The last thing he tried was the badge of the rescue team. Gao Hai couldn't wear it on his chest now. He tried to wear it on his sleeve, but it didn't trigger the effect. So Gao Hai got angry and put the pin through his flesh and put it on his wrist. This time he successfully summoned the clothes of the rescue team. As a result, Gao Hai, whose physical fitness was greatly enhanced, was still unable to move and had no way to escape from the current environment. Not only that, he found that he couldn't summon the rescue team members. The reason seemed to be that the previous one was destroyed and it would take some time to regenerate and summon.

Unfortunately, the previous rescue team member was intercepted before he could run into the gentle slope, and he came to this place because of [Awakening from a Dream], so he couldn't try again.


Gao Hai blinked and barely moved his head, but the drop of liquid still dripped on his head, and he immediately felt another wet spot on his forehead.

It seemed to be blood, the blood from the thing stuck on his head.

Something must be done.

Can't just stay stuck here.

Gao Hai struggled again, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move even a little bit.

"Huh... uh..."

His head was dizzy again, and he saw stars.

Gao Hai knew that he was in a state of hypoxia again, but he couldn't care so much. The current situation made him realize a very terrible possibility, so he had to break free from the current state even if he died.

But it was useless.

The struggle with all his strength did not bring any change.

After the hypoxia reached the limit, Gao Hai fainted directly, and then he didn't know how many hours had passed. He woke up again, and was confused for a long time before realizing that he was still stuck in the same place and couldn't move.

There was a feeling of hunger in his stomach.

Gao Hai didn't know how long he hadn't eaten, but it was obvious that after the fierce struggle just now, his physical strength had been lost a lot, so he began to feel hungry.

But in this state, Gao Hai couldn't eat at all, and he couldn't take out the food.

His throat was very dry.

After a long period of fatigue, he began to feel thirsty.

But Gao Hai also had no way to replenish water.

At this moment, he could only endure hunger and thirst and continue to think about how to escape from here.

The conclusion was that there was no way.

He had been completely stuck here, and it was impossible to escape by his own strength.

The obsession in his hand also could not help Gao Hai solve the current problem, and the only rescue team badge that might have an effect was also ineffective.

Perhaps, he could only try to commit suicide.

Gao Hai, who realized this, felt very helpless.

If he wanted to commit suicide in this state, he would bite his tongue to commit suicide? But in fact, biting the tongue would not kill him. Those who died by biting their tongues often died of suffocation caused by blood rushing into the respiratory tract. This process was very painful, and Gao Hai did not want to use this method of torturing himself unless it was absolutely necessary.

The same was true for directly shouting "I am a human being". Gao Hai really didn't want to endure that kind of overly painful death. His willpower was very strong, but he was not a masochist or a psychopath, and he really didn't want to encounter this kind of thing again.

However, perhaps I can use the rescue team badge. Although the pollution of this thing is reduced, if I wear it for too long, it will still transform myself. If I continue to wear it, I may be able to die in a strange way and get out of here.

Gao Hai just let the badge on his hand go through his skin. Although it still hurts, it is not unbearable under the blessing. If it continues, I should still be able to commit suicide in this way.

Gao Hai, thinking of this, couldn't help but reveal a bitter smile at the corner of his mouth.

I just said that I should save the number of times I return to the archive and conquer as many low-difficulty dungeons as possible, but now I have to die.

However, at least after this time, I know what to do. After all, this thing is in the fork area of ​​[Blood Vessel]. As long as I don't go to [Blood Vessel], but leave the dungeon through other clothes and other identities, I can avoid this guy. The only problem at the moment is how to survive this period of time.

Tick-tock --

When Gao Hai lowered his head to think, another drop of liquid fell on his head.

Gao Hai was not sure how the corpse stuck on his head died, and to be honest, he did not understand why this guy kept dripping blood on him. Anyway, he could not escape, so Gao Hai simply closed his eyes and tried to hypnotize himself to sleep, trying to use this method to get through this period of time.

Closed his eyes, opened his eyes.

Consciousness became clear again from blur.

No dream.

After waking up from the [dream], Gao Hai did not dream again.

I don’t know how much time has passed now.

But what is certain is that he has not been transformed into a weird, and there is not even a tendency to transform into a weird.

What happened?

Gao Hai widened his eyes.

The power of the rescue team badge was suppressed.

Just after sleeping for a while, the obsession that he had been wearing was suppressed, and even the rescue suit that originally appeared on Gao Hai disappeared directly.

Because this is the area under the influence of the core obsession, the power of the obsession object is suppressed? !

"I... am a human..."

After a brief hesitation, Gao Hai slowly said this sentence.

His voice sounded a little hoarse, perhaps because the thirst became more serious.

The white skirt did not appear.

The white skirt that should have come out to kill him immediately after this sentence, now there is no reaction. Even though Gao Hai can still feel the other party's gaze, the thing does not move at all as if the rules have failed, and there is no intention to come and kill him at all.

Something is wrong.

This situation is not right.

The bad premonition in his heart becomes stronger and stronger.

Gao Hai took a deep breath and bit off his tongue in a fierce way.

Blood spread in his mouth.

And Gao Hai, who endured this severe pain, began to breathe immediately, forcing the gushing blood directly into his throat.

It was painful.

Unable to breathe.

The pain was almost unbearable.

But, he still did not die.

"Cough... uh... uh..."

Even though he couldn't breathe for more than ten minutes.

Even though blood almost filled his lungs.

Gao Hai still didn't die.

He understood the other power of this weirdness that trapped him to death, or in other words, understood the way this weirdness tortured people.

Its power is not about how to kill people or how to torture people.

Its power is to protect people.

Protect those who are trapped to death in this narrow crevice.

Let these trapped people.

Never die.


Another drop of smelly liquid fell on Gao Hai's forehead, on Gao Hai's head who was in pain because of the suffocation that lasted for more than ten minutes.

And the corpse just continued to be silent.

Just the same as in the past, no different from that long time, continued to be silent.

Chapter 52: Torture in the Dark and the Initial Phantom


The strong suffocation caused by the blocked trachea continued.

But he couldn't die.

In intense pain, Gao Hai once again summoned the scalpel obsession, struggling and concentrating again.

The damage to the body was affected by the strange power, and even the injuries that should have been fatal would not really kill him. In this situation, the only way Gao Hai could think of was to destroy his brain and completely interrupt his consciousness.


With great difficulty, he pointed the sharp scalpel at his forehead.

The next moment, Gao Hai let go and let the sharp blade fall towards him.


With the blessing of the strange power, the blade easily penetrated Gao Hai's skull and pierced into his brain. And because of the extended attack range of this obsession, although Gao Hai's forehead was only pierced by the scalpel, his entire brain was actually completely pierced, and a big hole was directly opened in the back of his head. Gao Hai could even feel some kind of liquid flowing out of the back of his head.

Compared with the pain of suffocation, the pain of piercing the head is much lighter, and it can even be said that there is no feeling.

But, it seems that he still can't die.

This strange power gave Gao Hai extraordinary immortality. Even though a big hole was blown in his head, he was still awake and continued to feel the severe pain of suffocation.

What the hell is this?

Gao Hai, who wanted to curse, could not speak at this moment because his trachea was blocked by blood, but he still did not give up. Instead, he took out the second scalpel and aimed it at his arm.

Since he couldn't die, he wanted to try to cut his flesh with a knife to see if he could break free in this way.

However, his hands and arms were stuck in the extremely narrow rock cracks and could not move. The space for his forearms to move upwards was only about three or four centimeters, and he could only barely move horizontally to the left and right. Gao Hai tried several times in a row and found that he could only cut the flesh at the elbow at most, and he couldn't reach any lower.

But this scalpel was very sharp. If it was dropped, maybe it could just cut off a section of the flesh of the upper arm?

It sounds like a solution, but if he fails again this time, he might really be at his wits' end.

If he uses the bloody scissors... No, that thing's attack range is not as good as the scalpel, and his goal is to escape or die. Even if he uses that thing to cut off his arm, he has no way to escape. On the contrary, it is more difficult for him to operate without a hand.

Is this the last chance?

Gao Hai did not hesitate any more. The scalpel has been out for a while. According to this strange power, if he thinks about it for a while longer, the power of the scalpel may be suppressed and cannot be used.

"Uh... Huh..."

In the strong sense of suffocation, Gao Hai adjusted the angle of the scalpel bit by bit. Although he could not see in the dark, he still roughly found the right position and gently threw the scalpel down. The blade was facing down and penetrated his arm.

Under the severe pain that extended all the way, Gao Hai's upper arm on one side was cut off a large piece of meat by the scalpel.

Very good, this way there will be no card group, and then it should be...

Still can't move.

Gao Hai was stunned for a moment, and then tried to move his arm that had been cut off, but found that he still couldn't move.

Silently, the rock wall changed, becoming narrower without Gao Hai noticing, and his arm that had been cut off continued to be firmly stuck in the rock.

He was still trapped in the same place, enduring the severe pain of wounds all over his body and the suffocation of his throat being blocked by blood. He was still awake, still alive, still unable to move, and still... unable to die.

Don't give up, don't give up.

Gao Hai said to himself in his heart.

1 hour, 5 hours, 24 hours...

Gao Hai, who was trapped in the absolutely dark cave, had no way of knowing the current time.

For him, these 24 hours were like a whole year. In this cave where he couldn't move at all and was tortured by intense pain, his mind was being severely destroyed and worn out every moment.

36 hours, 48 ​​hours, 72 hours...

Hunger and thirst began to bring strong discomfort.

Gao Hai felt his throat was very dry. The blood from the broken tongue had dried up long ago, and the blood in the throat was almost dry, so the pain of suffocation was relieved. But it was replaced by a painful feeling as if the whole throat was burning.

Gao Hai began to feel his body temperature rising little by little, and a strong sense of heat was generated all over his body. Every piece of skin, every cell, seemed to be screaming and causing him severe pain.

His heartbeat was speeding up.

The dizziness was getting stronger and stronger, but he found that he couldn't faint now.

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