Why Don't You Let Me Burn It?

Chapter 18 Gray Minister

"Save my life~"

Sun Yuting didn't dare to open her eyes. She hadn't gone through the leaping ceremony yet, she was just an ordinary person.

I don’t even dare to go bungee jumping.

Lin Mi's jump almost scared her soul out of her mind.

The moment Lin Mi jumped out, fierce flames burst out from the entire eighth floor.

The spiritual energy fuel was ignited, countless heat was released, and several tongues of fire jumped out.

On the ground, countless people raised their heads.

Under the firelight, a masked boy jumped down holding a pale girl with twin tails.

"I'm going to choke you! Get out of the way!" the fire chief glared and yelled.

Everyone hurriedly moved away from Lin Mi's foothold.


A burst of dust and smoke was thrown up from the ground. Fortunately, Lin Mi was very physically fit, but his chest only felt tight.

A billboard was used as a buffer in the middle, and Sun Yuting was only a little frightened.

Putting the girl down, Lin Mi turned his head and narrowed his eyes to look at the raging eighth floor.

Even if there was a fire, it shouldn't have burned so fiercely, right?

The fire spread too quickly.

"Tingting!" The woman rushed over, hugged Sun Yuting, and burst into tears.

"Mom? Why are you here!"

Sun Yuting was in shock, and she regained consciousness after being held in the woman's arms: "Mom, I'm fine, I was... rescued by him..."

"Thank you! Thank you!" The woman thanked Lin Mi with tears in her eyes, and Lin Mi waved her hand to indicate that she was fine.

The fire chief came over: "Little brother, thank you for your help. Everyone has been rescued now and there is no need to go in again."

To be honest, he had never seen such a reckless young man.

He rescued people faster than the professional fire brigade. The key was that he didn't even wear protective clothing!

When Lin Mi heard that everyone had been rescued, he felt relieved and laughed: "It's a small matter, as long as you can save people!"

"Little brother, can you leave your name?" The fire chief rubbed his hands.

Such a good young talent must be brought into his team!

Lin Mi thought for a moment and said resolutely: "Changshan Zhao Zilong is the one!"

"Okay! Changshan Zhao..." As soon as he wrote three words, the corner of the fire captain's mouth twitched.

Do you think I haven’t seen the Three Kingdoms?

When he looked up again, Lin Mi had disappeared.

When it's over, I brush off my clothes and go away, hiding my merits and fame. If you want to ask me, who am I, Changshan Zhao Zilong!


The fire captain couldn't find Lin Mi, so he had no choice but to give up and organize his team members to put out the fire quickly.

As for Lin Mi, he ran to a deserted path while no one was paying attention.

Walked back slowly.

He won't get involved in putting out fires. The fire chief does have something.

One person can put out an entire floor of open fire.

When Lin Mi was passing by to save someone, he realized that his spiritual power was to "reserve water".

It can store lake water in normal times and release it at critical times.

No wonder he can be the fire chief, there is so much water...

Although Lin Mi's shirt was in tatters, he was in a good mood.

After discovering his own fire immunity, all fire jumpers had no advantage in front of him.

As I walked, the people around me suddenly became deserted.

A middle-aged man carrying a briefcase appeared in front of Lin Mi, with an anxious look on his face.

He didn't care. He had to go back and change clothes quickly to avoid being seen by Sister Tang and nagging him for a long time.

And he hasn't slept much in two days.

The full effort to save people in the fire has consumed a lot of energy, and now I just want to take a good nap.

The two passed each other, and instantly, Lin Mi felt an extremely strong sense of crisis.

Within a third of a second, he reacted and lowered his head sharply.

A cold light flashed over his head, and Lin Mi immediately jumped a few steps away and stared at the middle-aged man with squinted eyes.

The anxiety had disappeared from his face, and he held a short blade in his hand.

He grinned wildly and said, "Hahaha, I actually dodged it! I actually dodged it!"

A question mark slowly floated over Lin Mi's head. Is this person... probably not a psychopath?

"Old man? Are you out of your mind?"

The middle-aged man snorted coldly: "Boy, you saved a lot of people!"

Lin Mi heard this, scratched his head and laughed: "Oh, oh, oh, it's all trivial~"

"If it weren't for you, I could have killed more people!"

Lin Mi: "..."

Lailaidi, it turns out that you bastard started the fire, right?

After sizing up the middle-aged man in front of him, Lin Mi seemed to have thought of something.

He clapped his hands: "Are you Hui Chen?!"

Apart from this wanted guy, there is no one else who dares to cause trouble at this time.

But isn’t this guy hiding well? Why did you show up in front of him?

"Haha, you guessed it right, how about you let me guess too, at this age and with such ability, you are the heaven-level psychic leaper here, Lin Mi..."

Lin Mi shook his head, his eyes firm: "No! I am Changshan Zhao Zilong!"

"Zhao Zilong, you&%¥☆beep beep, do you think I'm the second one?" Hui Chen suddenly cursed.

It felt like Lin Mi took him for a fool.

Lin Mi spread his hands: "Forget it if you don't believe it~"

"Hmph, it took no effort at all. If you hide, I may not be able to find you. Now that you've delivered it to me by yourself, then...die!"

Hui Chen rushed towards Lin Mi with a knife, so fast that Lin Mi's pupils shrank into needles.

Depend on! Come as you say! The phone in my pocket hasn’t been connected yet!

The blade struck with violent force.

With extremely high reflexes, Lin Mi stepped aside in time and turned to stare at Hui Chen closely.

He doesn't know the opponent's details, and he doesn't know whether he can beat him or not.

This guy seems to be coming for him. To be on the safe side, it's better to shake him...

"Don't waste any effort, the signal here has been blocked! And those guys from the Demon Suppression Department were all attracted by the explosion I arranged. Boy, just lead me and kill them!"

Hui Chen laughed arrogantly, and Lin Mi called the cell phone in his pocket for a long time, but there was no response.

He vaguely saw thick smoke rising in the distance, and there were accidents elsewhere!

This guy didn't lie.

Lin Mi frowned and stared at the briefcase in Hui Chen's hand. It should be a shielding device.

Hui Chen continued to slash at Lin Mi with his knife. When he slashed, Lin Mi hid.

The blade scraped across his face, shoulders, and scalp, but never touched his body.

Lin Mi's mental power is highly concentrated. This gray minister is very powerful, but his reflexes are not weak.

After a few times, Hui Chen turned around and glared at Lin Mi angrily, shouting: "How dare you hide!?"

He didn't expect Lin Mi's reflexes to be so high. He was not at all like a high school student who had just awakened for a week.

"Nonsense, why don't you hide and wait to be beheaded by you?" Lin Mi rolled his eyes, this guy is really mentally disturbed.

"Hahaha, I should be beheaded, hahaha, beheaded!!"

Hui Chen smiled arrogantly: "When they were beheaded by me, they should thank me! Because in the next scene, if they are alive, they will be worse than dead!"

"This guy..." Lin Mi clenched his fists. This gray minister is at least a late-stage jumper in the Yunhun Realm, so he is a bit tricky...

Moreover, the opponent's offensive was continuous, and Lin Mi could only wait for a decisive opportunity.

Hui Chen was still laughing, and Lin Mi didn't know what he was laughing at.

"Since you escaped my knife, prepare to be buried by my fire!"

Hui Chen waved his hand and threw the dagger aside. He stared at Lin Mi with ferocious eyes, his aura suddenly exploded and his spiritual energy surged.

"Psychic Power: Flame Waterfall!"

A crimson waterfall poured down from Lin Mi's head, and the blazing orange flames instantly engulfed him.

The ground he stood on was twisted and melted by the heat.

The water in the grass evaporated instantly, and the sycamore trees beside the road were set on fire.

"Hahaha, die, die! Feel the most painful way to die!"

"Hide? Are you going to hide again? Hahaha!"

Hui Chen grinned as wide as possible and danced as if celebrating victory.

But he didn't notice the indifferent chuckle on Lin Mi's lips when the flame waterfall fell.

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