Sun Mingbo is now full of confidence, with the system, everything is not a problem.

By the way, first set a small goal, such as getting the first place in the school in this model exam.

In this way, there is plenty of time, and I can't fall behind in the other three disciplines of physics, chemistry, and biology.

You've got the first place in the class in language, mathematics and English, what's the matter, I haven't made any progress

in these three subjects? Are you not interested in these three subjects? Or do you have an opinion about the teachers of these three subjects? Or is my teaching level poor in these

three subjects? If I can't explain it clearly, the teacher of the three subjects will definitely make trouble for me, but I just can't explain it, and I can't explain it clearly.

Now I can copy the knowledge points in the minds of the other three students to sort out, digest, absorb and learn, and the scores of physics, chemistry and biology can increase by 10~15 points each, improve by one level, and the results of these three subjects are also passable.

How can that be passable? With the addition of Yushu and English, then this test score must not scare a group of people to death?

Haha, my high school life has become rich and colorful.

No, you can't copy the single subject knowledge points of the three students, and the copied knowledge points, each student is given two days of sorting, digesting, and absorbing learning time, so that it is superimposed together, and the learning time is not enough, and it will definitely not meet the time requirements of the system.

You can only copy the results of the same student's three subjects, so the system gives 6 days, so that there is plenty of study time.

This time to copy the knowledge points in the classmates' brains, just copy Tang Chubby, this kid is good at language, mathematics and English, physics, chemistry, biology is 12~14 points higher than his own in each subject, and it is appropriate to copy the three knowledge points in his brain.

After Tang Fatpang's results of each cultural class exam were announced, he was embarrassed in front of him, and this exam saw how he was still embarrassed.

The results of the cultural class have crushed him for two and a half years, and this time he must be crushed back, and he must be crushed comprehensively, I don't know what his expression will be after the results are announced? Think about it, it must be fun when the time comes.

The corners of this thing couldn't help but hook up a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, and he fantasized about it.

Finally, the day has come when the results will be announced.

I couldn't wait to get to the school with a confident smile on my face.

Seeing that Tang Panpang had gathered a group of people, his heart was even more high, this is good, a good show is about to be staged!

Quietly walked to Tang Panpang's side, maintained a calm expression, and waited for the announcement of the results.

Tang Fatpang has been constantly showing off his intelligence, and his confident appearance makes him can't help but want to completely break his pride.

Finally, the teacher appeared in front of us with the report card.

Tang Fatpang couldn't wait to reach out to take it, his eyes were full of victory. However, when he saw his results, his expression instantly stiffened.

His eyes widened and his mouth wide open, as if he were about to stuff an egg into it. The report card in his hand began to tremble, and his face turned from red to white, then from white to blue, and finally to a strange purple.

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw his expression, and some even covered their mouths directly.

Tang Fatpang's originally tall image completely collapsed at this moment, his mouth moved a few times, but he couldn't say a word.

I watched this scene and couldn't help but laugh. This guy has finally tasted failure.

He walked up to him, raised his eyebrows proudly and said, "How is it, Tang Fatpang?

This time, the results are completely crushed, what else is so good about you?"

Tang Fatpang was speechless, his face was even more ugly, as if he had been thrown from heaven to hell.

This victory made me feel extremely happy, and Tang's chubby Dese was finally completely broken by me.

This comedic victory will become a legend for our class and will be passed on forever.

Hahaha, no, this is not the occasion to laugh.

I'm still in the old class office.

Let's think about

this system task first, although there is no penalty for the task released by the system this time, but the more this happens, the more it must be completed, and it must be completed beyond expectations.

Let's copy Mr. Qu's lecture first.

But Teacher Qu is a female teacher, how can I get in touch with it?

How can I copy it without contact, it's too difficult.

I took the initiative to put my arms and legs around and touch Teacher Qu, this is not good, what should Teacher Qu do if she thinks she is light?

Pour a glass of water for Teacher Qu, and take the opportunity to touch it with your fingers when you hand the water, will Teacher Qu think that I am a hooligan, or eat her tofu, this plan will not work.

said that his leg was numb and he couldn't stand up, so let Mr. Qu help him, how embarrassing is this, it's hard to speak.

Can't take the initiative to contact, to be passively contacted, or the reputation will be bad since the first life, the above active contact, although Mr. Qu will not be how to do himself, but leave a poor impression is not able to run.

If it really didn't work, she resorted to a passive trick and lay on her copywriting table.

I don't speak, I lie on my stomach, I don't move, I don't believe that Teacher Qu doesn't call

herself, or can't shout herself, she may come and pat herself on the shoulder, if she comes to pat herself, then take the opportunity to copy the content of her lecture.

For the sake of learning, for the task, for the sake of the whole class's first language, this can only be done like this, and this product is directly lying on Teacher Qu's desk.

Teacher Qu saw Sun Mingbo who was suddenly lying on the table, a little nervous, and hurriedly asked. "This is, what's wrong with you?"

said it well, why did he talk about the exam for a while, he was in a daze for a while, and he smiled for a while, well, he was even more on the table at this time, it wouldn't be that he was stimulated at the mention of the exam, and he fainted nervously?

You have to call him up quickly, don't have an accident, Teacher Qu thought of this, and then reached out and pushed his arm, "Sun Mingbo, Sun Mingbo." "

Start copying the content of Teacher Qu's Chinese lectures. "

Start the copy, the copy is successful, this copy of the language 362 class hours, the host will learn within 20 days, and 100 points will be deducted from this copy"

Sun Mingbo's mind instantly appeared in the content of the Chinese lecture, feeling like Mr. Yang's copy.

Thankfully, it was finally copied.

Now I can get up" Teacher Qu, I'm fine, it's just that I was a little late in reviewing yesterday, and I didn't sleep until more than three o'clock in the morning, and I suddenly felt a little sleepy. "What an embarrassing excuse.

Say hello and retreat quickly, it's so embarrassing.

came to the 316 class of the third year of high school, and took advantage of the time when the lecturer was writing on the blackboard to sneak into the classroom, sat next to Tang Fatpang, and nodded to each other, which was their tacit understanding.

This thing is carefully copying the steps on the blackboard to solve the problem.

Sun Mingbo put his hand directly on his shoulder, and without speaking, he began to prepare to start the copy.

Consciousness is put on the system panel, "system, copy Tang Kai's knowledge points of physics, chemistry and biology." "System

:" Start the copy, the copy is successful, the copy of physicochemistry and biology needs to pay 150 points, and the host will complete the study in 6 days. "

This kind of feeling of copying the knowledge points of classmates is really wonderful, sure enough, copying on a person, the system gives two days of study time for each subject, and the three homework together is 6 days of study time.

Tang Fatpang saw Sun Mingbo's hand on his shoulder, he himself was in a daze, and he didn't speak, and then directly took his hand down and glared at Sun Mingbo.

Sun Mingbo didn't care about him, and then whispered to him: "I'm going home now, and if there is anything to do, call me on WeChat in the future." With that, he quietly slipped out of the classroom.

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