In the past few days, Sun Mingbo is studying hard with the dream of developing games and making a lot of money in the future.

The results of the city's joint examination and the first mock exam of the third level of the senior high school have come down.

The city attaches great importance to this model examination, from the questions, the examination process, to the marking, all of which are guided by the city's expert group.

The sealed line is loaded with a subscription volume, and then unsealed and counted by the expert group personnel.

Sun Mingbo, with a total score of 749 points, a difference of one point, close to a full score.

It is said that Sun Mingbo's test score this time was originally 750 points, and some education experts in the city believe that the way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency with more than

loss, this is just a model exam, and the full score is easy to make the student proud, which is not conducive to growth.

What kind of logic is this

? The expert doesn't think that the level of the question is not good, right?

This is a phenomenon that has never been seen before.

Qian of the Academic Affairs Office of No. 1 Middle School, after getting the results of this mock exam and confirming them repeatedly, gave a few words to the other staff in the office, and hurried to the principal's office.

In the three years since I became the director of academic affairs, I have won a few first places in the provincial and municipal middle school student sports meetings, and I have not achieved any results in the various subjects of the middle school student competitions in other competitions.

In the past two years, the ranking of schools with the college entrance examination attainment rate has dropped by one place instead of rising, and it has entered the top ten universities in the country, and it is at the bottom of the key middle schools.

Of course, this is not the fault of him alone, who made him in this position?

He must be most responsible in this position.

This is a No. 1 middle school, an old key middle school, in all parts of the country, anywhere, the local No. 1 middle school is the focus of the key, needless to say, the people of the whole country understand.

Every time he was invited to the principal's office to discuss the research work, Director Qian always walked out of the principal's office with a heavy heart.

There was a hint of helplessness and guilt in his eyes.

He knows that the reputation and status of the school is not only based on historical accumulation, but also needs continuous efforts and achievements to support.

Once walking on campus, the sunlight shone through the treetops, giving people a warm feeling.

Looking up at the towering academic building, I sighed at the magnificence and solemnity of this campus.

Students shuttled around campus, some hurried to classrooms, others gathered to talk. Everyone's face is filled with youthful vitality and longing for the future.

Director Qian walked through the playground and saw a group of students training.

The students' running posture was tall and powerful, and the sweat soaked their clothes, but still could not stop the laughter of the students.

Director Qian stopped and watched the students drift away.

There was a surge of determination in his heart that he wanted to fight for better grades and honors for the school.

Back in the office, Director Qian began to work intensively on new teaching plans and training programs.

He decided to strengthen the training of teachers and improve the quality and level of teaching.

At the same time, he also decided to organize more subject competitions and activities to stimulate students' interest in learning and sense of competition.

In the following days, Director Qian went all out and put in a lot of effort and effort.

Organize faculty and staff to continuously improve teaching methods and strengthen students' independent learning ability and sense of innovation.

After a period of hard work, the school's grades began to improve.

Students' exam scores are gradually improving, and the number of prizes won in various competitions is also increasing.

But the effect is not so obvious and prominent.

There are already rumors in the school that after graduating from the third year of high school, if this phenomenon has not changed, he may have to move his position.

It's not easy to say that Director Qian, at this age, there are old and young, and they all count on his salary as a teacher and staff to support their families.

Although Director Qian's salary is not low, the family burden is also heavy, and he has to repay the housing loan, so he has a tight life.

Although there is a lot of oil and water to be fished in this position, he is after all an engineer of the human soul, and he can't do this thing.

In fact, sometimes he wants to stretch out his hand, but his wife often warns him that a gentleman loves money and takes it in a proper way, and ill-gotten wealth is not advisable.

If I move my ass position and my efforts are in vain, my income will definitely be affected, what can I do?

But this time, it is completely different.

Excited, what is a grade? This is a grade.

Not to mention the first middle school, the whole city, the whole province, has never had good results.

In this case, it is not surprising that his position as director was retained.

Lu Jianzhong, the principal of No. 1 Middle School, was also slightly excited when he heard Director Qian's report.

I have been conscientious and conscientious for nearly five years, and the school's grades have always been hovering.

In recent years, we have also tried to make reforms, such as introducing high-level and highly educated teaching teachers, and delegating the quota of special enrollment to the heads of teaching and research groups and teachers.

Implement the special enrollment quota responsibility system, decentralization, who recruits special students, who is responsible for cultivating and cultivating talents.

Of course, the special recruitment quota is not given randomly, and certain conditions must be met, and the final approval still needs to be signed by the principal.

After that, except for some achievements in physical education, not to mention the results of other subjects.

After listening to the report, Principal Lu was a little excited, but he was still relatively calm, and he immediately called Teacher Qu over, and at the same time adjusted the school exam surveillance video.

He had to make sure that the exam was real, and if anything else happened, it would be a joke.

It's not that he doesn't believe in his student, and this student is a little special, it's a sports student.

You said that Xin Hao got this result, he has a spectrum in his heart, after all, the third level of high school, the overall score is always the first.

Sun Mingbo, a sports student, joked that he won the provincial 100-meter sprint championship for middle school students, and even the national championship, he believes.

But he was the first in the cultural class, how do you make him believe it?

Some time ago, he was injured in training and rested at home, so let's take a look.

Teacher Qu came to the principal's office, saw the principal and the dean of academic affairs, and after greeting her, the principal motioned for her to sit down, and stopped talking.

The principal and the dean of academic affairs are looking for themselves at the same time, what is the situation?

Teacher Qu was beating the drum in his heart.

Could it be that the whole class failed the test again this time

? Is the total score outrageously low?

Teacher Qu's mood began to become uneasy.

After a while, the security department sent the surveillance video of the exam.

After fast-forward playback, I saw Sun Mingbo's exams in various subjects, basically about 1 hour to finish answering the questions, and after finishing the answers, he was either in a daze or sleeping there.

This, this, simply, the three of them at the same time, dumbfounded, looked at the surveillance video.

Teacher Qu is even worse, why are you watching Sun Mingbo's exam

? Nothing will happen to him, right?

After watching the surveillance, the principal and Director Qian glanced at each other.

"Teacher Qu, congratulations. Principal Lu said calmly.

Teacher Qu was stunned, where is this?"

"In this model exam, Sun Mingbo, a student in your class, scored a total of 749 points, the first in the city. "

Ahh Teacher Qu opened his mouth regardless of the image, his body paused, and he took a deep breath.

"Teacher Qu, you didn't expect it, did you? I remember that when you came to No. 1 Middle School, you asked to lead the class, and now you have given us a big surprise, hard work. At

that time, Teacher Qu asked to lead the class, and Principal Lu agreed under pressure.

At the Rector's Senate, he persuaded the other vice-chancellors and the heads of the teaching and research departments.

After all, it is the first doctoral graduate to be introduced to teach in No. 1 Middle School, and it is necessary to believe in young people, give opportunities, and give the school a chance.

Now it seems that he was successful.

"You have cultivated a good student who is both civil and military. Director Qian followed closely.

"It's the result of the hard work of the whole school. "Teacher Qu's emotional intelligence is not low," Sun Mingbo came to my office last time, and fell asleep on the table while talking.

At that time, I was startled, but later I woke him up and asked him if he was too sleepy, and he studied at 3 o'clock in the evening. "Chinese doctoral teachers are not so simple.

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