I haven't been to see my grandparents for a long time, and I promised my mother to wait for the end of the second model exam to visit the two old people, but it was delayed due to the game company.

Today is the first day of the May Day holiday, my father is on a business trip, and he hasn't come back yet, so I went to visit my grandpa and grandma with my mother.

When I entered the door, my grandfather's house was so lively.

The eldest uncle's family, the second uncle's family, and his own family of two, the sofa in the living room of my grandfather's and grandmother's house can't sit down.

Sun Mingbo hurriedly greeted: "Grandpa, grandma, uncle......." "

Grandpa and grandma have retired, and the two elders live on their own.

The eldest uncle works in the municipal government, the eldest aunt works in the municipal trade union, the second uncle works

in a large state-owned enterprise, and the second aunt works in a state-owned bank in the city.

"You kid made a lot of noise in the last two exams. Uncle said with a smile.

Although the uncle is not in charge of education, there was a lot of trouble in the last second-model exam.

"Uncle, that has nothing to do with me. Sun Mingbo hurriedly explained.

"Who said it doesn't matter, but I heard that the expert group didn't fail you in the first mock exam, and the second exam made it more difficult. Uncle laughed.

"Uncle, I really don't know about this, there is such a thing, it's really none of my business

" "I will deduct a point for you in the two exams," the uncle laughed.

Grandma answered: "How many points did you get in the test?"

Mom explained proudly.

"After so many points in the exam, it's not bad, it's good, and I finally know how to study. Grandpa said in surprise.

"No wonder I haven't been here for so long, I'm very busy with my studies, right?" asked Grandma.

"Grandma, I'm very busy, I wanted to come over last week, but I don't have time to get busy. Sun Mingbo hurriedly explained to his grandfather.

"Are you really so busy studying?" I heard from your mother that you have a game company?" the second uncle asked.

"Second uncle, the small company is having fun.

"A small company is a small company, but it makes a lot of money, right?"

"Second uncle, luck, good luck, can't compare with your big company."

Seeing that a large family of people were all looking at him, Sun Mingbo hurriedly reported to him about the process of starting a game company and his future plans.

Of course, he didn't say how much money he made, only that he made foreigners' dollars.

"What, you developed the game and set up the company for the sake of the machinery manufacturing base?" the second aunt asked in surprise.

"Second aunt, you ask my second uncle, when I was a child, I was interested in machinery, and I disassembled all the toys. "

And when did you start learning to write games?" the second aunt continued.

"When I was in junior high school, I learned some programming basics, and when I got to high school, I tried to write these game programs on my own, and this year I thought I was mature, so I started a game company. Sun

Mingbo told a lie, if you don't lie, you can't explain it, he also explained it to his parents in the previous stage.

Well, a white lie doesn't count as lying, Sun Mingbo thinks so.

My aunt was also interested: "You planned so early, how old were you at that time?" "

I didn't plan much, I played games when I was young, but I just thought I would try to make a better and more fun game." "

Later, I chatted with others and said that the worst part of China's CNC machine tool is the control part, so I tried to study it, and now I have compiled a set of CNC control system," Sun Mingbo continued to weave white lies.

"It's no wonder that your academic performance in the first two years was not outstanding, and your mind was used for this. The old man said with a smile.

"Yes, grandpa,Now you can find any information on the Internet.,Last year, I compiled the game and the numerical control system.,And then I started studying desperately.,Get a good grade.,Or my parents wouldn't agree to me opening a game company.。 "

The white lie continues, or you can't explain it.

"By the way, uncle and second uncle, you can help inquire and see if there are those CNC machine tool companies that have better fundamentals and want to sell due to market reasons, I am ready to buy one. "

Aunt:" If you want to buy a CNC machine tool manufacturing company, it is not something that ordinary funds can solve. Second

uncle: "Good guy, you don't have a small tone, it seems that your game company is quite profitable."

"If you want to take out a loan to find me, I'll find a way to handle it for you." The second aunt answered.

The uncle, who hadn't spoken for a long time, looked at the eldest nephew: "Xiaobo, tell me about your specific plans and ideas."

Sun Mingbo talked about his plan again.

The first step is to use the money earned by the game company to acquire a CNC manufacturing company with better hardware conditions but no way to operate.

The company's original R&D technical strength, and then coupled with his improved CNC control system, re-integrated the original company's technology, and gradually improved, the production of domestic and foreign more advanced CNC machine tools, introduced to the market.

The second step is to use the money earned by the game company to see where there is a suitable place to buy land in the city and build an industrial park dominated by machinery manufacturing.

After listening to Sun Yunbo's plan, everyone in the family was shocked.

How much money does this have to be invested, the technical research and development of machinery and equipment is not a small amount of money can be solved, how to control the risk?

But this kid is so bold, dare to think and dare to do, have courage, and have ambition.

Who would have thought that a middle school student, after two or three years of planning and preparation, would actually complete the first step of the grand blueprint.

This nephew is not simple, he was naughty when he was a child, why didn't he see it?

Then the whole family began to surround Sun Mingbo and make suggestions.

Uncle first to Sun Mingbo said: "At present, there are private enterprises in the city CNC machine tools can not be supported by foreign impacts, some time ago is looking for buyers, you can talk about it."

"The only trouble is that you want to build an industrial park, there is only such a big place in the high-tech zone in the city, and this CNC wake-up company is not in the high-tech zone, if you want to relocate, it is more troublesome, and the original district government may not be able to agree." Sun

Mingbo: If you don't relocate after the acquisition, then ask for preferential policies from the district, just because you are still afraid of technical leaks.

It's just that the company will be divided into two, but it doesn't matter, this is to register the company separately in the two districts.

The acquisition of CNC machine tool companies, let my father talk about it, according to the market situation, there is no need for any relationship, the district government and CNC machine tool companies negotiate together, and solve all problems in a package.

It's just that the land acquisition in the high-tech zone is a bit expensive, about 300,000 yuan per mu.

I plan to need 50,000 acres of land and funds, which is 15 billion.

Fortunately, the land payment can be paid in installments.

At present, the game company has nearly 2 billion US dollars, and it is still increasing.

It can be fully supported, there is no need for a loan from the second aunt, the funds for the construction of the new plant are available in two months, and the land is requisitioned to register the company, and the father is allowed to work.

Hearing Sun Mingbo's introduction, the whole family was dumbfounded.

Good guy, I thought I would build an industrial park of about 100 acres of land, but now you say that you want 50,000 acres of land.

And the funds are all in place, how is this possible?

The whole family turned their heads to look at the mother, who nodded.

The whole family let out a long sigh of relief.

This nephew is really powerful, it's just a demon.

Hehe, now my dad and the whole family are working for me.

The mother watched her son talk eloquently, smiling, and did not interject, and her heart was full of pride.

My son has grown up!

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