Why don't you build a village on top of the world tree
Episode XII: Takakus Town Winter Support
Akiguchi, I was coming to the second branch of the town of Takakus to carry out winter support for the whole town with Richay.
The second branch of the town of Takakus is next to the branch where the office is located, ahead of crossing the Yaba Bridge.
Currently it functions as a residential district, and the fields are also available for the area there, with yields that adequately support the population on the branches.
Naturally, the inhabitants of the second branch mostly farm, and fall also becomes more busy when it comes to deepening harvest times.
Rich crops.
Squeeze as Richay looks at the paper describing the yield.
"Could it be the fruit of a variety improvement?
"No, don't think it hasn't worked yet"
In the wake of the success of the Ram Bird Variety Improvement Variety Sink, there are no signs of success as agricultural managers are starting to improve their varieties independently but do not yet have enough know-how.
It was thought that it would still take some time because there was no one to do it individually and take control of it and no data was shared.
I just want to be the compiler, but I've been too busy working as a town manager lately to get my hands on it. At the very least, it should be a little more liberal if spring comes over the winter, so let's just say we think about it then.
"Maybe the reason for the abundance is because of the weather."
It's been warm this year.
A lot of rain and a lot of help.
"I also have a wish to install a reservoir, but what do you do?
"A cistern? The second branch needs it."
Just have fields that support residential neighborhoods, and the demand for water is huge.
There's plenty of room for the load, and I'm pretty sure it's a better facility to keep it in place right now.
"I can't do it in the winter, but I'll make it as soon as it's spring"
"Okay. I'll have to keep a notice of the tank installation on the bulletin board. First of all, would you like to pick a place?
"Right. You can make fifty iron coins, so don't worry about your budget."
There is no cost of materials because there is excess world wood that was extra prepared in the market construction. Allowance for craftsmen would suffice. It will be completed in less than two days.
The best neck in the reservoir is its weight, which compresses the limit load mass at once if not calculated and built.
This second branch is going to continue to expand as a residential district and agricultural land, so we will be building reservoirs while taking into account the limit load.
"Don't you have to support branches?
"The second branch is fine because we can still afford it."
After we finished compiling the harvest of the second branch and asked the regional compiler if there was any shortage in winter support, we crossed the Yaba Bridge and returned to the first branch.
The first branch houses public and private houses, offices, the Billows Inn, churches and orphanages, treatment centers, smoking facilities, ram bird huts, special facilities for ram birds, in addition to the old office that became the laboratory of Takowka, and the homes and fields of the inhabitants who have lived in the town of Takakus since it was still a village.
Though shopping is not possible, this branch, built by the main facilities of the town of Tacax, is the heart of the truth. For that reason, there is so much to do.
First of all, it's a field.
I have already heard the harvest in terms of the fields of the inhabitants of the ancient ginseng, members of the offices starting with me and early members of the villages of Billows and others. Because it happens every year, they voluntarily bring it to the office on paper.
For this reason, it is the field of members, starting with those from the Saratin Urban Orphanage, that we will be heading to.
When he went to the field, Ratze, who had recorded his harvest on paper, noticed his footsteps and raised his face.
"Mayor! Sorry, I'm still in the middle of a record..."
"You just have to let me out by the end of the day. If that's how it goes, it'll be together in the afternoon."
Ratchet is not excessive, but he's very weak.
I'll work with Richay on Ratchet.
"So I'm going to ask you, how's Takowka's research going?
"You can't do it at all. There are two sets of genes that determine color: white and black, red and blue and yellow, and there are genes that encourage simultaneous color development for the three colors of red and blue and yellow."
"White and black are alleles?
"That's right. It's an allele of white dominance. The tricolor set is a compound allele, right? Yellow is inferior and seems to have no superiority or inferiority when it comes to red and blue. Because black and white and red and blue and yellow genes have no superiority or inferiority on either side, it seems to make the tri-color set look white or black."
It seems to be at a stage where research is definitely underway, but it is still difficult to get out the colors targeted.
Because it was moving steadily forward, and Lazze's expression wasn't dark either.
"The troublesome thing is the decoloration gene that suppresses certain colors, and this one is just confirming that it still exists."
"Is there even such a thing?"
Like that was the color of a silkworm or some kind of cocoon. I can't remember because I can't remember.
After hearing from Ratze about the progress of Takowka research, I'm headed to the breeding shed with Richay. With regard to the smoking facilities in the opposite direction, I don't mind going because Teten submitted a dossier yesterday describing fuel consumption and winter requirements.
Mayor, I've been expecting you.
I am greeted and bitterly laughed at by Marcto with a large ram bird on my lap.
I thought you were in a special facility.
"I was in the mood to love the gamma system."
I already don't know what it feels like to love you.
Richay snorts at me and says, "If you lose, you lose."
"Can I submit a breeding record?
"I've got it all on my desk. We also have records of special facilities."
It's just every time and I'm ready.
Markt's submissions are detailed and easy to see, and you can stick them in the office bookcase like this.
"Why don't you stroke the tamagoro guard?
"Is that the guy you're putting on that knee?
That's an obedient name.
"It's for my brother, who can count on me to kick in and arbitrate other ram birds trying to get started."
The Tamagoro guard is filled with piercing pieces that come with sharp eyes as Marcto strokes him.
Richay turns around Marcto's submission and looks for the description of the Tamagoro guard.
Three of the experimental individuals multiplied by the gamma and beta systems.
"Oh, you're not very tasty because you have a rough temper, is that the plan to stop experimenting?"
Indeed, we should have stopped the experiment by the middle of this year to see how it went until IV.
Marcto nods with a sad look.
"That's right. This tamagoro guard is the last of the III. The beta-gamma hybrid species tends to be large, and because of its poor temper, the way it fights was flashy, but since this tamagoro guard began to arbitrate, there has also been peace in the breeding shed. So to speak, I'm a meritorious man. … you have to take care of yourself"
Tamagoro Weimen looked frightened and trembled.
"The beta-gamma hybrid is characterized by a highly wild odor and many of you don't like it, but this is quite the case when you get rid of the fat successfully and sprinkle the herbal salt -"
"Markt, get him around there"
He felt disturbing signs of a change in Markt's gesture stroking himself. The tamagoro guard is tingling his wings. It was like I was desperate for my incompetence that I couldn't fly.
I got the breeding records, so I left the breeding shed sympathetic to the future of the Tamagoro Guard.
Richay looks back at the breeding shed and sighs.
"I'm pretty sure you're fit."
"Too much trouble."
Mostly the ram birds.
Bare the public hall a short distance away and head to the treatment center.
Demand for treatment centers is quite high, as the population of the town of Tacax is currently a thousand and patients may come from nearby villages without doctors.
There were many users because the facilities were new and slightly larger than those in the village of Kidato.
The treatment center is on the second floor of Maruya Root. It is shaped like a trapezoidal overthrow in the hope of Mr. Calc, the therapeutic director, and as soon as he creeps through the front door on the short side, it becomes a waiting room.
The waiting room is very bright with light taken in from the large window on the trapezoidal slope, and the white painted walls are full of cleanliness. The floor has a complicated way of combining trees that are easy to poke at and slip through the cane. Because the orientation of the wooden planks is so fragmented, they are made to catch on well.
Hard seating and back chairs are also available on Mr. Calc's order. Though not uncomfortable to sit on, it's exquisite stiffness that I don't want to sit on for too long. Sounds like a way to deal with wasted students in the waiting room at the treatment center.
"Is Mr. Calc here?
Richay asks Kekie, the nurse girl at the reception. At the same time as the establishment of the treatment center, Mr. Calc was one of the physician apprenticeships recruited at the orphanage and now helped the treatment center.
"Now, I'm dealing with a patient who came to get ointment that works on the calf, so please wait a little longer."
I wash vegetables for pickling in the winter season, so I hear there's a patient with a crack.
Keki sees Richay's hand.
"Is Mr. Richay okay?
"... because I don't do much water work"
Richay answered, distracting himself from Kekie, who doesn't know he can't cook.
While doing so, Mr. Calc came out of one of the hospital rooms on the long side where he said at the trapezoidal treatment center. The upstairs part, by the way, is Mr. Calc's residence and the room where the medicine is stored and manufactured.
"Oh, what's wrong?
Mr. Calc looks at the calendar on the wall after he asks and convinces one person.
"Oh, is that confirmation of winter support?
"That's right. I was wondering if there was anything missing from the pills and supplies."
"I'm all set. I can get some herbs I picked in the orphanage fields these days, so I'm doing a lot of good."
Kekie puts her chest up on Mr. Calc's words.
"I grew up the biggest. Do you want to see Brother Ama?
"Keki, I've already shredded that and turned it into ointment. I'm sorry."
"Yep! Doctor, you said you'd do it tomorrow."
"I didn't feel like stockpiling."
"I can't help it, but give me a shout."
Laughing at the swollen Kekie, Ms. Calc went upstairs and brought her an inventory control ticket for the drug.
"You're a little short of disinfectant alcohol. And then..."
While spreading the inventory control slip, Mr. Calc will name what he lacks.
I made a list and promised to arrange it within ten days to leave the treatment center behind.
"You should increase your subsidies to the treatment center a little bit."
"The population has grown. I want one or two more doctors."
Not that I can't get around to it, but I'm starting to see acceptable limits.
"The market is starting to work, and there are over-the-counter drugs out there, but doctors are essential."
"I have regular medical check-ups for the orphanage, and I hope you haven't been able to, Mr. Calc,"
"Write it down in your remarks when it comes to doctor arrangements."
Richay nods and runs a pen on the paper at hand.
It was the church that headed on that leg.
Because the last bridal project of the year ended yesterday, orphans are now running around with dust, rags, and cleaning.
The boys who were playing chamberlain in the jar saw me and Richay and ran away.
- Yes, I got him.
Mr. Aleut, the bishop, who was spreading his arms like he was aiming to escape, takes the boys.
"Clean it properly. It's not a tool to bump into each other."
The boys caught are told by Mr. Aleut to start cleaning honestly.
Mr. Aleut, who gazed at us from the boys, met and walked in.
"Good luck. We're talking about winter support, right?
"Yeah, are there any shortages, like groceries?
"There's no problem. The marriage business is going very well, so much so that the shortfall can be purchased with church funds. Can I talk to you a little bit about something else?
Mr. Aleut continues as Richay spreads his neck and urges him ahead.
"They say the orphanage in the town of Cateo is in financial difficulty, and they want to support a piece of jade coin."
"Okay. Can I get it out of my operating expenses?
"Yeah, because our church has a lot of leeway"
Well, thanks to the completion of the road, the wedding is open every two or thirty days, so you're making a lot of money.
Couple established in emerging village. There is still no church in the village. Let's have a wedding at the same emerging Takakus church in a famous place anyway. They're in that flow.
Thanks to this, the Church of Tacax can also accommodate operating funds to churches and orphanages in other towns in addition to being able to operate independently.
"We were told when we left the church in Joynesley, but the Tacax Church would be an important position on the north side of the world tree."
Mr. Aleut laughs happily.
After finishing the children's health and other stories and leaving the church, we now head to Billoth's Inn.
"Billows, how's it going?
"Whoa, Mayor, night."
Billows, who brings lunch-like items to the dining room space on the first floor, says unquestionably.
"You look busy."
"Yesterday's wedding guest was staying at the group."
I glanced at the dining room and about twenty men and women were dining in bickering. Half of them were supposed to be guests staying at an inn on the side of the village of Kidato.
After lunch, he left for his hometown village, so he rendezvoused first at the Billows Inn.
"Better make it night."
"Right. I hope you still have enough strength to talk to me at night."
Behind the Byrose Inn, I take Richay and cross the duet bridge to the third branch.
The third branch exists the entrance square of the town of Takakus, the Takowka fields, the accommodation and kiosks for couples.
In the entrance square where the road to the city of Kattella leads, there are a number of stalls serving dishes originating in the town of Tacax, such as grilled chicken, egg rolls and other dishes unique to this world, such as Ortheart. From surrounding villages and towns to Kattera city, there were a number of guests lined up for pre-winter buyouts to buy instead of lunch.
"Sometimes a month's money reaches one piece of jade coin. It's a square almost always visited by tourists from the outside, so they're dropping a lot of money from the outside."
"As much as I appreciate it."
Turn your gaze to the Takowka field opposite the square.
Takowka, which has not emitted light because the sun is still out, is blooming on one side to the back. It has a rather fine mosaic pattern due to the lack of unity in the colour of the leaves.
"You should instruct me to replant it."
"Sounds like..."
If we don't figure out Takowka's chromogenic genetics soon, it's gonna take a lot of extra work.
A few good shops and inns for couples will show their faces and ask if there are any shortages, and cross the duet bridge towards the old village of Kidato.
What you see is the old village of Kidato and the air market.
The square air market had several blow-outs open in relation to the sunshine to the old village of Kidato, and the light plugged into the blow-out was like a vale when viewed from above the duet bridge.
"The smell of baked bread reaches the market from the bakery in the old village of Chidato, so the coffee shop that is the market resting place is selling a lot of bread."
"What else?"
The aerial market is connected by an aerial corridor with an arched roof, and the anti-fall handrail is a plank of simple mesh open warthog armor.
It was the fourth branch, the old village of Kidato, that crossed the duet bridge and arrived.
Face under the former chief of the village of Kidato and ask him if there have been any complaints, etc., due to the progress of winter support and the creation of a market.
The former chief of the village of Chidato smiled and shook his neck beside our question, sipping a sinister cup of tea that the bishop of the city of Kattera might like.
"I'm not complaining. Rather the other way around. I'm getting a thank you."
"Are you grateful?
'Cause it's getting a lot busier.'
Speaking of smudges, the former chief of the village of Kidato looked up at the aerial market through the window.
"We're all saying it's a lot easier now that we've got a lot of stuff in the market. There were also several sons and daughters in the generation who went far away to train and study and were worried about returning here, as well as those who decided to return. After all, it seems to have become more convenient to have a market or a duet bridge."
I didn't know because I had not yet received a request to register with the Resident Register, but it seems that there are young people within me who are telling each other that we are going back to the old village of Kidato, which has become the town of Takakus.
He said that several generations, about two or three hundred years old, would return once to see how things were going, and that the former village of Kidato had residents who would be happy to see their sons, daughters and, in some cases, grandchildren in a long time.
"There's talk of wanting to expand the hot tub. My son's coming back, too, so the operation doesn't seem to be a problem. Can't you do something about it in the spring?
"Because more people are coming. Talk to us during the winter to get to work on the expansion. In some cases you might want to make a new one."
Since this is an important facility that guarantees hygiene, I would like to pay attention to the tolerances.
We talk a lot, then we break up with the former chief of the village of Kidato and head to the air market.
Upon ascending the slackened air corridor, you arrive at the crossed air corridor. If you go straight, it's a shopping section, an outdoor section lined with clothes to the right, and an outdoor section of handicrafts to the left.
"Let's look around from the clothes"
"Right. I'll circle around, then I'll go to the shop block."
Naturally, there were many stores dealing with winter goods in the outdoor section of clothing. Furthermore, there are many sunny vegetables, dried meats and smoked products that can be eaten in the food compartment beyond.
The outdoor compartments are connected to each other by air corridors, so few shadows fall to the old village of Kidato below for the entire area of the market. There is also a blowout for lighting to such an extent that it will not be inconvenient to the outdoor shop itself, and every care is taken not to deprive the former village of Kidato of sunlight.
After touring the four outdoor sections, we headed to the shopping section.
"It's crowded."
"Looks like it's falling off."
With stores opening from the Comatsu Chamber of Commerce in Yoinsley and the Chamber of Commerce in the city of Kattella, the souvenir shop in the town of Tacax also handled the meat of sinks, so he was a pretty busy person.
"Rishay, get your hands on me"
"You're not a kid, are you?
With that said, he grabbed Richay's hand and proceeded into the crowd.
The destination is Teguruth's, which serves as a compiler of shopping districts.
Just when the guests entered the store at the time they pulled off for lunch, Teguruth, who felt comfortable and tired, welcomed them.
"Welcome, mayor. No, it's something fresh. We call Mr. Amane the Mayor."
"You've been calling me Mayor Amane or Mayor Amane ever since I was a pedestrian."
"It's fresh to call me realistically that, unlike then, you've become a resident of town. Oh, we're talking about winter support, right?
Teguruth comes out of his home space behind the counter with a paper recording the number of visitors, etc.
"I've seen and heard about it, but it's even my first experience with winter support in the first place, and I'm sorry if I'm deficient"
"There's never been a guy who could do it right from the beginning. Let me check here."
Review the records submitted with Richay.
What you need is well written. The sales were also described in considerable detail.
"It's okay. You're doing better."
I guess Richay can write really well about pushing his heartbeat.
It was just the first time for Teguruth because the professional paperwork in this hand is often in different styles from town to town.
"Is there a problem?
"Right. Not that it's a problem, but I want you to measure the total number of visitors to the market. It would be helpful if you would investigate it and publish it for purchasing reference only half of each month."
"Okay. Talk to the people in the Kidato district and let's do it. I also want to know the number of users in the air corridor, just fine."
I wanted to measure the usage of each street for once.
It will be a measurement starting next year because it is just hard to hire people to learn how to measure and put them in the field within this year.
We talked the whole way out of Teguruth's. I'm going into the market coffee shop.
"Don't be so tired"
"The town's grown, so there's no other way."
Turn your gaze to anyone Richay wants to go down the air corridor outside the window while forking into a pancake with a Minotts jam resembling a quickie strawberry.
"There are more people than the size of a town."
"Tourism, opening markets for weddings, people coming from around here for a lot of reasons."
Thousands of people are on the Resident Register, but you can think of people from outside who are constantly between 10% and 20% and have a growing population.
"Now if only one of the tourists could base me on this, more people would come."
"You're a traveler. We don't have a theater or any event facility, so we're going to be showcasing entertainment at the entrance square."
While bringing in money from outside in the tourism industry and elsewhere, the money is well turned around in the town because there are fields and ram bird huts inside the town so there is no need to import groceries.
With the opening of the market, money is also starting to circulate to a number of towns and villages, including the town of Cateo, based in the town of Tacax, and the economy is beginning to turn.
That appearance was emerging in this investigation through the winter discipline.
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