The war of public opinion is no less intense than a normal battlefield.

And only by winning the public opinion can we take the initiative in the next war and give an explanation to the investors and capital behind us.

Of course the previous future guilds didn't need to care about these things, but the current future guilds can't.

Because they introduced a lot of capital in order to develop the Second Association and the mercenary group.

In fact, even if these capitals are not introduced in the future, the technological copyrights of Styx Arms and Lava Arms alone can afford the guild's early consumption.

But no matter what era, eating alone will not last long, and the evil in people's hearts cannot be guarded against, even if you are a god.

Win-win cooperation is a compromise but a very useful method. This method has been proved useful by history, and of course it will be used in the future.

In fact, the entry of capital has more advantages than disadvantages for the guild, because they have an additional means of profit and more possibilities.

Game guilds or clubs of traditional games generally have two ways to make money.

One is to make gold, which needless to say, is to make money by selling gold coins, equipment or materials.

The second is to find a funder, or accept advertisements, or promotions, or tasks, or engage in live broadcasts, or all of them are early capital admissions.

And the game World of Mechs has an additional means of cashing out technological equipment, which is equivalent to an additional path compared to others, but this path is not easy to walk.

At present, apart from the future, there are basically no other guilds who have made this way.

Therefore, remedial measures have become an important source of income for countless guilds. One is for fame and the other for profit. It can be said that the cooperation is seamless.

Although I don't care about them in the future, since I used other people's money, of course I have to give them an explanation, so it is very important to be famous when I am a teacher.

Although the Wumeng spent a lot of money on public relations, their move to destroy the future mining team in an attempt to anger the future is too stinky.

This one allows the future to firmly stand on the commanding heights of morality and grasp the truth in his hands.

After the victory of the public opinion war, the future launched two star battleships.

And bring their newly built fleet of starship battleships, as well as millions of players.

"The Wumeng innocently attacked my future mining troops and refused to admit their mistakes. I will decide to destroy the Wumeng to avenge my players!"




A huge fleet and millions of players gathered in the sky above the future, and it seemed that the sky was full of battleships and mechs.

After Lin Qimeng stood on the Chenxi and shouted to everyone, the whole station resounded in response.

There is no plan to hide this grand occasion in the future, and the future anchors have been live broadcasting all the time.

"Set off!!!"

With Lin Qimeng's order, the entire future fleet set off, and everyone in the future followed the space channel torn apart by the two spaceships, and came to the sky above the Wumeng station.

The Wumeng is the same as most guilds. They docked their guild's starship warships at the parent star base for insurance.

But this also made them lose the opportunity to fight the future head-on. They could only open a protective shield covering the entire garrison, and then watched the future starry space battleship and numerous subsidiary warships bombard them wildly.

"We can't go on like this. We're gone before the reinforcements arrive. We have to fight back!" Chen Baidi said inside the protective cover of the Wumeng. After all, the protective cover is durable. Although he can last for a while, that's just Just wait to die.

They originally thought that Qianwang would not be here, so they would have a chance to compete with the future, but now they are bet by others and it is difficult to even fight back.

"Who doesn't know that going on like this is not an option, but flying out of the shield is death, how do you fight back?" Xuanci said.

"Oh~ I really shouldn't put the star warship on the pier!"

Putting the battleship on the pier of the mother star base was their biggest mistake. It is very safe for the interstellar battleship to be placed on the mother star base.

But if their warships are stationed, they will definitely not be as passive as they are now.

The role played by a star warship in battle is similar to that of an aircraft carrier, the only thing is that its firepower is not comparable to that of an aircraft carrier.

But the very important role of this thing is as a transfer station. It is because of the existence of this thing that in the future, everyone can be so unscrupulous in the sky.

Even if their interstellar warships are stationed, the future will not dare to appear directly above their heads so swaggeringly.

Because all interstellar warships have space engines, they can tear or interfere with space, so as to achieve curved surface flight or hyperspace flight.

The space capabilities of their starships may not be as strong as the future, but as long as they interfere with the future space channel, the future ship may be destroyed.

If their starship is stationed, the future will never dare to appear above them so arrogantly, but will choose to appear far away in space, and then fly over.

But it's a pity that those are all if, their starship is no longer stationed, but at the dock.

"Go and organize a team to rush with me, we can't go on being beaten like this.

As long as I get to that battleship, I have a way to turn things around.

Bring it on, bring some more milk for another flush! "Chen Baidi said to his subordinates.


The action of the Wumeng was very fast, and the 100-member assault team was assembled very quickly, and the leader was the only known owner of an epic weapon in the game, ahhhh 334455.

Facing the future attack, they flew into the sky and headed for Dawn.

Behind them is the large force of the Wumeng. As long as they open the line, the large force will be dispatched to fight the future to the death.


But how could he not be guarded against him in the future, as soon as he flew out and everyone saw him, all kinds of dispelling skills came one after another.

Before he flew far, all the state on his body was gone, but fortunately, the formation couldn't be dispelled.

He kept flickering with the treatment from the rear nurse, and he hung several laser cannons instead.

But formations cannot be dispelled, but people can't. I only heard a soft shout from the Chenxi: "Six-prism beam of light!"

Six beams of light appeared out of thin air, fixing him in midair, and the nurse's release skills behind him were useless.

"Expulsion of Light!" The same voice sounded, and a burst of light distorted him and disappeared on the battlefield.

It doesn't matter if he disappears, Chen Baidi and others behind have suffered a lot.

Without the restriction of fighting against the stars, the team will be covered by firepower in the future, and they will be wiped out without a chance when they struggle.

The person who expelled Ah Ah Ah 334455 was none other than Fairy Jingzhe.

Two days ago, he was successfully promoted to the mid-level mecha pilot, and used the perfect mecha evolution certificate to evolve into the Guardian of Light mecha.

This is a top-notch auxiliary mecha. Apart from the lower damage, this mecha has the ability to control, protect and heal.

The deported ahhh 334455 is not killed in battle, he was just exiled into space, and he can fly back later.

But at that time, the duration of his skills must have expired, even if he cools down well without the assistance of other mechas, he is not threatening.

The failure of this charge made the members of the martial arts alliance below even more anxious. If this continues, the station they have worked so hard to build will be gone.

"Where are those people? Send them an order from the leader of the alliance. If the headquarters is destroyed today, the Wumeng will never be able to recover!" Chen Baidi said.



Just when everyone in the future guild was about to break through the protective cover of the Wumeng garrison in one go, their radar showed red dots around the starry sky.

A large number of enemies actually surrounded them, and the branch of the Wumeng mobilized 17 starship legions to surround the future.

The Wumeng has never been a guild, it is composed of the six major sects and countless minor sects in the world.

With the development of science and technology, these sects are actually lonely, but among them there are also those who take advantage of the east wind of science and technology to soar to the top.

The Martial Arts League is nothing more than a representative guild established by the various sects with concentrated efforts, and their basic base is still the original branch.

The viewers who watched the live broadcast saw that the future fleet was besieged, and immediately thought that they were in danger.

"It's over, call people around!"

"Yes! I call you waves!"

"It might be cold now!"


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