Why don't you build a village on top of the world tree
Episode XVII: The Village of Kidato
Summer is over, and the cool wind doesn't blow like autumn.
I tipped Jouro over the pot behind the office.
The herbs of the third generation have also thrived considerably. Still, the group of leaves here that have not been cracked are not yet genuine, so some tip cracks were sprouting.
When I'm done watering, I'll take the questionnaire I left standing in my office window.
"Well, don't crack it first."
Confirm the herbal leaves in the hammer style and go with the strain of cracked tip.
Three out of thirty shares are broken first?
Include the number on the questionnaire.
There will be some contamination, and the percentage of ahead cracks doesn't seem to decrease any further.
Let's keep taking the data.
Keep your back on the office wall and compare the findings up to the third generation.
As expected, this herb has an inferior inheritance with a broken tip of the leaf and an unbroken dominant inheritance.
Although the presence of genes could not be confirmed due to the lack of data yet, the legality seemed absurd.
View data on the color of the flowers you keep from Marcto.
There are colors of red, peach, and white flowers, but if you look at Marcto's research, you can see that there is no superiority or inferiority in the genes that determine the color of flowers.
If you multiply red and white, it will be peach, red and red, white and white.
I guess peach is a hybrid.
"Genes exist, let's see."
Although the conclusion has almost been reached, let's continue to cultivate herbs for data collection.
Richay, who likes these herbs, will be delighted.
"I hope the flowers bloom soon."
I want to take the seeds of the fourth generation and sprinkle them by winter.
I checked again to see if the potted herbs were mixed with any cracks before I knocked on the office window.
Teten, who was talking to Richay and Melmie, got up off the couch and walked in like a pain in the ass, opening the window.
"... what, here"
"Teten, why are you fighting?"
"Maiden conversation, interrupted.... Never, Never Forgive"
"Right. Well, no. Ranm, can you get me a record of the bird feeding?
"Why do you have to listen to me, right?... You can go back inside the office and mix it up with your conversations, okay?
"Damn, cowardly...... Often, wait."
It's easy to handle, this guy.
Teten, who took the breeding records from the bookcase, gave them to me through the window.
"Uhm. Kuru..."
Receiving the breeding records and thanking her, Teten returned a strange answer and went back to the couch.
Trying to close the window, Richay and I get eyes on each other.
"Amane, leave the window open. I just want to get some air."
"Ok. Then I'll leave it open"
Leaving the window open, I open the breeding record and sit back.
If it's a chicken, does the law of inheritance apply?
Ranm birds don't have a thing. Still, it has already been found that genetic laws can be applied to the color of the wings as we read the breeding records of ram bird enthusiast Marcto.
The fact is that only material value has been found so far because it has nothing to do with the colour and flesh of the blades.
In the special facilities currently in operation, they do an excellent job of sorting things from ram birds divided into three groups.
Ram birds from special facilities are still in the first and second generations, with little difference in taste from breeding cabins. In addition to Marcto, he is only appreciating the flavors of those who have a good taste, such as me, Melmie and Inn's Young Admiral.
You're a gold-eating bug so far, though you might see a change in taste if you lay it on for about ten generations.
Looking at the breeding records, I hear Richay and his conversation leaking from inside the office.
"- So, Mr. Billows was walking with the young general on the Yaba Bridge, and that's when he was holding hands. [Chuckles]"
"Haha, Mr. and Mrs. Billows have been taking a lot of walks lately, haven't they? Rain or snow."
"... the inn was a place of work, or something."
They're talking about the Billows.
With that said, I often see you two walking side by side. I've never seen you hold my hand.
"It's good. I'd like to go on a date with you two."
Say it in the voice Melmie played.
"Well, then, with a..."
The office bell rang as Teten ran his unscrupulous lone name in too much haste.
The conversation is interrupted, and I can hear Richay and Melmie in the footsteps.
Lishay seems to have made his way to the front door to respond to the visitors. The footsteps go far.
"- I'm sorry. You have to assemble your own date plan, Amane."
Melmie looks at me and laughs like a prank with only one face coming out of the window.
I don't know what you're talking about.
"Is that true?
Melmie received her breeding record from me, laughing teasingly as she shrugged.
"Turn to the surface. We need to talk to the customer."
"Oh, I will"
I cleaned up Jouro, went around to the front door, and walked into the office.
I'm guessing Richay put me through first. A guest gave me a compliment in the office.
"We are village chiefs in the village of Kidato"
That said, it was an old man who seemed like he was over eight hundred to bow his head.
Speaking of the village of Kidato, it is a village on a different branch, which takes about four days' walk from the village of Takakus. I can see that in the distance on a good, sunny day.
"You must be tired. Please have a seat."
If you were from the village of Kidato, you would have taken about four days via the city of Kattella.
It should have been a bit of a hard journey for an 800-year-old man.
"I don't know what kind of errands you have, but if you could just write to me, I'd have gone out here, wouldn't I?
Though the hot season has passed, the long journey has not changed.
Ask her to sit on the couch in the office and have Richay prepare tea.
The chief of the village of Kidato exhaled as he untied his traveling outfit.
"No, because I had to take a trip to the village of Tacax once and look at it with this eye. I heard the story, but it's a good village. As you heard from the merchants."
They also visit the village of Kidato, where travellers often buy eggs and meat in the village of Takakus.
I also heard about the surrounding villages and towns as a gathering of information during the business talks, but I have never heard a very good story about the village of Kidato.
I'm not talking about the poor behavior of residents, there are rumors of ageing and obstruction.
It's also illegal to talk like that to the village chief, so I won't put it in my mouth.
"Take a trip fatigue today and I'll show you the village tomorrow."
"I appreciate that"
The chief of the village of Kidato received his tea from Rishay and took a sip, he turned to me again.
"Now let me tell you why I interrupted the village of Tacax today"
The chief of the village of Kidato took a book roster out of his bag.
The roster of the village of Takakus, now with a population of nearly one hundred and fifty, is also about as thick as a booklet, but that was exactly what the chief of the village of Kidato put out was supposed to be a book.
"This is the register of the inhabitants of the village of Kidato"
"Register of residents... what kind of stuff?"
"I want to apply for a merger with the village of Tacax"
A merger?
There have been cases of absorption mergers involving villages, towns, and cities adjacent to each other.
However, the villages of Kidato and Takakus are on separate branches and are not adjacent.
I feel like I'm being spoken to, and I'm going to ask the Chidato Mayor a question.
"Merger means in the villages of Takakus and Kidato, right? Given the scale, I think we're talking about the village of Kidato."
Honestly, such conditions, kick without a second thought.
Richay also looked difficult sitting next to me.
The chief of the village of Kidato will give me the roster.
"The subject is from the village of Takakus. Let me explain from scratch."
The mayor of Kidato keeps talking to me when I get the roster.
"Actually, our village architect died the other day. I was nine hundred and seventy years old, and I laughed that I lived well, so I would be satisfied."
What happens when the village architect dies.
First, there will be no one to carry out surveys of branches with villages. The work of architects and bridgebuilders living in villages, such as calculating the limit load, is often of high importance.
They will probably send architects and bridgebuilders from surrounding villages and towns to do surveys and calculations.
It should not be a direct reason for the village of Kidato to apply for an absorption-type merger with the village of Takakus.
The chief of the village of Kidato continues.
"My village of Kidato started about five hundred years ago. It's a village that I was interested in. However, there were no specialties, and it wasn't a particularly prominent village, so in about two hundred years, the migration of people was interrupted, and it came in detail."
I'll check with Richay on the side. The silent snort returned.
I guess the chief of the village of Kidato is right.
The chief of the village of Kidato tells him to open the register of inhabitants of the village of Kidato, and he opens it.
It had roughly four hundred names on it. The elderly are quite eye-catching.
I turned the page a few times and I saw the chief of the village of Kidato.
"What is the current average age in the village of Kidato?
"I'm seven hundred and fifty. You're an aging village, not ashamed to put it anywhere."
I had heard from a pedestrian, but at an average age of seven hundred and fifty, the village might not survive without tekoing in.
As we age so far, even if we have new children in the village, it will be water on the burning stone.
With the death of the village architect, would you rather have Takakus village absorb it as soon as it takes time to send architects and bridgebuilders from the outside?
Chidato's mayor opens his mouth to affirm my predictions.
"We want to merge with the currently rapidly growing village of Takakus and leave the village of Kidato just in shape. Would you like to consider it?
Even if it is said to be considered, the current population of the village of Tacax is one hundred and fifty. In contrast, there are four hundred people in the village of Kidato.
I do not know what harm it would do to accept this merger, where the population suddenly increases by less than fourfold.
When the village of Takakus says the subject, even if a meeting is held, policy decisions can be made solely on the opinions of me and ancient Takakus villages such as Richey. There are no more problems with autonomy than that.
If so, would it be between the inhabitants?
"How many minutes? It's a big story. You can't make a quick decision."
"Of course, I'm not saying I want an answer right away. We'll need a meeting."
They're not going to rush us, and the chief of the village of Kidato drank his tea with a gentle laugh.
Richay looks back at Melmie in the kitchen.
"Melmie, show the chief of the village of Kidato to the public hall"
"Yeah, okay."
Melmie, who came out of the kitchen rubbing her sleepy eyes, takes the chief of the village of Kidato to the public hall.
After Mermie and the Chidato Mayor leave, I give my voice to Richay.
"What do we do?
"What shall we do?
Even Mr. Richay can't make an instant decision, can he?
"If I were to merge with the village of Kidato, I wonder what would happen. You don't have to cross the bridge first."
"Right. What's the cost?
I lift my hips off the couch and retrieve the map that's on the bookcase.
There is a village of Kidato just beyond one branch from the village of Takakus. Is it about four kilometers at a distance?
Even if we think about using the branches along the way to bridge the bridge, we need to install the legs of the bridge with the support branches.
If I were to do it, it would be a suspension bridge.
"I'll let you go through the branches on the way, so I'll split the bridge in two."
The branches along the way are stretching out into the sky repeatedly up-down like waves. Given the high and low differences from the branches with the villages of Takakus and Kidato, the location of the bridges to be crossed would be limited.
It is a bridge as a direct route between the villages of Takakus and Kidato, so I wanted to make it as straight as possible, but as far as the map is concerned, it is difficult not to match the height with the branches along the way.
Bearing in mind to keep costs down, it becomes a shaped bridge like the Inland Sea Bridge.
"Two bridges, maybe thirty jade coins for the total price"
At least thirty. If the work is interrupted due to weather irregularities, etc., the cost will be even higher.
You can't do this.
Richay also shakes his neck sideways as he opens his books.
"I can't. It's not an amount that can be twisted. Besides, I'm worried about the flow of funds in the village of Kidato. If we owe money, we could pay for it at the time of the merger."
"Would you like me to investigate the flow of funds in the village of Kidato into the city of Kattera and into the Chamber of Commerce of Komatsu? Of course, I'll ask the village chief."
Maybe we should sort it out about the pros and cons.
I'll sit back on the couch and list the merger issues.
"What happens at the time of the merger is that there is first one dispute between the residents"
What is evocative is the town of Cateo, where the population has grown by accepting the victims of the snow shake.
Fighting was frequent in Cateo town.
Richay closes the books and opens his mouth instead.
"As I said earlier, there are some issues that arise from the consolidation of financial relationships."
It is a risk that the village of Takax will be involved in paying off debts, etc. I have to ask the chief of the village of Kidato about this tomorrow.
"The next thing you know, it's to bridge the bridge."
"Don't you have to think about taking jobs between residents?
"… no problem"
Teten, who was turning the roster of the village of Kidato, replied.
The village of Kidato is dominated by agriculture, and they have one heat source manager who performs smoking, and two heat source managers who reside in hot water stores that only open in the afternoon. Several other craftsmen specialize in making furniture.
There will be no competition with the village of Takakus.
"... just older. Care, need, maybe?
When it comes to sending out caregivers, Takax Village's manpower is reduced.
Though not all four hundred inhabitants of the village of Kidato say they need caregivers, the village of Takakus, with a population of one hundred and fifty, is supported by a heavy load of people.
Although I have mentioned many disadvantages, of course there are.
"It is huge that absorbing the village of Kidato increases the number of fields. Sometimes we can capture technology and equipment from the village of Kidato."
There are smoking facilities and hot water shops in the village of Chidato. The heat source manager is also stationed.
Smoking may be the secret of its heat source management officer, but the merger can take the method of smoking and selling lamb bird eggs and meat picked in the village of Takakus using Kidato's technology.
Yukaya would also play a role in improving hygiene.
"In the future, I think we should keep it for AC as a way of looking at mergers. If you talk to the chief of the village of Kidato, and you support the branches as you prepare to cross the bridge, the people of the village of Kidato will be free from obstruction, too, right?
I guess Rishay can't leave the elderly in the village of Kidato alone.
As long as they are prepared to cross the bridge, the people of the village of Kidato will also have the prospect of easier access to the village of Takakus, so that they do not have to worry about their caregiving hands.
"You'd better think you'd need six jade coins just for the support branches"
"Let's break the cost with the village of Kidato"
"If you can't do that, you better make another plan."
Because you can't shake a sleeve without it.
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