Why don't you build a village on top of the world tree
Episode Six: The Village of Goigalla
I sent a letter to the village of Goigalla that I was keen to raise rum birds, and I set up an appointment for the meeting, and then I took Mermie and left the village properly.
There's a reason to take Melmie, not Richay.
In response from the village chief of Goigalla village, he wanted to ask me to work as a bridge-builder instead of taking my story as the village chief of Tacax village.
Training is like flying a few jade coins depending on the object. Around five hundred iron coins would be the market for the degree of training acceptance of the method of raising rum birds, but I would like to come to the conversation in good faith in order to have it accepted.
I can't make my job as a Jianqiao family cheaper, so I get the difference exactly.
That's why I took Melmie, an artisan, more than not knowing the details of the Jianqiao family's story about me, and decided that Richay should be entrusted with running the village management and became this formation.
"That's Goigara Village."
Jicha points to the village she has seen at the end of the road.
The village of Goigalla, in the northeast of the world tree, was a village in the street associated with its former name.
Two large ram bird huts are behind the village. Observing that the Vietnam roof breeding shed was rare, I found it to be a mechanism to open and close the vented windows of the Vietnam roof to ventilate it and reduce the stench of going to the village.
It's easy to say that the Vietnamese roof just put the roof on top of the roof, but it's actually a laborious roof to build. I hadn't thought of using it for breeding huts from the start, but this world with a lot of populated areas might turn out better than sparing the hassle. More so because you can expect light from the windows and heat the interior.
He seems to be a village that invests more in raising rum birds than he heard.
The village chief and a few ancient ginseng welcomed us to the village.
"Welcome. It's been a long time since you've seen Mr. Jaynes like this,"
"I sprinkled. It was like this the last time we saw each other."
Old Jaynes shows his hand around his chest as he looks at the village chief and laughs. Apparently, the village chief was still a child when we last met.
Is the current village chief roughly four hundred and fifty? I look thirty or there when I say it in Earthlings' senses.
"We have heard the story. Is that Mr. Jaynes' son, Amane?
"Whoa, this is him. A proud son who studied the skills of a warbug hunter and qualified as a Bridge Builder."
Put your arm around my shoulder and Jicha will introduce me.
"It's Amane. Now I'm here to talk to you about how to raise rum birds."
"Aren't you a polite son"
I don't even know what they're talking about.
That's because you're going to have a series of lower stories.
The village chief turns his back on me and tells me by hand to follow him.
"Let me show you the village. Before I ask you, I'd like to know if you really want to come and get some training on how to raise rum birds."
There is a ranm bird hut ahead where the village chief walked out.
Follow the village chief through the village. The village building also did not provide an opening to the breeding cabin, and while blocking odors from the breeding cabin with a one-stream roof, it had ideas such as setting up windows towards the village entrance, turning the entrance porch into a cross vault, and putting decorative columns on the walls.
From the entrance to the village, I have the illusion that all the buildings are turning this way and welcoming me. There is no cold impression of turning your back on the breeding cabin, a shape that takes as its background the biggest feature of the village, the breeding cabin.
Pretty conceived building design and village views. They all work in a way that efficiently crushes the disadvantages of a breeding shed.
As the pivotal breeding shed approached, I was stepping out of my feet ready for the stench, but it never smelled.
"Please come here before entering the breeding shed"
It is sterilized with crushed and roasted egg shell-like white powder before entering the breeding shed. I also asked if clothes and the like would be good, but they don't need to do that unless there is a plague that is so problematic.
I was wondering if it was the wind direction that didn't smell bad, but the moment I entered the breeding shed I realized it was a misunderstanding.
"You don't smell it, do you?
It stinks while Melmie looks around the breeding shed intriguing. It's not odorless, but it's not comparable to a breeding cabin in Tacax Village.
"It's crushing charcoal and sprinkling it. It doesn't smell strange when you keep it with the dandruff. Of course, there are other measures to combat the stench."
The village chief takes me around to see the breeding shed.
I just didn't realize I was just taking care of the ram birds in Tacax Village. I was looking into it to some extent in Joynesley's fictitious library, but it seems the material was old.
"What do you think, my village? Will you come to training?
"I'd love to, please"
It's not just about counteracting bad odors, but it's also about preventing noise and preventing plagues. I definitely want to come to training.
The village chief laughs happily.
"That's good. So, are you sure you want to do every favor we ask you to do?
Yes, I have a favor to ask you as a bridge-builder.
I live in the right place and listen to the village chief.
"Actually, there was just talk going on about expanding the village. In other words, I'm going to build a bridge."
"What about the Jianqiao family in this village?
Someone who built such a fine building. I don't think I'm capable at all.
But the village chief shook his head sideways with a troubled face.
"You don't have the qualifications of a bridge-builder. I got my qualification a long time ago, but I kept myself busy with something and it didn't seem like I was anywhere near the qualification exam."
"Was I? This is the best job you've ever done."
The designers are amazing, but the craftsmen who make it happen would be quite skilled. I would have discussed it with both of them, and I certainly wouldn't have had time to study for the qualification exam.
Nevertheless, when it comes to crossing bridges, it takes six months or a year. It is a construction speed that is suspected of being clueless compared to the Earth, but it is too long as a period of time to be away from the village at this important time.
"How far is it determined exactly?
"I haven't decided one thing yet, and I just want to ask Amane to see if it's possible to bridge it. Candidate branches are nearby... come here."
The village chief invites me out of the breeding shed.
There were branches that the village chief pointed to that seemed to be able to build the village roughly two kilometers away. From what I've seen, it's affordable to bridge.
"Is there any anxiety element in the limit load weight?
There's been a brunch eater damage.
"I see. I'm going to take a look now. Melmie, follow me."
"Let's go, too. It sounds interesting to see Amane work."
"If Mr. Jaynes is going, I'll join you. It's about my village, and I have a lot to talk about with Mr. Jaynes."
It's not a spectacle, and while I'm grinning, I'm taking Melmie and the others to the branch.
Leaving the village of Goigalla, proceed west and fold back at the division of the branches. We arrived at the branch of purpose in about fifteen hours. The purpose of this bridge is to allow this to come and go directly.
However, traces of food damage caused by bruncheaters were seen from the vicinity of a slight climb from the branches of the branches.
I just inspected it and I can see that this branch is not suitable for crossing bridges.
"I don't know the details yet, but the branch itself is damaged by the Branch Eater damage. Even if we were able to bridge it, it might be difficult to build a village up there because of the problem of the limit load. First, I'm going to measure it."
Ask the architect who said it was an ancient ginseng from Melmie and the village to help measure the branches.
The architect moves in a flowing motion to suit me and Melmie. I felt the difference in the season.
Nice tannin.
"The youngest bridge-builder has reached this point."
Architects have spoken out in baritone voices familiar to their ears.
"I was able to pass well that year. It must have been a study pickle, huh?
"It feels like you're studying, working. I was using my travel time to get to where you asked me to go."
"Right. Do you have time to travel?"
Moving his hand, the architect strokes his jaw.
"I'm studying because I want to qualify as a Jianqiao family, but I can't vacate the village for much longer. How long does the exam take?
The exam itself takes less than three days. Will the question be the final exam technique?
In the first place, from the village of Goigalla, it takes about three days to reach Yoinsley.
When you take the exam from there, you vacate the village for at least eight or nine days.
If you score the highest score among the examinees with even more practical skills, you will actually go to work on the ground. It would be quite a detention period, as I headed out to the town of Ropeway.
"I don't think the exam itself will take a week, including designing practical skills, etc. When it comes to getting the highest score and actually building it, I don't see why."
"Amane, how long did it take you?
I wonder how long it was.
Though I think I used it for quite some time in terms of eliminating ramps and rebuilding private houses, the number of craftsmen who took part, starting with a wooden cage shop, was also quite high.
"I think it's about six months"
"Six months."
The architect looked back at the village of Goigalla with a difficult face.
From another branch, all the more so, we can see that the village of Goigalla is made under a conceived plan.
"Goigara Village is built into the calculations up to the gradient, right?
"Oh, like the unintentional speeding of a coyote car on a ramp and not making things like cracking an egg bought by a pedestrian in a village. They also make it so that the air doesn't linger in the village."
Do you even think about pedestrians carrying eggs?
Village creation that takes into account not only Goigalla village residents but also visitors from outside.
It's not about the guy who lives, it's about the guy who steps in, and Mr. Flengs tells me to sour my mouth.
Talking to the architect, Jicha came.
"I guess it won't be over by the end of the day. I'll build a tent, but can Amane be alone with Melmie?
Are you going to be distracted?
No, you're not.
"Jicha, what are you going to do in a tent by yourself?
Jicha smiles and sticks her right hand out, repeating the goo and par alternately.
"There are two things that Non grips in this world, a bow and -"
"I'll sleep with Melmie."
"You can let me finish."
Is there a reason?
An architect bitterly laughs that he was an ancient resident of the village of Goigalla and also lived when the village of Goigalla was attacked by demonic worms.
"As always, you're a troubled grandfather"
"Say what. A man's sex."
I put my chest up and said it out like a man, and Melmie nods and then looks at me.
"- Come with me."
I haven't said anything yet.
He said he'd know if you didn't tell him.
"We're alone tonight, aren't we?
When Melmie puts her hands against her cheeks and waves to shame, Jicha whistles and stands up.
"Don't worry about tomorrow. Stay strong."
"Don't say it with a tap on my shoulder. I'm not doing anything."
Move your mouth, but also your hands, and keep measuring.
He was also accompanied by Hajicha, who examined the brunch eater's food injuries in question.
"It doesn't look like a flashy wound, but it's old."
About fifty years ago.
Bend next to Jicha and finger the food damage marks. Knowledge as a warbug hunter and as a bridge builder, judging by the still scarce experience.
Jicha glanced at me with a glimpse and then nodded.
"Um, I'm not wrong in that view. Looks like we only had a few."
"There's something wrong with your right jaw. Maybe the jaws don't mesh well with each other"
Dietary marks are also distorted. Therefore, the wounds of the world tree itself had healed in a distorted way.
"This sounds like a limit load."
Measure the size, depth, etc. of the wound and put it together on the paper at hand.
Jicha was staring at me and nodding like she was impressed.
"That's not a pretty wasted job. I came to the village of Lemuk to build branches, and I will have a good battle with the Jianqiao family."
"I'm just saving you the waste because some of you are a minded artisan, Melmie. These are the first craftsmen I've ever worked with."
Instead of being a matter of communication, the procedure is different even if you are doing the same thing. Sometimes that happens.
Industry terminology may also differ slightly from shop to shop. Sometimes the east and west of the world tree are called differently.
I can't help being stupid, and I'm getting used to it a lot already.
Jicha nodded in arms.
"I can understand why it doesn't work, can't it? Then all you have to do is gain experience. It's only natural that you don't have enough experience that year, if you don't forget your attitude to learn."
"I don't know."
"That's not true. It's time for the sun to set. Today's work is due to cutting up and preparing the tent. You're gonna reveal the night with that cheerful girl, aren't you?
Uriuri, and you're following me with your elbow.
For some reason, Melmie follows me from the other side with her elbow.
"Why even Melmie?
"Light Hidden"
Oh, unlike Ji, you have lights.
The following day, the survey was carried on, and the results of the survey were shown to the village chief the following day.
"Again, you have too little limit load. The Branch Eater's food stains are old, and it's a little hard to imagine it's going to get fat."
"Should I think of another branch," he said?
That's the hard part.
If you want to bridge and expand the village right now, you better ignore this branch and bridge another.
But the reason the village chief first thought of bridging this branch would have something to do with the village table and the back.
The village of Goigalla has a landscape behind those with breeding huts and a table showing those without them. Because the roof of all the houses is one stream with slopes to the breeding cabin.
The slope side has quite a few houses out, so if you look at the village from the breeding cabin, the slopes look sloppy. It's like a solar panel lined up on a flat floor, seen in a commercial or something.
When it becomes a branch that is likely to be bridged with the exception of this branch that I am now wearing, I can see the back of the village of Goigalla from above the bridge. Then the landscape is not good.
If I could, I'd be serious about wanting to bridge this branch. We have to give up the landscape here, or else we have to do the big business of turning the village buildings round, including the breeding cabins.
The latter is also less realistic.
"There's a way to bridge this branch."
"Supporting branches, is it?
It is a technique that stretches, heals and supports side branches from trunks and other branches relative to the support branches and the original branches.
It's a little far from the trunk here, but there are two affordable branches of sturdiness down there. If the side branches are extended and supported from these two, the load will be dispersed and the limit load will also increase to nearly triple.
I don't know if it's possible until I've done my measurements of the branches below, but from what I've seen from above, they're good branches with no scratches.
Speaking specifically of my thoughts, the village chief contemplated and looked down at the branches below.
"How much will the construction time and cost be?
"Is it roughly five to seven pieces of jade coin, as the support branches alone will require three years and during that time regular management by the Jianqiao family? If you can ask a rookie to build a bridge, you might be able to contain up to four jade coins."
"Seven jade coins in three years? You think we'll bridge further from there?
"In that case, there is also a design fee and it is pinned, so whatever. However, the Jianqiao family does not hate the job because the problem of limit load weight is greatly alleviated if after the support branches are completed. Instead, you'd want to take the initiative. I would expect a reward of about five pieces of jade coins in six months, and it wouldn't reach a hundred pieces of jade coins at cost."
Prices vary widely from office to office and vary greatly depending on the design fee. The cost of asking me was given as a reference value, but I have the village of Tacax, so I can't afford to hang out with the bridge of Goigara village for six months.
The village chief, who consulted the ancient ginseng members on the spot, nodded and looked at me.
"It was helpful. Suppose we proceed in the direction of using the support branches."
I thought that would happen. It's much cheaper than rebuilding all the village buildings.
"You will also receive training on raising rum birds. We'll be ready in a month."
"Then a month from now, please. As soon as we return to the village, we will write down the number of trainees and send them to you."
"Yeah, we'll have a long and good relationship in the future."
"Thank you very much"
Shaking hands with the village chief, Ancient Ginseng and Melmie from the village of Goigalla applauded me.
Walk out of the village of Goigalla to our village of Takakus.
Walking around next door, you narrowed your eyes gladly and brutally stroked my head.
"You've been really splendid."
It wasn't a browning voice, it was a heartfelt compliment.
"Amane, why are you following me with your elbow?"
"Shut up."
It's a shade of light.
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