The pirate ship set sail for the Grand Line. After the ship entered the voyage smoothly, several people gathered together.

Ace said: "Hahaha, this is the chef I found. Her name is, by the way, I haven't asked you what your name is yet, introduce yourself."

Deuce said to himself: "No way, so unreliable."

Kodaz: "Karuqiu, my name is Kodaz, nice to meet you."

Bonsi: "Hahaha, Karuqiu, Kodaz, I am also very happy to meet you, my name is Bonsi, I like cooking."

Mikhail said: "My name is Michal, sniper."

Skarl said: "My name is Scarl, intelligence."

Deuce: "My name is Deuce, doctor."

"It's nice to meet you all. I hope you like the food I make, otherwise I will be very angry." Bonsi glanced at the people on the boat with murderous eyes, making their backs chilly. This feeling came and went quickly.

After the introduction, everyone went about their own business.

During the voyage, Ace caught a big fish, and Bonsi immediately made it into sashimi. High-end ingredients often only require simple cooking methods.

Only salt was added to the fish slices, and everyone was very satisfied with the food and praised Bonsi's good cooking skills, especially Kodaz who liked it very much.

Bonsi smiled happily when he saw that his cooking skills were popular with everyone.

During this period, Ai Ye gave Ace the general direction of the Navy Six Styles.

Ai Ye: "Ace, here is the general training method of the Navy Six Styles. You can figure it out yourself and teach the crew.

Shaving: Through the instant burst of leg strength, a strong propulsion force is generated to achieve high-speed movement. Practitioners need to constantly exercise leg muscles, improve explosive power and speed, and basically achieve six steps per second.

Iron Block: Make the body as hard as steel to resist the enemy's attack. This requires strengthening the body's hardness and endurance, which can be practiced by constantly receiving blows and resisting attacks.

Paper Drawing: Make the body as light as paper to avoid enemy attacks. Practitioners must learn to control the body's center of gravity and balance, and use body movements flexibly.

Moon Step: Move in the air with your feet on the air. Practitioners need to master jumping and controlling the body's balance in the air, as well as using kicking force to propel in the air. This is an advanced version of Shaving, and the purpose of staying in the air can be achieved by stepping faster.

Lan Jiao: Use the feet as Weapons, release powerful kicks. Practitioners should focus on leg strength training to improve the power and speed of kicks.

Finger gun: Make fingers as sharp as guns and attack. Practitioners need to exercise the strength and flexibility of fingers, as well as master the skills of exerting force.

In general, the practice of the Navy Six Styles requires unremitting physical training, skill practice and combat practice. Each move requires specific training methods and techniques, and it takes a long time of training and accumulation of practical experience to truly master it.

Well, that's about it. You can figure it out by yourself. It's simpler than Armament Haki and Observation Haki. You are so smart that you can definitely do it. Come on, Ace. "

Ace: "Oh my God, you can still train like this. I will try my best to figure it out."

If he was in the era of Ai Ye, he would know that this is called PUA. Ace was very excited to see that Ai Ye gave him so many ways to become stronger, and he immediately figured it out.

Seeing Ace talking to himself and exercising from time to time, Bonsi felt very strange. Seeing Bonsi's curiosity, Deus told her about Ace's condition. After that, Bonsi got used to it. On the way to the Grand Line, in addition to making sashimi, Bonsi also competed with several people, and his strength was similar to theirs (the initial awakening of observation Haki, the initial awakening of armed Haki).

As for why, only those who eat it know. The other foods made by Bonsi are not cooked, and the seasoning is only salt, nothing else. She is an essentialist of ingredients, that is, cooking will destroy the original taste of the food, so the food she makes is not cooked, and simple salt is what she thinks is the perfect food. Ace is okay, he can secretly use his ability to heat it up, and the others can only rely on their own stomachs. Of course, Deus's medicine has become a best-seller.

Before the pirate ship arrived at the Red Earth Continent.

Bangsi said: "Oh my god, the mountain is so high, are we in the wrong place?"

Skar said: "Yes, we are in the right place. To enter the Great Route from the East China Sea, we need to pass through the rising current of the Red Earth Continent. This current has buried 90% of the ships. It is here, look ahead."

When the ship approached the Red Earth Continent, the crew could see a huge current, which was surging like a huge wall of water. The water flow was surging violently, and the ship was swept into it and actually climbed up the Red Earth Continent.

The ship struggled to move forward in the current, and the crew needed toIt takes all the effort to maneuver the ship to keep balance and avoid being swept away by the current. They hold on to the side of the ship tightly, trying to fight the current, while also dealing with the wind, waves and reefs on the sea.

As the ship gradually rises, the crew can feel a strong force pushing them upwards. Their heartbeats speed up, full of anticipation and tension.

When there are reefs that cannot be avoided, Ace will use his ability to smash the reefs directly. Avoid one danger after another.

When the ship finally crosses the Red Earth Continent, the crew will see an open sea in front of them. This is the entrance to the Grand Line, full of unknowns and opportunities. They cheered excitedly and welcomed the beginning of a new adventure.

The process of crossing the Red Earth Continent is difficult and dangerous, but for those pirates who are eager to explore and pursue their dreams, this is a necessary challenge. Only by going through the rising current can they enter the Grand Line and embark on a more exciting adventure.

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