The scene turns to a hot air balloon spaceship in a certain sea area of ​​the Grand Line.

A birdman who looks like an albatross is pacing back and forth in the ship. This person is Morgans, the president of the World Economic News Agency, and the albatross form ability user of the Animal-type Bird-Bird Fruit. He controls the underground intelligence field and helps the World Government to spread the news to all parts of the world. However, Morgans sometimes leaks some special world news, and his whereabouts are vague, which makes it more difficult to catch him. This makes the World Government love and hate this uncontrollable force.

Morgans: "It's a headache. Why is there no explosive news? There is no explosive news after the last two explosive news. What are the recent ones?"

Several editors not far away saw the president getting angry there, and they were afraid to shrink their heads and work silently for fear that the president would find out and vent his anger on them. At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the awkward atmosphere.

Bulu Bulu Bulu

It turned out that one of the several emergency telephone bugs in the club rang.


Morgans: "Hello, I'm Morgans"

Reporter A on the other end of the Den Den Mushi said excitedly: "President, big news, big news."

Morgans: "Oh, what big news is it?"

Reporter A: "I just saw a small battle between Admiral Kizaru and the number one swordsman Hawkeye Jorakor Mihawk in a certain sea area of ​​the Grand Line. After the battle, the two chatted. I heard the words "Seven Warlords of the Sea". It might be a new organization."

Morgans: "Okay, thank you for your hard work. I'll have someone investigate it and I'll transfer the fee to you later."

Reporter A: "Thank you, President."


Morgans: "Pass this message on and do your best to collect detailed information about the Seven Warlords of the Sea. I have a feeling this is big news."

"Yes" The news agency's large network began to get busy.

Two hours later, the information collected from all over the world came back and was sorted out by the editors and handed over to the editor-in-chief. The editor-in-chief looked at the collected information and then went to find the president.

Editor-in-Chief: "Report to the president, the information about the Seven Warlords of the Sea has been collected. The World Government has launched this force to balance the imbalance between the Navy and the Four Emperors. The Navy has always given us the information about the Seven Warlords of the Sea. The Navy has identified the Seven Warlords of the Sea as Hawkeye, Empress Boa Hancock, Sea Knight Jinbe, and the two previously released hot news stories about Crocodile, who failed to challenge one of the Four Emperors, Whitebeard, and Gekko Moriah, who failed to challenge one of the Four Emperors, Kaido."

Morgans: "Hahaha, it's really big news. Hurry up and organize this news and put it on the front page."

Bulu Bulu Bulu

One of the several emergency Den Den Mushi in the club rang.


Reporter B: "Boss, big news."

Morgans: "Oh, tell me what news."

Reporter B: "I saw the Red Mane Pirates under the Lizard King fighting a navy warship in a certain area of ​​the Grand Line. The navy was wiped out, and the female lieutenant colonel on the ship was captured alive and is suspected to be taken back to the Misty Forest."

Morgans: "Hahaha, it's really big news. I've been lucky recently."

"Okay, I've transferred your reward."

Reporter B: "Thank you, Boss."


Morgans: "Quickly edit the information that just came over and send it out in two days."

"I'll sell this news to the navy first. I'm really a genius, hahaha."

The news agency started to get busy.

The scene turned to Ace's side. The daily exercise of several people cannot stop.

Skarr received current affairs news from various places from the newspaper gulls. Recently, two big news caught his attention.

Skarl: "Ace has two big news recently."

Ace: "Oh, what's the information?"

Skarl: "Recently, the World Government has built a new organization with pirates as the personnel to check and balance the Four Emperors, and they have been given a lot of power."

Ace: "Oh."

Ai Ye: "The power of the Seven Warlords of the Sea is not small. If you are given it, you will not be able to do it."

Ace: "I don't want to be bound by the World Government."

Ace: "What is the other big news."

Skarl: "A female navy was kidnapped by the men of the Lizard King we met before. It says that she came from Rogue Town."

Ace: "The female navy from Rogue Town, let me see."

Ai Ye: "Could it be the silly girl named Iska you met before?"

Ace took the newspaper and looked at the picture. It was really the silly girl he met once.

Ai Ye: "Oh, it's really her, should we save her?"

Ace: "What do you mean by save her or not? I'm mainly upset with the Lizard King.After we kill his men, they will definitely cause us trouble. We might as well go after them.

Ai Ye: "Pretentious"

Ace: "Labu, go all out, Misty Forest Kingdom."

Skarl: "Ace, what's going on?"

Ace: "I want to save that girl. No, didn't we kill that pirate before? He was a subordinate of the Lizard King. I'm worried that they will cause us trouble, so I have to kill the Lizard King first to eliminate the trouble."

Skarl: "Oh, this time, be more cautious and leave me some items for collection."

Ace: "Oh, I see."

After that, the two returned to Labu's body and talked to the other crew members to make preparations for the war.

Recently, when Ai Ye and Ace were chatting, he joked: "You are a flame man, I wonder if you can eat fire."

Out of curiosity, Ace began to explore the way to eat fire.

The scene turned to the office of the Marine Headquarters in Marinford, where Sengoku, Crane and Garp were sitting.

Sengoku: "Morgans, that guy, actually makes two profits. Don't let me catch him, or I'll pluck all your hair."

He: 'Okay, Sengoku, don't be angry. When we get the news, we know that the other party is unreliable. Let Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel speed up to rescue Iska."

Sengoku: "Well, this is the only way now. Garp, put down my senbei."

Garp: "Ah, ga ga ga, what's wrong with eating some senbei? I've been working hard in the East China Sea to eliminate pirate forces in the wind and rain recently. I'm so tired that I don't even want to eat your snow cakes."

Sengoku: "Garp, how much have you done in the East China Sea? Don't you know it yourself?"

Garp: "Uh, hahaha, just tell me whether the number of pirates entering the Grand Line from the East China Sea has decreased. "

Tsuru looked at the two people quarreling like children, silently covered his head with his hands, and said helplessly: "Due to the policy of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Zephyr has not been in good shape recently. Don't you want to care about him? After all, we have been comrades together for so many years."

Warring States: "Alas, for the sake of the overall situation, I can only wrong him."

Garp: "What Seven Warlords of the Sea, why haven't I heard of it."

Tsuru: "During your vacation in the East China Sea."

Garp: "What vacation, I went to work, but I was tired, helping Smoker clear so many pirate dangers."

Tsuru: "Uh, when you went to work in the East China Sea 2, the World Government issued a new organization to use pirates to check pirates, and the navy can't deal with this organization."

Garp: "Ha, what a rubbish organization, what do those Celestial Dragons in the World Government think. It's really rubbish, hahahaha, I didn't say anything."

Tsuru: "You also know the cause of death of Zephyr's family, so Zephyr has not been in a good state recently after knowing it. ”

Garp: "If you ask me, Zephyr did nothing wrong. Those damn pirates should be killed, even if they are Shichibukai. If I see them doing bad things, they should be killed. What a broken policy."

Sengoku: "Calm down. The navy's military expenditure is controlled by the World Government. If there is no such money, what will happen to the navy below? How will they survive? Who will get the pensions for the dead navy?"

Tsuru: "Okay, everyone, stop talking. This difficulty is temporary. It is a fact that the navy is currently lacking in combat power. The addition of the Shichibukai can indeed alleviate the current embarrassing situation. Using pirate forces to eliminate pirate forces can also effectively consume the opposing forces of the navy."

Sengoku: "Garp, why are you stealing my senbei again? If you want to eat, go buy it yourself."

Garp: "Eat some senbei to comfort my injured heart. Besides, it is so convenient to get it from you. Why should I spend money to buy it? "

The two started fighting for senbei again.

The scene came to the Four Emperors of the New World.

Big Mom Pirates Wano Sea.

Big Mom: "Mom, mom, the Seven Warlords of the Sea are interesting."

Big Mom's eldest son, Candy Minister Perospero, said: "These people are not Mom's opponents. The biggest enemies at present are still Whitebeard and Kaido."

Big Mom: "Is there any movement in the sea adjacent to Whitebeard and Kaido recently?

Perospero said: "No movement at present."

Big Mom: "Then let's start afternoon tea time. I want dessert, mom mom."

Ghost Island near the waters of Wano Country

Flame Disaster Jin: "There is new movement on the navy side. The pirates have formed the Seven Warlords of the Sea to fight against us."

Kaido took a sip of wine: "Hahaha, jumping clowns are not to be feared."

He fell asleep after drinking.

Whitebeard Pirates Ship Moby Dick

A pineapple-haired boy said: "Dad, the navy has formed a group of seven warlords based on pirates. Should I be on guard?"

A white-bearded old man with IV drips all over his bodyThe head laughed and said: "Hulala, it's really interesting. Children, as long as I'm alive, there's nothing to worry about."

Then he secretly drank a bowl of wine.

The boy said: "Dad, your body can't drink alcohol. You have to abstain from alcohol for a while."

An island somewhere in the Grand Line

Several people are holding a banquet

A red-haired, one-armed young man looked at the latest newspaper: "What is the world government doing again? It's really a headache. I'm too tired to be a stirrer. Forget it, let's take it one step at a time, hahahaha"

The red-haired boy: "Come on, drink, today is a good day, eat and drink well, hahahaha."

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