General Huang was taken aback by Old Wang's words, and then he said in disbelief, "Did you make a mistake, did you mean Leviathan or King Leviathan?"

"It's King Leviathan," the old king confirmed, and then he told General Huang about the protoss.

"...Boy, are you sure you're still mentally normal?" General Huang said suspiciously, this matter challenged his perception of this universe.

"We'll know when we get back to the horn ship, those protoss probably won't be able to leave for a while," Old Wang said.

After Lao Wang finished speaking, he summoned the Lava and greeted General Huang, who was about to embark on the return journey.

The two came to the Lava, and after taking off the mecha, Wang Qianduo looked at General Huang in surprise and said, "Wow! How come you are so young?"

"Haha, I'm in a good mood!"

Wang Qianduo: "..."

In fact, he also roughly guessed some of the reasons, it should be the reason of the divine light.

The same is true, the divine light healed the dark wounds in his body and restored his body to its peak state.

General Huang is different from Lao Luo. He is only over 300 years old, which is the stage of the legendary strong man.

In the past, it seemed that they were almost entirely due to the influence of dark wounds, but now that dark wounds are removed, people are naturally younger.

If he takes care of himself, he should look similar to Mrs. Huang, in his 20s.


Lao Huang and Wang Qianduo encountered no twists and turns along the way. When they arrived at the horn ship, Lao Huang first saw the Xingling tribe, and then knew that Xunmin, Zhang Pingan, and Li Yulong had all arrived. horn ship.

A brand-new cosmic intelligent race deserves to be treated like this by humans, and they have to judge how to treat the Protoss.

Seeing this posture, General Huang had to believe it if he didn't believe it.

People from the three parties were discussing something in the corner ship's square, and the arrival of the two immediately became the focus of the audience.

When Xunmin saw General Huang, who was picked up by Lao Wang from the foreign domain, he didn't say anything, just like seeing an insignificant person.

Both Zhang Ping'an and Li Yulong came up to greet him, and chatted enthusiastically for a while, and even Lao Wang was taken care of by them.

Lao Wang also met Huang Rui, the key mission that caused General Huang's defection for the first time.

This is a very beautiful girl, her eyebrows are like emerald feathers, her muscles are like white snow, her waist is like a string of plains, and her teeth are like shellfish.

It's just that her expression was a little cold. After seeing General Huang, she came from Zhang Ping'an and came behind General Huang without saying a word.

The team led by General Zhang arrived late, and they arrived later than Lao Wang and General Huang.

Seeing their arrival, Zhang Ping'an and Li Yulong had subtle expressions, but Xun Min was not surprised.

Apparently Zhang Ping'an and Li Yulong's forces didn't know that Zhang Ping'an had thoughts about that position, but Xun Min did.

Seeing that his master didn't go up to say hello, General Huang frowned instead.

From the moment General Zhang arrived on the starship, Old Wang's mission was completed and he automatically skipped to the next round.

Alliance Secret III (the only special hidden main thread): You, who found General Huang, found that this matter was far from simple, and you decided to find out the truth.

Mission requirement: Investigate the causes and consequences of General Zhang's murder

Reward: 50,000 gold crystals, legendary skill chest*1

This task didn't even give Old Wang a chance to refuse, and it was the Overlord who insisted.

"Less routine, more sincerity!" Wang Qianduo complained while looking at his task.

Now the entire alliance is just a word "mess" in Lao Wang's eyes, it is simply a mess.

Originally, he could judge who was good and who was bad based on his first impression, but when he got deeper, he found that these people were just like each other.

In this power struggle, there is no good or evil, right and wrong, only the bottom line of success and failure.


Because of the mission, Lao Wang, who originally wanted to leave, had to wait here for them to observe them.

There is no reminder of the new task at all, which can be said to be a pitfall.

But what Lao Wang thinks is that since it is a secret, then this is already the pinnacle of the alliance's power, and their secret must count.

"It seems that you are in good condition recently! All the hidden injuries have recovered." Just when Old Wang had no target, General Zhang suddenly found General Huang and said.

"It's okay! But you still miss that position at your age? It's not easy!" General Huang said with emotion.

But his emotion is really just appearance, no one knows what he is thinking in his heart, but a trace of sarcasm can be heard from his tone.

Being ridiculed by his apprentice, General Zhang didn't respond at all, instead he left with a smile.

After leaving, his face gradually turned cold, and it seemed that he didn't care.

"He seems to know something!"

"Nonsense, how can you not know if you are so blatant?"

"Stop arguing, he can't stay anymore, solve it as soon as possible, and then cultivate a legend."

Several people were discussing something in secret, and one of them made a final decision. It seems that the problem of the alliance is really serious!


In the next few parties, you will sing and I will appear on the stage, making the atmosphere of the entire battleship even more tense.

But Lao Wang's mission has no progress at all, and he hasn't heard any secret news.

In this situation, he suddenly received a message asking him and Lao Huang to return to the parent star base. And let General Huang regain control of the parent star base, he assisted.

Lao Huang didn't refuse. After taking over the task, he took Lao Wang and left the place of right and wrong.

Lao Wang had no chance to refuse, and was taken away by Lao Huang. They were still driving the Lava just like when they came, but this time there was an extra Huang Rui who didn't like to talk.

After leaving the Qinglong Legion, Lao Wang tried to answer Huang Rui, but after working hard for a long time, he got nothing and closed himself.

He began to take stock of what he had gained this time. The most important thing Lao Wang gained from this trip to the outer domain was experience.

Several fights with the swarm raised his level to close to level 30, and he was directly raised to level 30 after handing in the second ring task.

Just reached level 30, as soon as a few equipment that can be grown without experience grow, his attributes once again ushered in an explosion.

When he completes the evolution of the mecha and all the equipment, the old king's attributes will take another qualitative leap.

And not only that, level 30 is the beginning of a lot of content in this game, and he can use everything in his V15 gift bag.

After all these things are used up, they will meet a brand new Pharaoh.

But these things need him to go back to the mother star base first, because those things are all in the warehouse.

Just when Old Wang was thinking about how he should improve after returning home, a ray hit the wing of Lava.

It seems that some people didn't want him to go back so easily, or they didn't want General Huang to go back so simply.

"Is it still here?"

General Huang looked at these enemies without the slightest surprise, and then he said:

"Don't move here, wait for me to come back!"

After speaking, he summoned the Six-Armed King Ming, jumped out of the Lava, and chased after the enemies in space.

The six-armed king's thunder flashed in the starry sky, because it was a vacuum environment, the old king couldn't hear the sound, but just looking at the various explosion lights, he could also imagine the intensity of the battle.

"I'm going to help grandpa!" Huang Rui said suddenly, this was the first time Lao Wang heard her speak.

"I suggest you not to go. To be able to fight with General Huang to this level of opponent must be a legendary mecha. If you go, you will also add to the chaos!" Old Wang said directly.

Huang Rui clenched her fist when she heard the words, then she seemed to have made up her mind and said, "I started this matter, even if I die, I will help grandpa!"

After she finished speaking, she also summoned the mech to fly to the place where the battle took place, leaving Pharaoh with a question mark.

Isn't this woman stupid? She didn't play right into the enemy's arms. Once the opponent made a move against him, wouldn't General Huang throw a mouse at him?

How can you help your grandfather even if you die? You are going to drag your grandfather to die together!

What mistake did General Huang make, to have such a good granddaughter like you?

What Lao Wang didn't notice was that Huang Rui's condition was actually not right.

After thinking for a while, he also summoned the mech, retracted the lava and chased after it.

You can't drive the lava number past. Although the lava number is strong, it is for opponents below the legend.

It is said that it is very easy for the mecha to tear it apart. If it cannot be repaired, it will explode at a loss.

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