Why is my mecha game different from others

Chapter 289: The Election Restarts

The disappearing old king instantly appeared above the cerebrate, throwing out the "white plus black" slash in his hand.

Based on Lao Wang's current understanding of elements and space, the "white plus black" slash is not something that cerebrates can resist.

After it found that it couldn't escape, the spiritual field exploded with all its strength, and a sharp blade transformed from spiritual power came straight to the old king.

It is already a very high-end skill to turn the spirit into a real thing.

It attacked with the idea of ​​perishing with Lao Wang, so it didn't hold back at all.

But the mental shock that should have passed the black and white slash did not appear, and its mental shock was directly smashed into pieces after encountering the white slash.

Even it couldn't stop the white slash, as if hitting a stone with an egg.

"How can..."

Before it could say the word "able", it was crushed by the black and white slash.

During the period, Pharaoh used a big medicine to restore the state to full, and then killed the next Zerg again.

Although Old Wang broke through to the next level of mental power with the help of the brain worm's mental impact and the five zerg's attacks just now, but his injury was not light.

He can still deal with one or two Legendary Zergs, but if all five of them fight together, Old Wang will definitely not feel well.

So as soon as he came up, he went all out and instantly killed a zerg and a brain worm that were sent up.

If the zerg could check the status, Old Wang was already half blood and blue just now.

But now after a Heart of Heaven is hit, Pharaoh's state is back to full again.

The insect swarm lost the will of the brain worm to transfer the master and immediately fell into chaos, and it was time for the old king to hunt and kill!

The Lord of Elements in the form of Chaos Elements disappeared again, this time behind yet another Legendary Zerg.

This is a Zerg that uses the power of elements, so he has no power to fight back against the old king.

No mech or other unit has a higher order for the elements than the elemental master, and it can't use any skills to face the elemental master.

After Lao Wang easily killed it, he space-transported to another Zerg again, killed it with the same steps, and then came before the last Zerg.

The reason why this Zerg was put at the end was because it was a bit troublesome. This is a Zerg he had seen before, on the ship of the melting gold shop.

It looks exactly the same as the zerg that Pharaoh and the others couldn't kill no matter what, but the color is a little different.

To be honest, Pharaoh still doesn't know how to kill it.

He can only freeze him with ice, and then prepare to summon the gate of the dark abyss again.

Without this almost immortality, it would be the weakest of these Zergs, even legends would praise him.

So he was easily controlled by Lao Wang, and he couldn't break free at all.

But when Old Wang's chanting of the gate of the dark abyss just started, it stopped.

Because he felt that if he continued, bad things would happen. It seemed that the impact of the Abyss Gate being broken last time did not end.

So Old Wang had no choice but to think of other ways. He used his evolved spiritual power to examine it carefully for a while, and finally discovered the secret of the immortality of this zerg.

That is, there is a moving energy core in its body, and this thing is its root.

The old king imprisoned it with spiritual power, and then shattered the core with one blow. The zerg immediately turned into a puddle of mud, and then slowly disappeared.

So far, the seven legendary powers of the Zerg Swarm on this planet were all killed by Lao Wang, and then he began to cleanse the common Zerg.

At this time, Old Wang's mecha returned to the dark gray mecha before his eruption, but now this form is a form of hiding his strength. When he erupts with all his strength, the mecha will still change into the form of chaos elements.


These messy zerg, Lao Wang still killed them for two days before killing them all.

After all the Zergs were killed, Lao Wang contacted everyone in the Space Force Corps. The resources on this planet will not be able to eat by himself in the future, so he can only rely on the strength of all the players in the Legion.

Because there are four other mountains on this planet that are the same as the energy crystal mountain he discovered. Although they have been mined by the swarm to varying degrees, they are still not large enough to be eaten in the future.

"This is an energy crystal mountain! This is a golden mountain!"

"There's nothing wrong with that. After all, energy is a hard currency no matter what time it is!"

"It's so pretty, the color of money!"

"Whoever chose this place really has vision!"

After seeing these mountains made of energy crystals, everyone sighed with emotion.

"Stop lamenting there, let's work! Now we have the funds for the election!" Qu Zhihua looked at the "Jinshan" in front of him and said cheerfully.

"You're too dark to come and work, aren't you? Capitalists don't exploit people like you do!" Everyone said.

"roll roll roll!"

"Ha ha!"


Because of the emergence of these "golden mountains", they made up for the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle for the Space Force Corps and Lao Wang's candidacy, and they are now more relaxed than ever.

This time when everyone was developing and building this planet, Pharaoh did not leave, but stayed here to build this place with everyone.

This planet is too important now, Lao Wang is afraid that the Zerg will make a comeback, so he chooses to stay on defense.


Time flew by like a white horse, and the three months that Ye Wuyou reserved for everyone soon came.

The list of candidates for this election has also come out. Unlike the last time, there are only three candidates for the election this time, namely Zhang Pingan, Li Yulong and Lao Wang.

Zhang Yi did not participate this time, which surprised many people, but this does not include the three candidates, because everyone has already investigated his situation.

It would be foolish to go on stage without knowing who your opponent is.

After the three candidates were announced at the meeting, it was their first speech canvassing session.

Zhang Ping'an was first, Li Yulong was second, and Lao Wang was the last.

The speeches given by the two after they took the stage can only be said to be quite satisfactory, and there is nothing special about them.

After that came Pharaoh, who was different from them. Pharaoh didn't take the speech script to the stage at all, but gave a speech without the script.

This is the first time Lao Wang has appeared in front of all NPCs. First of all, his age shocked all NPCs.

Both Zhang Ping'an and Li Yulong are over a hundred years old, while Pharaoh's age clearly shows 28 years old.

Mecha World has no record of people of this age taking the stage, and at the age of 28, they are still struggling for qualifications.

But without too much shock to the crowd, Old Wang's speech had already begun.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Qianwang, and I am an adventurer from another world.

Speaking of the different world, I think you must have a lot of curiosity about the so-called different world.

Today I will satisfy everyone's curiosity and talk about the difference between the two worlds.


Lao Wang's speech was not profound at all, even a little superficial, but the more Zhang Pingan and Li Yulong listened to it, the more dignified they became.

It was really the world that Lao Wang talked about, and it had a huge impact on them. It seemed that they had never thought about understanding the different world before.

But if it is said that Lao Wang has caused a dimensionality reduction blow to them, that is not enough, it can only be said that he has a slight threat to them.

After this speech, the next few days will be the time for them to attack each other, while they tear each other down, the people vote.

Zhang Ping'an and Li Yulong seemed to have made an agreement, and when they came up, they opened fire on Lao Wang's side and used all kinds of methods.

The main use is that Lao Wang and others have no industry under their banners and cannot provide employment opportunities for the people, and they are basically rootless duckweed and some cracks in the players who have just entered the game to attack them.

But these are indeed flaws of Lao Wang and others, but not their seven inches, they can still turn them over.

At the same time, Lao Wang and the others are not made of mud. Compared with these two black materials, Lao Wang and the others are nothing.

But now there is a problem. Lao Wang and others have no publicity channels, and many of their voices cannot be heard.

Apart from online channels, they have no other channels to promote at all.

And the channel of the Internet relies on the help of Zero, the god of the Internet.

But everyone in the Time Corps is not anxious at all, because they have already thought about this point.

The matter of media channels cannot be resolved in such a short period of time, and we can only find a way in the future. For now, they are enough to hold on to the Internet.

What's more, they don't rely on such channels to canvass votes, they rely on their plans and companies.

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