At this time, he had pushed the power of blessing to the limit, and his physical fitness had reached the limit that humans could never reach. Therefore, he rushed to the place where the shadow of the wolf appeared, stretched out his hand and grabbed forward. air.

You can feel like you're holding on to something.

Rough, like some animal hair or something.

That thing is quite huge. With both hands exerting force, one can probably tell that the length of this thing is at least 3 meters. It is already the size of a liger-level or even larger beast.

And it's really strong. It feels like the power of this thing is at least several tons, right?

"go away!"

The next moment, Gao Hai threw the thing away directly.

The strong strange aura stimulated his senses, and he could feel that the invisible [Bad Wolf] was a very scary and strange thing. If a head-on conflict really broke out, he might not be able to get it at the hands of this ghost. good. But the monster had no intention of attacking Gao Hai at all. It seemed that all its attention was focused on Itono Sato, whose candle was extinguished. Therefore, after being thrown away by Gao Hai, it rushed towards the place where the girl was. Location.

But this time, the thing only stopped halfway.

Because Gao Hai had already gotten the extinguished candle of Inotori Hana and lit it with his own candle.

In the candlelight, the huge shadow stopped, seemed to hesitate for a while, and then rushed towards the candle that belonged to Inotori Hana held in Gao Hai's hand.

But Gao Hai didn't intend to give the other party a chance to return to the candle. He put the candle on his watch, and the burning red candle disappeared directly, so the shadow of the giant wolf stopped again. This time, the thing froze in place as if it had died. The shadow illuminated by the candlelight trembled crazily for a while, then disintegrated and disappeared.

"You must protect the things that are vital to your life."

At this time, Gao Hai turned around, took out the candle again, and handed it to Itonori Hana who was sitting on the ground beside him.

"oh oh……"

The girl took the candle, the expression on her face was stunned, as if she still hadn't recovered.

Just now Gao Hai turned on the blessing with all his strength, crushed the ground with one foot, and then wrestled with an invisible thing in mid-air. While throwing the opponent away, he used this force to fly in the direction of Itono Satohana, and in Halfway through, he reached out and grabbed Itonorihana's fallen, extinguished candle, and then quickly lit it after it landed. The whole process was completed in one go, only taking about three or four seconds, so that Rihana Itono, who fell to the ground hard, did not understand what happened at all.

"It dissipated directly after its own action rules conflicted and could not continue. It seems that this thing has no [origin], it is just a weird derivative."

After Gao Hai handed the candle to Itonorihana, he no longer paid attention to the other party's reaction. He just looked thoughtfully at the direction where the giant wolf disappeared.

Derived weirdness, Gao Hai mainly dealt with this kind of weirdness in Baichuan Apartment, invisible debt collectors, clean porcelain dolls, these things are not weird things that the dead people have become, but rely on the memories of Weiyi's life. Derived weirdness from distortion. This kind of weirdness has no ontology, just like an illusory dream. Therefore, if you find some way to block their action rules, these things can easily freeze and stop moving, or even be eliminated directly.

[Bad Big Bad Wolf] This weird thing that seems to be hidden in every candle is now definitely a derivative weird thing. The question is, the strangeness derived from it must be derived from the strange memories and experiences of someone who became deceased. Whose experience can produce such strange strangeness?

Maybe, it's that Alice?

Gao Hai, who was thinking this way, looked at Miko, who was standing not far ahead, standing on the side of the collapsed corridor.

No, that is no longer a meeting.

Gao Hai didn't know exactly when it became like this. When he found out, the other party's condition had already become uncomfortable. At the moment, in order to resist the erosion of the sheep's head hood, he couldn't take off the rescue team badge at all. Gao Hai, who couldn't think of any way, could only carefully test the opponent. It wasn't until just now when the candle tied to the wild flower was blown out that Gao Hai realized Jianzi's current situation no longer allowed him to observe, so he took decisive action.

[Teacher, why do you light candles for others? 】

Yotsuya Miko, who was holding an umbrella, tilted her head curiously and asked Gao Hai.

"You're Alice, right?"

Gao Hai just frowned and stared at the other person, asking in a lukewarm tone.

[Wow, teacher is so smart, but I am Yotsuya Miko from Grade 2, Class 15, not Alice. Alice’s words are here, I’ll let her talk to the teacher now~]

Yotsuya Miko smiled, reached out and grabbed her head, twisted it off directly, and turned the back of her head to face Gao Hai.

A bloody face, like a woman's face that had been cut off alive, emerged from under Miko's hair and smiled at Gao Hai.

[Teacher, why do you light candles for others? 】

This human face asked the same question.

so beautiful.

This was Gao Hai's first reaction after seeing that face.

So cute, such a beautiful face.

That voice was like the sound of nature. As long as I heard it, I felt as if I was redeemed.

How did such a cute... fucking thing attach itself to Jianzi? Why didn't I react at all? Wait, my senses were deceived. I didn't put the umbrella back into the watch. So the problem is with the umbrella? Tsk, is there any connection between the umbrella and this copy? But how could the people from the Female Face Gang get the obsession of the Red Moon-level copy? And the strength of the obsession is totally wrong. The copy of the Dark Night level will become invalid after a few uses, which proves that the obsession of the black umbrella should be at the Dusk level. How can the Dusk-level obsession be connected to the Red Moon-level copy? !

At this moment, Gao Hai had many questions to ask.

But in the end, he just took a deep breath, retreated, and carefully sensed the situation around him.

[Alice] has the ability to deceive the senses. From now on, I must pay 10,000 points of attention and can't be fooled by this thing again.

A drop of cold sweat has already flowed down Gao Hai's forehead.

Facing this extremely weird and incomprehensible [Alice], Gao Hai's heart was extremely nervous. But soon, he couldn't help but feel a little strange again. He found that he didn't seem to feel the terrifying momentum that only the core obsession of the copy could have on [Alice]. The feeling of heavy pressure that can make people feel extremely terrible just by looking at its existence and just knowing its name.

I am now very focused on my own senses, so I really don't feel the momentum that only the core obsession can have.

Is this [Alice] some way to hide her breath?

Or is this thing really not the core obsession of Fujika Middle School?

No, in the final analysis, is [Alice] really a weird one? She knows how to hide, deceive, play tricks, set traps, and also held the [Alice Game], a weird game full of murderous intentions. She is too much like a human, really too much like a human. Could it be that she is the same as Lin Xusheng, Howard, Welber, and Fornen, who survive in the dungeon with human will and strange power?

It seems to make sense to think so, but even so, it is too outrageous. When Xusheng was still awake, he had to return to the first floor every weekend to join the rescue team. Welber even chased me directly when he saw me. These people who retained a certain human side could not actually defy their weird instincts. But this [Alice] is like a superpower. It is impossible to see that she is subject to any weird rules. Instead, it seems that she completely controls the weird power. Is she really weird? What on earth is she? Why is she so different from all the weirds I have encountered so far? What are her rules and limitations of action?

[Teacher, why don’t you speak? Is Alice bothering you? ]

With a chuckle, the thing has emerged from Jianzi’s body.

It is a human skin.

From the cheeks, to the body, to the limbs, the bloody human skin was peeled off.

The umbrella in Jianzi's hand had disappeared. And on the human skin attached to Jianzi, you can still see the traces of black paint.

Is that a human skin umbrella? In other words, the obsession object of the black umbrella is actually made of Alice's skin?

Gao Hai frowned slightly. He saw the bloody knife marks on the human skin, and... some traces that looked like some kind of engraving.

The human skin was engraved with words. Those words could not be seen in the black umbrella state, but they appeared after this thing was restored to human skin.

The handwriting is:

[I love you, Alice, you are the flame that ignites my soul]

[My guardian angel, my only dream, you are everything to me]

[Please accept my love, Alice, please stay with me forever]

[My savior, my god, even if you are dead, I will keep you, keep you forever]

There are four different handwritings in total.

It seems to be from four different people. Who peeled off Alice's skin and left such words on the skin?

Originally, Gao Hai also saw a similar hallucination picture as Jianzi in the classroom of Class 1. He knew that Alice suddenly appeared after the 12 students in Class 1 of the second grade of junior high school fought each other until no one survived, and became the 13th person in this class. Therefore, in one of the possibilities in Gao Hai's conjecture, [Alice] may not be a person from the beginning, but a weird thing that was created. But now this human skin umbrella and the words on the umbrella overturned this idea. [Alice] seemed to have really existed and died, and her skin was peeled off and made into an umbrella.

[Don't be afraid, teacher, Alice will not hurt you, Alice will always be a good student of the teacher]

While thinking, the combination of Yotsuya Miko and the female human skin has taken a step towards Gao Hai.

"What on earth are you?"

After a moment of silence, Gao Hai finally decided to try to communicate with the other party and asked.

[Alice is just Alice~]

The human skin shook slightly, and Yotsuya Miko's head, which had been twisted off, also shook slightly.

[Oh, I understand. The teacher is very strange. Why am I so special?]

Then, as if she suddenly understood Gao Hai's words, Jianzi clapped her hands gently, and the shrunken hands followed suit.

[To be honest, Alice is not very clear]

[Alice's mother has told Alice many times that Alice's father is actually a good foreigner. She also took Alice to a beautiful big airport several times, saying that she would take Alice to find her father]

[But every time Alice and her mother were driven out by the soldiers at the door. They didn't welcome Alice and said that her mother was a liar. Then her mother would beat Alice when she returned home. She would beat Alice very hard. Alice would cry every time and beg her mother not to beat her, but she just wouldn't listen]

[Then, then, her mother stopped giving Alice food and didn't allow Alice to go home. So Alice could only pick up food from the garbage dump, but there were a lot of delicious food in the airport garbage dump, and the soldiers often threw away half of the food, so Alice rarely went hungry.]

[Alice thought that her mother had abandoned her, but one day her mother came to see her again, gave her a bath, and bought her new clothes. Alice thought her mother must miss her, and she would definitely live with her mother in the future, but her mother said that Alice was going to go to Fujika Middle School, and that the brothers and sisters here liked Alice. Mom brought Alice here and left, and she also wore new clothes, and bought a lot of new furniture for the family. Alice originally wanted to live at home, but the school had to live on campus, oh, what a pity]

[But life in school is also very happy, everyone is very good, and Alice is also very happy here. And every day the principal would come to see me, would smile at me, and tell me that I should grow up quickly and well. Then, one day, the principal took Alice to the basement. He said that he wanted to inherit Grandpa Fujii's ambition and complete the unfinished will of his predecessors, and Alice was his hope...】

One sentence after another, Alice slowly walked to a place only five or six meters away from Gao Hai, and just spoke leisurely.

The eye sockets of the human skin opened, with only bloody flesh inside, but Gao Hai felt as if a pair of eyes were staring at him.

Then, the human skin suddenly stopped and stopped telling the story. Instead, it tilted its head again, and then spoke with a slightly hopeful tone, clasping its hands and raising them, as if expressing its expectations.

【Alice heard that as long as you tell your story to others, then those who listen to the story will be friends. Teacher, after listening to Alice's words, has the teacher become Alice's friend? 】

Chapter 18: Become Alice's friend, forever and ever and ever

Instantly, his consciousness became hazy.

It was as if a force was controlling his body, forcing him to open his mouth.

It was as if something had taken over his existence, forcing him to open his mouth and agree to what the other party said, to become the so-called [friend of Alice].


Gao Hai, who had already realized that something was wrong, trembled violently at this moment, but he could not control himself.


I saw something.

At this moment, after strongly feeling the existence of [Alice], he saw something.

Is that...the stage?

A large group of people in black.

Everyone was cheering.

Everyone's face was full of admiration and fascination, and they were completely immersed in the figure on the stage, as if even their souls had been completely occupied by it.

[Alice! ]

Gao Hai heard their cheers.

[Alice!!! ]

Gao Hai saw their eyes filled with tears.

[Alice!!! 】

Gao Hai saw them screaming and jumping, waving their fluorescent sticks, and looking at the graceful figure on the stage with a burning gaze.

It was a girl.

One with long golden hair, and her cheeks were like those carved by ghosts and gods. It was not something that humans could have. She was so beautiful that it seemed to rob people's souls.

[Hello everyone, Alice wants to be friends with you~]

[Become very good friends with everyone~]

[Alice likes you the most~]

She was smiling.

Her blue eyes were so bright, like crystal gems.

Her long golden hair shone like the sun.

Her mouth corners were slightly raised, which made people feel dazed.

So beautiful...

So beautiful...

Can such a person really exist in this world...

Gao Hai couldn't suppress his trance.

He felt as if his consciousness was sinking into the sea.

My palms seemed to be sweating a lot and became a little wet.

It seemed that everything didn't matter anymore.

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