Since this ability has just been awakened, this wave attacks indiscriminately wherever it passes. The first person it passes is Scar who is fighting on the coast. After a battle and excessive use of the ability, he is exhausted and faints after a few seconds.

Then comes Moo Moo, the manatee beside the ship. He falls down the moment he touches the ship. Fortunately, the angle is off, otherwise the pirate ship will definitely be crushed. Then comes Deus and Michal on the ship. The two hold on a little longer and then join the ranks of the unconscious.

And Ace, the owner of this scene, fainted due to exhaustion due to excessive use.

Seeing such a grand scene, Ai Ye thought: "Oh, this is Conqueror's Haki. I was still wondering how to make him awaken Conqueror's Haki. It's true that man proposes, God disposes. Now that Conqueror's Haki is available, Armament Haki and Observation Haki should also speed up the progress. Nami's fate has changed here, and Ace's fate should also change."

Soon after Ace fell, Ajian rushed over with the remaining villagers. Seeing this scene, he was also stunned for a while, and then immediately came to his senses, tied up all the fishmen, and took Ace and Ace's members back to the village.

An hour later, Ace woke up slowly.

Ai Ye appeared and said, "Hey, you finally woke up."

Ace touched his aching head and said, "What the hell is going on? Are my crew members okay? What happened to the Dragon Pirates?"

Ai Ye said, "Don't worry, you killed the most powerful dragons, so there is no need to worry about the other members. Your crew members are all in the next room and are still unconscious. Yes, you knocked them out."

Ace said confusedly, "Me? I remember I was far away from them. I saw them about to be killed by the giant beast, so I suddenly got mad, and then I didn't have any impression."

Ai Ye said, "Well, congratulations on awakening the Conqueror Haki when you were mad. This is a special Haki that only one in a million people has. The basis for entering the Grand Line is to have Haki, of which Armament Haki and Observation Haki can be acquired later. Cultivation, this domineering color domineering depends on talent. Well, let me briefly talk about the abilities of these domineering. First of all, the armed color is just like its name, which means that you have a layer of armor on your body and can also be used as a weapon. The most representative figure at present is your grandfather, the Navy Garp, who uses the armed color to perfection. At that time, he was the one who chased your father everywhere. "

Ace was stunned for a moment and said: "How do you know that Garp is my grandfather? I didn't say it, did I?"

Ai Ye said: "What's this? You will recognize a man with two white beards as your father later. Don't worry, I won't hurt you. You and I are the same body. If you are good, I am good. "

Ace said shyly: "How can I recognize someone else as my father, don't talk nonsense. "

Ai Ye said seriously: "Okay, these are not important for the time being , now improving strength is the most important thing, by the way, where was I just talking about. "

Ace replied: "I was just talking about Armament Haki."

Ai Ye said: "By the way, the most basic Armament Haki is to condense a layer of protection on the surface of the person, and later advanced use can achieve internal destruction, etc., which you cannot achieve for the time being, so I won't talk about it. Next, I will introduce Observation Haki. How to describe this effect? ​​For example, if you are blind, you can see the world around you with Observation Haki, which is the same as having no eyes (Fujitora: You are a bit presumptuous). When you use it in battle, you will have a 360-degree picture without blind spots. When the Observation Haki is powerful, you can also predict the future or explore the thoughts of all things. Your father's Observation Haki is inclined to explore the thoughts of all things. "

Ace interrupted and said: "My God, if my Observation Haki If you can detect the future with your sense of smell, then you are invincible."

Ai Ye rolled his eyes: "Not everyone can predict the future, and those who can predict a few seconds basically have the combat power of the vice-captain, that is, their overall strength is a little weaker than that of the admiral. Besides, you haven't awakened your sense of smell yet."

Ace said: "Hahaha, yes, Ai Ye, you know how to train, right?"

Ai Ye coughed and said softly: "Ahem, maybe, let's talk about this Conqueror's Haki at the end. Those who possess Conqueror's Haki basically become the overlords of the sea. Your father Roger and your future father Whitebeard are all Conqueror's Haki owners."

Ace said resentfully: "Can you stop talking about your father? Why do you always talk about it? I will definitely beat this Whitebeard until he calls me dad, just wait and see. ”

Ai Ye: “Okay, let me briefly talk about Conqueror Haki. It is the embodiment of a person’s spirit. Although Conqueror Haki has been awakened, it still needs training. The use of Conqueror Haki is to use momentum to stun people weaker than you, just like you did before, but you can’t control the target at that time. When you train to be able to control it, you can also use it like Armament Haki.Attack. That's all, your crew are almost awake, you can go check on them."

Ace said: "They are all awake, so I'll go check on them."

At the same time, Ace thought: "I must become stronger and beat Whitebeard to death."

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