Sun Mingbo has a good idea of what level of English he is.

Although he was able to pass every exam, a large part of it was when he answered the questions, and many of them relied on Meng.

The reason why he was still right was that he had more than 3,600 words in high school, and he had mastered more than 2,000 words and more than 1,000 common phrases.

Simple daily conversations, he speaks very slippery, and it is also very standard, and people who don't know him think he is a top student when they hear him speak English.

The reason for the current state is that he is a pragmatist and does not like exam-oriented education very much.

For those who are dumb in English, he still looks down on those who have higher grades than him, and thinks that as long as he can speak simple everyday English, he can communicate with foreigners simply.

You don't have to understand any grammar, and it's okay if you get it wrong.

After all, he told foreigners that he was also a foreigner, and no one should laugh at anyone.

If you are not convinced, we can practice our mouths, talk about eating grapes without spitting out grape skins, and see who says it.

The teacher talks about the subject, predicate, object, predicate, definite, complement, adverbial, homonymous, noun, verb, pronoun, adjective, article, number and so on in class, he thinks that it is not important.

Your teacher teaches grammar at the top, and he memorizes the words below.

As for what single and double objects, compound objects, prepositional objects, and object clauses, he is even more confused.

Of the 16 states of affairs in English, he only remembered three, present, past, and future, and these were enough for him.

He doesn't want to be a linguist, but he still uses the same sentence, he can use simple daily conversation, and he doesn't translate.

But now it doesn't work, on the one hand, he is facing the college entrance examination, and in order to be admitted to a key famous university, his English score must be about 130 points.

Even with a higher score, he must prepare for the exam according to the way the English test paper is written, and he can no longer be self-righteous and learn how he wants.

On the other hand, the system wants to test him, and although he has a score of 60, he doesn't know where to dig a hole waiting for him according to the system.

In the past, when I learned English, I was interested in learning, and the teacher said that he would study seriously if he was interested, and memorize words in class if he was not interested, and it was still necessary to master a certain amount of words in daily interactions.

Now he has to make a study plan, first of all, he has to master all the remaining 1,600 words by heart.

In this way, the entire English test paper can be understood in full, in fact, there are things that you don't understand, read the test paper a few times, and you can also understand it by linking the context and the context.

The second is grammar learning, which he intends to start by reading aloud from the original text.

Now that he has memorized all the words, it is no problem to read the text, he is ready to memorize those key sentences, read more, memorize more, naturally his listening has also improved, his reading comprehension ability has improved, and his grammar has become clear.

He saw that there was a mock teacher in the simulated classroom, but he needed points, and just the right time to study could provide him with points, so he used the points he earned to pay, and let the simulated classroom teacher lead him to read and explain the key grammar.

Sun Mingbo is a bit obsessive-compulsive, don't look at him usually very lazy and afraid of trouble, but as long as he sets a goal, he will definitely complete it, and he will definitely do what he promised others, or he won't agree.

In the eyes of his classmates and teachers, he is still very trustworthy, and his classmates think he is very righteous, but in fact, he can do many things, and he doesn't agree.

Again, don't do what you want, don't do to others, and he never forces others to do things that can't be done, or this product is very emotionally intelligent.

Now that the plan and goals are in place, do it.

He immediately devoted himself to the great cause of memorizing words, and it took him two days to memorize more than 1,500 words.

He only rested for five hours a day, and because his mother took leave to take care of her at home, he was there with a book during the day, pretending to be reassuring to his mother.

At night, he just closed his eyes, and he didn't have to pretend, his consciousness was already invested in the simulation class, really, he worked very hard, the system gave him confidence and motivation.

In the simulation training class, these words are memorized as if you know him, and you can memorize them after reciting them a few times.

Looking at the amount of these words he mastered, Sun Mingbo secretly rejoiced in his heart, feeling that he had stood at the peak of English learning.

However, just as he was complacent, the system suddenly sent out a test notification.

Sun Mingbo couldn't help but feel a little nervous in his heart, because he knew the urine of the system, and this test was definitely not simple.

So, he couldn't wait to click the button to enter the test.

A question appeared on the screen: "Excuse me, what does

'cat' mean?" Sun Mingbo thought to himself, this is not simple

, 'cat' means "cat"! He confidently found "cat" in the options, and then clicked on it without hesitation.

However, the system gives a cold prompt: "The answer is incorrect, please try again."

Sun Mingbo was a little confused, could he have misremembered?

Thinking about it again, this time he decided to try other options.

When he saw that there were "dogs", "birds" and "fishes" among the options, he felt that none of them were right, and that "cat" was obviously a cat! But out of desperation, he still chose "dog".

Again, the system gives a prompt: "The answer is incorrect, please try again."

Sun Mingbo was a little desperate, what did this system want to do

? He began to doubt his English level, obviously there was no problem before, why can't he even have

a 'cat' now? Could it be that the English he learned is different from the English in the system?

Just when he was confused, the system suddenly popped up a new prompt: "'cat' means 'cat', you just chose the correct answer, please continue."

Sun Mingbo was a little confused for a while, what the hell is

this system doing? Was it just a joke?

Finally, he realized that this system was testing his patience and self-confidence.

Sun Mingbo secretly made up his mind that no matter what challenges he encountered, he would persevere and never give up easily.

So, Sun Mingbo restarted his study plan.

I decided to start by reading aloud from the original text, and through a lot of reading and memorization, I improved my listening and reading comprehension skills.

In the simulated classroom, he can get the teacher's explanation through points, so he began to work hard to earn points, hoping to get more learning resources.

Every day, Sun Mingbo insisted on reading the original texts aloud and reciting key sentences.

Sometimes he imitates the teacher's accent, and sometimes he simulates a conversation with a foreigner, so as to constantly improve his oral expression skills.

In the simulated classroom, listen carefully to the teacher's explanations and constantly answer questions.

Sun Mingbo found that through the learning of simulated classrooms, his grammar knowledge has been greatly improved, and he is no longer confused by the concepts of subject, predicate, object, definite, etc.

Over time, Sun's English skills have improved.

Sun Mingbo was no longer satisfied with simple everyday conversations, but began to experiment with more complex language expressions.

Rejoice, feel that his efforts have not been in vain, this is just the beginning, and there is a broader stage waiting for him to conquer.

In the face of the results, this thing is starting to get excited again.

Sun Mingbo understands that learning English is not only about preparing for exams, but also about self-improvement.

I am determined to continue to work hard to continue to explore the joy of learning English and become a true language expert.

Studying continuously for seventeen or eighteen hours a day, there is no feeling of fatigue in the brain, let alone a feeling of dizziness, as if a fish is swimming happily in the water until his alarm clock rings.

It is worthy of the golden finger, and the consciousness has a kind of ethereal inspiration in the simulator, like the epiphany in the legend of martial arts novels, vividly and thoroughly, is this the addition of the system?

Mom no longer has to worry about my learning.

He hired a simulated classroom teacher to teach grammar and lead readings, paying ten points a day.

It feels so cheap, this product is starting to swell a little, well, it can't be expanded, and it hasn't passed the system test yet.

In this state of enlightenment, I studied for 13 hours on the 17th day, and mastered all the English knowledge for the entire three years of high school.

"Hahaha, becoming a top student starts with English. Sun Mingbo made the second voice of the middle school.

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