Sun Mingbo didn't know what was happening at school, and even if he did, he felt that it didn't matter.

It's just that after his first tutorial session, he recorded a tutorial video, and if his lecture continues, I don't know what will happen.

Every week, he receives requests from students in other classes who need tutorial videos.

For the classmates he knew, he sent a copy directly on Sundays.

Forget about classmates you don't know, there is no such fate.

As for the requests of the first and second years of high school and other school classmates, he ignored them.

Only one of all the videos he sent out was long-term, that is, Mr. Qu's, and the others all had a playback time limit, which was 6 months to expire.

He is currently busy, how can he have the leisure to care about school affairs, do you want points?

A large number of books are waiting for him to digest, and system tasks are waiting for him to complete.

No matter how busy things are, they must be solved one by one, not in a hurry, let alone chaotic.

Through the past few days of math study, he found that the game engine in the system store is lit up, and it can also be said that it can be redeemed for the game engine, which is good news.

At that time, after learning Chinese language programming, he deliberately looked at the system store, and the game engine was not lit up at that time, but he didn't expect that the game engine could be redeemed for this learning mathematics textbook, which means that the system has been recognized, and he immediately spent 15,000 points to redeem the game engine.

This time, the game engine is exchanged for a virtual storage unit in the brain, and then the system is transferred to the conversion memory.

The code and technology in the game engine immediately form an editing program in the brain.

He immediately threw himself into learning and digesting game engines.

It didn't take long for him to complete the memory learning of game engine technology and code in his brain.

This is a hundred times faster than learning any kind of copied knowledge.

This kind of technical knowledge is worth spending 15,000 points, and I quickly absorbed and digested the knowledge and use of the game engine.

He was very excited, but he also regretted that all knowledge could be learned in this way, so he would become a knowledge giant in a short period of time, and he would have to learn it in this way.

But he is still very happy, this kind of intense and fulfilling life is something he has not felt in more than ten years.

I took the memory memory and plugged it into my computer, and started the download and installation.

This game engine technology can be used, and he finds that all the code and programs in it cannot be copied, which means that he can only copy the programs he has written.

But it doesn't matter, the code is all in his brain, the tools, and he can use it.

As for the small game programs that come with them, including the two-way compiler used, he can write them very quickly.

Through this process, it is probably the system that familiarizes him with the entire program writing process.

The game engine that was exchanged is too powerful, too advanced, and such a technology should not be available in the world.

How do you let those game companies live? How do you let those film and television

companies live? How do you let those animation companies live? How do you let the programmers and software companies that depend on these companies live?

This technology has to be simplified

, and it can be simplified to the point that the technology in the world is a little bit higher at present.

So that nothing big happens.

The simplified version can be used by yourself, and you can also use it by the personnel of the studio in the future, and slowly upgrade step by step according to the actual market situation.

The simplified version of the core underlying code is written in Chinese programming and English, and the others are written in English and then encrypted, which cannot be copied, copied, or sent.

In this way, the simplified version of the game engine is not afraid of leaks.

Now it's time to set up a game studio.

Discussed with his parents about the game studio, but his parents disagreed, and he could do whatever he wanted after the college entrance examination.

After his repeated assurances that his grades would not regress, if his grades regressed in future mock exams, then he would stop this operation.

In the end, the whole family discussed, don't go to the game studio, and directly set up a game company, with his father as the legal representative, registered in his father's company, including personnel, finance, venues, etc., and his father will solve it, and first seconded him personnel and 200,000 registered capital.

His father is just a name, and he needs to be responsible for the specific management, technology development and other company operations.

Later, I learned that the city has a special policy for games and animation, and a game and animation industrial park has been established.

The park adopts a one-stop service to support the enterprises settled in the park in all aspects of capital, policy and taxation.

Since there are good conditions, why not take advantage of them?

Sun Mingbo and his father decided to go to the Game and Animation Industrial Park for investigation and research.

When I came to the industrial park, I saw that a huge industrial park was not as prosperous as I imagined.

It is understood that due to the shortage of talents, it is impossible to retain talents, many large companies have to "leave", and many small companies have closed down.

The office environment here is beautiful, the supporting facilities are complete, the 10 Gigabit optical fiber enters the park, the server hosting business, the technical support platform, the business support platform, etc.

It can be said that the entire campus is first-class in terms of software and hardware, and the rent is particularly cheap.

Sun Mingbo was optimistic about this place at a glance.

Talent shortage, it's his business, he doesn't need technology developers in the early stage, he is enough alone.

Three or five people are enough for his company, and there is no need for 180 developers like other game companies.

The staff warmly received the father and son, and learned about the demand, although the investment is small, but it is also performance, and mosquito legs are also meat.

Father Sun Haisheng, seeing the depressed park, lost interest in registering a company here.

But Sun Mingbo didn't think so, and told his father, people abandon me to take, the depression is good, now there are no leading enterprises in the whole park, if the development here is good, then the park management committee must not treat his company as a treasure? It is best that the entire management committee serves his company.

In this way, I signed a rental contract with the park management committee, moved into the game and animation industrial park, an office area of more than 300 square meters, and paid 120,000 yuan in rent every year, which was cheap, too cheap.

Sun Mingbo also learned that due to the evacuation and closure of many enterprises in the entire park, there are a large number of second-hand office facilities and server groups.

asked the clerk to contact the seller, Sun Mingbo easily spent 100,000 yuan to buy 300,000 yuan of office facilities and server groups, which was cheap, and his heart blossomed.

It doesn't matter if it's old or new, it's cheap and can be used.

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