"Quiet, I don't want to say it a second time."

Shinomiya Kaguya's voice was as cold as ice, causing the struggling woman to tremble. She raised her hands full of tears to show that she gave up resistance.

Why do you suddenly feel like joining the villain?

With this thought, Gao Hai walked to the bed, squatted down, and lifted up the dirty sheets hanging to the floor.

A stiff female corpse appeared in Gao Hai's sight.

"What the hell..."

Sun Dajun almost screamed immediately, but Kaguya immediately turned his head and gave a cold "quiet". Coupled with Green's glare, the man had to calm down and squatted on the ground with a sad face.

Although Green was still trying hard to be a good henchman, he was still somewhat trembling when he saw the corpse. But he soon noticed that Kaguya was completely indifferent to the corpse under the bed. Gao Hai also lifted up the sheets with an expressionless face and squatted down to observe the corpse without fear, including the real concubine who was standing a little further away. There was no response either. Obviously none of these three people look like they are over 20 years old, but at this time they are the three calmest people here.

As expected, these three people have all experienced the Kaitan game at least once and are very experienced players.

As long as he follows them, tries to play all the roles he can, and makes these big guys happy, he will definitely survive this game.

That's right, as long as he can survive this damn game, he doesn't care if he goes to the toilet to lick the potty now. Not to mention that these three big guys seem to be quite easy to talk to. As long as they don't hinder them, they can help a little bit. Stay busy, I, Green, will definitely be able to get through this difficulty smoothly!

Not to mention the smug guy on this side, Gao Hai on the other side was completely focused on the corpse in front of him.

The woman who went crazy and screamed before and provoked the plot-killing boss was probably because she saw this corpse.

Unlike the guy in 208 who was frozen solid in the refrigerator, this female corpse looked like she had been dead not long ago. Her eyes were closed, her mouth was slightly black, and her face seemed to be slightly swollen. She was wearing a gray pajamas with a large collar that covered her neck. The fingers sticking out of the sleeves were also black and blue. At the same time, a dark yellow color can be clearly seen on the pajama pants, as well as a faint odor that has almost completely dissipated.

Gao Hai has vaguely thought of the possible way of death of this corpse, but some details may need to be investigated, such as whether there are pinch marks on the neck of the corpse, whether there are any signs of skin peeling off or scratches.

【Beware of corpses】

However, he couldn't help but think of Lao Guo's advice before leaving.

Did this person die in this room?

What could have killed her? Where is the thing that killed her?

Gao Hai turned his head and scanned the general structure of the room. In the dim light, although the indoor scene was slightly blurry, it did not prevent him from seeing the layout of the room clearly and confirming that there was no room for anything to hide in this place. Of course, the premise is that this thing really has Entity.

Then, he turned back and looked at the double bed placed against the wall, and looked at the width of the double bed.

Finally, he lowered his head again and stared at the female body lying quietly under the bed.

And lying behind the female body, the one staring at him motionless was a man wearing glasses, half of his face was as messy as a smashed building block, and was covered with black and red blood. .

Chapter Thirteen: It seems more comfortable to be a bad guy

If his life were a novel, Gao Hai vowed that he would find the author and slap the author on the ground.

Damn it, first a ghost came down from the corridor and killed three supporting characters instantly without even knowing his appearance, and then he knocked on the door and killed the San trio's life-threatening attack. Now that he has finally made use of the scene rules to be temporarily safe, you can do it Wouldn't it be better for my heart if I stared at a corpse?

What do you want the readers to do if you scare me to death? Is it possible to let them change the protagonist? Let me tell you that changing the protagonist is extremely dangerous. You must not do this. This is my experience as a street fighter, you know?

The complaints in my heart passed by at a fast speed.

Gao Hai's face remained expressionless, without a trace of ripples.

He knew that the man behind the female corpse was dead and that he was also a corpse. In other words, this thing at least has some characteristics of a corpse, such as not breathing, and there are injuries on the body that are fatal to humans.

But he also knew that this piece of shit was staring right at him.

The man's only remaining intact eye was wide open, staring at Gao Hai's face.

He shifted slightly.

Behind the female corpse, the head of the male corpse turned silently, keeping its gaze on him.

The opponent's hidden location was almost completely plunged into darkness.

If Gao Hai hadn't realized the problem and looked carefully, he would never have discovered the thing behind the female corpse. But even if he discovered the existence of the other party, he did not dare to reveal its existence. After facing the two previous attacks by strange power, Gao Hai had a deep understanding that the things in this apartment building were not something ordinary people could fight against. Now this corpse is just lying on the ground motionless. If it gets up later, the few people present may have to be killed in a group.

"Let's go, there's nothing to see here, it's just a corpse. Go to 210, there may be some clues there."

Putting down the sheet to cover the body under the bed, Gao Hai stood up. While saying this, he turned to look at Kaguya and mouthed the three letters [SOS] silently.

Kaguya understood and glanced at the double bed, which seemed to have no problem, and then looked down at the yellow-haired woman whose mouth was still clamped by her, her cheeks were pinched red, and thought for a moment. , and said coldly to her:

"I will let you go now, as long as you don't bark out of control and don't hinder what we have to do, I have no interest in taking care of you."

Saying this, Kaguya slightly relaxed some of the restrictions on the woman's mouth.

"You...what do you want to do? My family has no money and I am very poor. Don't kidnap me..."

The intimidation skill of Ice Princess Kaguya was obviously above 80. The woman who was let go was so frightened that she shed tears, but she didn't even dare to cry loudly. She just weakly pleaded in a low voice and almost fell to the ground. Kneel down.

"Whoever is interested in kidnapping you, please open your eyes and see clearly. We are the same people trapped here as you. Let's agree in advance that the reason why we will not let you go is not for any charitable purpose. If If you can't show your value, the corpse just now will be your next fate."

The real concubine on the other side said as she searched for some documents from the bookcase. She didn't know how many clues they had and put them into her backpack. Then she opened the door to the living room and prepared to go out first.

"You, what on earth do you want to do? I have no enmity with you..."

Sun Dajun, who was huddled against the wall, stood up at this moment. He protected the yellow-haired girl who was sobbing softly, and finally said angrily that he couldn't bear it anymore.

What a hassle.

Gao Hai felt trouble from the bottom of his heart.

He suddenly realized now that the reason why Lao Guo chose to trick someone and leave was because he was unwilling to take over this mess.

When I first fell into the strange rules of the sacrifice game, I didn’t know how dangerous and terrifying this place was. I was still using common sense and concepts in daily life to deal with problems, but I couldn’t understand the horror of being wiped out on the spot if I made one wrong move.

Gao Hai is not a philanthropist. To be honest, he actually wants to let these guys go and wait for them to die on their own, just like what he did last time.

But the problem is, in this apartment, the dead don't rest in peace. They will turn into monsters that are incomprehensible to common sense, and will follow the traces of the living, causing great trouble for their next actions.

It was neither a matter of control nor a release. Less than an hour into the seven-day game, Gao Hai felt the huge malice of this copy from all aspects.

"Mr. Green, do you have a knife?"

Then, he heard Shinomiya Kaguya's cold voice.

"Bring it."

The next moment, Green took out a fifteen centimeter long dagger from his waist. It looked like it had been specially sharpened. Even in the dim room, it shone with a cold light and looked extremely sharp.

"Hold him and take him out. If he screams, cut out his tongue."

Kaguya, who gave the order coldly, didn't even look at Sun Dajun. He just signaled to Gao Hai and then walked away.

Gao Hai followed Kaguya closely, thought for a moment, showed a gentle smile to the yellow-haired girl huddled aside, and then asked:

"Are you going to come out on your own, or should I come and invite you in person?"

He felt that his tone should still be normal.

Although the woman then walked out with tears streaming down her face and covering her mouth, as if she had been threatened by a murderer.

As for Sun Dajun, although he wanted to have the guts to resist, when the vicious Green stabbed the knife into the wall next to his head, less than a centimeter away from his ear, he almost peed in fear and could only cry in despair. Follow him out honestly.

"now it's right."

Standing in the corridor, Kaguya stared indifferently at the trembling Sun Dajun and the yellow-haired girl. Her proud posture was like that of a queen.

"Whether you accept it or not, if you can't be obedient, I will punish you."

"In dangerous situations, the brilliance of humanity has never been necessary for survival. On the contrary, enough animality can ensure safety. If you can't be obedient now, then I can only say that you only have the most basic use value, even dogs. Not as good as scum. If you have a little bit of knowledge, depending on the situation, maybe I can consider giving you some preferential treatment."

"Mr. Green, I would like to trouble you right now. Please discipline these two disobedient dogs and keep them out of the way."

Kaguya, who gave the order casually, then stopped looking at the two people.

"My name is Sun Dajun, I am not a dog."

The man who felt insulted roared angrily.

"My, my name is Maeda Miwa..."

Although the woman was timid, she still felt a little uncomfortable after Kaguya said such words. Sun Dajun happened to be retorting, so she followed suit.

Then, when a grinning Green stood in front of the two of them with a knife in his hand, and said in a sinister voice, "What you call me is none of my business." After all, the two of them, who were just ordinary people with average qualities, chose to shut up.

It took about a minute or two for these two people to finally calm down.

It's really too much trouble.

Gao Hai shook his head slightly, feeling sincerely unhappy about the current difficult situation.

These two people must see the real thing before they can understand what their current situation is. Otherwise, even if they are suppressed by force, sooner or later these two idiots will still seek death and do all kinds of stupid things like the extras in horror movies. In order to solve the various rules and mysteries of this place, it is impossible for them to keep an eye on these two people at all times. Even if they have a younger brother Green to look after them, there will always be times when one person keeps an eye on two people. .

And then coupled with the mechanism of this ghost place, maybe after these two guys die, they will turn into some awesome things that are completely impossible to fight against, and they will hunt them down. If they are forced to use a wall clock to backtrack, it will make people's blood pressure soar.

However, at least one of their usefulness can be found, and that is the selection of people to turn the wall clock.

Gao Hai, who had turned a wall clock himself, could still feel the gaze of those clocks. After coming into contact with this thing, these things that were just ordinary wall clocks seemed to have established some strange connection with him. This anomaly deserves alertness, so he believes that if he encounters the need to rely on the power of the wall clock again, Shinomiya Kaguya and Shijo Maifei, as important exploration analysts, must not be the ones to take action. Originally, he thought it would be enough to let Green set the clock, but now it seems that it is quite appropriate to let Sun Dajun or Maeda Miwa do this kind of thing. I believe that after dialing the clock, they will be able to understand what the situation is now.

Although this may be a bit cruel, no, it's not cruel. He got entangled with weird things because of ringing the clock. To be honest, he saved these guys' lives. There is nothing wrong with letting them pay back some interest.

Gao Hai was surprised to find that it seemed quite easy to change his mind.

This kind of pretending to be evil with Shinomiya Kaguya, and even really thinking about some unharmonious methods, does not arouse his personal moral disgust.

Maybe it's because they are not beautiful girls. After all, I am more concerned with looks.

With this thought, Gao Hai picked up a wooden stick from the corridor and stood it on the closed door of 205.

He, Kaguya Shinomiya, and Concubine Shijo looked at each other, and then Gao Hai pointed to the location of Room 208. After Kaguya and Concubine Shinomiya thought for a while, they motioned for Green to take the two people to follow them, and they could not Make noise.

The so-called going to 210 is of course a lie. After Lao Guo has emphasized the advice not to go to 210, Gao Hai will not be stupid and risk his own life to test the truth of this matter.

Therefore, I hid in Room 208, which I had explored once before and had no major hidden dangers (at least the refrigerator guy didn’t look like he planned to interact with them during the previous round of investigation), and monitored the movements in the corridor. Seeing if the guy under the bed has made any move to chase him out is the action that needs to be tried now.

Well, Gao Hai has decided to give these corpses nicknames according to the habits of horror game players in calling various monsters, such as Chainsaw Brother, Scissors Brother, and Fat Brother. In this way, his inner pressure can be relieved to some extent.

Green, who acted arrogantly and thought he had found a backer, led the dejected Sun Dajun and Maeda Miwa into the living room. According to Gao Hai's order, the two people were placed in the kitchen and asked to move the refrigerator in the kitchen and place the refrigerator door against the wall. Then they both sat down and leaned on the back of the refrigerator, while Green stayed behind. Staring at the two men from the kitchen door.

"Watch those two people. If anything wants to escape from the refrigerator, take them to the living room."

When Gao Hai said this to Green, he saw the man's face turn green instantly. It could be seen that all his courage was given by Gao Hai and the other three. For this reason, Gao Hai had to adopt a stronger attitude, so Green took the two of them to the kitchen in fear.

Kaguya, who has the best hearing, still stayed in the corridor. She decided to be responsible for verifying the results of this attempt. Once she found that something was wrong, she would not hesitate to withdraw from the corridor and enter the living room. She would never be like last time. They called Gao Hai and Zhen Fei over, but the result was that the three of them were almost wiped out.

"Ha... I hope I can get a good result this time."

The real concubine who was guarding the door between the living room and the corridor sighed and whispered tiredly.

She doesn't like to play villain, and she has never thought about doing anything to those poor people who are essentially trapped here like her. Unlike Shinomiya Kaguya, who was educated by a ruthless chaebol, and Takami, who didn't have a particularly high sense of morality, Shijou Maconcubine has always been a kind and good child. She was just smart enough to know that she had to maintain enough pressure to ensure temporary stability when she couldn't explain the situation clearly and was already hostile and fearful, so she just followed along and acted coldly.

And in the final analysis, the reason why the man named Green was willing to listen to the three people here was just because he thought that the three people here were [old players].

Once this disguise was exposed, the murderous guy would never be as easy to talk to as he is now.

It was really too troublesome and difficult... Why did this so-called game torture them who were originally living their lives like this?

The sigh of the girl did not get any response.

On the corridor, Kaguya, who frowned and paid attention to the movement outside the door, had heard the sound she wanted to hear, but at the same time did not want to hear.


The small wooden stick standing at the door of room 205 fell down.

Chapter 14: The story line finally began to be gradually unlocked

After coming out of 205, Gao Hai found an opportunity to tell Kaguya and Zhenfei about the second body under the bed of 205.

Therefore, at this moment, when she heard the sound of the wooden stick falling and the door slowly opening, Kaguya Shinomiya knew very well that the person standing in the corridor now might be a strange male corpse with half of his body twisted and distorted, as if he had been disassembled and reassembled.

Previously in 205, had that thing been hiding under the bed and watching them searching the house?

So the key question now is, where will it go.

Gao Hai deliberately said the room number 210 before leaving the house in order to mislead. But the premise of this misleading is based on the premise that the thing has a certain thinking ability and has no special tracking means.


Heavy footsteps sounded in the corridor.

The direction the other party moved... was 210.

Kaguya breathed a sigh of relief silently.

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