At this time, the atmosphere at the cooking competition was lively, and all the chefs showed their superb cooking skills. The chefs came from different regions and wore their own exclusive clothes. Some chefs even had weapons on their bodies, but everyone was very focused when cooking and performed the operation in an orderly manner.

Some chefs were skillfully cutting vegetables. Their knife skills were skillful and every knife was extremely accurate. They cut the ingredients into uniform blocks or slices. Then, they put the cut ingredients into the pot, added appropriate seasonings, and stir-fried them. The flame licked the bottom of the pot, and the ingredients flew and jumped in the pot, giving off an attractive aroma.

Other chefs were carefully making desserts. They skillfully used various tools and materials to decorate the cakes like works of art. The cream in the piping bag was as smooth as silk, squeezing out exquisite patterns on the cake. The fruits were cut into slices or carved into flower shapes, cleverly dotted on the cake, adding a bit of color and vitality.

On the other side, the chefs were baking delicious barbecue. They carefully selected fresh meat, marinated it with secret seasonings, and then put the meat into the oven. As time went by, the surface of the barbecue gradually became golden and crispy, and the inside was tender and juicy, making people salivate.

Each chef was fully focused on his work, and they performed the art of food with passion and creativity. The audience was also attracted by this wonderful cooking show, and they exclaimed and applauded from time to time.

When the crowd was focused on the cooking competition, a pirate ship broke through the waves. It was very fast, like a ferocious beast, rushing straight to the port. The hull of this pirate ship was wrapped in iron sheets, and all the ships it passed were sunk to the bottom of the sea without exception.

The canvas fluttered in the wind, and the flag was printed with a skull pattern, which looked particularly hideous. A group of ferocious pirates stood on the side of the ship, holding weapons, with greedy and fierce expressions on their faces.

The pirate ship quickly docked, and then a group of pirates jumped off the ship. They were agile and fierce like wolves and tigers. A large number of black thieves appeared in the square and surrounded the cooking competition. The originally lively competition venue suddenly became silent, and people looked at these uninvited guests in horror, at a loss. The appearance of the pirates broke the tranquility of the competition site and plunged the entire cooking competition into chaos.

The navy, led by the base commander Changchun, quickly confronted the pirates.

A tall figure walked out of the pirates. This man was the boss of this group of pirates. He was burly and muscular, like an iron tower. There was a hideous scar on his face, extending from his left eye to his chin, which made people shudder. He was wearing a black leather coat, and the wind blew the corners of his clothes, as if announcing his dominance.

His eyes were as sharp as an eagle, sweeping across the figure of every navy, making people dare not look at him. He held a huge scimitar in his hand, and the blade flashed with cold light, as if ready to harvest lives at any time. Finally, the target is set on Colonel Dachun who is wearing the cloak of justice.

Dachun is an ordinary-looking navy with a medium build, if he is not wearing the navy justice cloak. His appearance is nothing special, with a plain face and ordinary facial features. However, when the pirates meet his eyes, they will be shocked by his eyes, which are a pair of eyes that see through death.

The tall figure said: "I am Shi Dali, a green mane warrior and one of the generals under the Lizard King. My king is about to hold a wedding banquet and urgently needs chefs. I heard that there is a cooking competition here, so I specially sent me from the Grand Line to bring these chefs back to prepare a banquet for him. If you hand over the people obediently, I will spare your lives, otherwise I will bloodbath this town."

Dachun said: "I am the highest officer of this town. I can't give the people to you. You want people to step over me."

Dachun said to the navy around him: "For justice, protect the evacuation of civilians."

"For justice"

Shi Dali: "If you don't drink the toast, drink the penalty wine. Let's kill them all."


After that, the two picked up their weapons and fought together, and the knives in their hands drew a cold light in the air. At the same time, they swung their knives to fight back, and the two knives collided, making a crisp collision sound. Their movements were swift and agile, and each knife carried a deadly threat. Their figures intertwined in the square, and the knives flashed. The crowd around the place where the two fought retreated.

Suddenly, Shi Dali turned into a lizard man, exerted his strength, and used his huge tail to hit Dachun out. Fortunately, Dachun used his armed color to protect his body in time. It turned out that Shi Dali was a lizard man who ate the animal-type devil fruit green iguana. As time went on, Dachun's physical strength was a little weak under such a high-intensity fight. In terms of physical strength, he had eaten the animal-type devil fruit and had a better advantage., accidentally revealed a flaw, was knocked out by Shi Dali, and crashed into a house and his life or death was unknown.

Ace happened to see the chaotic scene, and instantly fought with Shi Dali in anger, attacking with fire from time to time, burning Shi Dali's skin in many places.

"You actually made trouble, my chef ran away, my promise is going to be slapped in the face, damn it, it's all you."

Shi Dali saw Ace coming fiercely, and he had just experienced a battle, and his physical strength had declined seriously. It was not a good fight with him, so he immediately said: "The little guys retreat."

After that, he immediately took the pirates and fled on the boat.

Seeing that the other party had escaped, Ace was still thinking about finding the chef, so he decisively gave up the idea of ​​keeping Shi Dali and started looking for him in the chaotic crowd.

Just saw a person wearing a chef's hat, this is a woman with a musket on her body.

Ace walked up and asked, "Hello, our fleet is short of a chef, would you like to join us?"

When the woman heard that someone actually invited her, she immediately agreed happily.

Ace took the woman who thought she was a chef back to the ship.

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