At this time, a large number of small boats were coming in and out of the port of Adra Island, and occasionally a large ship full of food was sailing out. Every small boat that entered the port was full of various foods, and it was empty when it left the port. The port stevedores were also busy loading the supplies on the small boats onto the large ships. The final destination of all the large ships was the Kingdom of Misty Forest.

A poor man was washed up on the shore of Adra Island by the sea. He climbed up with difficulty and stumbled to the port. His clothes were already tattered. The people at the port seemed to have not seen him and no one helped the man who was about to fall. The porters were all coolies captured by pirates. They were ruthlessly squeezed every day and ate leftovers. The survivors were numb and basically dressed the same as this person. Except for the work they were required to do, other things had nothing to do with them.

The port supervisor found this strange man and thought that some coolie had started to be lazy again. When he was about to give him a whip, he suddenly found that his face was a little familiar, as if he was A Xiao under Captain Shi Xiaoli. He immediately put down the whip and walked over to help him. After a closer look, it was really Ah Xiao. Why could this little supervisor know such a small character? It was because their boss was Shi Dali and Shi Xiaoli, as Shi Dali's younger brother, was usually quite arrogant and domineering. Everyone on the island knew him. As a member of Shi Xiaoli's team, his status also rose a lot, and everyone wanted to curry favor with him to get some benefits. This supervisor happened to have the honor of treating Ah Xiao to dinner, and he was particularly impressed.

Supervisor: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Ah Xiao said weakly: "Hurry up, take me to see the boss."

Ah Xiao fainted after speaking. Seeing this, the supervisor knew that something big had happened, and immediately asked the supervisor next to him to take Ah Xiao to a clinic, and he ran to the palace in the center of Yadra Island.

Guard: "Stop, who dares to trespass into the palace."

Supervisor: "Please report to the boss, Captain Shi Xiaoli may be in trouble."

Guard: "Do you know the consequences of false reporting?"

Supervisor: "I know, please report it urgently."

After hearing this, the guard immediately went into the palace to report, and another guard monitored the supervisor to prevent him from escaping.

Soon a tall and majestic figure came to the gate of the palace. He was Shi Dali, a green mane warrior under the Lizard King.

Shi Dali said with a dignified face: "You said my brother was in trouble? Tell the truth."

The supervisor was so scared by such a scene that he immediately knelt on the ground and said tremblingly: "Yes, yes, yes, I saw Captain Shi's men seriously injured and unconscious at the port that day. I sent him to a clinic and came to report immediately."

Shi Dali: "Lead the way."

Supervisor: "Yes, yes, yes."

The supervisor immediately got up and led Shi Dali.

The scene comes to a clinic, and the supervisor brings Shi Dali to the hospital.

Shi Dali: "What's his condition now? When can he wake up?"

Doctor: "The patient is overworked and has several fractures. He needs more rest."

Shi Dali: "Find a way to wake him up immediately, or you will die."

After hearing this, the doctor trembled all over and used all his life's knowledge to wake up Xiao. He wished he could have learned more when he was studying. Fortunately, the god of luck was on his side. After unremitting efforts, Xiao finally woke up.

Ah Xiao said weakly: "Where am I?"

Shi Dali: "Ah Xiao, where is Shi Xiaoli?"

Ah Xiao saw Shi Dali trembling and said: "Old, old, old, boss, the captain is dead."

Shi Dali asked expressionlessly: "How did he die?"

Ah Xiao: "A few days ago, we went to collect supplies and found a big whale. We were going to kill it for food, but it was killed in return. I survived by chance."

Shi Dali: "Your mission is completed."

After saying that, he immediately jumped up and smashed Ah Xiao and the bed to pieces.

After venting his anger, Shi Dali said: "My brother is dead, you go to accompany him."

"Someone clean up this place, and tell all the members of the fleet to inquire about the whereabouts of the whale. Tell me in time if there is any news."


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