With the deepening of this net cleaning operation, more netizens who have been cyberbullied have begun to expose on the Internet, and more black materials have been exposed.

Some of them were not netizens who were cyberbullied, but were exposed by ordinary netizens.

For example, in order to create a sensational effect, a Weibo owner posted a false news about a certain female star, claiming that the star used improper ways to get the heroine of a certain drama, such as unspoken rules and other topics, which caused a sensation in public opinion.

However, it turned out that this was just a lie to create a topic and weave for the sake of traffic, and for the release of the film, many parties participated in the hype of this topic, and fooled the majority of netizens.

Others claim to be so-called "public knowledge" and often mislead the public by making self-righteous statements.

They often use so-called "science" and "facts" as the basis to make irresponsible remarks, and even do not hesitate to spread rumors in order to gain more attention and influence.

If you debate with him, then they will steal the beams and change the topic, and they really can't debate, so on the grounds that the father of the country told them, and then ask them to move out the papers of the country that are published in the journal of humanities, such as what white papers, etc.

What is even more shocking is that some people even call themselves Mi people to show off their "noble" status and claim that China cannot restrain them with freedom of speech.

After investigation, these people only have the right to reside in the United States for a short time, and do not have the nationality of the United States.

These banana people who have forgotten their ancestors and have yellow skins and white hearts are even more hateful.

took some undeserved funds and a short-term right of residence in the United States, took advantage of some poor knowledge, and ignored the facts, so as to guide the negative emotions of public opinion, stimulate the dissatisfaction of the majority of netizens with the society, make the social contradictions more and more intense, and seriously endanger the country's public safety and order.

There are also some "public intellectuals" who are even more outrageous, they think that it is not themselves who are wrong, but this era, this country, and all the people in this country.

Of course, in this process, there are also some people who begin to cry and repent, they admit their mistakes, admit that they have been used, and are willing to assist in the investigation and make up for their mistakes.

However, it is not known whether this confession is sincere.

In this campaign, Renren Daily also published an editorial under the headline "The Internet World Is Not a Place Outside the Law."

It emphasizes that it is the basic right of every citizen to publish speech and information on the Internet, but he needs to bear the corresponding responsibilities and risks.

If a person spreads false information on the Internet, maliciously attacks others or causes social unrest, then he will be held legally responsible.

At the same time, it also reminds the majority of netizens to remain rational and objective, and not to blindly believe in rumors and spread rumors.

We call on the majority of netizens to assume corresponding moral and social responsibilities, establish correct values and moral values, and face society and others with a correct attitude.

In the end, these microbloggers, public intellectuals, prophets, and trolls were held accountable one by one, and they were either sentenced for taking money that should not have been taken, creating rumors and manipulating public opinion, or fined for inappropriate remarks, and their platform accounts were blocked.

And this net cleaning operation, the only one who has not been affected is the old wolf.

He had one last phone call with Hills (Mibit) and was keenly aware of Hills (Mibitt's) conspiracy.

Immediately, he used his own technology to copy all the technical data of Shills' (Mibit) satellite phone and destroyed all the electronic equipment he communicated with Shills.

No one knows who the old wolf is, and the old wolf is very careful, all his phone calls and contacts on the network are after several layers of jumps, and I am also in contact with others, using voice conversion and frequency conversion equipment, moving at any time, not giving anyone the opportunity to locate him.

This king in the dark is a master of computer hacking and has a high anti-reconnaissance ability.

Although he quietly washed his hands of gold, quit the water army industry and disappeared into the tide of the Internet.

But he was not happy, this time many of his younger brothers were obviously set up by the trap set by Hills, he decided to take revenge on Hills, and used his hacking skills to dig out Hills and the forces behind him, and expose them to the majority of netizens.

The old wolf is such a ruthless man, he spent a year hacking Shills' satellite phone, and really exposed Shills and the organizational forces behind it.

He posted all the materials of this organization on the Internet.

For a time, this mysterious organization and a world-famous student foundation were completely exposed to the sun.

What they have done, and all the ugly acts, including the assassination of scientists of all nationalities who do not want to be used by them, have aroused the outrage of the people of the world.

This mysterious organization has also become the target of condemnation from many countries, led by Hua Guo, and the main members of the organization are listed as Class A wanted criminals and are hunted down all over the world.

The old wolf finished this big thing and disappeared quietly.

Of course, he was not stupid enough to announce it to the world, and this exposure of the mysterious organization and a world-renowned student foundation was done by his old wolf.

All that the old wolf did, that's just another story.

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