After Ace and his companions killed Steve and sent Iska away, they rested for a few days and continued to move forward with Lab. At night, Ace and his companions came to Lab's back to enjoy the night view. Today was August 15th. They heard that the moon tonight was particularly round, so they came to Lab's back early and waited for the moon to appear, but a cloud blocked the moon. They were unable to enjoy the scenery of the full moon.

Kodaz: "Karuqiu, what a pity, what is a full moon, I have never seen it."

Ace: "No way, you have never seen a round moon."

Kodaz: "Uh, it seems so."

Skar thought: "I seem to have forgotten something important."

Ace: "Let's wait a little longer, maybe the cloud will be blown away."

Just like waiting, a sea breeze happened to blow the clouds in front of the moon away.

Ace: "So beautiful."

Kodaz: "Wow, it's so big and round."

Skarl: "Oh no, Ace, don't let Kodaz look at the moon."

Ace: "Ah, what's going on."

Skarl: "Kodaz is a fur tribe, he will transform when he looks at the moon."

Ai Ye: "Transform? Transform into a full moon, a Super Saiyan?"

Ace: "What Super Saiyan?"

Ai Ye: "You won't know even if I tell you, but it seems like you are in trouble."

Ace looked in the direction of Kodaz, who was staring at the moon motionlessly at this time, and an inexplicable force spread out around him. The moonlight sprinkled on Kodaz's body, and his body began to change. The hair began to grow longer, whiter, thicker and harder, like a thick layer of armor. His eyes turned red, flashing a mysterious light. His body also became taller and stronger, with bulging muscles and full of power.

Ace: "Skar, what's going on? What happened to Kodaz?"

Skar: "Legend has it that the Fur Tribe is an ancient race living on Zou Island. They have a special ability - when they see a full moon, they will turn into a moon lion.

When the moon rises and the moonlight shines on the Fur Tribe, their bodies begin to change. First, their hair will become thicker and harder, like a thick layer of armor. Then, their eyes will turn red, flashing a mysterious light. Their bodies will also become taller and stronger, full of power.

In this process, the Fur Tribe will feel a strong impulse and excitement. Their desire to fight will be stimulated, becoming more brave and fierce.

The Fur Tribe that has turned into a moon lion has strong combat power and defense. Their speed and strength have been greatly improved, and they can easily defeat the enemy. Their hair can also be used as a weapon, with to attack the enemy or protect themselves.

However, there are certain risks in changing into the Moon Lion form. If the fur tribe overuses their strength after changing into the Moon Lion form, or is seriously injured, they may lose their mind and fall into a state of madness. Therefore, the fur tribe needs to remain calm and rational after changing into the Moon Lion form, and control their strength and emotions. "

Ace: "It's so complicated, keep it simple."

Skarl: "Kodaz can't control the Moon Lion form yet, if he doesn't control it, he will overdraw his vitality."

Ace: "Then find a way to knock him out."

Skarl: "This is not an easy task, his combat power has increased several times now."

Ace: "That's also necessary, he is our partner, you guys stay away, I will lead it to the island over there."

After speaking, Ace looked in the direction of Kodaz, who had completed the transformation of the Moon Lion with red eyes.

Ace yelled, "Kodaz, I'm Ace, can you hear me?"

Kodaz yelled and rushed towards Ace with lightning all over his body. In order to prevent Kodaz from attacking other teammates, Ace immediately turned into flames and rushed towards Kodaz. He exchanged a few punches with Kodaz and immediately got away and led Kodaz to a nearby island. Kodaz now only had the instinct of a beast. If this person hit him, he would hit back. Seeing Ace running away, he immediately chased after him.

The two came to the island at the same time. In this open space, Kodaz took the lead in hitting Ace. He flashed, as fast as a cheetah, and his right fist with a sharp wind sound and lightning arc hit Ace's face. Ace reacted very quickly, slightly tilted his head, and narrowly avoided the attack. Then, Ace moved sideways and hit Kodaz's ribs with his left fist. Kodaz had no time to dodge and took the punch head-on. He took a few steps back and quickly stabilized his body. Perhaps instinctively he felt a little pain, so he roared and launched a series of crazy attacks on Ace, his fists raining down on Ace.Attack, each punch contains powerful force and lightning. Ace dodged left and right, flexibly avoiding Kodaz's attack, while looking for opportunities to counterattack. Because he is a companion, he cannot use the fruit ability to attack, and can only rely on physical strength and armed color.

Finally, Ace took advantage of the gap between Skoda's attacks and hit Skoda's chin with an uppercut. Skoda's body couldn't help but lean back. This time, the pain made Kodaz rush forward to Ace more frantically, and started a more intense close combat with Ace.

Ace: "No way, the transformation is so strong. If you continue like this, I will be the first to collapse before Kodaz loses his strength."

Ai Ye: "Hey, you can't hit the opponent's neck. There are nerves in the neck that can make people unconscious. Or try using your Conqueror's Haki. You have been training for so long and you don't use it."

Ace: "How to use Conqueror's Haki? Kodaz, stop first. Let me think about how to use Conqueror's Haki."


Ace: "Forget it, try hitting the neck."

Ai Ye thought it should be fine. The people in One Piece are all strong, so they shouldn't die.

Skoda and Ace's fists kept crossing, their muscles tensed, and sweat splashed. Their breathing gradually became rapid, but the rhythm of their attacks did not slow down at all. Every collision of punches made a dull sound, as if it was a direct dialogue between strength and strength. The two of them briefly got away and looked at each other, as if they were brewing the strongest attack.

A feather fell from nowhere between the two of them. The moment the feather landed on the ground, the two of them moved at the same time. In a flash, Ace dodged Kodaz's attack and hit him hard on the neck.

The two separated and waited for a few seconds. Kodaz's eyes rolled up and fell down and returned to his original appearance. Ace took a breath and said: "Oh my God, I finally beat this guy down. He has great physical strength."

After saying that, he carried the unconscious Kodaz back to Lab's body for Deuce to check the condition. After Deuce checked his whole body, he was just a little weak and there was no other problem. Everyone put down their hanging hearts.

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