In this Qingcheng Middle School Student Games, all of Sun Mingbo's competitions are over.

He was enjoying the whole competition with his classmates and happily celebrating the brilliant achievements.

Teacher Zhang looked at them with pride, and his heart was full of satisfaction and pride.

To say that the happiest person in this sports meeting is Mr. Zhang, the entire No. 1 Middle School track and field team, under his leadership, has made brilliant achievements.

In addition to winning the championships in various events of the Games, he also discovered an international athlete, five national athletes, and a national first-class athlete.

This is his highlight moment, as a grassroots physical education teacher, the students have broken the world record many times, the national youth record, it can be said that there is no one before, no one in the future.

This achievement is already the ceiling of sports in No. 1 Middle School, and it can even be said to be the ceiling of the Qingcheng Middle School Student Games.

Mr. Zhang's heart was excited, and he was already satisfied.

Over the years, he has encountered a lot of difficulties, he has taught every student with his heart, and finally cultivated a few students who can enter the national team in this class of students.

But in a fit of rage, these boys rejected the invitation to the national team almost at the same time.

However, he can also understand that there is more than one path in life, and it is understandable that they can enter a prestigious university to study and leave no regrets for themselves.

What's more, you can also enter the national team after entering university.

In the entire Qingcheng Middle School Student Sports Meeting, the results of the No. 1 Middle School team are undoubtedly the most dazzling.

Coaches and athletes from other schools also ran over to congratulate No. 1 Middle School and Teacher Zhang, and inquired about Teacher Zhang's training methods in No. 1 Middle School.

The training method, I still don't know, there is a yarn training method.

Teacher Zhang, I can only hehe, alas, I am going to offend people again, and finally the teacher let out a helpless sigh.

At this time, a large number of Chinese and foreign reporters flocked to surround Sun Mingbo and them, and the competition was finally over and they could be interviewed.

The organizing committee prepared a large athletes' lounge as a temporary press conference, and invited reporters from all walks of life, Sun Mingbo and others to the temporary press conference.

Sun Mingbo was the focal point of the Secondary School Games, surpassing the world records in the 100-meter dash and long jump.

This news caused a sensation around the world and became a hot topic on the Internet.

In addition, for the first time, the World Athletics Committee conducted doping tests on secondary school students, which also attracted widespread attention.

This time, there were reporters from various countries, including from dozens of countries, including the United States, the cherry blossom country, the windmill country, the romantic country, the John's country, and the Italian country.

Sun Mingbo has already planned and is fully prepared to deal with many sharp questions and difficulties raised by reporters.

First of all, Sun Mingbo was interviewed by a local TV reporter: "Sun Mingbo, first of all, congratulations on your great achievements in this sports meeting, as a top student, can you talk about your feelings?" Sun Mingbo was

very happy and spoke into the microphone: "Thank you, little sister, at this moment, I want to thank my parents for their love for me, thank you...... Finally, I want to tell you that the college entrance examination tutoring video I recorded has been launched, and students who need it can download it from the website of Elite Education Media Film and Television Company. The

TV reporter's young lady didn't listen to a word, but straightened her chest, thinking in her heart, can you speak? Where am I small?

Immediately after that, a reporter from the United States threw out a sharp question, trying to make things difficult for Sun Mingbo: "Sun Mingbo, first of all, congratulations on breaking the world record in the 100-meter dash and long jump, but some people question your use of doping, what is your response to this?"

Sun Mingbo smiled slightly and replied calmly: "Dear journalist friends, first of all, I want to thank you for your attention to me. I can responsibly say that I have never used any banned drugs or stimulants. This result is the result of my long time of hard work and training, and I am sure that my hard work will speak for itself. The

next Sakura Country reporter then asked, "Mr. Sun Mingbo, you are a top student and a genius in game development, and many people admire your achievements." But some people think that you are an all-rounder, is it because you have 'cheated' in the game?"

Sun Mingbo replied with a smile: "Thank you for the compliment, but I want to say that sports and games are two different fields. While I have a certain flair for game development, that doesn't mean I'm using any shady tactics in the game. My results have been earned through hard training and hard work, and there is no secret to it.

Another reporter from Sakura Country then asked: "So, why did the Athletics Committee test the middle school athletes for the first time and choose your competition? What do you think?"

Sun Mingbo joked: "You need to ask the Athletic Committee about this question, and I am also looking forward to their results, hoping that they did not find out that there is a 'game accelerator' in my body."

These words caused the reporters at the scene to laugh, and Sun Mingbo's humorous response also dispelled the doubts of some reporters.

Immediately afterwards, a reporter from the country of windmills asked: "Student Sun Mingbo, your results in the competition have caused a sensation around the world and have also become a hot topic on the Internet. But some people

think that this doping test of the field committee is a 'difficulty' for you, a middle school student, what do you think about this?" Sun Mingbo thought for a moment, and then calmly replied: "I understand everyone's concerns and doubts about doping testing, after all, this is the first time that a test has been conducted for middle school students. However, it is their duty and I support the doping testing initiative for the sake of the health of sports. The

reporter of the Romantic Country asked curiously: "Mr. Sun Mingbo, you are so young but you have achieved such brilliant results, is there any secret to your success?"

Sun Mingbo replied with a smile: "Actually, there is no special secret. I believe that success comes from persistence in dreams and persistent pursuit of goals. At the same time, the support of my family, coaches and friends is also an important reason why I am where I am today. Whether it is learning or sports, as long as you do it with your heart and strive to pursue it, anyone can create your own brilliance.

An Italian reporter raised his hand and asked, "Mr. Zhang, as Sun Mingbo's coach, what do you think is

the secret of his success?" Mr. Zhang replied with a smile: "Actually, the secret of Sun Mingbo's success is very simple, that is, he is good at combining learning and games. He uses a playful mindset to solve problems and make training fun and efficient.

For a while, the reporters nodded their heads and sighed at this unique training method.

After this interview, Sun Mingbo became the focus of more people's attention, and his deeds and wonderful answers quickly spread on the Internet.

The result was a skyrocketing number of downloads of his games and study tutorial videos.

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