In the howling of the wind, Ace and the Striker were swept into the terrifying tornado. Ace used his ability to try many times but failed to rush out.

In an instant, the world seemed to be upside down and chaotic. Ace felt like a helpless fallen leaf, being tossed around by the wind. His body was tightly wrapped by the strong airflow, with flying sand and rocks all around, and debris whizzing by.

Ai Ye: "Ace, stay calm. The Golden Lion Storm was defeated by Roger before, and now Ace is fighting the storm alone. It's a pity that there is no powerful enemy, otherwise it will become a legendary battle."

Ace: "Ai Ye, you are talking lightly. Help me think of a way quickly. This storm is too powerful. I can't rush out. If this goes on, I will be in trouble."

Ai Ye: "Stay calm first, wait until the storm is smaller and try to rush out again. I will think of a way."

Ace tried to stabilize his body and closed his eyes tightly to reduce the damage to his eyes from debris. The wind cut across my face like a knife, and my ears were filled with deafening wind sounds, as if the whole world was roaring. Every breath became extremely difficult, and the air was chaotically stirred by the wind. Unknowingly, the storm had extended from the sky to the sea, rolling up the sea current to form a waterspout. At the same time, due to the weight of the water, the power of the storm was weakened.

Ace held the balance of the Striker tightly, and the Striker continued to rotate with the tornado, and Ace's stomach began to churn. The instinct to survive made Ace stay alert.

Ai Ye: "Oh no, this storm has turned into a waterspout. If you are wrapped in seawater, your fruit ability will weaken you, which is even more dangerous."

Ace: "Ai Ye, what can I do? I am beginning to feel uncomfortable."

Ai Ye: "Now the power of the storm seems to have weakened a little. Try to speed up along the wind direction. When you reach the fastest speed, rush out of this storm. The rest depends on luck."

In this chaotic storm, Ai Ye kept telling Ace not to give up. Ace tried to adjust his breathing and tried to find the rules in the storm. Although the Striker was thrown all over the place, Ace still persisted tenaciously, waiting for a possible chance of survival. Finally, Ace found a chance and drove the Striker to accelerate along the wind direction. When it reached the fastest speed, he then used his ability to rotate the Striker, and the charging tornado rushed out of the storm. Perhaps it was due to the overload of the ability, which caused him to lose strength, or he might have been hit by the sea water. Ace fell into weakness and lay on the Striker, being carried forward by inertia, flying across the ocean into an island, and fell into the river after flying over the town on the island.

Ai Ye: "Ace, Ace, wake up quickly, you won't drown."

Ace fainted from drowning. Fortunately, when Ace was washed downstream of the town, a little girl who was herding cattle found him drowning and immediately rescued him from the water. After emergency rescue, Ace slowly woke up soon.

Ace: "Where am I, what happened to me?"

Ai Ye: "I don't know where it is, you were unlucky and fell into the water and almost drowned, look, luckily you were saved by a girl."

Ace: "Girl?"

Ai Ye: "Look, over there"

Ai Ye pointed to a little girl who was walking over with a bowl of milk. Ace looked sideways and saw a girl with golden hair, half of her head was covered by a large white handkerchief, light blue eyes, wearing a long red and pink skirt with intricate patterns, a light blue shirt and dark blue boots.

Ace: "Thank you, you saved me."

Moda: "Come on, you must be hungry, I'll treat you to some fresh milk, it's delicious, I squeezed it freshly, the milk here is pure and pollution-free, and it tastes a little sweet."

Ace: "Thank you, it's really sweet and delicious, but I want to know where this is."

Moda: "Right, I didn't lie to you, by the way, my name is Moda, this is the outskirts of a small town on the edge of the Kingdom of Lulucia, I raise cows here, you see those cows are all raised by me, by the way, the fresh milk you drink is freshly squeezed from them , do you need another bowl?"

Ace: "Thank you, one bowl is enough. My name is Ace. The milk you bought is really delicious."

Moda: "Hey, what's the use of delicious milk? The milk produced by my cows can't be sold much. I just drink it myself. If my parents were here, they could help with sales."

Ace: "Where are your parents? Where did they go?"

Moda: "A few years ago, pirates were rampant. My parents responded to the conscription and went to the Navy G2 Base to be Navy chefs. I have always wanted to write them a letter to ask if they are doing well there, but I don't know how to write a letter to them.I don't know where they are, but I've never been out. I can't deliver the letter to them, and I can't give them the delicious milk to taste, sob. "

Ace: "Don't cry, Moda, this task is given to me, just treat it as your reward for saving me, okay."

Moda: "Really, can you really help me deliver the letter to them?"

Ace: "Don't worry, leave it to me, I will definitely deliver your letter to them."

After collecting the letter entrusted by Moda, Ace set out to find the Navy G2 Base.

In order to repay Moda's life-saving grace, Ace decided to help her deliver the letter, no matter whether it was a tiger's den or not.

Ai Ye: "Ace, have you forgotten that you are a pirate, a sheep into a tiger's mouth, how can you deliver yourself to the Navy base. Are you stupid!"

Ace: "Don't worry, as long as I disguise myself a little, no one will find out."

Ai Ye: "Can you disguise yourself?"

Ace: "Of course not, you will know when the time comes. "

Ai Ye: "I want to see how you do it."

Ace arrived at the destination of the letter delivery - the Navy G2 base. In order to prevent being discovered and arrested by the Navy, Ace knocked out a Navy soldier and disguised himself to sneak into the Navy base. Ace put on the other's white sleeveless jacket and a white seagull logo hat.

Ai Ye: "No way, that's it, anyone can recognize it."

Ace: "Don't worry, even if I'm recognized, I can run away."

After disguising himself, Navy Ace swaggered into the Navy base and greeted other Navy soldiers from time to time.

Ai Ye: "No way, this is also OK, don't other people have eyes?"

Ace: "Look, I said it's OK. "

After searching the base for a while, he finally found the cafeteria. Ace, who was starving, enjoyed a buffet meal in the navy cafeteria.

Ace picked up the huge barbecue in front of him, opened his mouth wide, and bit it hard. He chewed very quickly, almost one bite after another, and the barbecue disappeared in his mouth in an instant. Then, he picked up a big bowl of steaming ramen, skillfully rolled up the noodles with chopsticks, and put it into his mouth, making a "slurp" sound.

The surrounding navy was stunned by his crazy eating, and they exclaimed and cheered. Ace was not disturbed by the outside world at all, and continued to enjoy the food attentively. His face was covered with food residue, but he didn't care, just kept eating. At this time, a special discussion sounded in Ace's ears.

Marine A: "Have you heard? A while ago in the New World, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Beasts Pirates had a battle. "

Marine B: "If you ask me, pirates will never make it. Whitebeard always recognizes others as his son. One day, he will be beaten and call him daddy."

While concentrating on eating, Ace heard a navy soldier say bad things about Whitebeard. He was so angry that he immediately put down his food and jumped up to beat the other person.

Marine C: "What happened just now? Why did someone fly out?"

Marine D: "It seems that someone beat him up."

After beating the man, Ace ran away. There was a small commotion in the cafeteria. The emergency team immediately sent the man who was beaten to the infirmary.

Aye: "I say, Ace, if you beat him like this, you can't go to the cafeteria. How can you deliver the letter entrusted by Moda?"

Ace: "It's so annoying. You actually said bad things about my father. I couldn't help it. I just need to change my clothes. "

After that, Ace knocked out another lieutenant colonel to take refuge, and hid the knocked out lieutenant colonel in the utility room, and immediately walked towards the cafeteria. Before he reached the cafeteria area, he was stopped by a female naval colonel.

Female naval colonel: "Stop, why do you look so familiar to me?"

Lieutenant Colonel Ace: "Hahaha, Colonel Iska, you are joking. We are in the same base, so we must be familiar with each other."

This female naval colonel has red hair with a little orange, which makes her look sunny and heroic. She is Iska, whom Ace met before. After Rogue Town, she was promoted and transferred to the Navy G2 Base.

Iska: "Yes, are you going to eat? There is a meeting soon. Go after the meeting. "

Lieutenant Colonel Ace: "Oh, OK"

Lieutenant Colonel Ace followed Iska to attend the military court meeting at the G2 Navy Base.

The main seat in the conference room was a bloated, bald man wearing a vice admiral uniform. His name was Gumier, and he was the highest commander of the base.

There was a glass of dark water in front of everyone on the conference table. According to convention, everyone needed to drink the drink in the glass before the meeting.

Gumier: "Before the meeting, let's drink this glass together as usual."




Ace also took a sip, and it was so bitter that he almost spit it out, but fortunately he tried his best to cover it up and swallowed it. He looked up at the others with a guilty conscience, worried that this incident would expose his true identity.

Lieutenant General Gumier: "Ah, it's still so bitter."

Everyone in the conference room showed a mask of pain.

After everyone took a break, Lieutenant General Gumier started the meeting.

Lieutenant General Gumier: "Okay, everyone has almost calmed down, and everyone is refreshed. Let's talk about the latest information. Some time ago, the Straw Hat Pirates made a big fuss on Judicial Island and escaped. After the Judicial Island incident, the bounty of the Straw Hat Pirates is as follows:

Monkey D. Luffy: 100 million berries → 300 million berries

Roronoa Zoro: 60 million berries → 120 million berries

Nicole Robin: 79 million berries → 80 million berries

Sanji: 77 million berries

Franky: 44 million berries

Usopp: 30 million berries

Nami: 16 million berries

Chopper: 50 berries

Total fleet: 667000050 berries. "

Ace thought: "Luffy is good, he is catching up with me."

Vice Admiral Gumier: "The Straw Hat Pirates may pass through the waters under our jurisdiction. Everyone should be alert and report in time after discovery. A group of pirates who call themselves Blackbeard Pirates have appeared in the sea area under our jurisdiction. They are powerful and rampant. People in this area should be careful. After discovering the target, report it in time and wait for the support of the large force. Don't act privately and sacrifice your life in vain. Okay, this meeting will end here. The navy intelligence ship will have new information coming in later. We will have another meeting after the information comes in. Now take a break and adjourn the meeting. "

Ace thought: "So Blackbeard is in that sea area. I have to go and tie him up and bring him to my father quickly. "

Soon, the Navy's confidential intelligence ship returned to the port, but a fire suddenly broke out. After seeing the fire, Ace knew that his chance had come, so he put on the uniform of a lieutenant colonel and went to the intelligence ship. He rescued a Navy soldier and a top-secret box from the sea of ​​fire, and read the contents of the top-secret box to get the latest intelligence network of the Blackbeard Pirates' location. When Ace rescued the Navy soldier, Vice Admiral Gumier and Colonel Iska also arrived at the scene. Ace's identity was exposed due to the burning of the Navy uniform.

Iska exclaimed when she saw the person who rescued the Navy soldier: "Ace?"

Vice Admiral Gumier: "What Ace?"

Iska: "He is Fire Fist Ace, the captain of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates. "

When Vice Admiral Gumier heard that it was a pirate, he immediately drew his two swords and rushed towards Ace. Seeing that he had been exposed and the other party was coming to kill him, Ace immediately threw his navy and the secret box on the ground and stood with Vice Admiral Gumier.

Because Ace wanted to chase Blackbeard, after a brief fight, he used his ability to temporarily separate the two of them and took advantage of this gap to fly away.

Before leaving, Ace remembered the letter that Moda asked him to help convey, so he threw the letter of entrustment to Vice Admiral Gumier.

Ace: "Please give the letter to the chef couple of the navy and tell them that Moda misses them very much."

After saying that, Ace flew away directly.

Iska: "Damn Ace, I will definitely catch you. "

Lieutenant General Gumier took the letter that fell from the sky and read it. The letter said "Have a cup of delicious milk", and there was also a photo of Moda holding milk and a cow standing next to her. After confirming that there was no problem, he gave the letter to the chef and his wife.

The chef and his wife missed their daughter and applied to go home to visit and purchase milk.

Lieutenant General Gumier agreed. The chef and his wife returned to their hometown to meet Moda and felt that they would purchase milk regularly.

Since then, the meeting habits of the Navy G2 Base have changed from drinking bitter coffee to delicious milk coffee.

Lieutenant General Gumier: "Well, it tastes good. "

Others in the meeting room, ah, this is simply heaven.

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