If you try to get out of here, you will undoubtedly run into those "people" standing outside the window with their backs to you.

The strong malice and inhumanity made Gao Hai dispel such an idea without hesitation.

{Haijun, how is the situation over there now? }

Mahi's voice was still ringing in Gao Hai's mind.

{It's very bad. Now there is a group of those things standing outside the window with their backs to me, and at least one has come into the house. Did you receive the call I called you just now? I have crushed my phone, and it is impossible to call anyone again}

Gao Hai carefully observed the surrounding situation while continuing to communicate with Mahi.

{Not only did he call, but he also called many times. I didn't answer. I have already contacted my aunt and Fujiwara. They now know your situation and will not answer your call}

As a reliable partner, Mahi will naturally not have any problems with this problem. After Gao Hai suddenly asked her if she had received the text message, she had already realized the problem. She quickly contacted Kaguya and Chikaka to explain the problem. After that, Gao Hai called her and sent her text messages again, she did not read or answer them, and only believed the messages sent through the mental link.

{Very good, now you find a way to contact Xiaoheshu and Qingshan Nanami, tell them that I was attacked by the weirdness of [Fujika Middle School] in the [School Tales] dungeon. These two people may have some experience. Be careful on the way there. If you encounter a student standing still with his back to you, immediately use the power of blessing to confirm the other party's situation. If it is a weirdness, quickly withdraw from that area}

Gao Hai quickly communicated with Zhenfei in the mental link, and the surrounding environment also changed at this moment.


The TV, which was originally turned off, turned on automatically at this moment for some reason.

Amid the noisy sound, the TV screen played a real-time picture of a reporter going to a school for an interview. At this moment, the picture on it was that the reporter was standing in the classroom and smiling at the screen. And behind this reporter, the pale-faced students also opened their mouths and smiled happily at the screen.

And their smiles were slightly turned to look at Gao Hai and Jian Zi standing on the side of the TV. They were smiling at the two of them without any sound.

Interlude 2-32: Strange things have quietly followed you and me

[Stepped on a cat~Stepped on a cat~?]

[Stepped on a napping kitten~?]

The sound of a child singing a song came from the TV.

Along with the sound of many people's cheerful footsteps, the sound came from the TV speakers.

No picture.

Because after the picture of the reporter interviewing the school appeared, Gao Hai immediately threw the coffee table onto the TV and smashed the TV screen on the spot.

It turns out that this is useful, but not very effective. Even without the picture, the speakers of the broken TV still make strange sounds, and constantly send out disturbing and weird noises.

[The cat ran away~ The cat ran away~]

The cheerful singing voice kept ringing from the broken TV, accompanied by a sharp noise that was almost disordered.

The temperature in the living room was dropping, and it had dropped to the point where people began to feel cold.

Outside the window behind him, there was already a row of those things standing.

The corridor outside the living room door was covered by strange shadows.

The communication had been completely interrupted, and only the mental connection with Zhenfei could be used.

At this moment, Gao Hai and Jianzi stood on one side of the living room, not knowing what to do for a while, so they had to stay where they were.

What should I do now?

Gao Hai's eyes kept moving in three directions: the door of the room, the window, and the smashed TV.

Jianzi beside him was frightened and at a loss. She subconsciously reached out and grabbed Gao Hai's clothes tightly. It seemed that she couldn't come up with any ideas for a while.

What should I do?

Gao Hai asked himself in his heart.

The fatal threat has appeared in front of him.

What should I do to break the current situation?

There is no doubt that I have been entangled by the strange power.

However, I have not been attacked.

Although various abnormal phenomena have begun to appear around me, I have not been directly attacked by the strange.

Then, according to the principle of [the strange must abide by certain rules], can it be said that I have not violated the killing rules of the strange and am still in a temporary safe stage?

No matter how the strange form and ability change, the characteristics of abiding by the rules will not change. So far, no matter how high-level, difficult, and terrifying the dungeons encountered by players are, the strange inside has not changed this code of action.

Then I and Jianzi are not dead now, which means that the [rule of death] has not been broken.

The emergence of the strange phenomenon started from Jianzi saying the "Alice Game". She should have been entangled by this strange power first, and then I got the relevant information from her, thus achieving a chain effect of the strange power, causing myself to be involved.

Alice's game... this strange thing that exists in Fujika Middle School, its rules and actions are often carried out according to a [game rule], but I and Mitsuko are not in a teaching building or dormitory building now [ Game venue], and there are no [game rules] in hand. If we understand it from this point of view, neither I nor Miko meet the requirements for the effectiveness of this [Alice Game], so the person who may attack me must not be [Alice] herself.

Then follow this point to deduce that [the very bad big bad wolf], the weirdness emphasized by the rules, will definitely not attack him and Miko, because this weirdness will only affect people who participate in the Alice game and violate certain rules. Rules player attacks.

After excluding these two, what other weird things exist on the rule sheet that are not closely related to the game locations in the game rules? What other weird things are possible that may appear outside the game area, act according to certain rules, and launch attacks?

Gao Hai took a step forward, walked to the side of the smashed TV, and walked to the coffee table that was thrown out by him and was lying on the ground.

Straighten the coffee table again and place it on the floor.

Then, Gao Hai took out a candle from the drawer of the coffee table, then took out a lighter, and lit the candle directly. Maintaining the movement of reaching forward, he slowly stood up with the candle in his hand.

Mianzi, who was standing next to Gao Hai, blinked and didn't understand what Gao Hai meant for a while.

But soon, the girl who heard some movement turned her head slightly, and then saw something standing next to her.


With a low laugh, the candle in Gao Hai's hand was blown out.

"Mr. Gao..."

At this moment, Miko almost collapsed on the ground.

"The test was successful. Did you see that thing? Where was it just now?"

Gao Hai didn't react at all when the candle in his hand was blown out. He just turned to look at Miko and asked calmly.

He didn't see anything just now, nor did he hear any unusual sounds.

The extinguishing of the candle happened suddenly in Gao Hai's sight. He didn't notice the slightest sign before it happened.

But judging from Miko's frightened reaction, something must have happened just now.

As a player, he saw nothing, but Yotsugamiko, who was not a player at all, saw it?

Could it be that her eyes could see more and more comprehensive things than the player herself? !

"It...it walked past me and blew out the candle you were holding."

The pale-faced Miko tried her best to keep her expression calm as she answered Gao Hai's questions.

"Are you sure it walked directly past you?"

Gao Hai asked again to confirm.


The girl nodded heavily and subconsciously looked away to the ground.

[Bad Boy] is right here.

And according to what Miko said, either [Bad Boy] has the ability to move in space, or [Bad Boy] has actually always existed in this place and has always been with them, but when Gao Hai lit the candle, [ The bad boy only appears because of the corresponding rules, and even so it is not completely revealed. Maybe this is because Gao Hai is not participating in [Alice Game] now, so the candle in his hand is not special, but if Miko can see the [Bad Boy] in this state, she may be able to play a big role next role.

"Where is it now?"

Gao Hai looked around the living room, which showed nothing unusual, at least in his eyes, it was very normal, and then looked at Miko and asked.


The girl did not answer Gao Hai's question, but still did not dare to look at him.

Gao Hai understood what Jian Zi meant.

He looked around him, but couldn't see anything strange.

But the girl next to him could see the fishy-smelling blood dripping from Gao Hai's body.

As long as you raise your head a little, you can see the rotten and smelly arms hanging from Gao Hai's waist. The skin has been peeled off, and the flesh and blood covered with knife marks are covered with wriggling rotten maggots.

Only half of the remaining ribs were wrapped around Gao Hai's left arm, and some tendons were connected to the intestines surrounding Gao Hai's waist and legs. Every time Gao Hai himself moves, he can see the hanging internal organs shaking slightly.

The head of that thing was on the side of Gao Hai's shoulder.

Its jaw was torn off and stuck on Gao Hai's neck. The sharp broken bones poked at Gao Hai's throat, but Gao Hai himself didn't feel anything at all.

More than a dozen very thin steel needles were pierced through the thing's temples, and then penetrated through its eyeballs. They almost pushed the thing's eyes out of their sockets, but there were still fine blood vessels and flesh threads. Connected to the eye socket, it grips the eyeball as firmly as a spider web.

The half-cut tongue hangs down, while the remaining arm with only three fingers is still slightly raised, and the index finger with the fingernails removed is placed in the half of the mouth.


The voice was like a whisper in Mianzi's ear.

Can't say it.

Upon hearing that voice, Miiko realized that she could never tell what she saw.

If I say it, I will...

Gao Hai was still looking around.

He guessed that [Bad Boy] had been standing beside him, and might even be lying on his back.

But Jianzi could see very clearly that [Bad Boy] was almost connected to Gao Hai, and could even be said to have grown on him.

But Gao Hai couldn't care less now. After all, judging from the existing rules, [Bad Boy] would not pose any danger to him and Jianzi at present. In comparison, confirming other weirdness was the key.

The sound of the TV was very loud, but it didn't attract anything in, so [Mother Sheep] and [Teacher Duck] shouldn't be here.

This is not the staircase, so [Teacher Turtle] and [Grandpa Cow] don't have to worry for the time being.

There might be something like [Sister Flashlight] in the darkness outside, but so far no abnormality has been found inside. By the way, there is a very strange rule in the rules that lights are turned on during the day and turned off at night, which may represent [lights on is daytime, lights off is nighttime]. Therefore, in the living room, Jianzi and himself under the light can't see what is in the dark corridor, because that is the area "only visible at night".

Wait a minute, since I have verified the existence of the [bad kids] in the rules, it proves that the weirdness that has appeared is indeed from [Tenghua Middle School].

But whether it is the girl who just passed by in the corridor or the group of students standing outside the window, they don’t have any obvious characteristics that can correspond to a certain identity, right?

Gao Hai took out two more flashlights from the drawer, threw one of them to Jianzi, and then took out a standard pistol from the drawer, took it out with the gun bag and tied it to his waist, and then took out the two loaded magazines and put them in his trouser pockets.

"You... still have a gun?"

Jianzi, who didn't expect to see this thing, was stunned for a moment.

"It's better not to expect this thing to have much effect. This thing is mainly used to treat cerebral palsy."

Gao Hai said very seriously, then opened the safety of the gun in his hand, turned around and aimed at the knee of a student who was facing away from him outside the window.


After the sharp gunshot in the next moment, the student's knee burst into blood, and the whole person staggered and fell directly to the ground.

It seems, is it a living person?

Interlude 2-33: The silent spread of bloody things and the main points of weirdness

The bullet had an effect, knocking a student to the ground.

The man curled up on the ground, stretched out his hands to cover his legs, and squirmed and twitched in great pain.

Looking at the dark red blood flowing between the other party's knees, Gao Hai couldn't help but frown. It was completely beyond his expectation that the gun attack could actually produce an effect.

You have to know that weird things, even if living people are in the stage of gradual transformation, can basically ignore gun attacks. For example, Kawano, who was met in the second round of the Red Nut Gray Cave, could fight with him despite bullets and several consecutive attacks that were enough to make people fatal after the obsession on his body went out of control and caused weirdness to be possessed. He even did not die after taking several bullets in his head.

Are those students who turned their backs on him outside just ordinary people? Are they just driven by some force to stand there with their backs on him?

If that's the case, then if we knock them all to the ground, maybe we can find a way to escape from the window...

[Hehehe——someone is going to be a bad boy~]

Before Gao Hai was about to take further action, he heard a sound like a girl laughing in his ear.


The lights in the living room went out the next moment.

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