Walking through chaotic corridors.

The muffled voices kept ringing, as if there were many people discussing something behind their backs.

It seemed like I could see many eyes looking at me.

Hiding in the darkness, watching all this happen, but doing nothing.

Just watching.

Every time, every time, when something happens, just watch like this.

No, that's not what I thought.

What is this...

Gao Hai's eyes widened, and his running steps slowed down at this moment.

A figure walked forward.

A figure who was also in a mess, with blood stains on his clothes.

Lao Guo.

"Here you go again, with a different face this time?"

There was no time to say even a single word.

At the moment when he saw Zhen Fei and Gao Hai running over, Lao Guo, who was obviously seriously injured, gritted his teeth and raised his right hand, revealing a black pistol clenched between his fingers.

Bang bang bang——

Three consecutive rounds of bullets illuminated the dim corridor instantly.

Gao Hai, who had no time to dodge due to the inertia of his running body, was knocked down by Zhen Fei, and the two of them fell into the garbage pile beside the corridor.

Kaguya, who was chasing behind them, stopped at this moment, staggered, and took a step back.

[So I have said that children who don’t stay at home at night are disobedient and bad children. Why don’t you understand? 】

In the cold voice, the girl slowly raised her head.

"Hey, hey, this is beyond the scope..."

And because Gao Hai was thrown to the ground and was lying on his back, after seeing Kaguya's face, he couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

The blood-red color is spreading.

Liquid trickled down from the eye socket that had been pierced by the bullet.

From the hole on his cheek, something turbid has begun to seep out.

"Damn, it's like this again..."

Lao Guo, who whispered angrily, staggered and was about to turn around and run away the next moment.

【It's really not cute】

Kaguya, who had clearly been shot through the head by two bullets, took a step forward and chased after Lao Guo. Her speed was much faster than when she was chasing Gao Hai and Zhen Fei just now, as if some kind of restriction had been lifted, and she almost instantly caught up with Lao Guo who wanted to escape.

Gao Hai didn't look to see what was happening behind him, nor did he listen to the heart-rending screams and wails.

He just stood up with difficulty, supported the girl beside him, and ran away in the other direction without hesitation.

At this moment, he finally understood what the rule [no fatal injuries or fainting injuries] was describing.

It seemed that children's laughter was heard far away, and then quickly disappeared without a trace.

A low groan of pain came from the ground beneath his feet, and cracks opened.

Gao Hai, who didn't know where he had gone, fell with a crashing sound. He fell down together with the real concubine he was supporting, and rolled into piles of garbage bags, and was covered by the dust that followed. Cover with gravel.

Chapter 19: As we all know, art is ____

The choking smell of dust is dissipating little by little.

The warm and moist breath spread and melted on the body at this moment.

Gao Hai opened his eyes.

He saw the burning flames spreading on the garbage pile not far away.

That was Kaguya Shinomiya, or the thing wearing Kaguya's appearance. The fire that was ignited after the torch she was holding fell down at the beginning. At this time, the fire was spreading throughout the apartment building. It seemed that it could no longer be easily blocked situation.

Lao Guo's miserable howling has not stopped yet.

Although he screamed miserably, he didn't seem to be completely powerless to fight back, and was still struggling to escape from that thing's grasp.

"A monster that has no body, only the sound of footsteps, and can kill people silently; a knocking monster that can read minds and communicate, and can make people die through dialogue; a monster that hides in the house in the form of a corpse, and will follow survivors outside to launch attacks Monsters; and monsters that are fully physical, active in the appearance of survivors, and will reveal their inhuman side after being fatally injured..."

Just what we have seen so far are at least four different things.

I don’t know if more incredible things will pop up in the future.

It’s really hard. It would be great if you could save your progress and try again and again like playing a game.


The girl lying on top let out a painful whimper.

Gao Hai, who already knew what happened, lowered his head, helped Zhen Fei sit up in the garbage pile, and looked at her abdomen, where a dark red color was gradually seeping out. When the two fell down together, a lot of them stuck to Gao Hai, staining his clothes red.

"It looks bad."

Gao Hai stared at the blood marks on Zhen Fei's abdomen, then sighed and said.

"Of course I know...it looks bad...you don't need to tell me..."

Shijou Zhenfei, who was taking a deep breath, reluctantly sat up with Gao Hai's help, her little body trembling uncontrollably.

"Don't be brave at times like this. Being too arrogant is not cute."

Gao Hai shook his head and complained, then looked around carefully.

Nothing has come to them so far, and although the smell of soot is getting stronger, it's generally safe.

Probably Lao Guo, who was being beaten by the fake Kaguya, shared a lot of attention for them. If this is the case, then you have to act as soon as possible. After all, no one knows how long the old player can sustain it.

"Leave me... here. I am a burden now and will drag you down."

At this time, the real concubine finally recovered a little, while covering the bullet hole in her stomach, she whispered.

Judging from the look on her face, the girl obviously made such a decision very seriously.

"Ok, I know."

As Gao Hai spoke, he reached out and grabbed the hem of his T-shirt, and pulled off a piece with a "tear" sound. Of course, he avoided the area with red and white stains. He felt that his brain would not be able to speed up the healing of the true concubine.

"What did you do? Didn't you just tell me to leave me here? Finding the wall clock is the most important thing. Now is not the time to do such a thing. Besides, you obviously didn't choose to save me before. You don't Are you a very rational person? Why do you choose this?”

Realizing what Gao Hai wanted to do, Zhen Fei struggled for a moment, but she couldn't break away from Gao Hai's hand due to the severe pain and weakness caused by the injury, so she had to question Gao Hai angrily.

She knew that Gao Hai had taken action when she had an interaction due to reading information not long ago and was then dragged into this twisted world by the shadow. And he did not choose to save her at that time, but took away the backpack on her back. However, he failed to retreat in time and fell into this place with him.

It is impossible to say that there is no uncomfortable feeling in the bottom of my heart, but Zhen Fei knew very well that this was the best choice Gao Hai could make at that time, and there was nothing wrong with this decision itself. If she had it to do over again, she would also think that Gao Hai did the right thing and would support his approach.

So why isn't it done now?

In such an unknown and dangerous situation, rescuing a weak and injured person who has lost most of his mobility is simply asking for trouble.

Obviously you should be more rational, right?

"Let me tell you, don't you ask yourself this question? How long have we known each other? 10 hours? I'm afraid it only adds up to three or four hours at most. To put it bluntly, I only told you a few times. In short, they were just strangers who were forced to join forces because of the current predicament. They were shot just to save me, a stranger. Did you ever think that you were stupid for doing so? You should have just thrown it away at that time? I ran away on my own, didn’t I?”

Facing Zhen Fei's question, Gao Hai just said in a calm tone, and tied the torn off T-shirt rags around Zhen Fei's waist in a few clicks, wrapping them tightly. His emergency bandaging was obviously not particularly professional. He barely stopped the bleeding of the true concubine and caused her great pain. But even so, although the real concubine's body shook several times and her forehead was covered with cold sweat, she still gritted her teeth and endured without crying out.

"So I've said it before, I'm different from you. I'm the eldest daughter of the Shijo family. I received the best and most comprehensive education. I was born to lead others. How could I allow my followers to die like this? , it’s just that I missed the mark this time...Also, what does tsundere mean? I always feel that this word is a bit malicious..."

Although the pain was so painful that she almost cried, Shijou Maifei still stubbornly refused to show her weak side, and even showed her teeth even more.

"So don't be arrogant at this time, Miss. Although I am not a good person, I still can't do this kind of thing by leaving the savior who saved my life. Okay, now be good. , be obedient to me, and I will carry you on my back next. You are responsible for helping me observe the situation on the side and behind, and I will observe the situation on the front. We will try to find the wall clock or a way out of here as soon as possible. Don't forget, I am now. You can’t set the clock anymore, even if you just need a clock-setting tool, I have to spare your life.”

Seeing Concubine Zhen's appearance, Gao Hai couldn't help but sigh again, then stretched out his hand and flicked Concubine Zhen on the forehead, speaking in a very rude tone.

What is this?

A two-dimensional youth romantic and bloody horror drama?

If possible, can you remove the last two modifiers?

"Wow, you guy, you, you, you actually flicked my forehead, what? You think you can pretend to be an elder in front of me because you are two years older... Wuah, ow, don't regret it, I really do now It's just a burden that will drag you down..."

Zhen Fei's angry voice didn't last long, and was interrupted when Gao Hai roughly pulled her up and carried her on his back, causing her to let out a painful whimper.

She knew that the man in front of her had made up her mind, so she just whispered muffledly, then put her arms around Gao Hai's shoulders and neck, and pressed his upper body against his back unnaturally.

Being carried on the back of a man other than my father... this was the first time. I expected it to be a very romantic experience, but it turned out to be in a ghost place like this, with a man I had only known for a few hours, and I even got a slap on the stomach. The gun and bullets were even stuck in the body and had not been taken out.

It sucks…

It's really bad...

"No matter what little emotions you have, let them go for now."

Gao Hai, standing in the garbage dump, didn't know what the real concubine he was carrying was thinking at this time. He just guessed the girl's psychology at this time. It would probably be the kind of unwilling, uncomfortable, and aggrieved state, right? Although I have read the original comics, to be honest, it is still very difficult to understand a girl's mind face to face.

Although he himself was not in a good mood at the moment.

"If I encounter a dangerous situation that I can't escape from later, I will not hesitate to leave you as bait. This is the limit of my kindness. So, before that, please use all your surplus value, be a good guard tower for me, and show me your momentum as a daughter of a noble family."

Deliberately imitated the Japanese's middle school tone.

Gao Hai picked up a burning stick and handed it to the real concubine on his back as a torch, then stepped forward, ran out of the garbage dump, and came to a completely chaotic and distorted building area.

"This kind of thing, hum, I know it without you telling me, don't underestimate me, you guy..."

This sentence probably made Zhenfei a little unhappy, so she snorted a few times, and then began to observe and pay attention to the surrounding environment.

In any case, this man chose to take me, who had lost the ability to move and was basically just a burden.

Then, until the real despair comes, I must not let him down.

Zhenfei, with a serious expression, was determined at this moment.

And Gao Hai, who was carrying her forward, was also very excited at this time.

His current thoughts were very simple, that is:

Wow, this leg is so soft, so warm, smooth, and fragrant, it feels like I can play with it for a year without getting tired of it.

Shijo Zhenfei herself is used to wearing white socks, and because it is a dress-style school uniform, the entire thigh to the knee and the lower half of the calf are directly exposed. At this time, Gao Hai wanted to carry Shijo Zhenfei on his back, so both hands were in the state of supporting the girl's thighs.

Of course, this kind of lsp thought will only last for a short time in Gao Hai's mind. Soon he became serious and started to speed up to pass through this twisted area.

It is impossible to determine what floor he is on now, or whether the original concept of [floor] still makes sense in such an area. It is really hard to say.

But the current action goal will not change, that is, to find the wall clock and find a way to save everything.

As long as we can find the wall clock with Zhenfei, everything can be restored to the way it was at the beginning.

Ha, now, I can only believe it like this...


Heavy footsteps stepped through the twisted building structure.

It was also at this time that a boiling hot current suddenly attacked from behind.

Gao Hai, who sensed something, dodged sideways suddenly, adjusted his position in mid-air to protect Zhenfei, and the two fell together under a tilted double bed.


The next moment, there was a violent explosion, and the sweeping fire spread, bombarding and collapsing the nearby floors, and large areas of the ground and ceiling collapsed with it.

Lao Guo's tattered backpack flew high up, then fell down, revealing several homemade bombs that had not yet been activated, and whose detonation structures had been destroyed by the high temperature.

Under the collapsed ground, among the layers of broken ruins, a door at the bottom, which was flashing a faint red light in the darkness, as if it came from hell, appeared at this time.

On the door was a rusty, dirty house number.


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