Hills was full of confidence and called several Weibo ∨ owners who were bought in this operation, but to his disappointment, before the official news was announced, none of the Weibo big V owners agreed to his request, and even if he proposed to increase the money, no one agreed.

The big V owners have said that if someone dares to be the first to break the news, then for the sake of adding money, they can follow up on the Internet and publish comment articles.

Hills is so angry, this group of bitches only knows how to add money, and if they add money, they may not be able to do what he wants, which is difficult.

Suddenly, he thought of someone, and the corners of his mouth slowly hooked up a smile, he already had a plan in his heart, to use this opportunity to completely make Sun Mingbo's reputation and detonate this bomb of public opinion.

He picked up the satellite phone ............

Soon, in a dark room in a corner of the capital, a man was sitting in front of the computer.

His fingers tapped quickly on the keyboard, and a headline appeared on the screen: [Shocking revelation!Sun Mingbo has conclusive evidence of taking illegal drugs!]

The man quickly tapped on the keyboard, and article after article, news was posted on the Internet, he believed that once these contents were released, they would definitely cause an uproar on the Internet, which would also make it easier to attract Mr. Mibit's attention.

Who is this man that Hills is looking for? This man's

name is Gao Yan, and his online name is Lonely Awakening Fighter, and by chance, the two met on the Internet.

When Hills (Mibit) told the other party that he was a person from the United States, Gao Yan immediately changed his face, and the various forms of licking the dog made Hills feel a little disgusted.

It's time to take advantage of this person, Hills has provided Gao Yan with some fake evidence and information, as long as the news of Sun Mingbo's taking illegal drugs is true, then no matter how high Sun Yongbo's reputation among the people is, it will collapse overnight.

Those who touted him, when they learned that they had been deceived, the flames of anger would rush on Sun Mingbo, and this was only the beginning of Sun Mingbo's disgrace.

Hills is now more excited, he began to enjoy the pleasure of this conspiracy, he rubbed his hands excitedly, his eyes never left the computer screen, he kept browsing on various media platforms, those Weibo ∨ who promised him, after his notification, some people began to follow up.

Seeing this, Hills sneered, waiting for more money, what kind of sweet dreams do you want? I'm afraid I haven't woken up yet.

At this time, he remembered the old wolf, the old wolf's combat power is on the network, which is one of the few, if he participates, it will be more conducive to this operation.

Thinking of this, he picked up the satellite phone again and began to dial, and quickly connected the old wolf's call: "Mr. old wolf, you can act now." "

Mr. Mibit, that article on the Internet is your masterpiece, right?"

"None of this matters, based on the verbal agreement between us, you should follow up now."

"Mr. Mibit, that's not what the agreement was supposed to be, I'm sorry, I'll have to wait until it's officially announced.

"Mr. Wolf, if you follow up now, I can add another $200,000, what do you think?"

"Mr. Mibit, this is not a matter of money, to do our business, we must have the spirit of contract." The old wolf thought about it for a moment, and then rejected Shears' offer.

He already felt that Mibit (Hills) might not have gotten any useful news this time, Mibit was so urgent, there must be something wrong with it, although he didn't know what the problem was, but years of experience in the industry still aroused his suspicions.

The reason why the rogue wolf became famous in the navy industry and became the king is inseparable from his disguise and caution.

How many of his fellow sailors are planted in this?

He doesn't want to be the successor of those who have been planted, and safety must always come first.

Shears saw that the old wolf rejected himself very decisively, and he was helpless.

But it's nothing, now a small whirlwind of public opinion has formed on the Internet, even if there is no participation of the old wolf now, this small whirlwind can become a hurricane, sweeping the entire Internet.

However, Hills and Old Wolf and those involved were unaware that their actions had been specially monitored by the authorities.

Although Hills uses a satellite phone, the people he contacts are ordinary cell phones.

Out of excitement that he had made a big mistake today, he didn't know that he shouldn't have repeatedly contacted those people in the same place, causing his signal to be locked.

Just as he hung up the phone, feeling a little sorry that the old wolf couldn't participate in the action in advance, the satellite phone suddenly rang again.

He looked at the caller ID, it was a bunch of garbled characters, others didn't know what it meant, but Hills understood in his heart, and he quickly pressed the answer button in shock, and a sentence came from the microphone: "You can go home."

With just such a sentence, the other party decisively hung up the phone.

At this moment, Hills was already in a cold sweat, and he felt that the air around him was cold.

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