In this way, my father stayed in the laboratory every day during the day, focusing on research experiments.

The lab was dimly lit and the air was filled with a strong smell of chemistry.

Sun Haisheng wore a lab coat, goggles, and a sophisticated instrument in his hand, meticulously conducting experiments.

His brow furrowed, and fine beads of sweat oozed from his forehead. From time to time, he adjusted the parameters of the instrument and carefully observed the results of the experiment.

The entire laboratory was silent and silent, except for the faint sound of the instruments running in the air.

In the evening, Sun Haisheng returned home and sat at his desk tiredly.

The table was piled up with all kinds of English materials and research papers.

I took off my glasses, rubbed my sour eyes, and began to organize the materials.

Sun Haisheng's fingers quickly flipped the pages, his eyes focused and determined.

While organizing the data, we are thinking about how to apply the results of these research to practice.

However, the good times did not last long, and the partner investment company failed to invest in other projects, and the capital chain was broken.

The research project was forced to stop, which was a huge blow to his research career.

Sun Haisheng was frustrated and confused, but he was not crushed.

Instead, he actively contacts other companies involved in the investment business to seek new opportunities for cooperation.

However, due to the rumors of the investor's divestment, no one is willing to invest in him anymore.

Faced with a predicament, Sun Haisheng decided to change his thinking.

Since the research on communication technology could no longer be carried out, he decided to use the current test equipment and existing technology to conduct research in other aspects.

Sun Haisheng thought carefully and finally decided to develop a set of intelligent meter reading system, including a centralized intelligent control meter reading system for water meters, gas meters and electricity meters.

It is believed that through its own laboratory equipment and mastered technology, this system can be successfully developed and benefit the country and the people.

Sun Haisheng invested a lot of time and energy, working day and night.

He busily shuttles through the lab, screwdriver and welding tools in hand, and debugs equipment over and over again.

Every time he solves a technical problem, a smile of satisfaction and pride appears on his face.

The lab is filled with devices and circuit boards, and the space is filled with the subtle smell of electronics.

However, Sun Haisheng made a mistake that all technicians make.

Too superstitious about the advancement and leading nature of technology, ignoring the importance of market research.

They only invest time and energy in developing products, but do not take into account the actual market demand of products.

As you can imagine, after the product was trial-produced, it could not be promoted due to various reasons such as price and industry coordination, and it failed completely.

Sun Haisheng was deeply disappointed and frustrated, but he did not give up.

Continue to study the possibilities of other new products, constantly experimenting and improving.

I often look up in the laboratory and look out the window, which is a busy city scene, with busy traffic and people coming and going.

Thinking about how to apply their technology to solve social problems and bring real change to people.

However, the pressure gradually increased, and there was no funding.

Burdened with the weight of family, society and debt, Sun Haisheng feels that it is becoming increasingly difficult to start his own business.

When he came down from the unit, he was determined to win, but he was confused and dazed.

Standing on the side of the road, staring into the distance in confusion. He knew he needed a new path, an opportunity to see immediate results.

Thinking about the possibility of developing other products and technologies, but not knowing what kind of product to choose for quick success.

Back home, Li Minhui looked at his depressed expression and kept encouraging him: "Husband, I believe you will be able to do it."

Although she didn't know much about the professional world, she was always a strong supporter.

She asked some people for help, but to no avail.

Parents are also reluctant to use the family relationship and do not want to add trouble to the people in the family, they all have their own pride.

Sun Haisheng looked at his wife's encouraging eyes, he tried to pretend to have a confident expression, pretending to be born to be useful, and said energetically: "I still have someone to contact, I'll go find him." He

didn't want to bring bad emotions home, but sometimes the emotions were difficult to control, and he couldn't be honored and disgraced before he was 30 years old.

Where are you going? There's really nowhere to go, home appliance stores? Well, to see what new features are available on mobile phones now, it's just to have fun and distraction.

Walking around the mall, I saw that there was nothing new, and I walked out of the mall listlessly, and saw a little girl selling MP3 players brought back from abroad, listening to the little girl's introduction to the basic functions, usage and operation, Sun Haisheng's eyes immediately lit up, isn't this the product I want?

Although he bought one as a prototype in the English magazine of the institute, yes, he wants to make MP3.

Start simple, then think about the improvement and R&D of communication technology.

He does not forget his original intention, and wherever he falls, he must get back up again.

Mmmm, I'm still me, like a chicken blood, Dad Sun's face is resurrected.

spent more than 3,000 yuan, and did not negotiate the price for the little girl, bought it and left, and the little girl was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth, and saw the big money.

After returning to the laboratory, I immediately found a tool to disassemble the mp3 player, and then analyzed and studied.

There are all kinds of instruments and equipment in the laboratory, and it looks very professional.

The long laboratory bench was full of circuit boards and parts, and Sun Haisheng had prepared a large number of tools, each of which was neatly arranged and clear at a glance.

Sun Haisheng sat intently in front of the experimental table, wearing meticulous gloves on his hands, carefully disassembling the mp3 player.

Sun Haisheng's eyes flashed with intelligence, and the movements of his hands were skillful and precise, as if he was performing a precision dance.

While disassembling it, take a closer look at the structure and function of each component. He picked up a microscope and carefully looked at the tiny lines on the board, using a magnifying glass to check the quality of each solder joint.

Sun Haisheng prepared a thick notebook to record each step of the experiment for future reference.

The faint smell of soldering and electronics permeated the entire laboratory, but this did not affect Sun Haisheng's focus on his work.

Sitting there, it was as if he was immersed in a world that belonged entirely to him, completely oblivious to the noise and distractions of the outside world.

After a week of unremitting efforts, Sun Haisheng finally completed the disassembly and analysis of the MP3 player.

Sun Haisheng looked at the circuit diagram and design plan in his hand with satisfaction, and a proud smile appeared on his face.

Next, he began to optimize the power supply, circuitry, and noise reduction.

Think carefully about every detail to find the best solution.

He opted for low-cost chips that improved the sound quality through well-designed algorithms.

He tested and debugged over and over again until he reached the perfect state in his mind.

After completing the formulation of technical standards and the compilation of production processes, Sun Haisheng got in touch with a close outsourcing factory and started mass production.

Sun Haisheng personally supervises every link to ensure the quality and performance of the product.

With the launch of the product on the market, Sun Haisheng earned the first pot of gold in his life.

The profits will continue to be invested in the research of communication technology, especially the program development of mobile phone chips.

Sun Haisheng is well aware of the needs and trends of the market, and decisively changes production to provide domestic mobile phone manufacturers with chips that burn and write functional programs.

With the advent of 2007, music mobile phones began to become popular, and Sun Haisheng's decision-making was accurate.

Sun Haisheng's technology and products are well recognized by the market, which has won him word of mouth and reputation.

Sun Haisheng opened the road of R&D while production, constantly pursued technological innovation and breakthroughs, and made outstanding contributions to China's scientific and technological undertakings.

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