Why don't you build a village on top of the world tree
Episode XVIII Hetero Group
Kanes' office had Mr. Carraria's house and Mr. Ettle's house to the left and right, and Kanes's house across the street.
What a shock not to live in an office.
The office itself is a two-story building, with a reception room and water heating room on the ground floor part, and an office room, apparently with a lounge and a materials room on the second floor part.
Looks like Kanes has an elaborate design.
By changing the material in the left and right corners of the walls and in the building to Demon Bug nail material, it is creating a tightness on the wall without irregularities.
Overall, the brown colour of the world wood was out front, but it alleviated the severity of the appearance with the green of the tsuta, which was entangled in a handheld feed supporting the balcony of the upstairs berth.
The front door opens both ways and is fitted with a rhombus bar at the top.
"That's brilliant work."
"It's a delicacy made for me by an ancient ginseng artisan based in Aquas."
Kanes proudly puts his chest up and snorts.
Between columns is one of the building tools I've seen a lot in Japan in my last life.
Lighting and ventilation objects mounted for the purpose of front door, room and room compartments, plank-shaped construction tools made of watermark carving and composition finishing.
In this world, because the main building material is the wood of the world tree, as in Japan, inter-columns have developed, and a number of drawings exist. One of them was rhomboid, and decorating the top of the front door of Kanes' office was also between the columns where the rhomboid was made of composite finishing.
"By the way, is it Ayuka that's represented in the middle between these rhombus columns?
"Have you noticed? Because it's famous in my Aquas, I thought it would be easy to understand if I had it set up at the entrance to my office."
Well, it's easy to understand.
Like the watermark sculpture in the public hall that represented the flying birds of the comparable wing that Mermie had made for me, the assembly worker at the Caines office was a drawing from the side that saw Ayuca swimming.
Mermie's. That was an elegant stream reminiscent of a soft breeze, but Kanes' office compositional finishing touches the chest with Ayuka's dynamism swimming against a powerful stream of water.
I guess it was a pretty good craftsman who made it.
"Get inside. Etru will be ready for dinner."
"Oh, can I take a tour inside?
"I'd rather give you a tour. And I'm proud of you."
Kanes takes me into the office.
Mr. Calaria breaks up with us on the front porch and heads to Mr. Ettle's house, which is connected to the office.
"The door at the end of that hallway leads directly to Ettle's house. The opposite direction is the house of Calaria"
"Why would you do that?
Even though I make it a separate building from the office for this reason.
Kanes scratched his cheek like he was in trouble.
"No, because Ettle can't come out of the house without doing this. I was forced to pull even at the tournament earlier. First of all, convince the management not to attend the opening ceremony."
Mr. Ettle said that people only walked at night after the familiarity had passed, so the result was that door that took care to sneak eyes into the office?
Kanes continues to excuse himself.
"It also has its advantages. Etru's house is quite large, and the meals served to guests are made at Etru's house. So it's easy to bring food in when you have a direct door to the office. The building itself is split, so the smell of cooking doesn't even come into the office."
So the door to Mr. Ettle's house is not lined with columns?
"That sort of thing"
Mr. Calaria was just paying attention on the door where he dives, but I realize.
"Can you cook Mr. Calaria?
"I can. Not as easy as Ettle, but as easy as cooking aid"
True, that's omnipotent.
Head upstairs to the stairs.
It was a spiral staircase installed to hide next to the water heating room. There is a wall right next to it because it is located at the corner of the office. The vast majority of the walls were lit windows made of translucent demonic bug wings.
Plus, this spiral staircase is amazing again. It is a spiral staircase that is not supported by columns or walls of the Louvre Museum.
The spiral staircase, illuminated by the soft, white light that plunges through the translucent window, is like an angel staircase that plunges from the clouds.
You've made another difficult substitute.
"What do you say, amazing?
Kanes comes bragging his nose high.
This spiral staircase with no struts or walls rotates two times in a small radius and climbs up. The space is quite small, and given the size of the office, the benefits to be gained from saving space on the stairs would be enormous.
But the structural calculation is worse than no struts or walls. Because all the loads have to be supported by a spiral staircase.
The technical skills of the craftsmen who actually created it can be questioned while Caines was also designed.
The upstairs lounge and information room were divided into left and right hallways.
"Do you keep drawings or anything that Kanes is referring to?
"No, all we have here is Aquas management materials and a resident register"
Unlike my office, which combines my home, they keep the materials that individuals handle at work at home.
The break room had three wooden collisions with brief sculptures, leaning against the wall, a simple bed for taking a temporary sleep, a clothed chair and a small wooden round table.
Tea treats are placed on the cupboard.
A peek out of the round window revealed the aquaculture farm in Ayuca.
I guess you don't need a lot of categorical decoration because it's a rest stop. Quite a place to rest.
Next to the round window is a vase table supported by four Ionian-style struts and a sleek cylindrical vase placed on it. Living red flowers are adorable little petals that suppress claims.
"That vase isn't Kanes' hobby, is it?
"Calaria was born."
Somehow, you have a glimpse of good taste everywhere you look. The boulder is only the second daughter of the Chamber of Commerce based in the skyscraper Yoinsley.
Besides, isn't this vase table antique?
Bend down a bit and check the top of the strut.
The whirlpool at the top of the ionic strut is cylindrical. The pillars of the Ionian style are arranged so that whirlpools can be seen from any direction as the times descend, but tables and sides existed on the pillars of this vase table.
I guess I just made it by mimicking it, but I dared to order it assuming that it would be placed next to the window, around choosing the ancient Ionian style with the presence of the table.
Let me give you a reference.
If it's like this in the break room, I wonder what's going on in the reception room or something.
Return to the ground floor area and ask them to show you to the reception room.
A collision was placed in the reception room so that the inside could not be seen directly from the entrance.
The collision, about two meters high and three meters wide, is a delicacy of very finely crafted compositional finishing, combining three types of wood of different colors. Two large trees with good branches shape the branches of the league in the center.
"This collision, it's not the same craftsman who made it as the group worker at the entrance, is it?
"Oh, it was made by the foreman of a group of artisans based in Aquas. The next time I open an engineering store in Aquas, they asked me to put it away with publicity. I got that in two replies because it was brilliant."
"This is the only substitute."
Only craftsmen who get together under Caines, who are young and become bridge builders and appreciate the beauty of architecture, seem to have both taste and skill at a high level.
Wouldn't it be about Melmie to be able to do a fine-workmanship comparable to this with Takakus?
If you ask me, building equipment made of aquas is highly regarded, even though it has less circulation. Favorites around Beauterrum, who love furniture and building furniture combined with this hand of art, also have enthusiasts, he said.
Aquas brand, I envy you.
The logo and the like are likely to be made by compositional craftsmanship.
Enter the reception room.
In addition to the fuzzy sofa, the table was also sprinkling in appearance.
Even though the windows were square windows with no change of philosophy when viewed from the outside, from the inside they dented every wall. Decorated with shallow decorative forced edges, the windows also looked like they burned Aquas township on a square campus, like a single painting.
I can't help bragging about Aquas. It's a Kaines-like charm.
"Every customer who enters this reception room looks like Amane right now. Smile and feel."
"That's right. Look at this window and tell me that no one knows how much Kanes cares about Aquas."
This window, where Kanes cuts out the township of Aquas as it is and shows its guests the theme of the township that makes them want to live, also appears to be a sign of Kanes' own readiness and expectation to continue to live in Aquas and look at its development.
"We still have time for dinner, and we're gonna waste a little time here."
Kanes invites me as I sit back on the couch.
I sat face to face with Kanes.
As I weighed in, Mr. Calaria brought me an unusual cup of tea.
"It's a blended herbal tea sautéed in a cauldron."
Something very elaborate has come up.
"You're eating, Amane. It's a special tea made by our Ettle, huh?
"I'll take it."
After a sip, the rich scent spread all the way to the back of his throat. It tastes and smells like something I've never drunk. Let's say it's a deep fragrance, it's easy to accept even though it's a strong claim.
I want sweet plain cookies.
"You'll want to talk to each other, so I'll call you when dinner's ready."
That's what I said. Mr. Carraria graciously left the reception room.
It is a secretary gesture that has been made.
I'm gonna get the hexa that Kanes left on the little shelf in the reception room. They processed and made the armor of the demon worm, a substitute that seems a little overpriced.
"Let's play with this"
"You're worried I won't beat Mr. Calaria."
"Well, well, don't say that"
Arrange the pawns in their initial placement before starting the game.
"Takakus at Amane's are changing, too, aren't they?
"I've got a lot of things compared to when Kanes came. Clinics, bridges, churches."
"Yes, that's it! Let me know more about the church. I hear it's a big day."
I feel something different about appealing to flourishing in church, but I can't help but be proud if I'm asked.
Speaking and letting him listen based on the marriage business, Kanes shouted impressively, looking at Hexa's face and thinking about his next hand.
"I don't set you up using apse. You thought of something funny."
"The method of using the apse as a light intake was now obsolete, but the new incision worthy of the first step of restoration made the great church of Yoinsley and Beauterrum appreciate it. Thanks to this, people are coming good to have a wedding."
Of course, the design of the sculpture is highly appreciated, not just the apse.
Talk while responding to the one hand Kanes struck.
"Amane had a ceremony at that church, didn't she?
Face to face and silence for a while.
"You weren't married yet?
"I think it's time to consolidate myself, but I'm going to do it now. What about Kanes, with Mr. Calaria?"
"Well, you know what?
"I don't know."
"No progress. Don't make me say it."
Apparently, we were both screwed.
Kanes holds hands behind his head and leads to the couch.
"Oh, I already thought Amane would be so married. Come on. I thought I'd share my experiences with you for reference, but I missed my guess."
"This is our dialogue. I thought Kaynes would have gotten his hands on Mr. Calaria."
Continue to hexanize both sides as they become hectic.
He settled on my win as he engaged and looked over the chess score as Kanes regretted it.
"Even I'm trying to take a step forward. But I can get away with it."
"Can you get away?
For a moment, I remembered when Melmie ran away. But I don't think Mr. Calaria is such a heck of a bitch.
But Kanes nodded with his chess score on the table.
"We can get away with this. After I built this office, I tried to build my house. So when I designed it, I asked her if she would live with me in Calaria."
"Oh! You do it!
You said exactly what you were supposed to do when you thought it was the same heck as me.
But Kanes shakes his head to the side.
He said, "I don't think that's the time."
"You were putting something in there?
"I was in the middle of a bridging business. More aquaculture farms in Ayuka, and building clinics and other clinics to promote them to towns as they advance their breeding plans."
"You're too busy. If you're about to be thrown in there until your wedding appointment, I say no to anyone."
"It's a long way from a church that seems to be ready for a ceremony."
"I should have done it after I settled down. Now or never."
"It's the mountains that want to, but it's awkward for a while after they say no. If they say no again, I think that awkwardness will come back..."
Is that why I screwed up?
"Do you have any good ideas?
"If I did, I'd be confessing to Richay."
"You didn't even confess."
"Ugh, shut up. I'll confess when I get home."
"Is that true?
It's all true this time.
"I've always had a sloppy relationship because I'm around, but what's the right separation if I go home from this solo trip? I thought it would be like."
"Oh, the love I noticed away."
That phrase, it sounds too late, so stop it.
All right, and Kanes hits the knee.
"You can write to me when Amane and Mr. Richay get married. Because it's going to be a good opportunity."
"Nothing, but you think it would piss us off if we told Mr. Calaria we were to marry ourselves because me and Richay got married, too?
"... why?
"Doesn't that sound like you decided to get married against me and Richay?
"If you ask me that, I guess so. But you're overthinking it, aren't you?
"Anxiety elements should be eliminated wherever possible. Besides, like the last time they turned us down because we're busy, aren't we busy with refugee protection this time?
"I'm not at a stage where I'm still in full motion, so I can get about the time to have a wedding"
"Then why don't you just confess without saying four or five?
"I don't know..."
Unboiled Caines.
"That's right, Amane's leaving tomorrow, isn't it? Why don't you slow down a little bit?"
You've changed the subject openly.
Kind chewed up the credibility of the word "call friends," and I rode without hesitation to change the subject.
If we continue this topic any further, we're going to dig a grave.
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