Why don't you build a village on top of the world tree
Episode VII: Marriage Business
Wash your face with the cold water you've just been pumping in the water intake.
It's a tightening thought, or a drowsiness blowing cold.
"Yes, towels"
"Thanks, Richay"
Receive the towel you were just given and wipe your face. It felt a lot fuzzy.
I hear patties and footsteps, and I look back.
The bishop arrived from Joynesley.
To Melmie's report, Richay looks up at the sky and thinks a little bit, then he looks at me.
"Half the time. Have you been walking all night?
"It hasn't been that long since the sun rose, and that's more than likely. Shall I show you to the public hall first and see you in the afternoon?"
If you've been walking all night to Tacax Village, you'll be tired.
But you were reading my care, and Melmie mouths a message from the bishop.
"I offered to show him to the public hall, but he wants to see me first. That's why Mr. Melmie is sending the children the bishop brought to the public hall."
"Okay. Then I'll take care of the kids."
Drop Melmie off and I'll go back to the office with Richay.
A bishop from Yoinsley waited in the visiting room as he was travelling.
"I'm from Yoinsley. This is the Bishop's Aleut. I'm sorry for this outfit."
The bishop who named him Aleut was about two hundred years old. A refreshing man with short, bright brown hair. Thin glasses add a bit of an intelligent impression, and people I know seem to bring in a lot of consultation matters.
Shake hands, and I'll sit back on the couch in front of Mr. Aleut.
Mr. Aleut looked at the corner of the room with an indescribable face. At the end of his gaze is the figure of Teten holding his knee in a fixed position.
"Never mind that one. It's like a figurine. I'm the only heat source manager in the village, but I'm not very good at talking to people, so I'm more than happy to leave them alone."
"Oh, really?"
Mr. Aleut silenced Teten once after having trouble coping and turned to me.
"Again, this time from Joynesley, I am to be sent to the village of Tacax as bishop. You'll be in trouble with the kids."
"No, this is the one I'm sorry for the sudden talk. The orphanages are still ordering building materials, and the children will be living in public and private houses for a while."
Mr. Aleut receives the roster of the children he brings, and glances all the way through. Ages range from fifteen to eighteen.
"We've chosen a good selection of workers to take with us. The Bishop of the city of Kattella told us that the church in the village of Tacax might occupy an important place in the northern part of the world tree, so the upper ecclesiastical of the Church of Joynesley moved."
Was it that important?
Aleut said voices saying it's the best way to have a wedding are coming up not only from the city of Katella, but also from the church in the village of Kateo.
"I'll take care of it, but weddings mean a lot in the running of the church. To put it bluntly, you make money. So I'm going to be here."
"Does that mean Mr. Aleut has a lot of experience in charge of weddings?
I only look like I'm about two hundred.
Mr. Aleut smiles slightly.
"I was in charge of ceremonies in churches everywhere in the eastern region, including Yoinsley. They used their legs because they were young."
Apparently, the young Mr. Aleut was jumping all over the place because not all the churches were populated by bishops.
Mr. Aleut exhaled, finally being able to settle down in one place and work.
"So how far are you ready for the key wedding?
Mr. Aleut is pleased and asks about his readiness to make this wedding a success, his first job in the village of Tacax and a pioneer in his future bridal business.
Richay quickly retrieved the material and placed it on his desk.
Mr. Aleut, turning all over the material, nodded as he was impressed after pinching two or three questions.
"You're almost ready. This is amazing."
"I'm afraid so."
"Now, let's do some prep practice, not prep. Understanding the movements of the day will also reduce the likelihood of failure."
With the arrival of Mr. Aleut, all the bishops can practice in a way that is unlimited to the production.
Preliminary exercises are decided to take place in two days, including public awareness of everyone in the village, confirming some of the steps.
As we set the stage, Mermie, who led the children to the public hall, returned.
I don't get the word "Halo Roth" from Melmie, who exchanged an introduction with Mr. Aleut. I guess I realized I couldn't be a mabdachi intuitively.
"- After that, if you have a bride and groom role, you can practice through."
Teten rises up with a noise in the words of a casual Mr. Aleut. I won't let women do it to each other because I pretend to be a bride and groom.
Richay and Melmie also wandered slightly.
Mr. Aleut looked at me funny and narrowed his eyes, but went on without saying anything.
"Let the bride and groom be my children. Several of them had been taken around to the wedding and turned to their assistants, so it's also in my mind what a failure the bride and groom will make. Real acting, not even, can be enough to make a mistake, so I'll leave it to those kids to get used to dealing with it. May I?
"Yes, thank you"
The two of them quickly put up the spear, understanding that the air of dissatisfaction drifted from Richay and Melmie, but not if they were now pinching their personal feelings.
Even those two appearances, Mr. Aleut glanced at me funny and then shrugged his shoulders small with a meaningful gaze at me.
"We've decided on the major muscles, so can you show us to the church?
"Right. Richay and Melmie will be here for you."
"Okay. I'll tell everyone about the prep."
"I asked."
I'll just get up and leave Richay and the others to leave, and I'll take you with Mr. Aleut and leave the office.
A short walk toward the church makes Mr. Aleut laugh as he shrugs like he can no longer reveal himself.
"Sounds like you're in quite an interesting position,"
"It might be interesting to see, but when you're a party, you don't even know what to do or what's going on."
I really want a person correlation diagram that is occasionally attached to comics and such. The arrow for me is too opaque to know how to handle it.
"I'm not complacent, I'm pretty sure they like me, but I can't tell if that favor is friendship or love."
Upon consultation, Mr. Aleut put his arms together and looked up at the sky.
"I just met him today, so I can't tell you how rare it is, but which do you prefer, Mayor Amane? It's not uncommon to be bigamous or a founder, but it's better to decide the best, isn't it?
"Is there a bigamy?
"Do you eat there?... Those two are struggling a lot"
Mr. Aleut continues to smile bitterly.
"Unlike coyotes and lamb birds, we can hardly have children, so people in socially important positions, such as the Founding Fathers, are often bigamous and make heirs. Nevertheless, Amane and the others are still young. You're too early to think of it as an option."
I thank Mr. Aleut for explaining it even as he stabbed the nail exactly.
Right, do you also have a bigamy?
"Sometimes it means having a wedding twice, right? Isn't it awkward to mention it in the same church?
"Oh, so you ate the words of bigamy. Mythology tells us that the two of you on the comparator wing have been friends because of the affair, so when you have a wedding in the same church, Xiao Tree neglects you. Some people don't care, but it's customary to have a wedding in another church"
"Then he says there are also wedding sprouts in the church in the village of Takakus in earnest"
"... the management perspective is also important, but there are better things rolling nearby that you don't lose sight of as a man, right?
So you're hanging your eyes with buds. I know Japanese. Only I understand.
I don't think Mr. Aleut himself has any intention of doing so.
But it's also true that if you have bigamy, you have more potential customers than you originally expected. People who bigamously marry are often socially established and have money.
It could be a pretty good business.
"- Kitchen, ready."
"- I don't have enough guides for the participants. I need backup."
"- The vase in the public hall banquet hall is broken. Get one spare out of the common warehouse. Permission granted!"
On the day of the wedding, the office was a hiatus coming rapporteur.
Richay commands the ceremony, Mermie commands the kitchen and other food relations, and Teten pays to keep tabs on no one entering the smoking facility.
To prevent rum birds from noising out rushing signs and destroying the wedding atmosphere, the area around the breeding cabin is tightened by willingness to restrict access, starting with Marcto, and Billows and Demon Bug Hunters, wary of demon bug incursions, etc. are looking around the area.
That's why I was in command while I was alone in the office, getting reports.
Though I did three prep exercises, it's something that will have another confusion on the day.
I will efficiently distribute the manpower while putting the lost boy on my lap and giving him a model of the house that Melmie made.
"Brother, brother"
"Hmm, what?
Modify the inventory of stockpiles in the common warehouse while the lost boy answers with a voice. Glad I bought a spare vase.
"Would you like to go now?
"Aren't you busy?"
It is a lie. It's nagging. But there's no way I can tell the truth to the boy my guests brought in.
"Well, well, well, well, well, well."
"Whoa, that's good."
It doesn't matter if it's about Shiritori.
I don't know if it fits, but I'm not going to give it back exactly.
As I was smudging, a strange woman glanced at me from the entrance to the open office.
"Excuse me, I heard my kid's interrupting here."
"Ah, Kaaa."
A boy on my lap responds to a woman as he explores words that end with "rubbing."
"Oh, I finally found it. Sorry for the inconvenience."
"No, because when you come to a strange land, it's the boy's instinct to explore first"
"It's instinct!
A boy takes my word for it and stretches his chest.
I lay my hands on the head of a boy who looks great, and I hang up.
"But you can't put it on a man's wind to worry about a woman, even if your mother's opponent. Don't get lost again."
"Oh, okay."
Oh, that's a lot of honesty.
Women also pull the boy's hand in a bitter laugh.
"I'm really worried about you."
When the woman lowered her head to me, the boy lowered his head as well. Seems well educated.
An instinct you can't resist even if you're educated. That's the man's adventurousness.
Such an idea was quickly flown into a report.
Although the wedding is over at noon, we still have work to do behind us.
"I finished my meal until the third group"
Everyone in the village is taking turns eating meals. When I hear that the third set of meals is over, I give instructions as I recall my plans for the future.
"As soon as I finish my fourth set of meals, I need you to move on to cleaning the church. In addition to washing in the kitchen until the third set, go around the room and deliver hot water. Bring the fruit basket to the third room in the public hall. Thanks, because the third room seems to be a hangout for the young men of the groom's relatives. Oh, here's the instructions. If you forget, give it back."
"Yes, I'm coming"
Drop off the staff and reach for the cup to catch a breath.
... the contents of the cup were dry.
I usually feel a little fresh because Richay was brewing me right after I drank it. Is this how your impudent husband feels when his daughter-in-law goes home?
I'm not likely to get the time I'm just boiling water, so I give up and transfer the water from the kettle to the cup.
Drinking water, he shifts his gaze to the village where people start walking.
"You're gonna be really busy from here..."
Mumble to no one.
Even after the wedding itself, it's our job until our guests get back to Katella City. I mean, I can't get out of my mind until tomorrow.
Rather, now that the wedding was over, customers also began to bulge inside the village of Tacax, so much so that caution was needed.
In the end, I never showed my face to the ceremony myself. I don't mind because I'm not invited to anything, but I wanted to know how everyone was moving.
I wonder if I will ask Richay later to compile the report.
Thinking of it that way, Richay stood with a wooden basin at the entrance to the office.
"We're done cleaning up the church right now. He wants you to wait until Mr. Aleut finishes his meal."
Let's eat, too, and put the basin of trees that Richay brought on the table. There were several snacks on board that could be eaten with one hand.
"You wouldn't have had time to make tea, so I got it in a public house, but you want it right away?
He's a really thoughtful kid.
"Oh, I was just realizing I drank it up. It'll help."
I'm sure you'll make a good wife.
I remember it with my wife.
"Reports say the ceremony didn't seem to be delayed, but how'd it go from Richay's perspective?
"So far, it's more or less popular. Guests were surprised by the glamour of the altar. The contrast between the bride's white costume and the light was also beautiful, something that the female guests were thriving on. However, you may want to be careful in the future, as this time it was okay, but the costume in line might lose the glamour of the altar."
"What about male customers?
"Well, well."
If you ask me, the altar with the cherry blossom light pouring down was a somewhat uncomfortable place for the men except for the groom, who is the star. Especially single.
I could be a future customer, and I don't want single male customers to feel bad about me. You should do some sort of follow up somewhere else.
"But I don't know what a male customer wants. Anything amane?
"Play with the groom"
"... that's not a serious dialogue."
I think it's a classic.
That's when Melmie glanced at the entrance to the office.
"Amane, the guys from the visitors took the smoked meat that they wanted just the right knob for the booze, but they liked it. Can I sell a little stockpile as a souvenir?
"Look, I'm coming. Absolutely. It's a groomsmen's party."
I knew what a man would do even if the world changed.
"It's supposed to be time for Billows to come back, so get him out of the inn inventory. Billows can also prepare liquor for smoking."
"Okay. Then I'll be there."
Richay sighs as he drops off Mermie, who runs to the inn with Patapata.
"I wish I could honestly be happy with you"
"It's disgusting when a man gets honest at a time like this."
"Isn't that prejudicial?
Am I?
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