mingbo's influence to be so huge this time.

Then, he began to check Sun Haisheng's information, and one of the press releases "From Technology Maniac to Investment Emperor" detailed Sun Haisheng's experience in just a few decades.

This press release is very well written, and it is easy for readers to associate it, and a three-dimensional picture, like a slideshow, is displayed in front of people one by one.

Since Sun Haisheng was born (of course, his family situation has been brushed aside, just to show that Sun Haisheng was born in a cadre family), his growth at every step, the education of his family, and the help of his mentor have created a resolute and unyielding tough guy image.

For more than ten years, he has invested most of all his income in technology research and development, and he is shocked by the incomprehension of people in the society, even cynicism, ignoring it, and bent on catching up with the world's most advanced technology.

In particular, he has gone through ups and downs several times, for the sake of faith and goals, and has not given up his efforts. In order to raise research funds and make the research results come to fruition, the father and son collaborated with each other to develop the game, and the description of this part is even more touching.

A lifelike, flesh-and-blood, emotional, middle-aged scientist with a distinct personality jumps into the reader's mind.

Regarding this press release, Minister Wang believes that some things have exaggerated descriptions, but one thing can be basically certain, Sun Haisheng's personality is not wrong.

It is difficult for such a person with a distinctive personality, a prominent family background (as you can imagine) and a prestigious name, and a huge amount of money to get him to agree to Sun Mingbo's commercial endorsement contract, and the Department of Commerce of the Athletics Management Center will negotiate with all the business customers and sign the commercial endorsement contract.

Knowing this, Minister Wang has already felt that if he wants to successfully complete this mission, I am afraid it is not as simple as he thought.

No, you must find someone who is familiar with Sun Haisheng to introduce, and this person must also have a certain amount of influence.

Such a person is not easy to find, especially between two cities, which are separated by nearly a thousand kilometers, and it is difficult to find it, and it must be found.

This mission is related to the credibility of the Department of Commerce of the Field Management Center, and it is also related to his future and current position.

If it can't be solved satisfactorily, let alone your future, it would be good if you could keep your current position.

Thinking of this, Minister Wang began to pick up the phone to contact, and consulted and inquired in many ways, not to mention, he really found a familiar person.

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