With Labb joining, sailing became much easier. Sometimes they entered Labb's belly and dived to the bottom of the water to see the beautiful sea and seabed scenery through the window on Labb's body. Sometimes they climbed on Labb's back to enjoy sunbathing comfortably. Most of the time, they exercised on an artificial island in the stomach. It was originally a vacation place made by Kurokas. Now Labb went on an adventure with Ace, so this vacation place also became the property of Ace and others.

Ace and others were exercising in the vacation place as usual. Suddenly, a violent shaking came. If it was on the ground, it would be an earthquake, but this was in Labb's body.

Another violent shaking came, and everyone realized that Labb outside had a problem. Through the observation port, they found that he was on the sea at this time. Everyone immediately came to Labb's back to check the situation.

At this time, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and darkness shrouded the sea. The wind was howling, raising huge waves, and violently hitting Labb's body. The waves were tens of meters high, forming moving peaks.

The air was a bit dull and it felt like a heavy rainstorm was coming. At this time, there was a large creature standing on the water in front of Lab. Its body was mainly blue, covered with heavy scales, and shimmering. It had a huge head with a pair of sharp fangs, and its eyes glared forward, revealing a powerful aura. On both sides of the head, there were two yellow fins that swung like ears. There was a row of spikes on its back that extended from the neck to the tail, adding to its majesty. Its tail was strong and powerful, with a huge fan-shaped tail fin at the end, which generated a powerful thrust when swimming. Its limbs were strong, and each foot had three sharp claws, allowing it to grab its opponent in battle.

Skarr said anxiously: "This is a sea king, Gyarados. It is 500 meters long, 100 meters longer than Laboo. We are at a disadvantage at sea, so I suggest retreating first."

Uh uh uh Kodaz translated: "Laboo said it wants to fight. This is its first battle, and he will definitely win."

Skarr said: "Captain"

Ace laughed: "Hahaha, we have to trust our partners, get on the pirate ship and stay away from the battle area."

Several people boarded the pirate ship and sailed away from Laboo. Ace said to Laboo: "Go ahead, Laboo, it's up to you."

Uh "I'll do my best."

The heavy rain began to pour down, and the dense raindrops hit the sea, splashing countless water. The sea water became turbid and turbulent, forming a stream of rapids, raging together with the strong wind.

Ace and others sailed away from the battle range of Laboo and Gyarados. The sea was turbulent, and the ship was shaking violently in the wind and waves, as if it could capsize at any time. The crew members held on to the side of the boat tightly, trying to keep their balance and staring at the direction of Laboo to cheer it up silently. The roar of the wind and the roar of the waves intertwined, and the battle was about to begin.

Lightning broke through the dark sky, and thunder rumbled, as if the anger of nature was venting. Every lightning illuminated the turbulent sea, allowing people to briefly see the horror of the storm.

In such an environment, a huge whale and a larger Gyarados started a thrilling melee. The whale used its huge body and powerful strength to try to knock Gyarados into the deep sea. Gyarados fought back with its agile movements and sharp teeth.

Mihael: "Ace, Laboo is not in an advantage, should we help?"

Ace said seriously: "No, this is its first battle alone, we have to believe it."

Their battle was extremely fierce, and the whale's tail whipped the water violently, raising huge waves. Gyarados dodged Laboo's attack flexibly, and launched attacks with its tail and wings at the same time. The two refused to give in to each other, and it was difficult to tell who would win for a while.

As the battle progressed, Laboo and Gyarados were both injured to varying degrees. Many wounds appeared on the whale's body, and the blood dyed the surrounding sea water red. Gyarados' scales were also peeled off by the whale's impact.

However, they did not retreat and continued to fight with all their might. In the end, after a hard fight, Gyarados was knocked hundreds of meters away by Laboo's powerful headbutt. After a short dizziness, Gyarados immediately retreated to his own territory, and the melee ended with Laboo's victory. The sky began to clear up and the ocean returned to calm again, as if nothing had happened, but this thrilling battle will remain in memory forever.

Seeing that Ace and others immediately drove the boat to Laboo after the battle, Deus immediately began his treatment work.

Ace flew to Abu with the translator Kodaz and said, "Labu, you are amazing. You fought very well in the first battle. We need to find an island to rest now. We will come back after your injury is healed."Let's get going. "

Uh uh uh Laboo made a sound of excitement and joy.

Laboo brought Ace and the others to an uninhabited island. After Deuce checked Laboo, he found that most of his injuries were superficial and he would recover after a week of rest.

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