The scene turns to Ace. After a few days of hard training, Ace and the others have slightly improved their combat power, especially Ace's Observation Haki has finally awakened. The four of them are preparing to set sail again and enter the Grand Line.

Deuce: "Ace, now our combat power has also improved a lot. I think we can challenge the Grand Line. Are we ready to set sail?"

Skarl said: "Too boring. I want to collect pirate peripherals and go on adventures. Besides, to improve combat power, we still need to fight more powerful people. Fighting with beasts is no longer interesting. And I'm tired of eating barbecue recently. I think we should find a chef. I heard that there will be a chef competition in Rogue Town some time ago. We can go and ask for one. I'm not saying to look for one."

Michal said: "I agree. It's indeed time to set sail. I also need to buy some new books. I have read my previous books several times."

Ace replied: "Okay, then you go and collect some supplies. I'll go to the center of the island for an adventure. I heard a loud noise before that made me break through the observation color. I'll go and see what it is. When I come back, we'll set off."

As he said that, he walked deep into the island.

The scene turns to the Roaring Tiger cave. Kodaz comes to the waterside to get water as usual. On the way back, he accidentally crushes an ordinary piece of wood. With a click, dead wood blocks can be seen everywhere in the forest. It is not surprising to crush one piece. Kodaz did not take it seriously. Unexpectedly, tragedy happened. A rope suddenly appeared on the ground and tied his legs. Then he was dragged upside down on the tree. Then several small arrows shot over and hit him. Fortunately, they did not hit the vital parts. However, there was an anesthetic on the arrow. Kodaz only had time to say: "Ah, I lost it." Then he fainted. He was fine when he came out, but he couldn't go back.

This set of traps happened in a very short time, and then the alarm bell of the poaching group rang.

Cat Boss: "Hahaha, it seems that our prey is on it. Little ones, follow me."

He led the large group to the waterside. Yes, this trap was set by the thieves. They originally wanted to catch the Roaring Tiger, but they didn't expect to catch Kodaz.

When Boss Cat arrived at the trap, he saw a little gray guy hanging upside down on a tree, but he didn't see the figure of Roaring Tiger.

Boss Cat: "Can someone explain what's going on?"

Boss Cat's military advisor: "Boss, I think this little guy should be the gray shadow mentioned by Ada before. Judging from his appearance, he can be sold to those nobles and should be able to sell for a good price."

Boss Cat: "I want Roaring Tiger. Put this one in a cage first."

Military advisor: "Boss, it seems that Roaring Tiger is really seriously injured and needs help from others to drink water. We can use this little guy to set a trap to lure the opponent out of the cave, and then we can besiege it together."

Boss Cat: "Military advisor is military advisor, this plan is very good, hahaha."

Under the arrangement of the military advisor, Kodaz was put into a small cage and placed near the Roaring Tiger cave, and traps were arranged around the cage. Although Kodaz was awake at this time, due to the large amount of anesthetics, he could only lie in the cage, his eyes dull and looking at the distance.

After an hour, Xiao Tianhu found that Kodaz had not returned yet. Worried that he was in danger, he struggled to move to the water. As soon as he came out of the cave, he smelled Kodaz's breath and followed the breath to the direction of the trap. Soon he saw Kodaz trapped in a cage and his life or death was unknown.

Xiao Tianhu roared; "Ah." Then he accelerated to Kodaz's cage. Not long after running, he triggered the trap and fell into the trap. There were spikes in the trap with anesthetics on them. Gradually, Xiao Tianhu lost his strength.

Kodaz saw that his friend had also fallen into the trap, but the anesthetic effect had not yet disappeared. He drooled at the corners of his mouth and barely made a sound of "Hehe" in his throat. His body trembled and it was very difficult.

Boss Cat: "Hahaha, the military advisor's plan is amazing. They caught it right away. Hurry up and get the Roaring Tiger and put it in a box. After we sell it, we can have fun together. So I, Boss Cat, will pay for it."

Oh oh oh oh

Just as the poaching group was packing the Roaring Tiger in full swing, Ace was slowly approaching a few miles away from them.

Ai Ye went to explore the way and came back and said: "Ace, hurry up. There are poachers catching wild animals and a fur tribe ahead."

Ace: "Fur tribe? What is that?"

Ai Ye: "I'll tell you in detail after you get rid of the poachers."

After hearing this, Ace immediately accelerated and rushed towards the poaching group.

"Big Fireball" Ace has now mastered the essence of Ai Ye. He will never fight hard if he can sneak attack. A big fireball directly sent away most of the poachers.The life of the team.

Cat Boss: "Who are you? You actually hurt my mountain cat group."

He transformed into a beast form and showed his sharp fangs and claws and rushed towards Ace. Unfortunately, Cat Boss had not learned Haki yet and had no advantage in front of the natural system. With the recent training, Ace's strength has improved a lot. After practicing the observation color with his eyes closed, he took away Cat Boss with a fire fist. "

The last words of Cat Boss after his death may be: "Damn it, you are so strong, why don't you just give me a quick one? You made me fight for so long, it's too bullying. "

After killing Cat Boss, he killed the remaining poachers with dozens of small fireballs.

When they came to the cage, the two of them took the iron chain and turned it into flames to heat it. The iron chain was melted into molten iron and rescued Kodaz from the cage.

Ace said: "Okay, it's okay. Can you still move? "

Because of the anesthesia, he answered with a tremor.

Ace said: "Uh, lie down for a while, I'll go call the doctor."

He flew to the direction of the pirate group and immediately brought Deuce to the scene. After Deuce's examination, he found no problem except that he was anesthetized. He would recover after the effect of the medicine wore off. By the way, he treated the wound of Xiao Tianhu and applied medicine.

After the treatment, it started to get dark. Scarlet and Mihael came over. Seeing the situation, they went to hunt some meat and made a fire on the spot to roast the meat. Several people chatted around the fire.

Ace: "That tiger is really big, and that little guy actually looks like us. It should be able to understand what we say. I'm going to invite it on board, hehe."

Scarlet said: "That little guy seems to be a fur tribe, a race that lives on Zou in legend. I didn't expect to see it here."

Deuce: "It will be more lively with more little guys."

Mihael: "Hahaha, I can pet the cat now. "

Kodaz listened to their conversation and slowly recovered his strength by smelling the aroma of the barbecue. He walked to the fire and picked up the barbecue and started eating. Seeing his condition, several people did not disturb him.

When he had almost finished eating, Ace asked: "Hello, my name is Ace, can you understand me?"

Kodaz said shyly with a mouth full of food: "Woo woo woo, thank you for saving me and Dahuzi, my name is Kodaz, this barbecue is delicious."

Ace: "It's great that you can understand. We are pirates and want to invite you to adventure together. I wonder if you are willing."

Kodaz: "Ah, I want to wait until Dahuzi wakes up."

Ace: "No problem, our ship is in that direction, and we will set sail on time at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. If you decide to join, come over. "

After that, Ace waited for the crew to return to the ship.

Not long after, Xiao Tianhu woke up.

Kodaz said: "Big Tiger, I think I may have to leave. I met a partner worth getting along with, and I want to go on an adventure."

Ah, ah.

Kodaz: "I know you can't bear to leave me, and I can't bear to leave you either. You have to be well without me. I'm leaving."

Ah, ah.

Kodaz: "When I come back, I will definitely bring you delicious food and tell you my adventure stories."

Ah, ah.

Chat a lot of nonsense again.

The pirate ship set sail on time at 8 o'clock in the morning. Kodaz arrived in time, and the number of members of Ace's pirate group increased by one.

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