Sun Mingbo was optimistic about the game and animation industrial park at that time, but entered the park for his office environment and 10 Gigabit optical fiber, and the game speed was not a problem.

As for these second-hand servers, it can be regarded as a benefit for their own company.

Everyone immediately got busy, contacted by phone, negotiated the price, talked about the server hosting.

After negotiating on the phone, the server was immediately set up and served, but fortunately, the servers were in the hosting center, and it was very convenient to set up and serve.

This time, the game server will be scaled from 10,000 to 1 million people, and it will be no problem.

But by 11 o'clock, the server was flooded with a large number of gamers, and there are now more than 60,000 players.

What the hell is this? It's become so popular without promotion.

What is the situation in foreign countries? No one can say clearly.

Everyone was excited and surprised.

This half-day, judging from the growth curve, the server that can accommodate millions of people is not enough.

Then contact those second-hand server merchants, continue to buy, this time Sun Mingbo ruthlessly, set up a game server that can accommodate 10 million people, this is always enough, right?

1 p.m. peak passed, and the influx of players into the game server began to slowly decline.

Looking at the monitoring data, Sun Mingbo is beautiful in his heart, at the peak of 70,000 people, this is at least 70,000 downloads, revenue of 490,000 US dollars, this is a green dollar.

The whole company was stunned, the bank robbery was not so powerful, what kind of game is this, this is a money printing machine.

My parents didn't express any opinions in the company, and when I saw these data, my father sighed in his heart that he had been busy for a year, and he couldn't leave 1 million yuan.

Of course, Haisheng Communication Company not only makes this little profit a year, but also invests all the money it earns in experimental research.

This kid opened for a week, and he made four or five hundred thousand dollars, who is going to reason with this?

Dad was both happy and a little disappointed in his heart.

At the beginning, Sun Mingbo agreed to set up a game company, just to not discourage his enterprising enthusiasm, and it should be an incentive for his academic performance.

It's better to make money, but if you can't make money, if the company can't go on, then close down.

Just think of it as 200,000 yuan to buy a lesson, so that this kid doesn't want to think about it.

I don't know how many bowls of dry rice I can eat.

Obediently, go back to school honestly.

But I didn't expect it, I never expected that this game company would make so much profit in a week.

Mom and Dad, watching Sun Mingpi directing the work and arranging the tasks, were well organized, and did not express any opinions.

What's the other thing to say? Both of them have been a little bit shocked, my son is such an elite genius, let this shock come a few more times.

Dad is satisfied and a little lost, compared with Mom, Mom is like a proud old peacock.

The two of them said a few words and left the game company.

Although after a tiring day, everyone in the company was in good spirits and spirits.

This game is on fire, on fire.

The future is just around the corner, and everyone is full of hope for the future of the company.

I admire this little boss even more from the bottom of my heart.

You say you're a game development genius, and it's understandable because such a genius will always hear about it.

However, you also have a set of business, and you are relatively sophisticated, take one step and see five steps, which is amazing.

Who would have thought that a small game company with just a few people would start to make a profit within a week of opening.

And the money earned is still in dollars.

It's as if they're working a miracle with the little bosses.

At that time, he was seconded to this small game company, in addition to Yu Shunqi wanting to return to his old business, Zhao Zhizhi and Wu Qishan wanted to set up the company as soon as possible, and when the game company was on the right track, they were transferred back to Haisheng Communication Company.

Now the two people's minds have changed, it's not a matter of needing to go back, but trying to stay in the game company of the small boss.

Just kidding, such a good opportunity, as long as you work hard and follow the small boss closely, you may be a big boss in the future.

Sun Mingbo doesn't care what they think, if you want to make up for it, you can make up for it, and you can admire whoever you want.

As long as I do the job I have arranged, I am a qualified employee.

For this week, he was very satisfied with the work of the game company, and even exceeded his expectations.

Dad is still reliable, and the secondees selected are all smart and capable, and all of them are talents.

Sun Mingbo didn't plan to go home at night, and told his parents that he spent the night in the company.

No way.

He has to keep an eye on it all the time, there must be many problems at the beginning of the operation, and others can't solve the problems, and it seems that the personnel are definitely not enough, and he plans to recruit some more people for training.

At 9 p.m., the traffic began to increase again, and the number of gamers logging into the server continued to refresh the number of online players.

Good guys, in addition to the increasing number of players who download the game, the number of players who download the game's animated emoji packs is also rising rapidly.

That's amazing, you need to pay $0.99 for each game animation meme download, and it arrives in time, and you don't need to pay any agency fees and foreign taxes.

And domestic taxes do not need to be considered, they are newly established companies, enjoy tax exemption treatment, even if they are not exempt from taxes, it doesn't matter, they have to invest heavily in machinery manufacturing plants.

Looking at the computer data in front of me, the download of animated emojis, one, ten, hundred, thousand, thousand, one hundred thousand, million.

Damn, I've been downloading more than 1 million emojis in a while, which is $1 million.

Sun Mingbo's whole body shook with excitement, his mouth opened wide, and he was dumbfounded.

Be calm, be calm.

It took fifteen minutes before he calmed down.

This look at the data for downloading animated memes.

OMG, these 15 minutes have added hundreds of thousands of downloads.

It's a money grab.

The mood that had just calmed down began to get excited and excited again.

Seeing that this game was so popular, he immediately changed his original strategy of planning to release a mini-game every week and put it on the shelves for sale.

Originally, I was thinking about casting a wide net.,Always catch a big fish in one net.,Now it seems that the big fish has entered the net.,There's no need to put other mini-games on the shelves.,Wait until this mini-game will enter the decline and then consider it.。

Games have a life cycle, how to extend the operation of a game, you have to make a new plan, you can't do the thing of self-destruction of the Great Wall.

In the past of the peak of the game server, he saw that nearly 1 million people logged in to the server at the same time, and it is not yet known how many specific sales have been made, and it is conservatively estimated that 1 million downloads are guaranteed.

Take a look at the downloads of the game's animated emoji packs, which have nearly 9 million downloads.

He earned $16 million that day, although 7 million has not yet arrived, this money cannot run.

Today is a really good day.

Rich, completely rich, his machinery manufacturing company can be considered for formation.

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