Why don't you build a village on top of the world tree
Lesson 4: Three Years Later
"- I can do it!
As Melmie raises her voice, she opens the door to her new home and rushes out.
While the villagers smiled bitterly at something and their faces out the window of the dwelling, they applauded and cried out for me and Richay, the craftsmen, following Melmie.
"The last house is finished?
The wife of the couple, who went with me to sell demonic materials up to the city of Cuttera, calls out.
"Just finished with"
"Three years. Not sooner."
"Well, sooner, I guess"
Break up with your wife about cooking dinner, and I'll walk in the village with Richay.
Three years have passed since the establishment of the village.
The noticeable change would have been the start of housing creation and the creation of a single home for each household.
"You look a little busy just with the house lined up."
"There was nothing at first."
This place, which was almost on a flat branch, is lined with buildings starting with public and private buildings.
There is not much unity because we heard opinions from each of the residents and built a house. Even architectural styles vary.
But I felt like they all had the same habit, either because the designers match in terms of me.
Richay opens her mouth as she twists her neck inside without coming up with a word that specifically describes the habit.
"After all, it's an amane-like arrangement of houses. An easy way to walk, looking ahead and no pressure from the house across the street? I think this kind of house is called functional beauty."
"It's an honor to compliment you."
I see, functional beauty? It stinks of me to judge my habits as functional beauty, but I also got a pardon from Richay that I can say is, can I call myself?
I turn to the private house just to the right.
The exterior walls are cream-colored, and the roof is laced with tiles that are made by burning several colors on the Devil's Bug's crust with a gentle gradient. The tiles are S-shaped.
It is a spanish architecture in this world, although it is another way of being called, but where it was referred to in previous life. There is a slightly osteoclastic feeling when it comes to spanish due to the absence of a spicy iron lattice or the mounting of an exit window.
The private house, which is built a short walk away, has a stucco technique applied around the window with a raised sculpture on the wall with lacquer.
The lacquer is made from a giant roll shell, which is about a meter long, which is occasionally found in the subcloud no-layer. Scrapshells are snails, no matter what you look at them, and there are also demonic worms that feed on them.
For the flat roof breaking wind of the front porch, a private house near Islamic architecture constructed an Arabesque pattern using blue-colored nail material instead of tiles. It is mainly an architectural style found in towns around the west skyscraper View Terrace.
"I thought it when I was making it, but you really boiled it"
"I think you did a little too much. However, I think it's high in terms of residential satisfaction."
"Can't you reconcile?
I go by the log house, thinking I could have felt a little more united.
The log house in the bungalow has a tight slope on the roof to shed snow, and the house has grown out so that the snow that fell through the front door and so on is not blocked.
It's a stereotype log house found on the north side of the world tree.
After seeing spanish and Muslim-style buildings, the log house was relieved to have the warmth of a round too with few decorations but minimal processing.
It is friendly to the eyes because it looks and keeps the tree intact.
It's about time Cetring became a problem. I need to adjust the jack or something.
The phenomenon of shrinkage of walls and the like due to dry shrinkage of wood is called settling, windows and the like are also made smaller than they actually are in anticipation of shrinkage, filling gaps with insulation or hiding them with decorative plates.
I've done several inspections before, and I don't think it's ok because residents don't hear anything about how the building tools are doing, etc., but you should inspect them soon.
"Hey, what do we do with the house we live in after all?
"I don't know what to do. What's the budget?"
"You don't. If you don't make it, you've never made it before."
Only three of us, me and Richay and Melmie, live together in a building more like an office than a homeowner.
The other residents live in a family home.
The reason our house is an office was that Mermie, who is often with us, started sleeping in my office, where the construction had been completed earlier because of the annoying smell of going to and from the public house.
It is the gift of the Gdaghda expansion that Richay, who monitors Mermie, has crumbled and pushed.
I can't say I can still afford it financially, so I also spoil the current situation if the cost of three houses floats.
Richay, who is in the position of village accountant, also sighed as troubled, saying that the cost of three houses for the house had to be taken seriously.
"Well, there hasn't been anything in the last three years, and not to mention,"
Because of my mind, my voice was grumpy.
No, I'll do it in my heart because you won't let me make an excuse, but it's because we live three people, right?
You can't do anything. Instead, didn't Richay come too so you couldn't?
"Anything you want to say?
"No, nothing"
The office we also use as a residence is a slightly larger building in a wooden bungalow.
The walls are milky white, with an iron lattice as thin as a person's pinky finger fitted in the window.
The house sticks out big and has a front porch.
Guests will come from outside more than just the office, and guests will sometimes walk in the snow, so they're building a front porch as a space to shed snow.
The cylindrical umbrella pocket on the front porch is a luxury piece of carving that has been presented as a celebration of the creation of the village by living in the village of Lemuk. There are countless diamond-shaped holes that look like mesh cages all the time, but they have been dug out of a single round tooth.
There won't be anyone to steal in this village, but it was exactly fixed as a one-off crime prevention.
Richay looks in the umbrella on the side and sighs.
"This much carved utility is in the chairman's room or in the town's founder's house."
"Tell Jicha. I became the founder of the village, so I wrote to him to cut off the silence at the front door."
Precisely following the letter, the hole is better. I stuck my finger in it and it said it was because of practice, or something.
Seriously, that guy hasn't changed.
When I open the door to the office, the hallway is stretched right out.
Kitchen to the right. On the left there is an office with a reception room. It can be separated into two using collisions. It is currently used as a living room, where Richay and Melmie are sleeping.
I dive into the open office door.
Melmie was relaxing on the couch.
"Welcome back..."
"Why are you doing all you can?"
"Expressing my joy, I ran back without rest, because..."
A puppy.
I think Richay disappeared into the kitchen across the hallway with a smile on his face, and he comes back with a glass of water.
"Drink some water for now and calm down."
I'll leave Melmie to Richay and head to the work room across the office. The room, which is also used as my bedroom, is nearly eight tatami in size even now that I have bookcases and other furniture.
Close the house blueprints and other materials used by today in the file and put them in the bookcase.
That's it. That's it.
I won't be building a house for a while, and I'll drive the drawing bench to the edge.
When I cleaned up the work room a little and then went back to the office, it seemed that Melmie's health had also recovered.
"I've got a place to live, and don't lose a lot of spending for a while."
I sit in a chair and give out the village books.
The rest of the funds are a few jade coins. Calculated in terms of annual food costs for the entire village, it will only last about three years, but now the farmland is also operational and the crops, starting with the staple food, will last longer because self-sufficiency is made up.
Brewing tea and sighing, I turn the books and put them on my desk so they look like Richay and Melmie.
"Naturally this month when we built the house, it's still in deficit next month."
There is no more flashy spending like having a whole house of villagers and jade coins flying month by month, but there is still no doubt about next month's deficit.
"It's the cost of importing clothes and meat."
"I didn't produce it in the village."
Richay and Melmie discuss the cause as they glance at the books.
Clothing in this world is commonly made from coyote hair, a livestock that resembles sheep. This is definitely the first garment to be worn in the village.
Some garments are made from very durable Bird Eater Spider yarn with a silky touch, but this one is classified as luxury garments worn by wealthy people such as sunny clothes and the city's founder clan. You won't need to think about it right now.
Clothing made from coyote hair, but obtained mainly in the form of purchases brought in from other villages and towns on the market in the city of Kattella.
The same applies to meat, which is a form of purchase when it is found to be sold in the city of Cuttera.
Melmie wakes her body off the couch.
"Even we grow coyotes?
"We can solve clothes and meat at the same time."
- No, you can't.
Richay will be waiting for you. Even if you don't tell me, I'm going to understand the problem.
"Coyotes need to be grazed to plant bait if they are to take yarn, in addition to the high initial purchase cost. Some fall from branches, so you can't really guess, can you?
When I said why I disagreed, Richay nodded and added:
"We're going to need specialized coyote keepers to prevent falling to death. The same goes for buying a coyote, but it also costs money to hire a coyote keeper. Besides, even with a coyote owner, the death of a coyote is not stable as an income."
Richay's right, we can't afford it financially. It's not the kind of business we do right now.
But come on, and neck Melmie like she remembers something.
"You had a town that built a ropeway when Amane qualified for the Bridge family. That town worked with a nearby village, and they paid each other money to graze coyotes."
"The establishment of the fund is certainly one of the methodologies, but there are no villages or towns that would like to participate in the fund established by a village that has only been able to do so for three years. Definitely not because you don't trust us enough."
Plus, there's too little money we can put out to do it on our own. Even if we do, it would be reasonable to collaborate by funding a fund created by some town or village.
I shake the subject to Richay.
"How's the fund flow for the villages and towns around here?
"It's stable. You can't go in there."
Richay comes up with a list of nearby funds.
"Take a look at this"
Turn the list given and take a look.
They're all small objects, just funds that have already been collected and operated. There won't be any trouble with the surplus funds, but the flow of funds is stable and they're not going to increase in size, and the formula seems expensive to refuse even if you take the funding.
I can't even participate in some fund, and when I do, I have to think of another hand.
"What about the expansion of agricultural land?
"It's not like I can't do it either. But crops are based on thin profits. When it comes to matching the cost of importing meat and clothing, the field has to be considerably larger. You need to be ready for about triple."
How far can you make three times as much money?
If the state was that there were few villages in the neighborhood, there were also ways of individually contracting the city of Katella to catch the value in return for a stable supply, but there were already villages in the list of funds given to Richey that had individual contracts with the city of Katella.
You should think it's hard to make a profit on crops.
Thinking about what was going on, Richay turned the list of funds to see what was going on and opened his mouth.
"Grow poultry, rum birds"
"Oh, seriously?
Melmie looked disgusted.
But Richay continues confidently.
"Ranm birds can take eggs over the years. The eggs can be eaten as is, and the shells can be crushed and used to improve the land"
Crushing eggs and using them to improve the soil has long been done on Earth. That also applies in this world.
I can take the eggs, and if I stop laying them, I can crush them and get the meat. I think it's a good choice as a protein source. I can make compost.
But I also know that Melmie looks disgusted.
"'Cause you've got three beats about lamb birds being annoyingly stinky and noisy."
"Melmie, shut up, it's busy, but it's covered."
"Two beats won't convince Richay."
It's falling to talk, Melmie.
As Melmie put it, lamb birds are not favored in densely populated areas as stinky and annoying. Few places, such as villages, would grow on an industrial scale.
People tend to live in dense densities in this world, which rises upwards and upwards as it develops in relation to building dwellings on the branches of the world tree. If we're going to grow a hustling bird in such a place, it's going to be a pollution problem.
That is why it is formed as an export item for this village of Takakus.
"Okay. Richay's right, Ram Bird is a good solution. When it comes to meat, we can solve it ourselves, and we can improve the soil with the egg shell, and if we sell the crushed egg shell as a soil improvement material, we can buy it for the surrounding villages and towns."
Rum bird meat and eggs were not even sold when I went to Kattera City to buy them out. I guess I haven't raised them in towns and villages around here. I think we need to do some research in advance.
Melmie wastes time, but there's no other good idea.
Mounting residents' understanding would also be easier now, before more people.
"Gather everyone in the cafeteria in the public hall. Explain that we will raise and breed rum birds"
I don't know what else to do.
Richay gets up all the time and Melmie stands up reluctantly.
I dropped them off after they left, and I headed to the public hall one foot away.
Based on the results, the majority of opinions were whether the villagers had no choice but to react. A state where there was no one to disagree with, but no one to go forward and agree with.
But now I got it.
While I decide to build a ranm bird hut outside the village to work out a design plan, I hear the results of my investigation into the ranm birds that I left to Richay.
"There was nowhere in the surrounding villages and towns to raise rum birds. Even if there was someone who wanted to eat, it would take the form of eating in the middle of a journey to Yoinsley and Beauterrum."
"Are you not that popular around here, Ram Bird?"
Kind of unbelievable.
"There's only one village growing on an industrial scale, but it's a little far from here. I was wondering, but it seems that the northern side of the world tree is difficult to set up a breeding environment because of the snowfall that can cause the lamb birds to freeze to death. But most importantly, the stench and the noise."
"I knew I'd get there."
So much noise that you can't grow all over town.
The ram bird itself is a very manly character that sits still without much movement, but interferes with sleep anyway because it sounds softly in the early morning to claim territory. If the smell is even tougher, it cannot be grown in urban areas, and the breeding environment can only be improved in small villages or towns of scale.
However, in a town, it is usually better to herd coyotes grazing outside the town, with a better profit margin and no pollution. All you have to do is set up a fund and go out with the surrounding villages for the missing funds. The villages that participated in the fund will no longer be able to afford to raise rum birds and other things.
That's why this neighborhood has become a blank zone that doesn't raise rum birds.
It can also be considered a business that can be started because it is still a small village of Takakus.
"Do you think you'll make a profit?
"There's no competition, so we'll definitely make a profit first. Egg it, meat it, there's demand."
"That's settled. The question is, which rum bird do you buy?"
Ram birds are divided into three systems.
alpha, beta, gamma.
As far as I can tell from the information I've looked up in Joynesley's fictional library, the alpha lineage is raised east of the world tree, around Joynesley, and they can't say it's small in stature, stiff in flesh, and not very tasty. On the other hand, it is resistant to disease and even Hina does not first freeze to death.
the beta system is grown west of the world tree, around Beautellam, and meat is delicious because it has a small physique but stores fine fat. Resistant to cold but lacking in fertility. It is considered highly temperamental and impossible to keep a group.
The last gamma pedigree is the most widely kept pedigree species and has a great physique and excellent breeding power. Flesh, fat, etc. are significantly inferior to the beta system, and the more anyone can clearly understand the difference between superiority and inferiority compared to eating them, he said.
"In due course, it will be a reproducible gamma system."
"Right. Anyway, the beta lineage is excluded because I want to get the numbers together. The disease-resistant alpha lineage is fascinating, but I think it would be a good idea to grow a gamma lineage with a rich reproductive record this time around. We are beginners, so learn from the wisdom of our ancestors."
This is what Richay would call a history book donation.
"So, we're going to start building a breeding shed? So, what's Melmie doing there since just now?
I call out the window in the office.
Melmie, who sat up with her back on the wall, was scraping wood pieces with a sculpture knife in one hand.
"I'm making wood-carved rum birds. Thought I'd decorate the breeding shed."
That being said, the wood-carved sculpture put up by Melmie resembles a chicken from what I said in my previous life. If I put something on it, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
One knife sculpture, but a good sculpture that often captures its characteristics. Melmie's skill is questionable. Is it deliberate to have a look without shards of vivacity that makes you anticipate an edible future?
I wonder why you're looking forward to it?
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