In the corridor, Gao Hai could see figures wearing student uniforms, with their eyes, mouths, noses and ears completely sewn up.

Alice was behind these students, staring at him from afar.

This time she didn't smile.

She just stood behind everyone with an expressionless face, staring at Gao Hai.

Well, it seems that the words just now still broke her defense a little.

"You brought so many people out, it seems that you really don't plan to keep your friends."

Gao Hai grinned, spitting out one of his teeth and said with a smile.


No response was heard from the other party.

Only the students with twisted bodies approached erratically.

Gao Hai turned around and ran away, and then because of the loud noise he made, he attracted a [Duck Teacher]. Once this thing found a person, as long as it made a sound, the other party's ability to move would be greatly hindered, and it would feel like the limbs were filled with lead and difficult to move.

After losing the identity protection effect of the sheep head hood, it was not an easy move to confront these [teachers] head-on. Although there were many students, at least there was no special mechanism, but the teachers were different. Therefore, Gao Hai could only rely on his superhuman physical fitness and willpower to charge forward. He chopped off the duck head with a knife, then cut off its throat, cut off its legs and one hand, and then continued to run.

The brain was feeling a strong dizziness.

After resisting various erosion and mental pollution effects, Gao Hai's body had not reached its limit at this moment, but his spirit was already on the verge of the limit.

Can't fall asleep...

Gao Hai took a deep breath, barely staying awake, and continued to run forward.


With a light sound, the light in the corridor where Gao Hai was was on.


The light went out in the next second, and the light switch had been blown up.

Gao Hai threw the small stone in his hand and threw it out violently, and then smashed the switch of another light in front of the corridor.

These were a few small stones he picked up when he crashed from the underground floor to the ground. With the blessing of Hedar's runaway blessing, he could easily shoot these stones at a speed close to that of bullets, and easily destroy every light switch he saw along the way.

It didn't take too long for Gao Hai to find the location of the stairs.

The number of [students] chasing after him had exceeded one hundred, densely filling the entire corridor, and each of them was twisted and incomplete, which made Gao Hai think of zombie movies for a while.

Unlike before, Alice was always staring at Gao Hai expressionlessly from a distance, with no intention of coming up, as if she was just watching.

What conspiracy does this guy have?

Gao Hai, who already had a considerable psychological shadow on this weird thing, did not hesitate and sped up to move forward.

The layout of the second floor was no different from before, but Gao Hai was afraid that Alice would create some illusions again, so he was extremely careful with every step forward, paying attention to the surrounding situation at any time, and constantly paying attention to every change in his senses.

It was not a wise behavior to perform such an operation when his mental power was already on the verge of limit, but Gao Hai had no choice. The only thing he wanted to do now was to rush to the dormitory building before he died and use this life to confirm the basic situation of another area of ​​Fujika Middle School.

But obviously, this was not an easy task.


In the crisp ringing sound, all the lights lit up at this moment.

Gao Hai smashed the wall without hesitation and entered the restaurant behind the wall.

But then, the feeling of being strongly watched by something enveloped Gao Hai.

It was the sight of [Principal Elephant]. It was bad. This floor was a cafeteria, not a classroom, so there was surveillance inside. And the restaurant I entered was a mid-range restaurant, which means that I was now a continuous violation.

It was obviously too late to escape.

After feeling the gaze, Gao Hai was rapidly losing control of his body.

[Report to the Discipline Office...]


A harsh sound came from the radio.

Gao Hai had already swung the sharp machete straight down, piercing his shoulder, passing through his bones and nailing himself to the wall, forcibly controlling his actions in this way in the last time he could still control himself.

The sound on the radio had ended.

Gao Hai's body struggled to move on its own, but was stuck in place and could not move.

The machete's priority... was indeed above the principal, but it was really painful. Although the consciousness wanted to stop the action, the body continued to move without any control, tearing the wound that penetrated the shoulder even bigger.

The restaurant was empty. Under the lights, there was nothing here, only tables and chairs.

And Alice, standing at the door and watching Gao Hai from a distance.

It still didn't come closer, didn't speak, didn't make any movements, just stared at Gao Hai.

This thing... something seems to be wrong?

Although the condition was getting worse and worse, Gao Hai was still trying to think about the problem and observe the weird thing that was in a wrong state.

Before, [Alice] was not so much weird as a madman with weird powers, but now, this thing's thinking ability seems to have degenerated, becoming more like pure weirdness, and its own emotions and feelings seem to have completely disappeared.

Is it because my words forced her to take the action of [protecting her friend], but her action logic required her to [kill her friend], these two completely opposite instructions, what impact did they have on this thing's thinking, causing it to become like this?

Gao Hai did not think about the specific reason.

In fact, he was not able to think for too long. The sense of separation between his body and mind forced him to focus more on how to maintain his self-awareness.

He began to feel that he was getting farther and farther away from this world, and felt that he was falling into the abyss of darkness, falling deeper and deeper without control, as if more and more hands were pulling his mind, making him unable to escape.

Can't sleep...

Gao Hai said to himself in his heart.

No matter what... I must not fall asleep...

He emphasized this to himself over and over again in his heart, forcing himself to stay awake for twenty minutes, until darkness fell again and [Principal Elephant] lost control of his body. He then struggled to take a breath, then reached out to grab the handle of the machete and forcibly pulled it off his shoulder.

Alice still did not approach, but just watched him from a distance.

Takahashi struggled to walk towards the crack in the wall he had crashed into, and as soon as he walked out, he installed the patrolling lantern girl. Before Takahashi could make any response, the headlight of this thing inexplicably turned into a bloody mouth, biting down fiercely, and almost biting off Takahashi's head with a click.


The blade fell, cutting off the head of this thing, and then cutting open the body, dismembering this twisted monster.

Half of his face was almost bitten off, and one side of his skull collapsed a little. Takahashi was shaky, took out the medicine bottle and took three more pills, and the injuries on his body began to recover.

It seems that the more I take the medicine, the worse the effect is. Is it because the weirdness corresponding to the obsession is suppressed, causing the effect of the obsession itself to gradually become worse? Sure enough, good things and bad things always appear together.

Gao Hai continued to move forward.

Then he was blocked by a group of [students].

This time they attacked from the front and back. Gao Hai had no place to hide. He could only use Hedar's blessing to reduce the wounds of the weird power, and then force his way through with the machete.

"Hu... Hu..."

Gao Hai stumbled through the bloody limbs on the ground, then fell to the ground, and then supported his body again.

The bloodstained machete had grown together with his hand and could not be removed.

He saw something just now.

When cutting those [students], he seemed to see some scenes vaguely. He saw those students running away, saw a waving bloody machete, and the painful gasps of those dying.

This knife is a special obsession for the weirdness inside [Tenghua Middle School].

The weird process of dismembering this dungeon with this knife was actually a repetition of the killings of the past, so the more I chopped, the closer this thing was to me, and it would eventually devour me completely. I thought the side effect of this thing was just the impulse to kill, but it turned out to be just an appetizer?

Gao Hai stood up again, and then fell down.

At this time, he noticed that one of his legs was gone, broken from the middle of the thigh, leaving only a bloody wound.

Oh, right, I was touched by a [student] just now.

The class of that [student] was teased by excellent students, and everyone had their legs chopped off, crawling on the ground to race, and finally died of excessive blood loss. I was not completely touched, but only touched, so one leg was broken.

The skin on my back was peeled off, and it was burning; my chest was burned to charcoal black by the fire, but I couldn't feel the pain anymore; one of my ears was pierced by a bamboo stick, and the worms on it had crawled into the ear hole. To be honest, it was mainly a little itchy. In addition, several teeth were pulled out, several cuts were made on the stomach and then stitched up with a stapler, and the nails of each finger were all pulled out.

These were all things that the dead students had encountered before. They were the weakest in this school, but after being touched by them, Gao Hai would still be fed back to his body by the way these things died, and then he would suffer heavy damage.

Finally arrived.

Gao Hai crawled on the ground for a long distance and finally came to the corridor on the second floor and the passage area of ​​the dormitory building.


It seemed that he heard something in the distance, and it sounded very familiar, but now he didn't have the energy to care.

Open the door.

Under the dark sky, the road to the dormitory building was right in front of him.

Gao Hai crawled forward a step.

Then he was blocked by a wall of air.


Gao Hai was stunned.

[It has been more than two hours. Those who cannot leave Fujika Middle School within two hours will be left here forever]

Alice, who seemed to be pieced together with minced meat, passed by Gao Hai while talking at this time.

[Kojima actually already knows about this, but unfortunately she can’t tell you, teacher]

Another Alice lay in front of Gao Hai, with all kinds of wounds such as blade cuts and gunshot wounds all over her body, and her face was full of smiles.

[But even if she knew, there was no way. The teacher could not leave the teaching building now. If she stayed in this place for too long, her existence would be assimilated by this place. If she could not leave within two hours, she would never leave. Then, after about an hour, the teacher would be completely assimilated in her mind. No, no, if it was a teacher, she should be able to hold on for two or three hours, but in the end she would still be assimilated and completely become a part of this place.]

Another Alice fell from the ceiling and said to Gao Hai with a laugh.


Looking back, the expressionless Alice was still standing in the distance, still silent, and had no intention of coming forward.

Gao Hai closed his eyes.

Then he opened his eyes again and rushed forward fiercely.


Gao Hai flew backwards with a dull sound and rolled on the ground.

The three Alices who followed him couldn't help but laugh.

Gao Hai had stood up again, and then saw the students and teachers who were surrounding him again.

Some of the teachers were chopped by Gao Hai when he was wearing the sheep head mask at the beginning. After more than an hour, these weird things have returned to their original state. Only a few traces of the previous cuts and dismemberments remained.

Unless the core catalytic copy is cracked, non-derivative weird things cannot be killed. Even the dismemberment of this machete can only temporarily make these things inactive, but cannot really destroy them.


But Gao Hai still didn't give up.

He knew that he had no way to survive now.

But he would never accept such a thing as surrendering.

He couldn't let himself get used to death, and couldn't let himself rely on death to return. Therefore, even if it was a situation of certain death, as long as he hadn't really reached the point of death, until death really came, he must never stop struggling.

Gao Hai supported his body and jumped up suddenly at this moment.


One of them, Alice, who was following him, reached out and pressed the light switch on the side of the corridor, and Gao Hai, who was in mid-air, was immediately surrounded by bright light.

Chapter 39: The afterimage and reality seen before the flesh and blood melted away

[Excellent student, Alice, now applies for special needs...]

[Requirements approved, special needs target, bad student Gao Hai...]

[Begin preparations for the special needs ceremony...]

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