
He looked towards the penultimate bed, towards the thing made of twisted lines that had already sat up.


He looked past the last bed and the thing that was already standing beside it.


And the last thing standing in front of him was a human-shaped thing made of twisted lines drawn by graffiti.

[Teacher, could it be that you are not actually a teacher, but a student like us? Are you lying to us and pretending to be a teacher? 】

The innocent voices of children surrounded Gao Hai.


Amidst the sound of the window being knocked continuously, Gao Hai opened his eyes and slowly sat up on the single bed in the small bedroom.

Chapter 7: Normal and Abnormal Things in My Perception


Amidst the sound of rain falling that would never stop, Gao Hai sat on the bed in the small bedroom, lowered his head and stared at the number [36] written on his hand.

He remembered that he had just used that ticket, and then entered the dungeon of Hayatachi Elementary School with Shinomiya Kaguya.

In other words, now should be the time when this mission has just begun.

But there were marks on his hands that shouldn't have been there.

Why do I have this written on my hand?

Gao Hai frowned. He couldn't remember when he had written down this number. No matter how hard he tried to recall, he couldn't recall even a shred of the content.

But the handwriting looked like he had left it himself, and he was very sure that it was his own handwriting. And, vaguely, he could still feel a vague sense of dislocation, feeling that everything he saw and thought at this moment might not be as simple as he thought, or what he thought. This is natural.

This place is not unsafe.

The situation I am facing now is very dangerous.

Obviously I didn't see anything that could be called a threat. It was obvious that everything here was so normal.

Gao Hai had a vague idea in his heart that he was in danger.

Something must be wrong.

Xiong Mi said that the survival rate of this dungeon is much higher than other Red Moon level dungeons, but the mental torture for players is very serious. Corresponding information surveyed from the player forum also shows that many players who successfully passed the level and left this dungeon alive suffered from serious mental illness or developed self-harm tendencies.

You must know that most of the players who can enter this dungeon are Red Moon-level players. They are players who have received many blessings, blessings and various obsessions, and have strong spiritual will. Being able to cause such a player to have a mental disorder shows that the problems in this copy are probably quite serious.

So, this handwriting...maybe it was left by me. I left the number [36] because I saw this number somewhere and wrote it down? Does this mean that this number has any special meaning?

No matter what, take action first.

Now he has to rendezvous with Kaguya as soon as possible, and then find a way to find Hayasaka Ai, and then find a way to crack this mysterious copy.

Thinking this way, Gao Hai raised his head and looked at Jigang, who was sitting on the chair beside the bed and writing something on the computer.

[I have to write down what I know. This will also help me organize the situation]

Seeing Gao Hai looking over, Ji Gang turned to him and smiled.

[This is indeed a method, but you need to be careful when recording. After all, in a place like this, the information itself may have some kind of contamination]

Kaguya standing nearby nodded and said, Gao Hai also agreed.

Takai stood by the wall, still sighing softly, while Miyazawa Hana reached out and patted Takai's waist gently, as if to comfort him in this way.

One, two... A total of 6 people stood in front of me. Yes, I entered this dungeon with the six of them to look for Hayasaka Ai. This is normal and there is nothing to be concerned about.

Lowering his head, Gao Hai looked at the handwriting of [36] again.

I still don’t understand why I have this thing left on my hand. Is it the influence of some strange force? But I obviously didn't feel anything.

I feel nothing, which means my spirit is not contaminated. If there is no contamination, then everything is normal... No, no, there is also cognitive blockage. If a piece of red cloth is received by a visual signal, the cognitive signal received in the vision is tampered with from red to blue, then after this information is processed by thinking, it will bring [this] to the human brain. The piece of cloth is blue] this kind of perception, and this kind of "normal" is definitely not normal.

So, is my current state no longer normal?

Gao Hai looked at Ji Gang, who was still typing seriously, as well as Takai, who was sighing, and Miyazawa Hana, who was comforting him. He looked at Shinomiya Kaguya, who was thinking, and looked at Gao Hai, who was looking at him. He felt that all this Nothing unusual. There was nothing abnormal about him or the six people standing in front of him.

With his brows furrowed, Gao Hai lowered his head again and looked at the numbers written on his hand.

Obviously I have just entered this dungeon and just started exploring this place alone. But I... no, if my perception was indeed affected, if I was indeed suffering from a mechanism like cognitive blockade, then it would be understandable that I wouldn't be able to react.

【teacher? 】

But I don’t remember anything, I don’t know anything, everything in my cognition is normal, and I haven’t even been attacked by any strange force at all. What should I do? What kind of situation am I in now?

【teacher? Teacher, don't you care about us? 】

It seemed like I heard someone speaking, a childish voice that seemed to belong to a young child.

I am a teacher? Why am I a teacher? Does this identity have anything to do with me?

Gao Hai raised his head in confusion and looked at the door, which was opened at an unknown time, and at the child standing outside the door, who was watching him. One, two...many children stood crowded in the small living room outside the door, each one looking at him, each one looking at him, standing expressionless and dull.

A black pistol appeared in Gao Hai's hand.

Under the impact of various [normal] cognitions and [abnormal] instinctive feelings, his mind became more and more confused, and now he finally felt something abnormal.

Unlike Kaguya and Takakai, who were carefully guarding these children, and different from Yoshigo Takai and Miyazawa Hana, these expressionless children finally made Takahai feel "abnormal". He could vaguely feel that these seemingly innocuous children must all be monsters.

Could it be that what I am experiencing now, this [abnormal situation] that I am not aware of, is caused by these strange things?

If they are the cause of all this, if I use this gun on them, maybe I can resolve the crisis at hand.

Gao Hai's finger was already on the trigger.

Yes, this kind of understanding and thinking are completely [normal].

So if the normal things I feel are actually abnormal things, then if I make such a choice... nothing will change.

【teacher? 】

Gao Hai ignored the sound, but lowered his head, put the gun on his lap, then removed the magazine and looked at the bullets inside.

There are 8 bullets in total.

Before entering this dungeon, I used this gun to shoot a bullet that could suppress the strangeness, which means there should be 9 bullets left. But now, there are only 8 rounds here, and one bullet was used up at some point.

He had no recollection of another shooting.

Therefore, I should have fired in the dungeon, and probably fired at what I thought was an [abnormality] to try to change something, but in the end such an attempt must have failed. So I don't remember anything now, so I will think everything is normal now.

So what I should do now is not to shoot at the [abnormal], but to shoot at the [normal].

Gao Hai slowly raised his head, and once again, he looked at the people in the room, at Ji Gang, Takai, Miyazawa Hana, Kaguya and Gao Hai. These six people are all normal and there is nothing wrong with them in his opinion.

【teacher? Why don't you speak? Isn’t the teacher actually a teacher? 】

The children who made him feel strange had already entered the room and were approaching him step by step.

Gao Hai glanced around calmly, and quietly put on the rescue team badge on himself, then turned the gun and put it on his forehead.

"The most normal thing is not everything I see, but me who thinks everything is normal."

Gao Hai said in a low voice.

If [normal] is actually [abnormal], then he should be under the influence of this [weird force that blocks cognition] now. Then if he uses the bullet that suppresses the weird force on himself, , will definitely produce real changes.

[Gao Jun, what are you doing? 】

[Mr. Gao, what are you doing? ! 】

【Stop it! 】

【Are you crazy? 】

[Teacher, do you also want to commit suicide? 】

The voices ringing around him could no longer reverse Gao Hai's will at this moment.

"bring it on!"

He finally just whispered this.

Then, he decisively pulled the trigger.


Chapter 8: The Power of Immortality and Actions in Interstitial Consciousness

How does it feel to have a bullet penetrate your head, drill a hole in the brain tissue, and then exit through the other side of your skull?

Generally speaking, no one can truly experience this kind of thing, because normal people will just die suddenly and die on the spot after suffering such an attack, and there is no possibility of having any feelings again. But Gao Hai could clearly feel the changes in himself, the pain caused by the remaining nerves after his brain was instantly destroyed, and the instant confusion in thinking and cognition caused by the fragmentation of brain tissue.

At this moment, he couldn't even organize his normal thinking, and he couldn't even continue thinking. My whole body felt "buzzing" and I almost didn't know anything anymore. I just felt that my whole body was completely confused.

But soon, his thinking ability began to recover.

Even though his head had been penetrated by a bullet as powerful as a rocket, even though the bullet entered from one side of his head, almost crushing Gao Hai's entire brain tissue, and then came out from the other side with his skull almost completely shattered (it didn't explode directly because the protagonist's physical fitness had been strengthened to close to the Red Moon level), he still did not die and was quickly regaining consciousness.

The source of this power lies in the second blessing given to Gao Hai by Hirano Sosuke, that is, the blessing of not dying after a fatal injury and fully recovering after 10 minutes.

Relying on the power of this blessing, Gao Hai gradually recovered. Even though the function of his entire head had basically been lost, his vision, hearing and senses still resumed at this moment.

So he saw the empty house in front of him that had been abandoned for a long time and had become a little shabby.

There was a remains lying on the ground next to the computer desk. Judging from the clothes he was wearing, it seemed to be an adult male, although now only bones were left. Gao Hai knew this person. His name was Ji Gang Saburo. When he was going home one night more than ten years ago, he happened to encounter Hayata Elementary School manifesting in the real world. As a result, his lover and his house were all sucked into the copy. He tried to escape from here many times, and used the time change of the computer to realize that he had been here for six days. He left a lot of records for this, and then he died in this place.

He was not killed by a strange force, but starved to death. In fact, he should have died between the third and fourth days, but he lived until the seventh day before he really died. Gao Hai didn't know the reason for this, but he roughly knew that the number 7 had some special meaning in Hayata Elementary School. As long as you pass the 7th day, you will never be able to get out of this copy alive. This is why Xiong Mi told Gao Hai and Kaguya to rescue Hayata Ai before she was trapped in the copy for more than 7 days.

Gao Hai remembered that he had shot Ji Gang before.

After the shot was fired, it seemed that the small bedroom was temporarily closed, so he woke up in the small living room outside the bedroom after being traced back again. But because he didn't find the real target at that time, the suppression bullet only hit an illusory phantom, which only lasted for a short time, and he woke up in the small bedroom again after a while.

But this time, Gao Hai could feel that he made the right choice.

Manipulating the body that was shot in the head, Gao Hai staggered out of the small bedroom and came to the living room outside.

The figures of those children have disappeared, but they are different from those false phantoms. They turned around and walked away after seeing Gao Hai shoot themselves in the head. These children are real weird things, not the illusion formed by the weird power of this copy itself based on the [name] and [figure] that Gao Hai saw. As for why they were approaching Gao Hai just now, but turned around and left now, Gao Hai didn't know the reason for the time being, and he couldn't confirm the reason at this time.

We have to find Kaguya first.

He clearly remembered that he had met up with Kaguya once before, but after entering the small bedroom, there was a person who looked exactly like him, who seemed to be a [illusion] that Kaguya had created in her consciousness after seeing Gao Hai, who locked the door of the small bedroom. In the subsequent continuous backtracking and exploration, he had not been able to find Kaguya, because the door to the corridor leading to Kaguya was locked by Gao Hai's [illusion] Gao Hai.

[Illusion], this is the temporary name Gao Hai gave to those things.

This thing is something produced by the rules of some strange power of Zao Li Elementary School itself. As long as the player who enters the copy knows someone's name by any means, reads documents related to this person, or sees the other person's photos, etc., a vague image will be established in the subconscious, and then this image can be directly matched by Zao Li Elementary School and this person, and then the figure of that person will appear around this player, and can only be observed by this player. Only when this player observes this [illusion] can it really exist. Once you look away, it is equivalent to disappearing from this world, and the player will forget its existence.

From the current point of view, this strange ghost story rule still has quite distinct characteristics. First of all, those who can be materialized immediately are all dead people, and Gao Hai materialized Kaguya and himself because he saw Kaguya and saw himself in the mirror in the corridor, which means that living people must observe the specific image before they can produce [illusions]; secondly, this thing is likely to be contagious like a virus. According to his impression of the only time he and Kaguya met again, after seeing himself, Kaguya could see Jigang and Takai who followed him, and he also saw the [illusion] of Miyazawa Hana; finally, the most critical thing is that [illusions] seem to be given the concept of "teammates" by the power of Hayate Elementary School and will not make players suspicious, but once this ghost thing seizes the opportunity, it will secretly create trouble for players.

For example, the previous locking of the door will impose an [unable to open] state on the door. It is precisely because of the locking of the door that Gao Hai has no way to reunite with Kaguya in the subsequent actions. It's strange to say that [illusion] is something that seems to have no entity and only exists in the player's mind. But when this thing locks the door, the door is really locked. Could it be that what is locked is actually the door in the player's cognition, not the real door?

Gao Hai had no way to answer these questions for a while, just like the extremely weird backtracking mechanism of Zao Li Elementary School. If there is any mistake, the player will be restored to the state of the dungeon, and there is no way to retain the memory. The act of leaving words on the hand can only maintain one backtracking, and the second backtracking will eliminate the traces left in the previous time.

Maybe it was because of some behavior that did not conform to [role playing]?

But this can only correspond to the last time when the students were surrounded by the black-lined people who turned into those students in the backtracking?

Or is it that there is an invisible rule in each room, and once it is violated, it will be reopened immediately? Tsk, I don’t understand it at all. It’s really troublesome. Can’t I play a simpler dungeon once?

While thinking, Gao Hai had walked to the locked door on the side of the small living room.

As before, no matter what Gao Hai did, he couldn’t open this door. After the door was locked, it became [indestructible], and it was also impossible to force through the wall next to it.

Perhaps, it was because in the eyes of the [child], the wall could not be broken, and the locked door could not be opened.



Gao Hai took out the pistol and fired it cleanly.

On the other side of the door, a bullet flew out and hit the switch of the door lock, and with a "click" the door lock was successfully unlocked, allowing Gao Hai to open the door smoothly.

He continued to move forward, walked through the corridor, and opened the door to the hall in the same way, and finally came to the small bedroom door where Kaguya started. This time Gao Hai did not need to use a bullet to open the door, because the key to this door was inserted in the door, and it could be opened directly by twisting it.

Why is the key here?

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