Afternoon math exam, 2:00 entry into the exam room.

Sunlight shines through the window on Sun Mingbo's desk, reflecting a warm glow.

The test papers are sent down, and the name admission ticket is filled in in order, and then the questions are reviewed.

Sun Mingbo was happy when he saw this math test paper, and his eyes gradually lit up

, this math test question is so simple, not too challenging, and now he is very interested in mathematics.

Despite the seemingly simple paper, he remained serious.

He knows that no matter how easy the exam paper is, it should not be taken lightly.

No matter how simple the test paper is, it should be taken seriously, which is a learning attitude, and it is also responsible for oneself, parents, and teachers at school.

When the bell rings, stop the fun and answer the questions.

He quickly completed the previous multiple-choice, multiple-choice, and fill-in-the-blank questions, which were no different from sending points, and there was no difficulty for him.

If you can't get a score like this, then what's the college entrance examination to talk about?

Don't take it, it's a waste of social resources to participate.

It's easy to do in 15 minutes.

Next is the answer question, there are many questions that seem difficult, but Sun Mingbo still solved it easily, I feel that there are no questions that are too over-the-top in this exam, everything is under his control.

After 30 minutes, start to double-check all the test papers.

There is still more than an hour to hand in the papers, everything is the same as before, continue to learn Xin Hao's memory knowledge points, Xin Hao's wool is cool, it is really worth it.

This time, I absorbed the experience of the morning, and no longer looked at the test papers in a daze, so as not to have the invigilator walk around again and again.

As if cheating yourself, you are thoroughly monitored.

To put it another way, lie on the table and pretend to sleep.

This allows you to take a break and avoid the feeling of being fully monitored.

An hour later, a classmate handed in the papers, Sun Yunbo cleaned up, handed in the papers and left.

Out of the examination room, the consciousness immediately entered the system and silently chattered: "System, evaluate the answer sheet." "

System: This math mock test, with a score of 150 points.

Watching the students who handed in the papers exchange answers with each other, Sun Mingbo couldn't help but feel emotional.

He understands that a life without a system is like a mediocre life like a salted fish.

He said hello to a few classmates who had handed in the papers, and was not in the mood to chat, because he knew that the exam was not the end, but a new beginning.

I said hello to a few classmates who handed in the papers, I didn't have the heart to chat, and I had to pay attention to strength training when I went back, and the exam was not the end, but a new beginning.

On the second day, the exam continues, and the morning exam is comprehensive.

Sun Mingbo still entered the examination room unhurriedly, and the examination procedure was the same as yesterday.

When he got the test paper and saw the test questions, he was relieved, because of the three subjects of physics, chemistry and biology, he did not completely study the three years of high school textbooks.

did not copy the content of the teacher's lectures in the three subjects, but only copied the memory knowledge points of the three students, sorted out and digested the memory knowledge points, and integrated them into their own memory.

This unpleasant sentence is that there is no bottom in my heart.

Now it seems that these three subjects are not bad, and they are not better than copying textbooks and learning them once.

The answer is still brushing, the rustle, the answer is completed, and the time to submit the paper is still an hour and a half, this time he did not continue to study Xin Wu's memory knowledge points, but really fell asleep on the table.

Jingle bells, jingle bells, be woken up by the bells.

I miss this way, this feeling of sleeping is quite good, a little fragrant, he has been sleeping for more than half a month, and he only sleeps deeply for an hour every day.

Out of the exam room, I can't wait for the consciousness to enter the system.

"The system judges this comprehensive exam. "

System: This exam is comprehensive, and the judging score is 300 points.

In fact, there is no need for systematic judgment in this comprehensive exam, and Sun Mingbo is also sure that he should score 300 points.

The three students who copied memorized the knowledge points, and in addition to the knowledge required by the syllabus, there was also a lot of extracurricular knowledge.

There should be breadth and breadth, there should be depth and depth, and there are even some university courses.

It seems that if there is a chance in the future, it is still necessary to copy the memory knowledge points of a few more students to ensure the college entrance examination and complete the system tasks.

Don't think that everything will be fine after copying the memorized knowledge points of your classmates, these knowledge will be your own, and you will get it for nothing.

This is also the need to organize learning, into your own memory, is learning, well, it's just that this kind of learning is more efficient, or how to sleep only one hour a day.

In the afternoon test English, 20 minutes of listening, you can't save time, listening is your own strength, and there is naturally no problem in answering questions.

The rest of the test questions, Sun Mingbo seems, these are all scoring questions, for his mastery of more than 10,000 English words, this test question is too simple.

This test is not difficult, and in the entire No. 1 Middle School, for the exam, I have no opponent.

But it's not enough, you can't expand, you have to find a higher opponent to make a move, no, it's to copy and memorize knowledge points to ensure that the system task is completed.

Now it seems that he still has plenty of time to study, and after the exam is completed, it is time to contact Xin Hao and ask him to take him to their top student exchange group.

Seeing that there is still more than an hour to hand in the paper, let's sleep for a while, and miss this feeling of sleep.

Jingle bell, jingle bell, the exam time is over, Sun Mingbo got up with his classmates, handed in the papers and left the examination room.

This time, he didn't let the system judge his test results, so he slipped into the announcement of the results, and sometimes it was a blessing to wait.

After returning home, he did not rush into the system subspace training ground for strength training.

Instead, while helping my mother cook, I talked about this model exam.

"Mom, look at it, this time it will definitely surprise you. "

What are we doing?" asked my mother with a grin.

"It's almost shocking to the capital. "

You're saying you're going to go to college in the capital in the future.

"That's a must, Shuimu Yanda, then I'll see which university to go to", Sun Mingbo looked confident, "You just wait and see." "

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