Why don't you build a village on top of the world tree
Lesson 23 Variety Improvement Variety
"Big job. We're gonna get in the mood!
When the manager of the workshop in the wooden cage issued the decree, the craftsmen responded in unison.
It is the beginning of the bridging work that connects the villages of Takakus and Kidato.
The rope made of the yarn of the Bird Eater Spider prepared for this day is brought out.
"Well, let's start with the wooden cage."
At the direction of the manager, the craftsman split into two groups.
"Melmie, create a wooden cage. Others rope."
"Yes, sir. Now, everyone, follow Mr. Melmie's instructions."
A group with Melmie goes to wood to build a wooden cage. There is no need to make it an elaborate object because it is a wooden cage to come and go between the support branches during construction.
I'll leave Melmie with the wooden cage and move on to getting ready to rope in with the manager.
"Is it faster for Amane to fly me? Will it arrive?"
"I think it will reach the root of the support branch enough. There's no wind."
Grab your favorite bow and check the string tension, and I'll keep an eye on the arrow with the string.
I have a branch in the village of Takakus. The aim with the arrow is the root of the supporting branch, which is located at a pitch angle of fifty degrees and a horizontal distance of about six hundred meters.
The manager leaves me and sends a signal to the craftsmen at the root of the support branch.
After reflecting the light with polished metal plates and brief willingness communication, the manager lifted his arms and shook him down.
On the signal of the manager, I release the arrow.
The arrow that drew the parabola and flew away pierced the root of the support branch precisely.
"You're as accurate as ever...... Hey, the rope must be connected, right?
A craftsman questioned by the manager puts up a rope and string knot.
I'll check the knot with the manager.
"Mr. Store Manager, give me a signal"
The manager sends a signal to the craftsman at the root of the support branch.
Then the craftsmen, who were at the root of the support branch, began to hand wrap the strings bracketed by the arrows. Naturally, the threaded rope of the bird eater spider tied to the string is also pulled to the support branch to follow after the string.
A well-drawn rope crossed beneath the craftsman at the root of the support branch.
"All right, rope me up"
Craftsmen begin to anchor the ends of the rope to the branches of the world tree at their feet.
Even the supporting branches were starting to tighten the rope.
The work of the Mermies' wooden cage production team was in a paragraph when the rope was finished.
"You can always use it."
Melmie gives me a thumbs up and laughs. Did you have extra time, the deformed rum bird is floated to the front of the wooden cage.
Unflyable bird rum birds can also walk in the air.
Carry out commissioning by hanging a wooden cage on the finished rope. Due to safety concerns, a net is stretched under the wooden cage to prevent falls.
Looks like you made it across the street.
I squeal when I see the signals of the craftsmen the manager sent to the support branches.
Now it is possible to come and go with support branches using wooden cages.
I give voice to the remaining craftsmen as the craftsmen at the support branch begin to build a simple material storage area.
"I'll carry the ingredients over there. Load them in the wooden cage in the order indicated and send them."
The first thing to send out is the manager and some drawings, the type of tool and the rope to use for the lifeline.
The storekeeper, experienced only to crown the wooden cage in the name of the store, was ready before I gave instructions.
"Well, I'll be there"
"Please. I'll be able to get there by the time I'm done with one of the material storage areas."
Send out the store manager and instruct the materials to be transported next.
Sending it out is a demonic bug material to absorb shock and wobble. Cushioned material made of snowworm hair or liquefied yarn of bird eata spider and structured material made of demonic worm crusts, plus brunch mimic crusts.
Because there are many of them, one by one, they cannot be sent together.
"I'll send it from the cushion material. Get ready."
From the support branch, a replacement craftsman for the manager moves the wooden cage back.
Craftsmen, starting with Melmie, throw cushioning material into the wooden cage under Baton Relay guidelines.
Dropping off a wooden cage full of cushioned material to begin to advance towards a supporting branch, I give instructions to start preparing the structural material.
This time the bridge will be made from a combination of wood made of world wood and this structural material.
The structural material is a very strong mixture of water and crust in liquefied yarn, a common material used for bridges in this world.
As I was sending the material, I saw several coyote cars approaching the support branches.
I would have ordered building materials from the Comatsu Chamber of Commerce. Large items that cannot be sent in a wooden cage should be transported directly by a coyote car.
A day ahead of schedule, but you'll be adorable.
Lucio, the pedestrian who got out of the coyote car, looks up at me and waves.
"I'll see if I have all the items I ordered. Melmie will take your place."
"Okay. I'll take care of Mr. Melmie. Somebody go to the office and tell Richay you got the supplies."
I left it up to Melmie to move to the support branch in a wooden cage with the ingredients on it.
Though there is a net below to prevent falls, there is not a single branch below it to the roots of the world tree. It's a pretty bad sight for the heart.
Lucio, who was waiting for me when he arrived at the support branch, smiles brightly and invites me to the carrier.
"As you ordered, I brought it. It was something I never had the experience of caravaning in seven coyote cars, and my plans went back and forth. Excuse me."
You're not ready to accept, are you, and Lucio shifts his gaze to the material storage site under construction?
"As you can guess, you haven't. Would you mind staying for a day?
"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you camping here?
"I'm sorry, but you do. I'll behave like a rum bird."
"Oh, is that the rumored breed improved one?
Lucio looks at me in the eyes of a curious merchant.
"No, it's a normal gamma system. We haven't revealed any improved species yet. Well, I have a guy who's planning on crushing one, so I can't sell it, but I don't care for what I eat here."
"Really? Even Joynesley is a little rumored among merchants. He said he's pushing back the fictional librarian to study it."
"Oh, that's a rumor."
I didn't push him back, but he turned to me.
Talking about the situation, Lucio scratched his cheek.
"Is it a conflict in theory? That's what I hear from time to time in the Yoinsley neighborhood."
"I didn't mean to be in conflict, and we're not hanging out. It means he didn't have a relationship."
"But was it a liquid transmission legend from a fictitious librarian? They must have asked me to study it in that theory or something. Why did you say no?
'Cause I had a little something to think about in a prior experiment.'
It was because I was somewhat certain of the existence of the gene in a prior experiment using herbs that I followed the theory of liquid transmission and focused on the gene theory.
As we continue, I will check the material stacked on the carrier.
The Comatsu Chamber of Commerce and Lucio wouldn't let you grasp crude products by mistake, but it's also polite to check properly like this.
There is a good mix of numbers and types. Certificates were attached that some were compliant with Yoinsley's standards.
"You even tested me?
"It's the bridge material. You can't bring half the stuff. Amane is pretty tough in there, and they say the eyes that look at the demonic bug material are like professional craftsmen, right?
"It's the eye of a common warthog hunter. It's too much."
Well, Jicha told me what happens when you deteriorate over time.
"Let's go to the office. Richay's got the money for me."
"I don't mind the day after tomorrow. I can't hand it over for a day today, and you should be responsible here. When this carrier is cleared, I want to interrupt directly to the village of Takakus and buy Matra smoked."
Matra Smoked with Teten Secret? If you think sales have grown considerably in the last two years, did it even reach Joynesley?
"I don't know how much they have in stock, but I'll get them ready."
"Thank you"
Looks like the material has been loaded into the support branch while we're talking.
I'm making final confirmation. I'm walking down to the manager.
"Shall we start creating digits?
"Right...... Let's eat lunch first."
The craftsmen listened to the manager and went into break mode as soon as possible.
I snorted at the manager's suggestion, bitterly smiling at the artisans who seem to be hungry.
Finish lunch and resume construction.
"What are you doing now?
Lucio, the merchant, asks looking at the work of the craftsmen in a rare way.
"The first squad is building a material storage area, the second squad is building a temporary scaffold on a support branch, and the third squad is assembling a bridge girder"
"Will we proceed in parallel at the same time? Aren't you confused?
"I had a hard time knowing what was going on in the beginning. The work process is in my head now, and I have a long relationship with a wooden cage shop, so I can generally share the work procedures, so I won't be confused."
They call it right where it needs to be confirmed, and the wooden cage shop is just used to bridging and the work goes smoothly.
Confirm the time. The sun will set in about a moment.
Overall, one material storage area is completed and the scaffolding of the supporting branches is completed. The bridge girder is still going to take some time, but the original plan was to create the bridge girder from tomorrow, so there's no problem.
"Guys, it's time to finish the work and move to Tacax Village"
Strike both hands to draw the attention of the craftsmen and mark the end of the work.
Although there is a limit on the number of people in the wooden cage connecting the village of Takakus, in a moment all the craftsmen will be sent to the village of Takakus.
Put the manager down and I rode into a wooden cage back to Takax Village one foot away.
I rode the rope onto a branch of the village of Takakus, and I descended the wooden cage and headed to the office.
I don't have any more work to do, so you can leave the artisan movement to the manager.
Teten in an apron greeted me back at the office.
"... Melmie, where's your sister?
"I'll be back soon. What about Richay?"
"Public and private buildings......"
"You went to give me dinner instructions first"
Craftsmen at the wooden cage's workshop will be eating dinner in the public dining room. I guess Richay thinks it's time for us to cut the work and give dinner making instructions to the kitchen in the public building.
Richay himself can't cook, so he should be back soon.
As I dressed in the work room, there was a sound of Richay coming home.
Richay, who opened the work room door, finds me and gives me a serious look.
Amane, you better get dressed.
"I'm almost done getting dressed... is something wrong?
- There's a storm coming.
It was sunny today, and there was no humidity. There's no sign of a storm anywhere.
The moment I tried to ask Richay, I heard Markt shouting from outside the office.
"Village chief. Ooh!
It is a soul caged shroud. There's only one reason Marcto becomes that tension.
I head to the front door, listening to the chillin 'chillin' and the ringing bells over and over again. It's an unprecedented tension. What the hell happened?
"What's wrong with you?
Return calmly to a call so strange that you wonder which strange bird it is.
I mean, Teten's scared of so much anomaly.
Teten, fearfully gazing from the kitchen, was completely hip, reminiscent of the first face-to-face pull cage mode.
Richay returns Teten to the kitchen.
Leave the rest to Amane.
I've been entrusted.
I'll close the front door and respond to Marcto outside.
"So, what's wrong?
"Yes, something's wrong. I think I can handle my head right now. Look at this!
It was the meat of the ram bird that Marcto put before me. Still raw.
But there was no such thing as a philosophy.
The raw meat raised by Marcto was stained with deep red. The improved species grown in special facilities are characterized by red meat, but still should not have been this deep red.
"What's this?
"This is a ram bird from a special facility that I was going to serve to Mr. Lucio, a pedestrian. Look at this red."
"Stay away from me. You'll see."
I almost kissed the raw meat.
"But you should try this for a bit. If you let Lucio, the merchant, eat you without knowing if it tastes good or bad and you're disappointed, it could affect future deals."
Lucio is also a businessman who deals with the Comatsu Chamber of Commerce. I don't know what the impact will be when it is judged that the variety improvement has not been successful. I don't think he's going to turn down a deal because he's an honest guy, but this one should also be dealt with in good faith.
"Let's go inside for a second. Let's cook and eat that raw meat in the kitchen."
Get into the office with Markt and ask Richay and Teten, who were in the kitchen, to give up their place.
Richay and Teten look strange in the deep red bird meat that Marcto brings.
"This rum bird is an individual of the flesh group, isn't it?
Among the special facilities that were improving the variety in three varieties: flesh, egg and fat, only one of the flesh groups should have been unable to lay eggs.
Marcto nods.
"This is the seventh generation of the flesh group. This is the first time you've seen the seventh generation."
"What's your succession?
"About eight young birds. Ten pre-hatching eggs are present."
While questioning Markt, I put a knife blade through deep red momomo meat.
With moderate resistance, the blade passes through the meat softly. It's different from the usual rum bird because of its convenience.
The fat stained from the thigh when I put it through the flame in a frying pan on the thinly chopped thigh.
Staring at thigh meat changing with heat as it greases over a frying pan. It remains red enough to worry if the fire is really coming through. Though it is starting to turn a little white.
"Has anything else changed? You know, during breeding, you had a rough temper."
"It's normal to have temper. You tended to lay eggs slightly more often."
"Is there any inconvenience in breeding?"
Follow the meat with the vegetable chopsticks to make sure the fire went through.
Place it on a plate and transport it to the office table, surrounded by me and Markt, Richay and Teten.
"This, the fire is through, isn't it?
Richay looks worried about thighs. I know I stir-fried it because of the hot air, but I guess I'm anxious because it won't change the shade of deep red.
The person in charge of cooking me will try the first slice. Marcto also immediately stabbed a slice in the fork and carried it to his mouth.
The lamb bird meat in his mouth was moist and tender. Fine meat fibers have just the right teeth, even though they can easily be chewed out.
It's not just soft meat. Every time I chew off the fine meat fiber, it overflows with gravy full of flavor and sweetness.
Just put it through the fire. This delicacy......
Richay and Teten also eat each and look surprised. Speaking of which, the two of you must have never eaten the beta pedigree considered to be the best of the ram birds.
I share my gaze with Marcto, who has eaten beta pedigrees.
"... I think it's equivalent to the beta-lineage species"
"It has a different direction from the beta lineage, characterised by a highly assertive fleshy flavour, but it is definitely equivalent"
Marcto calmly analyzes even the emotion as it seems to have passed.
"Return to the special facility now to quarantine the succession of this ram bird"
"Do that. The rest of the meat goes out to Lucio, but you don't mind, do you?
"Do so. If I eat now, I'm going to be satisfied and I won't be able to get anything."
That being said, Marcto stood up looking at the meat on the plate uncluttered as to whether it was the thought of a severance.
"Yes, the village chief will give a provisional name to this pedigree. I think it would be inconvenient without a name."
"Right. Then in the sink."
"Sink, is it? I don't even have a name on me, so let's go."
I'm leaving. Dropping off Marcto, I look at the deep red momomo meat on the plate.
If we could mass produce this, we could say that varietal improvement is a success.
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