[If it was the teacher, he would definitely be able to do it, after all, the research materials and the methods to achieve the conditions, the teacher actually knows, right? ]

Darkness has enveloped all the scenes.

Gao Hai couldn't see what happened next, but he already knew what happened.

[Idol Alice]'s body was probably created by this last researcher. Although he didn't know the method, it was probably related to the instrument that merged flesh and blood. Anyway, it was impossible to complete all this without dying.

After [Alice] obtained a body that could move, Fujii Goro's son Fujii Hiroshi was induced to enter Fujika Middle School. At first, Alice might have wanted to get the school running again. But maybe she felt that this was too boring, or maybe she was too lazy to continue because it would take too long. In the end, she changed her mind and chose to become an idol, thus starting the subsequent idol time that swept the country and almost caused a huge crisis.

So... what was the ending of that teacher?

Fujii Hiroshi was unable to revive Alice after her death, and the research data he obtained must be incomplete, which means that the data held by the high-level executives of Neon after the war should be incomplete, and it also means that the things that the teacher mastered did not pass on in the end.

Hirano Sosuke did not know that his teacher had died, but he only thought that he continued to live in seclusion, but he and his teacher seemed to have maintained a certain correspondence...

Is that so...

Gao Hai knew the ending of the teacher.

The man named Hirano Sosuke received replies from his teacher in the last few years, and it seemed that they were all written by Alice herself.

He completely absorbed his teacher's personality and flesh and blood, and then disguised himself as himself, wrote letters to the only student he cared about, pretending that the years were peaceful.

I am afraid that even if Hirano Sosuke did not take action because of the request for help from the victims' families, Alice would one day take the initiative to find him, reveal the facts, appreciate Hirano Sosuke's collapse, and then kill him.

But she didn't expect that before that, the other party took action first, so that she ended up losing everything.


Gao Hai, who was watching all this, just remained silent.

He continued to move forward in the darkness without saying a word.

He continued to move forward in this seemingly empty and boundless darkness with no end and nothing.

It seemed that there was nothing ahead for him to continue exploring.

But his steps still did not stop.

One step, another step.

Gao Hai did not know how long he had walked.

But he finally reached his destination.

He arrived at the end of the darkness, the school with lights on and noisy sounds.

Across the playground, one student after another was playing on the court.

Behind the glass windows of the swimming pool, you can see men and women in blue student swimsuits exercising.

Someone was drying washed clothes on the windows of the dormitory building.

And in the spotless classroom, students were already reading with their heads shaking.

Each of them had no face, and they were all empty and pale afterimages.

Each of them was Alice, turning their heads to look at Gao Hai and laughing secretly.

Each of them is a confused child, just a junior high school student. They entered this school, they fantasized about their future, they were involved in a cruel tragedy that they were unable to struggle, and they eventually became nutrients, nutrients for [Alice], and then only these remnants were left.

And to this day, if they still have any wishes or obsessions, I am afraid that it is only [rest].

But even such a thing, they can't do it, because they have become a part of [Alice]. As long as the artificially created evil thing continues to exist, they can only continue to exist, and continue to exist in this endless darkness.


The reason why Hirano Sosuke can become the core obsession of Fujika Middle School, instead of being equal to Alice and becoming a dual-core regional copy, is also due to these remnants that yearn for rest?

What happened after killing Alice's body and chasing the four fanatical fans back to school that year, so that Hirano Sosuke escaped from the weird Alice alive and walked out of the ruins of the school?

The answers to these questions may not be found here.

Gao Hai can already vaguely feel the existence of [Alice].

She is here, and she is not here.

He sealed her obsession, making it impossible for this strange thing to appear. But even so, there are still strong traces of her in this copy. Unless she really disappears, no matter how long she is sealed, the remnants here will never rest in peace.


In silence, Gao Hai has opened his eyes.

Awakened from a dream.

But he can't feel the refreshing feeling after a deep sleep at all, only a stronger fatigue, and a little soreness from his body.

It seems that sleeping on a hardwood table is not a good choice.

Thinking of this, Gao Hai sat up from the table, and happened to see Jianzi rubbing his eyes and sitting up from the chair beside him.

Compared with last night before going to bed, those chairs were obviously placed closer to Gao Hai. Coupled with the dark circles around Miko's eyes, it was obvious that she did not sleep well last night and secretly moved the chairs closer. A little, maybe because I feel that I will feel safer if I am closer to Gaohai.

Xiong Mi had slowly walked forward from a short distance away and looked at Gao Hai and Jianzi with serious expressions.

[Let’s go, we’re ready for the court session]

Xiong Mi, who said this from the spiritual link, led the two of them back to the court.

open the door.

The originally empty courtroom now had a large number of people appearing.

Through the efforts of Hongyue-level players and the Sigong Group in one day, a stage has been built in the real world that is exactly the same as the court in the instance, and through the power of obsessions with spatial properties, the courts from two different worlds have been brought together. This overlaps.

Next, a court will be held in the real world, and everyone from the judge to the lawyers to the audience will be played by Red Moon-level players. In the real world, ordinary people within a few kilometers of the stage have been evacuated. All the players in the trial are ready for a fierce battle.

In the more than two years since the emergence of the sacrifice game, even if players can conquer the Red Moon level dungeon, they can only take away the core obsession at most. As for cracking the obsession and destroying the Red Moon level copy, no player has done it yet. After all, understanding the core obsession, understanding the opponent's obsession and trying to solve it is too dangerous. Coupled with the restrictions of the Red Moon level, even top-level players do not have the ability or confidence to do it. Do this kind of thing.

But now, with the union of these players, maybe today, everything will change.

Gao Hai walked into the auditorium and sat in the empty seats left by the projections.

Yotsuya Miko followed Gao Hai cautiously and sat next to him.

[Everyone has arrived, the court is now in session! 】

The judge struck the hammer, and with a loud bang, the lawyers, jurors, and others who had been prepared began to act according to the process, step by step denying the two ridiculous trials that year.

The victims and their families turned into monsters and entered the courtroom silently, watching all this in silence.

Gao Hai frowned tightly.


Even though the process was less than halfway through, he had already sensed from the scent of those strange things that this acting ritual was useless.

Something is missing.

This ritual is missing the key, and even going through the process is useless.

The fact that Hirano Sosuke has not appeared at the scene until now is a clear example. No matter how this trial continues, it is impossible to achieve the expected results. The missing part must be made up, the missing link must be made up.

And that thing that's missing...

[Hehehe, teacher, you know it very well, don’t you? 】

In the field of vision, Alice, who was sitting in the dock, was smiling at Gao Hai.

That's right.

If there is anything missing, it can only be that thing.

Gao Hai couldn't help but close his eyes again, feeling a bit heavy and sighing.

"Senior, what's wrong?"

Yotsuya Miko noticed Gao Hai's mood changes, turned around and asked worriedly.

"The murderer must appear. This ritual will not be effective if the murderer cannot appear."

In other words, the seal on Alice must be broken, and the four obsessive objects must be combined into one, so that [Idol Alice] can reappear in its full state, and let that thing stand in the defendant's seat. Only by doing that can the ritual really work.

However, if Alice's obsession is really taken out from the watch, I am afraid that either the superficial Fujika Middle School will reappear immediately, or Hirano Sosuke will appear on the spot and start a massacre.

How to do this?

Chapter 86: Looking for the right way to break the deadlock

This trial conducted by the players is still continuing the process of acting.

It's just that every player who participated has more or less discovered that doing so is useless, and they are aware of the fact that the copy itself has not changed in any way because of their actions.

Is the condition missing?

Or is the fundamental direction already wrong?

The players did not speak out or interrupt the ongoing trial. Although it has been found that this is of no use, as long as there are no abnormal changes in the ritual, it is best to complete it first, otherwise stopping midway may lead to some bad results.

The actors continued their performance, meticulously bringing the trial to an end.

And those phantoms belonging to the victims who were watching on the sidelines quickly disappeared after the trial, as if they had never been there without leaving any trace.

[The situation is not right. Is there something missing in the information? The phantoms of the victims were indeed summoned, but they did not respond at all. We obviously performed so seriously, why didn’t we even get applause? The red moon level weirdness is so rude! 】

[Could it be that the idea itself is incorrect? Although it seems that these victims occupy an important part of the dungeon, after all, there is no reason why these monsters can be put to rest with just a trial, right? You must know that this is a Red Moon level copy. Even if it is nominally downgraded to Dark Night level, these things are still Red Moon level in essence. How could a monster of this level be put to rest so easily? 】

[No matter what, at least we can be sure that our approach is definitely problematic. If we can’t determine where the specific problem lies, I’m afraid this joint operation will be in vain in the end]

After Xiong Mi gave the relevant information about [Gao Tianyuan], the players pretended to be scratching their heads and couldn't think of a solution on the surface, but in fact they had been using spiritual links to communicate. It has to be said that these players are all acting masters. If he could not hear the voices of those players in the spiritual link, Gao Hai estimated that if he only looked at their superficial actions, he would not be able to guess what these people were thinking. Something like that.

Perhaps one of the prerequisites for becoming a good player is superb acting skills, right?

However, although these players were having a heated discussion, Gao Hai already knew the answer to the question they were seeking in advance.

[Only by letting "Alice" stand trial can all this be truly ended]

Gao Hai said to Xiong Mi directly through the spiritual link.

【you sure? If that’s the case, it’s no different from a dead end]

Xiong Mi's voice didn't sound too surprised. It was obvious that she had thought about possible situations and problems in advance and was prepared for them, so what Gao Hai said now was what she expected. Within, even though it was the worst, it was the kind of situation she least wanted to see.


A monster that is not the same as a complete monster, but cannot be regarded as human, a monster in between.

Since entering [Fujihana Middle School], this monster has become a nightmare that all players have to face and cannot be bypassed no matter what. Even now that the monster is finally imprisoned and can no longer hurt anyone, it is still causing trouble for everyone.

If you want to end this dungeon, you must release the imprisoned Alice, and considering that Alice is now divided into four different obsessions, you may have to put those four obsessions back together. , find a way to reunite as a whole, and create a [complete] Alice to complete the basic premise of the trial.

But to be honest, the act of releasing Alice is not much different from seeking death. The illusion ability possessed by the opponent is almost impossible for players to fight against, and as long as Alice reappears in this copy, the [surface] of this copy is likely to come again, causing the previous efforts to be in vain, and everything will be reset. Back to the beginning.


Gao Hai took a deep breath.

Alice must be controlled, and Alice must be under control immediately after her arrival.

And to do this, the only way he could think of was to seal Alice in his body. Only his willpower can confront Alice head-on, and only he has the ability to act as Alice's [container] to suppress her.

But if he really does that, there is no doubt that the core obsession of this copy, Hirano Sosuke, will appear immediately and kill him on the spot.

After all, obsession is just the remnant of a living person. No matter how much a strange thing looks like a living person, its nature determines that it must be an inhuman thing that rigidly abides by its own rules of action. Therefore, as long as Gao Hai seals Alice in his body and causes Alice's aura to appear in himself, Hirano Sosuke will kill him without hesitation. He couldn't communicate, couldn't communicate, no matter how much reason he had, he couldn't tell the other party.

Moreover, there is a very extreme rule in Hirano Sosuke's own rules [no intention to attack]. This intention even includes Gao Hai's attempt to spill blood on his pistol. Such behavior with the intention of seizing will be punished. He counterattacked so mercilessly that Gao Hailian couldn't even get close to the opponent.

Without freeing Alice, the ritual cannot succeed.

Releasing Alice will cause the surface of Fujihana Middle School to reappear, making the ritual impossible.

If the opponent can be successfully captured after releasing Alice, Hirano Sosuke will show up and break the situation with three shots.

After releaseing Alice and successfully capturing Elis, trying forcibly the ceremony, Hirano Cangjie will directly transform into a strange martial arts god. All the players were beaten into pieces, and he used his pistol, which was as terrifying as a hand cannon, to transform into the supreme villain and destroy everything.

Damn it, I've obviously found the correct path to clear the level, but am I stuck in this place?

How to do?

Gao Hai frowned deeply.

In this situation, what should we do?

What method can be used to appease Hirano Sosuke and suppress both problems on the premise of capturing Alice?

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