At night, by the time the rain clouds arrived, the cannibal mutant Bird Eater Spider took seven of Beaant's carcasses.

I don't think I ate them all in boulders, so I guess I hide them somewhere and even make them into preserved foods.

When his eyes met, he slid his forelegs together, as if to say so, and dropped the thread crumbs attached to the tip of his hand. Even if it's a thank you, I don't need such yarn scraps.

"I also hear that there are many cunning devil bugs who are old, but that mutant species is unique in many ways"

"Don't get distracted. I didn't decide not to come after me."

Villose is right. I will not fail to be vigilant. I looked him in the eye because I was on guard with him in my sight.

Besides, Devil Bugs are not smart enough creatures to communicate. I guess I'm just meaning the behavior of that mutant myself, and I'm actually just following my free instinct.

"More than that, let's focus on what's right in front of us."

I stand by my favorite bow and watch the iron arrow.

I see two lights at the end of my gaze blurred by rain fog.

Winglights are flying in here.

He hasn't noticed our presence yet, so he's flying fluffy and restless.

"... Hit it a little harder. From there, even when I'm stuck, I fall off the branches."

Copy that.

The Demon Bug Hunters are hired to respond as they guard their surroundings.

"No enemy shadow. Anytime."

"At this distance, the mayor would be better off."

Billows, who stood with an iron arrow just like me, gives his prey to me as he bows down.

I unleashed an iron arrow instead of an answer.

They stabbed him in the wing light, which hasn't even seen the whole picture yet, and the light flickers.

"We'll pack the distance!

Billows runs out with a hanging voice. Hired, the demon bug hunters followed them in formation as they guarded their surroundings.

Probably not finished with just one arrow of mine. Because I can't aim for steeples in this poor vision, and I don't want to damage my wings because I add or subtract them.

Wing lights falling on branches in response to my arrows are shot through the steeple by the approaching billows and are doomed.

I followed the iron arrow and looked for my next prey.

Today is definitely in the middle of the time of emergence, more than Winglight has come alone. The formula for the next prey to come out would be high.

While I was searching for my prey, the Billows came back to the campsite.

"I just cut my wings off first. It's not too late for the mutant guy to steal it again."

"Oh, keep me in the tent"

Bird Eater Spider doesn't eat to his wings, but he crushes the risk of being carried away with every carcass.

Four lights rise blurry this time in the stronger rain. Two pairs of wings shining, two winglights friendly, flying in.

Billows stares at the arrow and releases it.

I heard a slight hard noise piercing the crust of the wing light, a pair of lights, crashing.

"All right, here comes the other one"

"I'm not coming anymore."

The arrow I unleashed hit me, and the pair of lights that remained also crashed.

Again, the Billows run away.

The time is probably three o'clock in the morning. They planted three winglights overnight, so it's a huge harvest.

Join the Billows, who have cut their wings off, and declare the end of the hunt in preparation for tomorrow.

"I'll keep my guard up, but the Billows can sleep. I'll wake you up at breakfast."

"Ooh, I asked for it"

Drop off the Billows going into the tent and I'll cook a night meal with the other night shift.

As I watched my surroundings as I roamed the smoked meat, the rain gradually subsided.

Three winglight carcasses roll about five hundred meters away. I guess the Billows kept it away from the tent when they cut off their wings.

Variant species were dripping threads from the branches above on the carcass of that wing light. They've learned that we don't focus on prey anymore, and they don't seem to mimic the forcefulness of swinging threads and taking them away while towing them, as they did at the beginning.

The mutant species that had eyes with me caught Winglight's remains as if nothing had happened, and he took them away somewhere.

"Don't you have to stop that mutant?

He's on a night shift with me. A hired demon bug hunter asks.

"You can leave me alone now. It's a hassle to go and tailor the walking around without nesting, and our numbers are small. After going to the city of Kattella and writing a report, the great people will figure out what to do."

Besides, that mutant species doesn't aggressively attack people.

We don't have to sell fights to mutants anymore than our original prey is winglights and brunch mimics.

He said, "I don't feel comfortable being watched."

"You're making sure we don't have more prey."

"I thought so."

The Devil Bug Hunter looks up at the mutant species that have once again come to plunder the wreckage of the Winglight and continues.

"When he goes to the place where he's hiding his prey, he's rolling the shells of the leftover demon bugs..."

"Oh, maybe there's winglight wings he's been tailoring."

Depending on the state, I have a dream of winning a thousand bucks.

I need to gather the numbers to find it, so I can't do it.

"If you write that prediction in your report to the city of Katella, the city of Katella might hire you to do a massive search on the road."

In that case, the city of Kattera will take the liberty of sweeping the demon bugs out of the cloud mesosphere, and we as a town of Tacax are most welcome.

Nevertheless, it is doubtful whether the city of Cuttera will give money to move a large number of demon bug hunters towards the leftovers of mutant species who don't even know if they have it or if they have it.

As the sun rose and I was preparing for breakfast, I woke up with the smell of the billows coming out of the tent.

"What are we going to do now?

Billows asks, assembling a simple chair and sitting down.

I looked up into the sky. Already the rain stops, and you can see the leaves of a blue and lush world tree at a height that can't even cloud over your head.

Winglight can't be encountered first unless it's in a rain cloud. You should aim for another prey, thinking that you will never come across it during the daytime on a sunny day.

"Let's go finish the brunch mimic"

"Oh, okay."

The Demon Bug Hunters also begin to get fit with the decision of my employer and leader, Billows and I.

The Devil Bug Hunter, who was on the night shift with me, began to take a nap during the night until breakfast was ready.

"The brunch mimic itself is after the mayor has dealt with it."

Billows looks up at the branches over his head. A branch with a mutant species, but now he's gone.

"I need to think about the possibility of being plundered by that mutant."

"Considering the dismantling time, there's a good chance they'll take it."

Branch mimics utilize elastic crusts as a material, but when body fluids adhere, they harden and become useless. Therefore, it is necessary to perform a blood drain when dismantling.

There is a good chance that the demon worm will come after the smell of blood. The same applies to mutant species.

I don't want to turn it aggressively on my enemies, but if they're coming after me for embezzlement, I'm gonna have to get rid of them.

"What about the tent?

"There are six winglight wings. It'll be enough, so I'll clean up the tent. Even if we don't find the Branch Mimic by the end of the day, we're going back to Katella City once."

It's a stream that deposits winglight wings in the city of Kattella, gets attituded, and then goes on another brunch mimic hunt.

With this plan, you can also spend all morning hunting and sleep in the city of Katella.

Nobody disagrees, including Billows.

"That's settled. The goal is to split the brunch mimic for four."

"There can't be that much prey out there."

"He said it was only a goal. How much of this area is an abandoned hunting ground for fifty years, so you should be able to hunt -"

- I hunted.

"What shall we do?

"No way, two pairs are mating..."

Billows and the others look delicate and stare at the brunch mimic carcass.

One of the baggage holders looked at me with a dongled eye.

"Or don't you usually hesitate? Snipe a steeple from a distance while you're enjoying yourself and tailor both females..."

"Don't hesitate when you find your prey. If you're in the middle of fucking me, you better get back to work. That's what my master taught me."

I know it's a bug for rear filling, but I won't condone it.

Whatever it was, it was done beautifully together, so it turned out to be Auray.

"Let's start draining blood. Billows and the others asked for vigilance."


The Billows strike a guard around the ten-meter brunch mimic.

I moved on to dismantling the brunch mimic with one of my luggage holders.

Disconnect the leg and attach an object resembling a funnel to prevent blood flowing out of the base of the foot from sticking to the crust.

Blood drainage is carried out quickly, as the smell of blood does not necessarily mean that carnivorous demon worms are not coming.

"Legs, roped together."


"Hey, Beant is coming. Replace my vigilance."

Billows calls me, and I take my place.

There is no appearance of a mutant species in the upper branch.

There were three beaants who came, but as soon as they were intercepted by the Billows, they were shot down and rolled off over the branches.

"I want to have it."

"Give it up. I can't carry it anyway"

Even though it will dismantle, there are four branch-mic pieces of material. If I have any more, there's a chance I won't be able to handle it when the demon bug hits me.

I am also going to ask them to give up the liquefied yarn of the Bird Eater Spider asked for in the Devil Bug Hunter Guild.

"Come on, it's a good thing you bled out, and let's get the rest of it dismantled."

By my decree, the two baggage holders begin to dismantle.

Gradually the crust was removed from the lower part, leaving a brunch mimic almost exclusively meat.

At the same time, a mutant species appears on the upper branch.

The mutant species that showed up at a time like the one we were after began to thread down as we left by the carcass with our crusts.

The mutant species that attracted the carcass of the brunch mimic ripped off the crust on hand touches the pepper, seemingly bewildered by a different feeling than usual.

But he immediately noticed the condition of the carcass. When he chewed on it, he took it away somewhere.

Did you get something hard to eat? It's like Thanksgiving.

"... Something's starting to make you feel like you're feeding"

One of the demon bug hunters is hired to drop off the departing mutant and whine.

"Feeding. If I can keep it, I won't have any trouble securing yarn."

It's too dangerous for me to try to experiment, though.

Wings, crusts, legs. Hold them in small pieces for six, all the way to the city of Cuttera.

The arrival was already at sunset, and even from a distance, at a time when the colorful light of Takowka could be seen coloring the air corridor.

We opened the door to the Devil Bug Hunter Guild and went inside.

"Mr. Amane, that was fast.... It seemed like a lot of hunting."

The accountant laughs bitterly at the large baggage we hold.

"It was a good hunting ground. I want to send this material to Takakus Town, so could you conveniently send me a pedestrian?

"Winglight wings, right? You'll also be concerned about transporting it. I'll introduce you if you ask for an intermediary fee."

"Fifty iron coins, right?

"Yes, it is."

Take your wallet out of your pocket and pay fifty iron coins.

The accountant who received it stopped one of the employees and told him something and sent him out.

The accountant who turned to me opens his mouth.

"Was there a mutant species?

"There was something lovely and strange about it."

I shrugged my shoulder, and I told him about the mutant species.

Though I'll be writing in a report after I get back to Tacax Town for more information, you better be cautious about that mutant species because the Devil Bug Hunter who saw our grand hunt might move.

After we finished the conversation, we stayed overnight at the inn and headed back to Tacax Town.

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