Teten was cleaning Melmie's work room with a shovel.

He is a maid who has been completely on the board during the winter months.

"Next I asked for my work room. I'm gonna clean the windows."

"... um"

Teten replies and puts his weight in place of a cane and looks back at me.

"... your sister, what about you?

"He'll be back soon. Then, all afternoon, we'll take a walk around the Takakus and eat at the third branch of the cloudless noodle layer."

We decided to go out for a little while because of the overlapping holidays for all four of us today.

By the way, Richay and the others are going shopping.


"When Richay and the others get back, get dressed. If you speak up, I'll do the cleaning."

Side by side with the moving teten again, I head to the living room with a wet rag.

Richay and the others came home after cleaning the big windows and wiping down Melmie and my work room.

Teten apparently had already finished cleaning, and served tea and tea treats to Richay and the others, who took a breather on the way home from shopping, before heading back to his room.

I'll finish cleaning around the kitchen and go back to the living room.

"After cleaning, turn the ingredients over here"

"Yes, Melmie"

"Mr. Melmie receives a shopping bag and flushes it to Amane with a gorgeous wrist return! It's bright. Yes, Amane."

Yes, thank you.

What's the dimension of the current live flavor?

Bucket relay. Nice to meet you. Grab a shopping bag and head back to the kitchen. Store underfloor storage and other ingredients for four.

By the time I had finished cleaning up the ingredients, Teten had also come back to finish dressing.

Richay and the others seem to have had enough breaks.

Then let's go.

"Let's go all the way over the clouds first."

"... oh"

Melmie builds momentum and rises off the couch, lifting her right hand to the ceiling. Noticing that Teten had raised his left hand in an attempt to imitate it, he stopped the left hand raised at a half-height.

I walk out to the front door, chasing Melmie and Teten with Richay, who was the last to stand up.

Looking up through the leaves of the world tree into the sunlight falling from the clear blue sky, I overtook Melmie and Teten.

"Let's go to a special breeding shed. Hey, I got some material for you to give to Marcto."


We see that Richay and Teten agree to Mermie's reply, and we just walk out to the special breeding shed.

"You're going to see the ingredients for dinner today."

"Sure, he's ordering a course dish of hello birds for dinner, but he's not the guy who grew up in a special breeding shed."

Ecological studies of hellohollow birds are currently being carried out in special breeding huts.

Recently, small-scale, but also exported, hellohollow birds are grown in dedicated huts in the same cloud-no-layer.

"Look, it's that breeding shed over there"

At the tip of my finger stands a giant treehouse consisting of nine trees of hosts.

It's two floors, and it's a pretty huge building, including an incubator room.

Richay looks up at the dedicated breeding shed and narrows his eyes.

"I wondered what would happen when I heard that we were going to have a mass production system, but I was relieved that the sale was going well."

"I'm not going to increase production any more for a while yet. There is demand, but there may be harm when you keep a group of hello birds"

It's a breeding problem.

Because I saw a special breeding cabin within the conversation, I kept Richay and the others waiting and went up a spiral staircase for a small run, and I went in with a voice inside the special breeding cabin.

"Marcto, I brought the materials you were asking for."

- Brother Ama.

I hear a tall, child-specific voice, and I immediately lower my gaze. Mitoy, four years old, was about to dive in.

Hugs in a hurry, hugs back so they don't drop and is horrified.

"Markt, keep your eyes on my daughter"

"Excuse me. When I heard Mr. Amane's voice, he flew away."

"Stowe Xuanjiro's Mane"


"Mitoy, you're flying with Kushiro Sto."

"I hope it comes true someday."

Flying in the sky is probably the name of a hello bird. I can't believe I'm practicing flying in the sky with a ram bird.

... It's Markt's kid, and it's impossible.

I'll also give Markt the materials with Mitoy.

"Mr. Amane, wasn't it supposed to be a holiday today?

"I just stopped by for a walk. I'm going."

"Oh, was it a date"

"I have one extra, and I don't know if it feels like a date"

Needless to say, the interrupting bug is teetered.

Pulling off Mitoy clinging to her feet, I left the special breeding shed.

"You're welcome."

"Welcome back. Where are you going next?

"Let's go to the middle of the cloud. If we go all the way around Takakus, it'll be just time to book."

Therefore, we cross the Amabashi Railway to the Yunnakano layer.

Totally established as a Takakus landmark, Tianqiao Tachi has also grown in popularity. Most ancient visitors migrated to the clouds, and visitors to Billoth's luxury lodgings and modern architecture had a variety of purposes.

"Recently, they've arranged itineraries for the purpose of touring Tacax buildings."

"What about Aquas?

"They say tourists are coming for the same purpose, but you can't talk to them in the same line because they're not in the same direction as Takakus."

Aquas, lined with architecture designed by Kanes, has many objects of advanced design, and compared to a futuristic impression, Takakus is heterogeneous and exotic in some ways.

We arrive in a cloudy middle level lined with Japanese-style architecture with such a strong exotic feeling among other things.

Sometimes the snow had just broken off, and I saw an advertisement for a clothing store selling clothes with a new design for the coming summer.

"You're thriving."

I can see that they use pretty good paper for advertising. Due to the high humidity of the no-layer in the cloud, it was even processed to prevent the paper from becoming damp.

"When I hear of a new one, a lot of people want to go check it out for now."

"You went to see Melmie, too?

"Because no beauty outperforms Mr. Melmie in short-sleeve usage!

"You sure don't look like you're here."

As I think of it, I look at Teten, who was walking beside me at some point remembering.

"Maybe short sleeve usage is higher for short sleeve tetens at work almost every day?

"... White Blank, Short Sleeve Favorite User"

"There are fierce men who outnumber Mr. Melmie so close!?

Next to Melmie and Teten, who are promising to go see their clothes together next time, Richay was looking in a different direction.

"It's an interesting sight to see people lined up in weapons stores."

There is a short but queue in front of the Warbug Hunter opponent's weapon shop, which sells bows and arrows and the melee weapons he occasionally uses when he boards the Wax-Ant nest.

Because the workshop is co-located, this weapons store has flourished since the beginning of the store, where you can also bring in warbug crusts and legs to request the production of weapons.

"I'm guessing a lot of Demon Bug hunters are going to have business tools ready and put them down right now because the movement of Demon Bugs will be active from now on"

In particular, Takakus is the only skyscraper on the north side with good access to the no-layer on the clouds. Many groups carry out expeditions with all the corresponding tools, because there are also demonic worms that are only in the cloud no-layer.

As I walk through the cloud-no-layer this way in the spring, I want a tree that blooms similar to plums and cherries. I feel a little lonely, even though I know I'm lost.

Still, the view of the no-layer in the clouds is also good. The tile roof returns black, dull reflected light illuminated by sunlight, and the shadow falling from the tip of the house colors the difference from the sun direction with a gentle contrast, with the child falling asleep on the edge.

Passing in front of the house of the former Gilica village chief, a voice and arrow sounded sharp tearing the air as he seemed to be coaching the rookie.

Recently, there have also been workshops for newcomers, so it seems that the meeting rooms in this house are used more frequently than usual.

At the same time, the proportion of demonic bug hunters is increasing as a percentage of the inhabitants of the cloud-no-layer. Japanese-style architecture, especially the martial arts mansion style, seems to be a status in some of the Devil Bug Hunters.

It's the same in this alley.

Melmie laughs bitterly at the sight of a peeking alley.

Richay, unaware of the circumstances, peeked later and laughed small.

"Little kids play hidden in their closets, but adults do it, too"

I peeked in, too, and the alley had more clutter on it than the last time I saw it.

It is a little more luxurious, such as a lantern-shaped flower lamp with a shelf of warthog nail material laid on the bottom.

If I make a memorable horizontal compartment, maybe I'll uke it.

"... to pull the cage, there's not enough"

The damned out by the drawcage Meister Teten listens and passes in front of the alley.

The name Alley is settled, but that part is private property. It is strictly forbidden to pass through.

As we crossed the waterway bridge to reach the second branch of the cloud-no-layer, the elderly also grew. At the same time, shoppers who appear to be from the city of Katella also catch a glimpse.

Come to the garment store and I'll snap your neck.

"What's going on, this"

I take the product outside and explain the product at the store to the seller.

"I've applied for permission to use the road in front of the store because the expected number of visitors doesn't fit in the store. I gave you permission, but you did what I expected."

"Oh, so? If it's lunchtime and this crowd is here, I'm sure we can handle it."

I've heard so many times that it's thriving, but I didn't know it was so busy.

Thanks to the upstairs part and the deep end stretched out on the side of the road with the beam out, the clothing store's space can be clearly seen even if the product is deployed to the road in front of the store. Depending on the way you look at it, it's a stick-out upstairs, so you can clearly tell where the front of the store is from.

When used in these unexpected ways, it makes me think about the delightful half-sided immaturity of myself.

But it's a contradiction to design a store that expects customers who don't fit in the store.

While thinking about it all, use the hydraulic elevator to go to the fourth branch of the subcloud no layer.

If you look down at the aerial market of the fourth branch from the transfer station on the way, you can clearly see the flow of people.

Apparently, many people are just over winter and craving fresh food, and there are more people gathered in dewstores specializing in food brought in by people from nearby villages and towns than in permanent stores on the air market. It was an interesting sight to sense the flow of seasonal people.

When I went down to the subcloud no-layer in a hydroelectric elevator, a slightly damp wind was blowing. It may rain in the middle of the night anyway during the day.

"After dinner, I was going to look at the Ichikowka fields and go home, but what do we do?

"Even if they get down, I'll see!

"That's brave. What about Richay?"

"Have dinner, then look at the sky and judge"

"So is that. Think after dinner."

Nodding to Lishay's opinion, Teten pulled my sleeve.

"... Asked, Not"

"I don't need to hear"

"... first, wear thin, should"


If it gets wet in the rain, it will be clear.

Cross the duet bridge through the third branch temporarily and stop at the office of the first branch.

I'm off today, even if the sign that says is down, because some kind of paperwork or something could be in the post, so I'll check it out at last.

"It's empty."

"You can enjoy your holiday without worrying about your hindsight."

"I'm talking about a college student practicing playing outside today. Why don't we all go check it out?

"Sounds interesting."

"You're practicing outdoors."

He said, "The goal is to be able to deal with it after graduation, even as a bard."

Under the influence of Takakus gaining visibility at the music festival co-sponsored with Beauterrum and learning about the school, if he has the strength, he can hear from troupes and orchestras.

Still, I guess it's a necessary class because there are also a few graduates out there who do bards for reasons such as wanting to spread the word.

There's still time, and we'll all cross the Yaba Bridge to the second branch.

"If you walk like this, there aren't many more facilities after the skyscraper."

"About the water supply? I've designed quite a few private houses, but public facilities are now more to maintain than more."

That's all, the foundation was in place before the skyscraper?

"What is the population now?

"It doesn't reach 8,000 people. The number of migrants is starting to settle down, so I don't think it's going to be that easy in the future."

Considering that the town of Cateo has a population of less than five thousand and that the city of Catella has about twelve thousand inhabitants, the population is still somewhat small.

Is it good or bad because of the low density and openness of the house and the increase in tourists for that matter?

The letter from Kanes, which arrived during this time, said that Aquas has a current population of 10,000. It seems difficult for people to concentrate for the warmer climate and easier to spend in the south.

"… Stability Period"

Teten squeaks.

It is well founded, well run, and has recorded good sales of new business hellohollowbirds, etc. There is no particular concern, and if it is to represent the tacks of today, which are slowly increasing in scale, the period of stability, as Teten calls it, applies as it is.

"Wouldn't it be a bad idea to take it easy from here on out?"

When I squealed and looked up, watering the leaves of the world tree into the clear sky, the light of the calm sun, I saw the branches of the no-layer on the clouds.

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