After Wallace came to the island whale, he got lost. At first, he was very excited to check out the magical rooms. He kept walking in and passed a room. He heard a dong dong dong sound. He opened the door and saw that he had come to the heart area of ​​the island whale. After closing the door, he turned around and around inside. Finally, his stomach growled with hunger and his mind began to gradually become blurred. At this time, a fragrance flew into his nose, and he immediately followed the fragrance to the source.

The source of this smell was that Ace and others held a banquet on the island in Lab's stomach. The fragrance came from the barbecue. Although Bonsi's cooking skills were still limited to using salt and not cooking well, the taste of the barbecue was still good under Ace's secret processing.

Just when a few people were eating and drinking happily, a fish-human creature with his eyes closed and his nose shaking floated down from above, swinging left and right. When he came to the barbecue, he immediately picked it up and started eating crazily. Although Ace and others were surprised, they did not realize that this person had malicious intentions and did not stop Wallace from eating. Ace and Deuce had the same experience and could empathize with each other about what it felt like to be hungry.

Because he ate too much, Wallace's meat got stuck and he beat his chest desperately. Ace immediately handed him a pot of water. Wallace immediately took the water and drank it. Finally, he swallowed it and burped happily.

Wallace began to look at the others, and they were also looking at him. Ace took the lead in breaking the deadlock: "Hello, I'm Ace, the captain of the Spade Pirates."

Walace: "Oh, my name is Wallace and I'm a scorpion fishman."

Ace: "How did you get here and where are you going?"

Walace: "I was kidnapped at first, and then I escaped. I saw you and felt that you didn't look like bad people, so I followed you in."

Ace: "Ha, then what are you going to do?

Walace: "I want to go home. Can you take me with you?"

Ace: "Where is your home then. ”

Vorres: “Fishman Island”

Ai Ye: “Ace, leave him here. With him, we can probably survive peacefully on Fishman Island.”

Ace: “Where is Fishman Island?”

Skaar: “Fishman Island is said to be 10,000 meters below the sea. Fortunately, we have Lab and can go down without coating. If it is an ordinary pirate ship, it needs to go to the Sabaody Archipelago to coat the ship before going to the sea. There are two ways to go to the New World. One is to go to Fishman Island and then transfer to the New World, and the other is to go to the World Government. So Fishman Island is a place we must pass through.”

Ace: “We just happened to pass by, so let me take you there.”

Vorres: “Thank you so much. "

Everyone got to know each other and the banquet continued.

After sailing for a few more days, Lab arrived at a sea area shrouded in fog. This is the Devil's Triangle, a cursed sea area that is shrouded in fog all year round and is eerie and terrifying.

The sky here is always gloomy, and the heavy dark clouds seem to be pressing down, giving people a heavy sense of oppression. The sea is turbulent, and the waves violently hit the reefs on the shore, making a deafening roar.

In this sea area, strange phenomena often occur. Sometimes, a huge vortex will suddenly rise on the sea, sucking everything around it into it; sometimes, there will be a mysterious light flashing in the sea, which makes people shudder.

On the islands around the sea, twisted trees grow, and their branches It bends into strange shapes, as if telling the horror story of this sea area. The rocks on the island also present strange shapes, some like hideous faces, some like huge monsters, which are creepy.

In the depths of the Devil's Triangle, countless secrets and dangers are hidden. Legend has it that this is the cemetery of pirates, and countless ships have sunk here and disappeared forever in this mysterious sea area.

After Lab completely entered the fog, Ace and several others came to Lab's back, admiring this magical area and feeling the magic of nature.

Ai Ye: "If this is the Devil's Triangle, look inside to see if there is a ghost ship with a singing skeleton on it. This skeleton is Brook, a member of the Rumba Pirates that Lab is looking for."

Ace: "Really? That's great. I finally found it for Lab." ”

Ace said excitedly: “Labo, look around in the fog, you might run into the person you’re looking for”

Labo: “Uh” what’s who

Ace said: “It’s the members of the Rumba Pirates, everyone should pay attention to the surroundings.”

Kodaz: “Karuqiu, great, I’ll look, I’ll look, I’ll look”

Labo began to search in the fog, and Ace and the others also looked around on Labo’s back.

Yo ho ho yo ho ho

Yo ho ho yo ho hoBring Binx's wine to you

Like the sea breeze, free to ride the wind and waves

On the other side of the sea, the sunset is also noisy

The singing of birds draws circles in the air

At this time, there was a faint singing in the distance. Lab heard the singing and swam towards the singing as if he was possessed. The singing gradually became clearer, and Lab also slowed down, fearing that he would disturb the other party's performance.

Ace and his friends looked in the direction of the singing. A broken pirate ship was floating in the water, with a dilapidated sail and a trace of sadness. The singing came from this broken ship.

After the singing stopped, Ace flew to the broken ship.

Ace: "Sorry to bother you, is there anyone?"

"Oh, it's rare to meet a living guy." A skull with an afro in a tuxedo walked out of the shadows.

Although Ace had heard from Ai Ye about Brook turning into a skeleton, he was still shocked by his sudden appearance.

Ace: "Hello, my name is Ace, I'm a pirate, and I'm here to find someone for a friend of mine."

Brook: "Yo oh, it's rare to come to a place like this to find someone, I wonder who you're looking for."

Ace: "Rumba Pirates"

Brook was stunned and came back to his senses: "Who are you looking for?"

Ace repeated: "Rumba Pirates"

Brook seemed to be recalling something, and was silent for a long time and said: "This is a very distant story"

Brook told about the experience of the Rumba Pirates and the story with Lab and his own affairs.

Brook: "Yo-oh, sorry for telling you such a long story. By the way, I don't know who the friend you are talking about is. I remember that almost everyone who knew me is dead."

Ace: "Labo, the island whale who has been waiting for you to return."

Brooke: "Labo, he is still alive"

Brooke cried, even though he was a skeleton and had no tears.

Ace also told Brook the information about Labo that he heard from Kurokas.

Brooke: "Where is Labo?"

Ace: "He is near this ship."

Brooke immediately rushed to the side of the ship and shouted loudly: "Labo, Labo"

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