Ace and the others rested for a few days, during which time a lot of explosive news came.

Skarr looked at the newspaper he had just bought and said: "The New World is really lively."

Ace asked in confusion: "What's the matter? What's the explosive news? Tell everyone."

Skarr: "The New World is very lively. The four most powerful emperors actually gathered together and almost fought. The navy also came."

Ace: "Oh, what's the situation? Tell me in detail?"

Skarr: "This matter was instigated by the Big Mom Pirates. Everyone should know that Big Mom has always liked to eat sweets, and then one of Big Mom's children accidentally discovered a new type of dessert on an island. Unfortunately, this island was occupied by the Whitebeard Pirates not long ago. What's more unfortunate is that when the Big Mom Pirates were about to take away the dessert, they were discovered by the Whitebeard Pirates. Just because of this dessert, the two groups of people fought. It was really A bloody murder caused by a dessert. At the beginning, it was just a small fight. The two sides fought back and forth. I don’t know who called for help first, but more and more people fought on both sides. Finally, Whitebeard and Big Mom were directly alarmed. The two emperor-level fighters started fighting. Big Mom was a little bit defeated by Whitebeard.

Just when Whitebeard and Big Mom were fighting, a giant dragon flew in the sky. It was also coincidental that it was transformed by the drunk Kaido. When he saw the fight below, he transformed without saying a word. In this way, the three of them started a melee. This fight was incredible. Big Mom and Kaido found that Whitebeard was too powerful. Both of them felt that they could not beat him, so they practiced and fought with Whitebeard. Unexpectedly, although Whitebeard became one against two, he was still in the advantage.

The fight between the three emperors is unbearable. It was so shocking that the navy received the news. Zhan Guo thought, hey, it's a good thing for you to fight, no matter who wins, it's a profit.

Sent a large number of warships to wait for the three to lose and reap the benefits. Guess what happened in the end?"

Deus: "The navy is watching from the outside, and they must stop fighting to solve the navy's problems first."

Scar: "You are half right, that is, the three did stop fighting, but it was not because of the navy. Besides, the three are powerful people and they don't care about the navy when they are fighting."

Kodaz said anxiously: "Karuqiu, what's going on. Tell me quickly, or I'll bite you."

Scar said slowly: "In fact, it was another one of the Four Emperors, Red Hair Shanks, who solved the problem. He was waiting for soup on one side, When the three parties were fighting fiercely, Red-haired Shanks led his team into the battlefield handsomely, cut the battlefield with a divine dodge, and the three parties stopped fighting directly with a sentence of "give me face". In the end, Kaido sobered up and flew away, Big Mom took the dessert and left, and Whitebeard took the island. The navy also dispersed when they saw that there was no soup to drink. This war was resolved by Red-haired Shanks. "

Kodas said with stars in his eyes: "Karuchu, so handsome, so powerful."

Skarl: "By the way, there is another news about the Four Emperors Red-haired Shanks"

Ace: "Oh, what news."

Skarl: "I heard that Red-haired Shanks has been staying on a winter island not far from us recently."

Ace: "Oh? Let's go and meet the Four Emperors Red-haired Shanks."

Deus hurriedly said: "Oh. Don't be impulsive, he is one of the Four Emperors, and a powerful figure who can stop the war, don't be impulsive. ”

Ace: “Hahaha, it’s okay, just meet and visit him, thank him, he is the benefactor who saved my useless brother’s life.”

Deuce: “Oh, I was scared to death, I thought you were going to kill him.”

Ace: “Hahaha, let’s go, pack up and set off for Winter Island.”

After calling Lab, Ace and his friends set off for Winter Island where Red-haired Shanks was found.

As Lab swam, the sky was clear, but the weather suddenly changed and snowflakes began to fall. As they got closer to the island, the snowflakes became heavier.

Ace and his friends put on winter clothes and boarded the island. The island is covered with snow all year round, and it is a very cold place at first glance.

Looking up, the peaks on the island are towering into the clouds, and the tops of the mountains are covered with thick snow, like huge white mushrooms. At the foot of the mountain is a dense forest. , the trees were bent by the snow, as if telling people about the cold winter. The roars of wild beasts were heard from time to time in the forest, which made people shudder.

In the center of the island, there is a huge crater, with billowing smoke coming out of the crater, as if showing people its power. The crater is surrounded by black rocks covered with a thin layer of snow, which looks particularly mysterious.

The island is surrounded by a vast ocean, with turbulent waves on the sea, and the waves hitting the reefs on the shore, making bursts of roaring sounds. There are all kinds of marine creatures living in the sea water, and they swim freely in the cold sea water.

Just now, Lab brought everyone to the edge of this island from such an environment.

This time, in addition to Michal and Kodaz, there is also Brook.

Brook: "Oh, it's too cold outside, I need to stay in a warm place, even though I only have bones."

He told a cold joke, but in fact he just wanted to spend more time with Lab.

The others followed Ace to climb the snowy mountain to look for the traces of Red-haired Shanks.

However, there were five stupid bandits shivering in the cold on this uninhabited snowy mountain waiting for the arrival of the prey.

Bandit A: "Boss, is there really someone coming here with goods?"

Bandit B: "Yes, yes, boss, we have been waiting here for a long time, not to mention people, we haven't even seen a bird."

Bandit C: "Boss, if we stay any longer, let alone robbing, we will all become ice sculptures."

Bandit Boss: "Brothers, believe me, someone will definitely come today."

Bandit A: "Boss, you said the same thing yesterday."

Bandit boss: "Yesterday was bad luck."

Bandit B: "The day before yesterday"

Bandit boss: "Accidents are accidents. Keep a close eye on them. Don't let any bird go."

Just then a bandit ran over and said, "Hey, hey, boss, someone is coming."

Bandit boss: "Brothers, the goods are coming. Ambush. After finishing this business, go back and drink and eat meat."

Oh oh oh oh oh

In the snow-capped mountains, Ace and others moved forward with difficulty. Suddenly, they felt an ominous breath, and saw five bandits rushing out of the snow and surrounded him.

These bandits were wearing heavy furs, holding sharp weapons, and their eyes revealed greed and viciousness. Their faces were red from the cold wind, but it did not reduce their ferocity at all. When they took a step forward, they fell down collectively. It turned out that their legs were numb from lying in ambush for too long. Suddenly, they lost control of their center of gravity and fell down in front of Ace and his men.

Everyone was stunned. What were they going to do?

The bandits quickly got up.

The bandit leader: "Robbery, take out the valuables. We only rob money."

Ace: "Deuce, move for a while?"

Deuce: "Okay, leave it to me, to help everyone."

Ace and others retreated behind Deuce.

The bandits saw that this was not cooperative.

The bandit leader: "Brothers, come on, kill them."

Deuce calmly observed the bandits' movements, trying to find an opportunity to take action.

The bandits began to approach Deuce, and their footsteps made a dull sound on the snow. Deuce placed his hands casually on both sides, ready for the upcoming battle.

Just then, a bandit suddenly rushed up, waving a big knife in his hand. Deuce dodged sideways and hit the bandit's leg with his right foot. The bandit fell to the ground in pain, and the other bandits saw this and rushed to Deuce even more angrily.

Deuce fought with the bandits without suspense. He used the terrain of the snowy mountain to cleverly avoid the bandits' attacks and counterattack from time to time. In a few strokes, the bandits were knocked to the ground and wailed.

Deuce clapped his hands and returned to the team.

Deuce: "Okay, let's call it a day and continue looking for it."

The bandits secretly watched the backs of several people leaving on the ground, and waited until their figures disappeared in the vast sea of ​​snow. They dared to get up and cursed angrily, not only returning empty-handed but also with injuries.

Ace and the others continued to search forward. After climbing over a mountain, they finally saw the person they were looking for, Red-haired Shanks. They were happily eating barbecue in a cave.

Ace walked forward alone. The Red-haired Shanks Pirates had discovered them a long time ago. Out of curiosity, they let them come to their side. They always felt that their strength was not enough to fight, so they didn't care. Seeing Ace coming close alone, he asked: "I don't know why you came here. Do you have something to do with me?"

Shanks has a handsome and resolute face. He has a pair of sharp eyes, which reveal confidence and determination. His eyebrows are thick and neat, slightly raised, giving people a sense of majesty. His nose is straight, and the most eye-catching feature is his red hair, like a burning flame. His hair is long and flowing, fluttering in the wind.

A black cloak with red patterns embroidered on it, and the edges of the cloak are inlaid with golden silk threads, which looks very gorgeous. He wears a white shirt on his upper body, with an open collar, revealing his strong chest. He wore a pair of black trousers and a red belt around his waist with his sword hanging on it.At this time, Red-haired Shanks gave people a strong sense of pressure, but Ace seemed not to notice it and laughed: "Ahahaha, I actually came to express my gratitude to my useless brother. Thank you for saving his life."

Red-haired Shanks: "Oh, who is your brother."

Ace: "Monkey D. Luffy"

Red-haired Shanks: "Oh, it's that kid. Since you are that kid's brother, you are not an enemy. Hahaha, we have guests. Let's have a party."

Night fell, the stars were twinkling, and the bonfire was burning in the cave. Ace's crew and Red-haired Shanks' crew sat around the bonfire, and laughter echoed in the air.

Their faces were filled with joy and satisfaction. The bonfire illuminated their faces, reflecting their resolute outlines and bold smiles.

The ground was filled with rich food and fine wine, including golden barbecue, fresh fruits, fragrant seafood, and barrels of rum. Everyone ate and drank to their heart's content, enjoying this rare moment of relaxation.

The music sounded, and everyone began to dance. Their dancing was bold and wild, full of strength and passion. Some people swayed to the rhythm of the music, while others performed difficult dance moves, which attracted cheers from the people around them.

Under the illumination of the bonfire, everyone's figures looked particularly tall. They are a symbol of freedom. On this night, they forgot all their worries and fatigue, and only focused on the joy and friendship in front of them.

As time went on, the atmosphere of the banquet became more and more heated. The pirates began to tell their adventure stories, share each other's experiences and dreams. Their voices echoed in the night sky, as if announcing their existence to the whole world.

Red-haired Shanks chatted with Ace alone. He felt that Ace looked a little familiar and had a guess that needed to be verified.

Red-haired Shanks: "What's your name?"

Ace: "My name is Portgas D. Ace"

Red-haired Shanks: "Oh, you are Luffy's brother, and Luffy's grandfather is the navy hero Garp, so who is your father?"

Ai Ye jumped out and said: "Ace, tell him that your father is Roger, the Pirate King Roger, who was his former captain. In this way, you have a Four Emperors as your backer, so what are you afraid of behind you? Come on."

Ace didn't care and adjusted his hat and said: "Ah, that guy, sorry, I don't want to mention that guy."

Ai Ye: "Hey: No way, so Why didn't you tell me about this good opportunity? My God, he can keep you safe."

Ai Ye thought: "Hey, although I feel that Red Hair may have guessed Ace's identity, but he didn't save him in the comics, maybe it's because Ace didn't make it clear. Hey, what a good death-free ticket, I just missed it."

Red-haired Shanks: "Forget it, you've worked hard to come here"

Ace: "My dream is to graduate and become the Pirate King before Luffy"

Red-haired Shanks: "Hahaha, then you have to work hard, let's continue the party"

When the bonfire gradually went out, everyone dispersed and returned to their own ships. They fell asleep with satisfaction and fatigue, ready to face new challenges and adventures.

After bidding farewell to Red-haired Shanks, Ace and others continued their journey to challenge Whitebeard.

Bonsi: "Ace, we are running low on supplies, we need to go to the island to replenish them."

Scar: "We have entered the waters of the Whitebeard Pirates, we need to make quick decisions when we go to the island to purchase goods."

Ace: "Well, be careful when you go to the island. I think the chance of running into the captain of the Whitebeard squad is still relatively small. As usual, I will attract firepower if there is danger, you retreat first."

Except for the people who stayed behind, others drove the Spade Pirates to the island to purchase goods.

Just when everyone finished shopping and prepared to retreat, a strong shock wave attacked Ace.

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