Today's Sun Mingbo, in addition to being happy, excited, and a little self-inflated, but more of a heavy responsibility.

He now fully understands that a small decision can affect a lot of people.

After all, there are now 300 people in the company, plus four or five thousand employees in Dr. Li's company, who eat with them.

If Sun Mingbo used to be a big boy who worked hard to be a salted fish, now he is thinking about how to make a big career and a strong sense of responsibility.

The previous time, he thought it was wasted, but he did not regret it.

What is there to regret, time is like a woman or something, there will always be a squeeze, now just hurry up and work hard.

Whatever knowledge is needed, then what knowledge is learned.

That's a big deal, just work hard to complete it, who makes himself have a system, this kind of thing doesn't explain.

Unconsciously changed, he himself did not realize, maybe this is a boy, the sign of maturity.

looked at the serious three: "Tonight's learning video and learning game are online, you must arrange it, I still have something to do, I won't participate, if there is nothing to do, then go and get busy."

After arranging the company's affairs, Sun Mingbo took out his mobile phone, called an online car-hailing, and prepared to go to his grandfather's house.

Sun Mingbo didn't have time to work with them in the company, and he still needed to rush back to his grandfather's house for a family meeting.

Doesn't the company have a car, why doesn't Sun Mingbo drive a car by himself or let the company's car give it away.

Sun Mingbo is shrewd, I am the CEO of a company, I take a taxi to take a taxi, and the office car is the office car, you are the middle level of the company, are you embarrassed to use the bus for private use?

Drive home by yourself, then forget it, he is only 17 years old this year, and he has not yet taken the driver's license, how can he drive back.

You can't do illegal things, you have to be a good law-abiding citizen, this product thinks so, safety first, this is the main purpose.

Speaking of the National Farm Management Center, Director Li informed the leaders of the General Administration of his itinerary by phone and was considering the future work itinerary.

Secretary Xiao Wang came to his side with a smile on his face: "Director, now the website is broadcasting live, Qingcheng Middle School Student Sports Meeting, long jump competition."

Director Li became interested when he heard it: "Which website should be called up quickly."

Xiao Wang was busy for a while, and a live Internet celebrity appeared on the computer screen, shouting hysterically: "Ladies and gentlemen, the time to witness history has arrived, Sun Shen is preparing to do the second jump, and there was rhythmic applause at the scene. The

live broadcast brought up by the computer screen was just in time for Sun Mingbo's second attempt.

Director Li looked at Sun Mingbo in the camera, the standard and beautiful take-off action and the perfect three steps in the air, Director Li gasped: "Zi ......" Director Li

is from Dong Xing, a professional coach, and he is going to a career, but he is not comparable to those speculators who only rely on their mouths and sycophants.

Just looking at Sun Mingbo's running speed and soaring height, as well as his perfect jumping action, Director Li can also visually measure the results without looking at the measurement results.

At this moment, the excited Director Li has already thought about next year's World Championships and the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

It was as if I saw my country's athlete Sun Mingbo, holding flowers and wearing a gold medal, standing on the podium and waving.

It was as if I heard the loud national anthem and the bright five-star red flag, rising.

At the age of 17, you can fight for the country for ten years.

If the body is well protected, it is not possible to carry out scientific training and fight for the country for fifteen years.

The train runs fast because of the headband.

Director Li can foresee that in the past ten years, Sun Mingbo will lead the Chinese track and field team to the world, making China a world track and field power.

A century-old wish, the efforts and dreams of several generations, will eventually be realized in this generation.

Nowadays, China is an economic power, but track and field is still lagging behind.

With the leadership of Sun Mingbo, this generation will also become a track and field powerhouse.

The men's 100-meter sprint and long jump, especially the men's 100-meter sprint, have a great influence on the world.

Every major track and field event and the Olympic Games, you will hear the men's 100-meter sprint, using the word trapeze battle to describe the process of the competition.

It can be said that the 100-meter trapeze battle is the focus of all competitions in track and field, the king of kings.

After that, I can finally raise my eyebrows in the international athletics arena.

This is the blessing of the country, the blessing of the national track and field team, and the blessing of Director Li of the Athletics Management Center.

When Sun Mingbo tried to jump for the third time, after the results were announced, Director Li at this time completely lost his usual pampered and unfazed expression, and his slightly trembling arms reflected his inner excitement.

If it weren't for the secretary Xiao Wang still there, he would definitely clench his fists, wave them in the air, and shout to vent his excitement.

Jingle bell, jingle bell, bell, bell, red phone on the table rings.

This is an internal phone.

Director Li exhaled deeply and calmed down his mood a little.

Picked up the microphone: "Hello, I'm Li Dong." The

microphone came out: "Hello Xiao Li, that's the case, there are many foreign media, applying to cover the Qingcheng Middle School Student Games, the phone call came to me, you can arrange it." The old leader's voice came from the microphone.

Director Li was a little puzzled: "Old leader, foreign media apply to cover

the Qingcheng Middle School Student Games, they should apply to the Qingcheng Middle School Student Games Organizing Committee, or apply to the local authorities in Qingcheng, how can they trouble you and call you?" "Our Qingcheng children, in the Qingcheng Middle School Student Games, set a new world record in the men's 100-meter sprint and long jump, which shocked the whole world. Many requests for interviews by foreign journalists are forwarded through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The old leader gave a simple explanation.

"I see, don't worry, old leader, I will definitely arrange it. Director Li replied very simply.

"Well, you must pay attention to your trip to Qingcheng, this foreign media interview is not simple, I suspect that someone is pushing behind this. The old leader instructed from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, old leader, I know your tips, don't worry, we will definitely organize this trip to Qingcheng. "Director Li's attitude is very resolute.

"That's good, Xiao Li, you're very good. After speaking, the old leader hung up the phone.

At this time, Director Li completely calmed down, and his wise brain was running rapidly.

The influence of this Qingcheng Middle School Student Games is so great that it far exceeds his expectations.

This trip to Qingcheng is not only to bring Sun Mingbo, an athlete, back to the national team, but to start thinking about the whole process of this matter and all aspects of the follow-up work.

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