Soon, they arrived at the coast of Adra Island. Ace's assault team landed, and Michal and Deus stayed in Lab.

Skarl: "Do you have any plans?"

Ace: "Just do it." He flew into the island.

Skarl: "Hey, don't be impulsive. Forget it, Ace, there's nothing wrong. Let's go together and deal with danger together."


After Ace, the vanguard, flew for a distance, he felt a strong breath below and immediately flew towards the breath.

Ai Ye: "Ace, be careful, that's the Lizard King's warrior Green Mane Warrior. You fought him before."

Ace: "Don't worry, it's okay, I can handle it."

Ace came directly in front of the Green Mane Warrior.

Shi Dali: "Hehehe, I didn't expect it to be you. It's really a narrow road for enemies. Let's solve the new and old grudges together."

Shi Dali's eyes were red, and he used the devil fruit ability to turn into a big lizard man and killed Ace.

Shi Dali stretched out his sharp claws with both hands. Knowing that Ace was a natural devil fruit, his claws were covered with a layer of armed color, flashing with cold light during the battle, and Ace's fists were also covered with armed color and burst into flames, as if from the flames of hell.

At the beginning of the battle, Shi Dali pounced on Ace at a rapid speed, and his claws drew deadly arcs in the air. However, Ace did not retreat. He flexibly dodged the attack of the claws, and sometimes collided with the claws and sparks flew, while looking for opportunities to counterattack.

Suddenly, Ace saw the opportunity and swung a punch fiercely. The flame on his fist instantly burst out

"Divine Fire·Unknown Fire"

Forming a powerful heat wave, it attacked Shi Dali. Shi Dali felt the power of the flames and had to retreat.

But he did not give up and attacked again. This time, his claws were more fierce, trying to break through Ace's defense. Ace kept using his flaming fist to block the claws' attacks, and used the power of a large range of flames to fight back.

As the battle progressed, both of them gradually became a little tired. Compared to Ace's fatigue, Shi Dali was obviously more injured. The scales on his body had been charred and emitted a burnt smell.

While Ace was fighting, Scar and others also encountered a large number of enemies ambushed by Shi Dali.

Gunshots rang out, and Scar used the ability of the Rubbing Fruit to raise a layer of earth wall around to block the attack of bullets.

At the end of the first wave of attacks, Scar and others launched a counterattack.

Bonsi directly pulled out his double guns and quickly fired a rainforest barrage in a fan-shaped manner forward (hahahahahahahaha), and the rain-like bullets shot at the pirates. The barrage lasted for a few seconds. When the gunshots stopped, a group of pirates had fallen to the ground. The pirates outside the shooting range began to feel timid when they saw such a scene.

Seeing that Bonsi was so strong and those pirates were showing signs of trying to escape, Kodaz immediately turned into a gray shadow with lightning on his body and rushed towards the crowd, fearing that it would be too late and they would be gone. Many pirates fell to the ground as he rushed left and right, and the pirates hit by Kodaz all twitched.

Seeing this, the other surviving pirates dared not stay and immediately turned around and ran away, wishing they had more legs.

After dealing with these minions, Scar and his men continued to approach where Ace was fighting.

Ace saw that Shi Dali was so embarrassed and was ready to quickly resolve the battle, so he rushed towards Shi Dali with a fire fist.

At this moment, Shi Dali spurted out a green mist from his mouth, and Ace took a breath before he could defend himself, and immediately felt uncomfortable.

Shi Dali seized the opportunity and immediately punched Ace out. Ace struggled to get up, but he was a little weak due to the poison.

Shi Dali: "Hahaha, although my poison is not fatal, it will soon paralyze your nerves and make you unable to move. You will become the fish on my chopping board."

Ace said weakly: "Despicable"

Ai Ye: "Hey, I told you not to be careless, how come you got hit?"

Ace: "Is this the time to laugh at me? I will be killed if you keep going like this."

Ai Ye: "You can try to burn the poison with fire."

Ace: "You can still do this. Let me try."

Baru Baru Baru Baru

Just when Shi Dali was about to deal with Ace, the Den Den Mushi on his body rang.


The Den Den Mushi turned into the appearance of the Red Mane Warrior Steve: "Hehehe, Shi Dali, why are you in such a mess, do you need help?"

Shi Dali: "Don't bother, I just killed an enemy."

Steve: "That's good, the king doesn't need rubbish subordinates, the banquet is about to start, don't be late, the king is very scary when he gets angry."

Shi Dali shuddered slightly when he thought of the king's scaryness, and said: "I know, I will arrive early."

TelephoneAs soon as Chong hung up, Skarr and the others came and attacked immediately after seeing Ace injured.

Shi Dali said: "What a trouble."

Shi Dali was already seriously injured and his physical strength had seriously declined after a fight. He was ready to fight quickly and immediately used green mist on several people.

When the green mist was about to approach the people, a wall of fire separated the green mist.

"Be careful, the green mist is poisonous."

This person was Ace who was poisoned just now. After being reminded by Ai Ye, he used fire to burn away the poison.

With Ace's joining, Shi Dali was immediately knocked to the ground, and Ace hit him with "Flame Ring·Fire Pillar" to burn Shi Dali to ashes.

Scar complained: "Ace, can you not be so harsh next time? I'm here to collect pirate peripherals, not to collect ashes for others."

Ace: "Oh, I couldn't help it and whipped the corpse. I'll be more careful next time."

Just as Ace and others were fighting fiercely, a group of people in black robes emerged from the slave camp near the Kingdom of Adra Island. One of the black robes took off the hood and was a woman. She came to the cowardly slaves with a flag.

Woman: "You bunch of trash, do you always think about being enslaved? Now is the time to resist. If you still have blood, follow me to kill those pirates."

After waving the flag, the cowardly slaves suddenly became brave, and the slaves who were hunched together stood up one after another, with determination in their eyes.

Slaves: "We want to overthrow tyranny."

"We want peace."

"We don't want to be slaves."

Woman: "Very good, trash, let's liberate our homeland together, charge."

After saying that, she waved the flag again, and the slaves seemed to be filled with energy and showed excitement.

"Charge, kill those invaders."


The slaves picked up all the items they could get as weapons. Some dismantled wooden doors as weapons, some dismantled fences as weapons, and some even picked up bricks on the ground and rushed to the palace.

Since a large number of pirates went to encircle Ace and others, there were relatively few people left in the palace.

Pirate A: "Captain, look at the slaves over there who have escaped and seem to be rushing towards us."

Pirate B: "Are you dazzled? How dare those trash go against us?"

The captain looked at the crowd running in the distance, and it was really that group of slaves.

Captain: "Everyone gather, teach those slaves a lesson."

Pirate A: "Hehehe, it's too boring to stand guard at the back, these slaves are here just in time."

Pirate B: "My sword is thirsty, hehe."

The two groups of people immediately fought together, and the pirates were knocked to the ground by the slaves. It turned out that the woman was Betty, a cadre of the Revolutionary Army. The psychic devil fruit encouraged the fruit ability. She waved the flag twice to increase the courage, agility and strength of these slaves. Directly pulled their combat power to a level that exceeded that of these pirates.

While the slaves were fighting the pirates, a man in a black robe came to the place where Ace and others were fighting.

At this time, Ace and others had just burned Shi Dali to ashes.

Ace suddenly said nervously: "Who is it."

A man in a black robe walked out from the shadow of the woods. There were red lines and decorations on the robe, which looked mysterious and solemn. He had a wide belt tied around his waist with some weapons and tools hanging on it.

The man took off his hood, and there was a clear red tattoo on his left face, which extended from the corner of his eye to his chin, adding a sense of coldness and unruliness to him. He also had some tattoos on his hands.

Mysterious man: "Sorry, I didn't mean to hide, I just happened to pass by, let me introduce myself, I am Monkey D. Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, we are just about to liberate this country, and you have eliminated the biggest danger here."

Skarl came to Ace and whispered: "Be careful, this man is offered a bounty of 2 billion by the world, he is a dangerous guy."

Ace: "Then what do you want to see us about?"

Dragon: "I wonder if you are willing to join the Revolutionary Army and contribute to the liberation of this world."

Ace: "Sorry, I have my own dream, I won't consider it for the time being."

Dragon: "Well, I won't bother you anymore, see you again, the Revolutionary Army will always welcome you."

After saying that, he turned into a gust of wind and disappeared.

Ai Ye: "Let me tell you a secret. This guy is Luffy's father and Garp's son. In other words, he is your uncle."

Ace: "Ha"

Ai Ye: "Don't be surprised. You will meet many people later."

Drag left Ace and cameAt the top of the palace, the slaves had almost defeated all the pirates.

Drag shouted: "The ruler of this country has been defeated, you are all liberated."

After the pirates were all killed, the slaves cried when they heard this. The forces that had oppressed them for three years were defeated by them.

"Liberated, woooo ... Marijoa has magnificent buildings and luxurious facilities. There are huge palaces and mansions in the city. These buildings are beautifully decorated, highlighting the noble status of the Tianlong people.

The living environment of the Tianlong people is full of luxury and privilege. They wear gorgeous clothes and precious jewelry, and are always surrounded by a group of slaves and servants to provide them with various services. The Tianlong people can enjoy all kinds of food and wine at will, and their tables are full of delicacies from the mountains and the sea.

In Marijoa, the Tianlong people have their own laws and order, and they are not bound by any external laws. They can capture and enslave people of other races at will, and even torture and kill them cruelly. The behavior of the Tianlong people is not restricted by anything. They think they are the masters of the world and can do whatever they want.

There are also levels within the Tianlong people. The five most powerful Tianlong people in the meeting room are called the Five Elders.

1. **Bald Five Elders**: He is the oldest of the Five Elders. He is bald, wears a black suit and glasses, giving people a sense of seriousness and majesty. Represents power

2. **Blond Five Elders**: He is the youngest of the Five Elders, with blond hair, wearing a white suit and glasses, giving people a sense of elegance and nobility. Represents wealth

3. **Bearded Five Elders**: He is the wisest of the Five Elders, with a beard, wearing a red suit and glasses, giving people a sense of calmness and wisdom. Represents wisdom

4. **Scarred Five Elders**: He is the most powerful of the Five Elders, with scars, wearing a blue suit and glasses, giving people a sense of coldness and ruthlessness. Represents force

5. **Curly-haired Five Elders**: He is the most mysterious of the Five Elders, with curly hair, wearing a green suit and glasses, giving people a sense of mystery and unpredictability. Represents politics

The Five Elders have great power, and they can decide the fate and direction of the world. They hold the highest power of the world government, including military, political, economic and other aspects. Their decisions and actions directly affect the peace and stability of the entire world.

The Five Elders are dressed in black suits, and their faces are serious and mysterious as they sit on the sofa.

The scarred Five Elders were the first to break the silence: "The Four Emperors in the New World have become more and more active recently (Red Hair Pirates, Big Mom Pirates, Beasts Pirates and Whitebeard Pirates), and the Navy is a little out of control and is being suppressed."

The blond Five Elders said: "The Navy is indeed lagging behind, it seems that military spending still needs to be cut."

At this time, if the Navy Marshal Sengoku heard their conversation, he would definitely complain: "What do you mean we are not powerful enough and are suppressed by the Four Emperors? It's because of your lack of funds. Believe it or not, as long as your funds are in place, my Admiral Kizaru can easily control the Four Emperors."

The curly-haired Five Elders: "The leverage of the two forces has been broken, and we need to balance it again."

The bearded Five Elders: " Should we allow the navy to continue to expand to achieve balance? "

Bald Five Elders: "No need, the navy below is a little out of our control, we can't give them more power."

Curly Five Elders: "Why don't we support a group of pirates as substitutes for the navy?"

Bald Five Elders: "Your idea is very good. It has the power to fight against the Four Emperors and is not controlled by the navy. What do you think?"

Blond Five Elders: "No need to pay for military expenses, I agree."

Scar Five Elders: "They are all a bunch of garbage, I abstain."

Bearded Five Elders: "I agree"

Curly Five Elders: "I agree"

Bald Five Elders: "Four votes in favor and one abstention, the plan to support pirates passed."

Not long after the Navy YuanHandsome Zhan Guo was called into the meeting room.

Bald Five Elders: "Zhan Guo, your performance in the New World is too bad. We have a chance for you to become a Shichibukai. Go and do it. If you do well, we will increase your military spending."

Zhan Guo:..."

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