Why Don't You Let Me Burn It?

Chapter 83 The Oriole Is Behind, Sweeping The Secret Realm

Tens of meters away from the shade of the tree, Huang Meng summoned a jellyfish bomb, aimed it in the direction and threw it.

Lin Mi didn't want to be lazy, the main reason was that if he took action, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to save her when the time came.

It's just some points, nothing to do.

Huang Meng's jellyfish bomb is just right, and its power can be adjusted according to the different degrees of Huang Meng's spiritual energy.

The strength is just right, and it's not nerve-wracking.

The little jellyfish swam and swam until it reached the shade of the tree.

"Huh? What?"

"It's strange that there are jellyfish in the forest?"


"Run wow"


The jellyfish bomb exploded directly, and the impact directly tore the bushes apart, exposing several Voldemorts underneath.

Without any precautions, this explosion directly confused them.

When he woke up, a long scarlet knife was already placed on the neck of one of them.

"Friend, are you here to poop?"

"Yes...or not..."

When they met Lin Mi, they didn't even want to resist. They just couldn't beat him, so they might as well save some energy.

After collecting the points, Lin Mi knocked these people unconscious.

It should be mentioned here that there are points for eliminating candidates, but not many, only equivalent to an E-level alien beast.

But no matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat.

After Lin Mi and others left, these Voldemorts were taken away from the secret realm by the Yuan Xia army.

People kept cheering in the live broadcast room.

"I was tricked by this group of people just now. Thank you Lin Mi for helping me take revenge!"

"Drones have made great contributions, hahaha"

"Who is the next victim?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? You should tell me who will be killed next."

"Yes, yes, yes"

After taking the first vote, Lin Mi and others were basically familiar with the process.

During the sweep, sometimes Lin Mi and Xia Xi keenly discovered the drone before Ren Shan could analyze it.

Huang Meng bombed Lin Mi to finish, Xia Xi gained points and cooperated smoothly.

Before the other party could react, he was taken away by Yuan Xia's army.

I have to say that the method proposed by Ren Shan is quite useful, because there are really many Lao Liu in the secret realm.

As the main culprit for changing the style of secret painting, Ren Shan's reputation has gradually increased, and people are constantly applauding him.

I almost forgot why there are so many Voldemorts in the secret realm.

And Huang Meng's obedient look with her jellyfish bomb and a small face that strictly enforces orders has made more and more people accept her.

No longer think of the two of them as guys who can only paddle.

"I said, Sanzi, how many sets of cheats have you sold?"

When the seventeenth Voldemort team was eliminated, Lin Mi couldn't help but mention it.

Are all young people today so unenthusiastic?

Why do you like to scheme against people?

Ren Shan scratched his head: "Not much, just a hundred sets..."

"Where's your money?"

"I drew a card"

"What did you get?"

“Nothing, it’s sunk”


These teams have hunted some strange beasts before, and with the points gained from eliminations, the points of Lin Mi and the others are constantly rising.

Everyone has thousands of points, but they are still ranked below Sima Fengzhu.

He is alone and does not have to share points with others, which gives him a huge advantage.

It's just that without encountering C-level beasts, his points growth rate is actually not as fast as Lin Mi.

The points gap between the two continues to narrow.

After resting for a while, Lin Mi and the others continued their action, barely sparing any corner.

In the mad sweep inside the secret realm, no one can escape the eyes of a few people.

After all, their secret books were compiled by Ren Shan, and Ren Shan knew exactly where they would hide.

Under the shade of the trees, in the crevices of the rocks, on the rocks, and even at the bottom of the river, they were all visited by Lin Mi and the others.

Those who want to be mean to others can't be mean to others, because everyone has the same idea.

In the end, Lin Mi took the points.

More and more Voldemort teams were eliminated by Lin Mi, and their points were also rising at a terrifying speed.

The open range of this secret realm is actually not very large. Lin Mi feels that there should be a secret realm outside the invisible curtain wall at the edge of the secret realm, but some powerful people have isolated it, leaving only this place for competitions.

As the day and night passed, less than 30% of the candidates remained in the secret realm.

In addition to those who were tricked by Lao Liu and those who were eliminated by Lin Mi Huangque, there were also some who were eliminated because they encountered invincible beasts.

As Lin Mi explored more and more places, he also encountered other strange beasts, and he took advantage of them.

Converted into his mental power and progress bar.

There are fewer and fewer strange beasts in the secret realm, and there is no third C-level beast.

Until he encounters no more strange beasts, there is only the last gap left in the inner circle that fills up his blazing sun pattern.

When there were only ten teams left in the secret realm, the points scored by Lin Mi and the others surpassed Sima Fengzhu, regaining the top four.

Sima Fengzhu walked all the way, and basically no one would choose to jump out and attack him.

Although he is only one person, the two burly generals in golden armor behind him look too impressive, and they go up to deliver food.

Occasionally, he was a bit stubborn and was swarmed by two generals and eliminated without any effort.

The enthusiasm of those watching the battle continued, and they were all looking forward to the peak battle between Lin Mi and Sima Fengzhu, which would definitely be much more exciting than the previous battle scenes.

In the secret realm, the number of candidates gradually decreased. After half a day, a thousand candidates were already sitting in the rest area outside the secret realm.

There was a lot of quarreling going on right now, with each scolding getting worse than the last.

"Bah, little man, let you fuck me, I

"This is called tactics, do you understand?"

"Fuck your tactics, it's a one-on-one challenge."

"Just hit whoever you're afraid of."

The staff member responsible for maintaining order frowned and shouted coldly: "Quiet!"

Under a pressure, the rest area suddenly fell silent.

The staff member sighed inwardly and asked to end it quickly. He could hardly stand it anymore.

Suddenly, some candidates exclaimed: "Look! Lin Mi and the others seem to be about to encounter Wu Xin's group!"

It immediately attracted the attention of all the candidates.

In the rest area, Huang Yuan and Su Ya, who had undergone treatment and detoxification, looked at each other, their teeth grinding loudly.

"Brother Huang Yuan, how do you think Brother Lin Mi will deal with that guy?"

"Hmph, Aya, just wait, there's something good to watch."

Huang Yuan looked meaningfully at Xia Xi walking next to Lin Mi on the screen and murmured in a low voice.

"That's right, hehe, that's good!"

Su Ya was very happy when she heard this. This poisonous guy didn't look like a good person at first glance. When she looked back at the video, that look made her very uncomfortable.

"I hope brother Lin Mi will use more force to kill his second brother!"

Huang Yuan: "..."

In the live broadcast room, people watching the game also discovered the situation.

"What the hell? This Wu Xin hasn't been eliminated yet?"

“What a good luck”

"If you're lucky, you won't meet Lin Mi, haha."

"Brothers, I'm back and successfully completed the mission."

"Master's power"

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