Seeing smiling girls with dazed looks.

All of Miko's classmates appeared in the green area wearing hospital gowns. Their figures became translucent, and their human aura had disappeared, leaving only the endless resentment that only monsters would have.

[Come on, Miko-chan, come on, Miko-san]

Those things were still whispering.

[Let's become Alice's good friends]

[Everyone likes Alice, let's become Alice's friends]

[You too, come with us, let's become Alice's good friends]

All the things were whispering, and they were almost completely overlapping around the stone, and they were all spinning non-stop.


Yotsuya Miko could see the thin lines on these things, and saw that the thin lines were connected to the hospital, and also saw the umbilical cords on them, which were illusory and connected to something in the sky.

They were no longer human.

All the girl's classmates who were involved have become part of this copy forever, and have become the same kind as those weird creatures.

Is it like this again...

Every time... they have the same result...

Jizi has nothing to do except sighing silently in her heart.

"It has become like this after just completing a [treatment], and it seems that they can find more people to try to convert them based on their memories before death. It is really a disgusting mechanism. It seems that staying in the hospital area will inevitably lead to sudden death in a short time. Well, stop looking, and leave quickly. They will not be confused by Goto's blessing for too long. You can't waste time here with such things."

After observing the actions of those things, Xiong Mi quickly realized the specific situation, and then signaled the frightened Jianzi to move forward quickly.

Before leaving, Gao Hai took a last look at the appearance of those things. He looked at Rika Ieno, Kyoko Ogawa, and other girls who had met him once before and even acted together. Seeing them die tragically again and even become something like ghosts, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. After confirming that Jianzi was fine, he turned around and continued to move forward without hesitation.

It is really too difficult for ordinary people without any special characteristics to survive in the Red Moon-level copy.

After four rounds, this group of ordinary high school girls have basically been useless except for unlocking various ways to die.

Even players like Gao Hai who have extraordinary powers still have a very difficult life, and they die violently again and again. It is only now that they have reliable teammates that they are finally no longer fighting alone.

The process of sneaking into the building ahead is more difficult than expected.

Cameras that have never been discovered before began to appear here in large numbers, basically covering the outer area of ​​the entire building, and there are many security guards patrolling this area. From the Alice-style ribbons and other items carried by the security guards, it can be seen that most of them are also fanatical fans of Alice.

Xiong Mi and Gao Hai professionally went around the building to scout all around and confirmed several suitable test locations.

Then Gao Hai tried to make some noises, such as throwing stones on the concrete floor, trying to attract the attention of those things. The result was that every time there would be two or more security guards coming to check, and they would definitely go to the place where Gao Hai hid and threw stones to check.

Xiong Mi then tried to destroy the cameras, but as soon as he smashed one with a small stone, the security guards all searched around like crazy, forcing Gao Hai and others to retreat a considerable distance. As a result, many caregivers came out from behind to check. In order to bypass those caregivers, they played a thrilling game of hide-and-seek, and then even two managers appeared. Those managers seemed to be able to directly detect the presence of Gao Hai and others within a certain distance, and they came straight towards them. When there were too many enemies, they had to hide farther away, and finally went around the outer area of ​​the hospital before returning to the starting position.

And the camera had been repaired.

"It's a bit tricky. It seems that we can only find a way to replace those guards, or directly replace those managers?"

After more than half an hour, Xiong Mi couldn't find a way to enter at all and said with a frown.

"The identity of the manager is obviously problematic. That thing can find us immediately when we get close, just like turning on perspective. We almost ran away several times to avoid that thing. Let's pick the manager. At least we have to try to find out what is special about the identity of this thing."

Gao Hai nodded, took a deep breath, and was somewhat interested in this stealth game.

After testing the building again, Xiong Mi smashed the second monitor, attracting those things to come out to search. Then they quickly ran away, once again facing the search and pursuit of multiple weird things, and as expected, they met those managers in exquisite clothes again.

All of these managers have no faces. On their necks is a completely blank human face, as if they can no longer remember what they look like.

Xiong Mi tried to freeze a manager, but the monsters seemed to be stimulated and started to search frantically, so that the two had no time to take off the manager's clothes. Gao Hai simply cut a hole in the clothes with a machete and tore it apart. Then he thought about it and took out the sheep head hood and put it on the manager, and then retreated with Xiong Mi, trying to escape the pursuit of the monsters.

This pursuit lasted for nearly an hour and a half, and the sky became darker and darker, and it was almost night.

Jianzi was left by Gao Hai to be protected by "Goto No. 1", and at the same time, he used the communication of the mental link to find a suitable escape direction to help him and Xiong Mi point the way.

After the difficult pursuit, the exhausted two rested for a while, and then went to check the situation again, and found that the manager with damaged clothes had been torn into pieces, and turned into a pool of monsters on the floor that was still wriggling and slowly reuniting.

"They seem to be a little more chaotic than before?"

After scouting around the building for more than ten minutes, Xiong Mi confirmed that the security guards of the building began to become more lax and no longer as strict as before.

"The caregivers and security guards here should have been brainwashed and are all fanatical fans of Alice, and the management staff may have been further brainwashed, so that they can't even remember what they look like after becoming ghosts. Well, fans and hard work are not necessarily related. The lack of management staff may mean that these things lack supervisors of rules, so it will affect their activity?"

Takahashi speculated on one of the possibilities, and Xiong Mi was ready to act again after a brief thought.

Jizi, who could not help in this matter, could only hide in the distance with "Goto No. 1" and watch everything, and attracted his old classmates several times in the process, and each time it was Goto Ichiri who tried to drive those things away.

The bodies of Kenno Rika and those classmates were obviously still in the hospital. It was their transformed consciousness that walked out of the hospital and found Jianzi in their [memory], trying to turn her into the same kind.

These things did not look for Gao Hai or Xiong Mi. They seemed to only target Jianzi. Perhaps it was because she was a classmate of these girls, and they would have a deeper impression, so they had to look for her again and again.

Time moved backwards step by step. After Gao Hai and Xiong Mi cooperated to destroy the clothes of the third manager, so that this strange creature was no longer recognized by the nurses and security guards and was torn into pieces, those strange creatures even began to actively trample on the lawn, and seemed to not mind all kinds of violations at all.

Gao Hai, who realized something from the changes in the behavior of these strange creatures, decided to take a risk, and took the initiative to walk out of his hiding place and appeared in front of a nurse.

This expressionless strange creature turned his head 180 degrees, with his body still facing away from Gao Hai, and his head looked directly at him.

He did not launch an attack immediately, nor did he try to confirm Gao Hai's work content as a [nurse].

Seeing that this thing didn't move, Gao Hai thought for a moment, raised his hand and said "Alice is awesome", so the nurse immediately showed a satisfied expression, turned around and walked away, completely ignoring Gao Hai's existence.

It seemed that a gaze came from the hospital. Was it that male gun brother? Just saying a word of praise for Alice would attract attention, so why didn't the classmates of Na Jianzi who were completely transformed into Alice's fanatical fans care... Wait, those girls were actually equivalent to death after being transformed, because they were already dead and turned into weird things, so the male gun brother didn't care. And no matter whether it was the end of the third round or just now, I was still a living person in essence, so it would take action?

Gao Hai couldn't confirm the specific situation for the time being. After all, it was impossible for him to run to the hospital to check the bodies of Seino Rika and others to see if there were a few bullet holes.

Approaching the heavily guarded building again, this time the security guards finally showed an obvious gap in their guards, and after Xiong Mi destroyed the surveillance camera, their reactions became much calmer, which was enough for several players to sneak into the building together.


After several hours of high concentration, Gao Hai, who had almost failed many times in the cooperation of the two, breathed a sigh of relief, and was so tired that he wanted to lie on the ground and take a nap.

"We don't know what will happen after we go in, don't be careless."

Xiong Mi was also exhausted, but his eyes were still bright. He said casually with a cigarette in his mouth, and walked at the front of the team, and arrived at the side door of the building first.

At this moment, the sky was almost completely dark, and the time was around 8 o'clock in the evening. The hospital was in the stage of the third set of treatment procedures.

Those security guards who went to search lazily had not returned yet, so after repeatedly confirming the surrounding situation, Xiong Mi reached out and pulled the door handle of this side door, carefully twisted it, and slowly opened this door.


Accompanied by a slightly harsh sound, a clean corridor under white lights appeared in the sight of several players.

Chapter 76: Distortion in the hospital and easily obtained clues

In the dark night, in the hospital with soft lights on, a buzzing noise was coming from the ward.

The expressionless nurse lifted the figure lying on the ground, put it on a machine, and then turned it on.

Amid the piercing buzzing sound, the screen built into the machine scrolled the image of [Idol Alice], and the speakers on both sides of the machine began to emit Alice's own singing, playing it repeatedly to the person sitting in the machine.

Suddenly, the caregiver turned his head and looked at a figure that appeared in the house.

It was a police officer.

A police officer wearing a dirty police uniform, holding a pistol, with an angry expression.

He walked through the wall and stepped into the house step by step.

[Get out! ]

The caregiver roared.

[Get out! Get out! ]

A fierce roar sounded in the corridor, and all the caregivers spoke at this moment.

[You damn bastard, it's all your fault! ]

[You are the sinner, you are the murderer, you are worse than a beast! ]

[What face do you still have to live in this world? Why don't you die! You bastard! You damn bastard! ]

The wall was cursing loudly.

The bed and the chandelier were also cursing angrily.

Countless faces emerged from every corner, cursing the man viciously.

The man stood there for a long time, then turned around and walked out of the room without doing anything else.

The nurse couldn't help but show fear again at this time, and then snickered, as if he was a little excited, but his expression was also a bit painful, so that his whole face was distorted into an indescribable appearance.

Those faces that appeared from the walls, the ground, the ceiling, and various things were still cursing and cursing viciously.

Including the ward, including the ward where Hirano Sosuke was imprisoned, countless faces grew out at this time, glaring at him, showing him extremely angry eyes, as if they were looking at an unforgettable enemy.


A nurse was pushing a cart and passing through the corridor.

On one side of the corridor, the doors of several wards were opened. The girls lying inside were shot through the head and chest. They were already dead and showed no signs of transformation.

Judging from the patient management regulations torn off the room, these students seemed to have read the contaminated information without the presence of a nurse, and were somehow solved in the transformation process.


With steady footsteps, the nurse pushing the cart turned his head and looked at a ward. In the ward, Rika Keno was sitting on the bed, laughing in a low voice. Her eyes almost completely bulged out of her sockets, blood was flowing all over her face, and blood kept coming out of her ears. But her expression seemed extremely excited, as if she had seen a certain scene somewhere, and she kept repeating in a low voice, "Become Alice's friend with us." The voice was intoxicated, and it was completely different from her own state.


The sound of the cart continued to ring.

In more wards, more people were whispering, and more people were no longer human. They were just a shell of desire and admiration.

And the cart had stopped in front of the door at the end of the corridor.


The heavy protective door slowly opened and closed.

Under the light, the hospital seemed to be normal, and no one's eyes stayed here. There were only the giggles of the girls, and the dull figure tied to the stretcher bed, surrounded by countless faces and constantly cursed.

In the rustling sound, someone seemed to be drawing some kind of picture.

At the same time, Gao Hai was holding his breath, and his whole body was almost completely attached to the ceiling, supporting the walls on both sides of the corner with his hands and feet, and staying still in this way.


In the heavy breathing, a figure was slowly passing by below.

Judging from the clothes and the place where the other party walked out, this thing was probably the owner of this hospital, the so-called dean.

The name of this thing as a human being can be seen directly from its badge, called [Fujii Hiroshi]. It is obvious that this guy is quite likely to have some kind of kinship with that [Fujii Goro].

The reason why Gao Hai is here now is mainly because he was discovered by this thing as soon as he entered the building, so he had to interrupt its tracking with the help of Goto Ichiri, and then use the identity cover of the rescue team badge to prevent the other party from further locking his position, and then it was the current hide-and-seek.

Xiong Mi is not far away, and once she is in danger, she will come out immediately to rescue.

Miko and "Goto No. 1" have entered the dean's office and are looking for various clues inside. It has to be said that digging out the secrets here is easier than Gao Hai imagined, or the other party has no intention of hiding it at all? In short, it didn't take long for Gao Hai to learn a lot of things through the retelling of Zhenfei in the mental link.

[刖 Fujii Hiroshi] himself is the only son of [Fujii Goro].

He himself probably knew nothing about Fujika Junior High School at first. Fujii Goro probably never told his family about the horrific experiments in the school until his death, so Fujii Hiroshi still had a normal life.

But one day in the 1960s, Fujii Hiroshi dreamed of an abnormal existence.

From the records left behind, he seemed to have dreamed of his father, and was led by some force to the ruins of Fujika Middle School, which had become a deserted ruin at the time and no one cared about it for some reason.

There he came into contact with the existence of [Alice].

This information was directly written down, and Fujii Hiroshi called it [a fateful encounter], believing that the gods and Buddhas gave him [the most perfect flower in the world].

He was completely convinced by the magical charm of [Alice], and began to be crazy about her, willing to do anything for her. From the undisguised files in the dean's office, it can be seen that this man has been running around in various cities and villages in Japan for quite a long time, kidnapping many people, all of whom were dragged to that dilapidated school as gifts for Alice. As for how Alice will use those gifts, it is not something that needs to be elaborated.

[This is the first time I've seen a man so disgusting. It's a bit disgusting. No, not just his words, but his language and behavior, this guy is disgusting to the point that I can't even describe it.]

Mahi made such a sharp comment on Fujii Hiro's words praising Alice.

[This is what is called enchantment. In fact, from the moment this guy saw Alice, he was equivalent to being dead. But I'm curious why he didn't dream about her earlier or later, but at that time, and was guided to see Alice. There must be a pusher behind it, right? ]

Takahashi communicated with Mahi smoothly.

[Maybe, but you said enchantment? Is that monster-like Alice really beautiful? You weren't enchanted, were you? ]

Mahi's response was full of curiosity and confusion.

[No, I was already enchanted before this, you know it very well, right? ]

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