The surging flesh in the corridor behind them has already caught up, and it won't take long for them to reach their location.

Is this... a multiple choice question?

Chapter 29: The changes in Fujika Middle School and the contact again

"I choose you!"

Without even a moment's hesitation, Gao Hai cursed angrily, and then stomped hard on the ground.

With a violent explosion, the ground tore and collapsed in an instant.

Gao Hai fell to the floor below with Jianzi in his arms. Because no one helped, Ieno Rika and Kobayashi Chiharu fell directly and fell to the ground. And because they fell into the rubble that fell first, the two girls were covered with injuries and looked quite miserable.

But now there is no time to pay attention to the question of how much they were injured.

The call of that thing is approaching.

Rika Seno could even hear Yuka Kinoshita's voice, hearing her good friend constantly calling her name, screaming resentfully, cursing and insulting her, and approaching her.

Gao Hai looked around and found that this place was a secret corridor built for teachers and researchers, just like the observation area on the 7th floor. There were even many figures wearing hoods not far away.


After shouting to the two girls, Gao Hai took the lead and ran, while Jian Zi was held in his arms, closing her eyes tightly, and could not help but endure the increasingly intense pain of mental erosion. 伿


The blood-stained machete swung down and cut a figure wearing a sheep's head hood in half.

Gao Hai kept moving forward, constantly attacking the [teachers] who came forward, as if he was the weird one. After a while, he was chopped all over with blood, as scary as if he had been fished out of a pool of blood.

The flesh pulp had seeped down from the cracks in the ceiling and was chasing him.

The teachers who were dismembered and temporarily unable to move began to be swallowed up one by one, and were eaten by this thing, and its speed of movement was further slowed down.

After a while, the speed of this thing slowed down a lot, and finally allowed the people running in front, especially the limping Seno Rika and Kobayashi Chiharu, to catch their breath and no longer have to run forward desperately.

However, it was not safe yet, so they could not relax.

[Alice] had appeared again.

And he had no way to block Alice's movement.

Now I don't see where this new [Alice] is. Is she following us now? Could it be that the thing is actually in front of me, but I just can't see it?

The possibility of uncertainty made Gao Hai unable to calm down.

The advantage in the second round seemed to last only for a short time. It was not until he faced the strange existence of [Alice] again that Gao Hai had to face the fact that he still had no way to restrict the actions of this strange thing, and faced the reality that he would be at a huge disadvantage if he collided head-on with this thing.

However, what was slightly better than the first round was that he did not take out the black umbrella in this round, so [Alice] never showed the possession ability of the first round. Now it seems that the human skin umbrella may be an obsession born from the strange body of [Alice], so it will show such a huge change after taking it out in this copy. In this case, the suspicion of the [Female Face Gang] is not a little bit. It is impossible for a player of that level to get such an obsession. In other words, it was obtained by the people who supported them behind the scenes?

He was able to successfully pass the copy of [Campus Ghost Talk], survived in the [Tenghua Middle School] area, and brought out the obsession from here. Players who can have such strength must be very rare.

In this case, perhaps the scope of the person behind the scenes can be greatly reduced. Well... the premise is that I can leave this place alive. At present, it seems that it is not easy to do this.

The secret corridor on the 6th floor is the same as the 7th floor. There are glass walls on both sides. Behind one wall are different classrooms, and behind the other wall is darkness, and nothing can be seen. No, this floor is slightly different. Although the wall on the other side is also dark, there are quite a number of students hanging in the air, and even among them is the girl who stuck her head out of the window and was caught.

The students in the classrooms turned their heads and looked at Gao Hai one by one.

But those students hanging in the air did not make any movements, just kept quiet and motionless.

They... seem to be unable to see us?

Gao Hai keenly noticed this difference. The students in the classrooms in this corridor would look at him, but these hanging students, these students who had chased Gao Hai in the first round, did not react to him at all.

Is there any difference between the two?

And this is theoretically a secret area that [students] cannot know. Why am I being watched by those students here? Obviously when I am in the teaching building, these tricky students will completely treat me as a teacher because of the sheep head cover, and there will be no abnormal behavior at all. Why do they stare at me as I pass by this secret corridor? Is it because I am not a real [teacher], so there is some kind of flaw here? Or is there something special about this corridor, this secret area, that resonates with something special about me?

Think about the reasons for this, and at the same time, don't forget to pay attention to your senses, and be prepared to be attacked by hallucinations at any time. Gao Hai quickly came to the end of the corridor. Here was a thick protective door similar to the one on the seventh floor. The door would only open slowly after swiping the card.

It would be nice if there was a keyhole on this door. Maybe the blood key could be of some use.

Because the speed of the pulp has been slowed down a lot, Gao Hai doesn't need to be anxious this time. He put aside his still somewhat dazed mind and waited until the door opened normally, then let the three girls go in first. He finally entered the door and swiped the card to close it.

Considering that the previous glass wall could block the pulp for a considerable period of time, this iron door should be able to last longer. Therefore, Gao Hai did not rush to find a way out after entering this new area, but carefully observed it first.

This... seems to be a processing room?

There were many black plastic bags placed on the ground on one side. Judging from the size and specifications, they were obviously used to contain people.

There are various tools hanging on the walls, from brooms, mops, vacuum cleaners and the like, to saws, machetes, pistols and other weird gadgets. There are also several meat grinders placed in the room, two There is an electric chair and three holes for throwing garbage, which seem to be connected to the ground.

"This is a place where dead students are disposed of after they are tired of being played with and thrown away. The bodies on the 6th and 7th floors will be disposed of here."

Mianzi seemed to have recovered at this time, and could barely stand holding on to the wall and speak.

"Is this what you just saw in your hallucination?"

Gao Hai turned to look at her and asked.

"...Well, the monster that chased us was the corpse that was initially processed here. During the processing, the minced meat leaked out. This was originally an accident, but after it was discovered, the senior officials who promoted the experiment chose to let it go. , hiding it from the grassroots test personnel below, until the gathered pieces of meat started to move. "

"This thing is afraid of fire. Although it can no longer be destroyed by conventional means, the flames can temporarily stop its actions. If it catches up again, you can try to light a fire to stop it."

Jianzi's face was very pale and her expression looked very tired.

Her mental state was quite bad, as if she might faint at any time. In fact, she had already fainted once. She was basically unconscious during the previous escape in the corridor, so Gao Hai had to hold her and run the whole time.

At this time, Gao Hai had already walked to one side of the processing room and saw a note posted on the wall.

[Notes for personnel in the processing room:]

[1. Only "bad students" can be processed in the processing room. All students except "bad students" are not allowed to be processed here]

[2. For "bad students" who have not stopped breathing, it is necessary to ensure that they have stopped breathing before handling them]

[3. Give priority to "bad students" who have stopped breathing but still have the ability to move, and confirm the classes and names of these students and report them]

[4. "Bad students" who meet the priority processing conditions in Article 3 but whose names cannot be confirmed must be destroyed as soon as possible to ensure that they are destroyed to an incapable state before processing, and reported immediately after the processing is completed]

[5. If the destruction of "bad students" cannot be completed, activate the emergency plan immediately]

[6. If items to be processed that are not "bad students" are found in the processing room, they are not allowed to be processed and need to be reported, and professionals will handle it]

There isn't much content, and there's nothing flimsy about it, but you can understand what this processing room used to look like at a glance.

"It seems that when this school was still in operation, the situation was quite serious."

When Gao Hai saw that "the name cannot be confirmed", he immediately realized that there was probably something mixed among the students who enrolled in Tenghua Middle School when it was still in operation.

"Although I didn't see a lot of related things, I did hear something. It seems that after this school was opened for a while, students whose identities could not be identified began to appear among the enrolled students, as if they "appeared out of thin air" ] students.”

Jianzi slowly walked to Gao Hai's side and spoke in a low voice.

"That's it. It would be understandable if that's the case."

Gao Hai nodded, not looking surprised.

"What did the teacher understand?"

Seemingly surprised by Gao Hai's reaction, Mianzi raised his head and looked at him and asked.

"Actually, I was wondering about a question before, and the more I explored this school, the more confused I became. One thing I still can't figure out is how on earth this school continues to operate."

Gao Hai closed his eyes and continued speaking calmly.

"This is a large school that can accommodate thousands of students. According to the current investigation, all the students from the first to the third grade of this school are probably almost wiped out."

"Such a large-scale consumption is fine for one year, but is it possible for it to continue for two or three years? One thousand students means one thousand families, and tens of thousands of people are affected. I don't think the organizers behind this school have the energy to pay such consumption every year and always ensure that there are no accidents."

"So only these students who "appeared out of thin air" can explain this situation. When this school is in the later stage of operation, it is probably no longer recruiting students from outside. Even if it recruits students, it will only recruit a small number of students. Because this school has been able to automatically replenish the students lost every year in some way, creating students out of thin air, just like the NPCs generated by one click in the game."

A school that can gradually automatically generate living people and gradually automatically perform annual flesh and blood sacrifices.

Continuously using more death and pain, it finally converges into the so-called "Alice", a weird creature codenamed "Pain Idol" that is still full of unknowns.

What kind of thing did those people want to create back then?

Turning his head, he looked at the heavy door that was still intact.

And not far away, squatting on the ground against the wall, obviously a little passive and autistic, and Kobayashi Chiharu who looked around with some curiosity.

Gao Hai finally lowered his head and looked at the girl who looked up at him.

"That's enough, do you plan to continue acting?"

Gao Hai asked Jian Zi.

"Hey? Mr. Gao, what are you talking about?"

Jian Zi was stunned by this sentence, and didn't understand why Gao Hai suddenly said such a thing.

"Shiono, Kobayashi, it's time to go. That thing is about to break through the door. Although the perception blessing I received in Shirakawa Apartment has been suppressed here, I can still sense the general situation of that thing at this distance because it has been sensed by my blessing. Also, although it is indeed well hidden, your psychopathic existence is quite conspicuous to me. I can never misjudge you even if I misjudge anyone else."

Especially under the premise that you have killed me once.

Gao Hai did not say the last sentence. He just signaled the two girls to act quickly, and at the same time, his eyes were still fixed on the confused girl in front of him.

"So, should I call you Alice now?"

Gao Hai's tone was flat, but his body was already tense.

And Jianzi, who was confused just now, blinked, and suddenly smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then imitated Gao Hai's tone and said:

[Do you want me to be? 】

Chapter 30: Alice's Focus and the People Struggling to Escape

This is the second time that Yotsuya Miko is possessed by Alice.

However, unlike the first time, Gao Hai can judge through Hedal's perception blessing that Miko's consciousness has not completely disappeared at this time, but is in a state of confusion similar to sleepwalking.

Even so, the situation is still not good. This child is possessed by Alice again. Is it because her senses are too strong? Her own perception exceeds the level that most players can achieve, but her mental defense and willpower have not exceeded the human limit, so it is extremely easy to be affected when facing too strong pollution.

But in other words, does Alice have to occupy someone's body based on the collapse of this person's will? In the first round, she was polluted by the Black Umbrella and Class 1, and in the second round, she was defeated by the pollution power of this mountain of flesh and blood. Only after that, Alice was able to possess Miko. In the past two rounds, no one except Jianzi has ever been possessed by Alice, which to a certain extent proves that this possession has harsh conditions.

As a result, because of Jianzi's own specialness, it just happens to correspond to the mechanism of Alice.

While feeling a little complicated in his heart, Gao Hai's actions were not slow at all.

He kicked Jianzi in the stomach and kicked the girl who he had protected all the way to the side of the processing room without hesitation.

Then, Gao Hai himself accelerated suddenly and ran to one side of the room.

There is no way to confirm his specific location at the moment. Under the premise that Alice has appeared in front of him, everything in sight may be false.

However, the power of blessing is still there.

As long as you give up vision, don't care about your own perception, and only rely on the detection power of blessing to confirm the location of the meat mountain and Alice, and then run away from these two things, that's enough!

As for Chiharu Kobayashi and Rika Seno, he had already reminded them that they were going to run away now, and whether they could survive depended on themselves.


Amid the roaring and shattering sound, Gao Hai felt as if he had crashed through a wall.

He continued to sprint forward, and soon he felt that he had hit the wall again, breaking it and crashing through it again.

Then he felt the falling feeling brought by gravity.

In the distance, he seemed to hear the chuckle of [Alice].

He crashed through the outer wall of the teaching building.

At this moment, he had left the teaching building of Fujika Middle School and came to the area outside this building.

He violated the rules of the [Alice Game].

The strange creature knew that he could use the power of blessing to confirm the position of himself and the flesh and blood strange creature that broke into the processing room, so he deliberately changed his position and made Gao Hai run towards the direction of the outer wall when he escaped.

The way to crack the enemy's power that he finally found was used in turn?

So this thing's IQ is too high...

At the same time that Gao Hai sighed in his heart, a sharp pain had spread on one side of his arm.

Something grabbed him

No, this touch, his hand was bitten by something, something bit him in mid-air, grabbed him, and made him suspended in mid-air.

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