The key to the unity of all things?

Gao Hai lowered his head and looked at the watch he was wearing.

This thing doesn't look like a key at all. Shouldn't it be a silver key?

As a street writer, Gao Hai naturally knows how much the title "All Things Return to One" represents. And after learning from the "Faceless Man" that he was not the first person selected by the Black Watch, but the only person who survived to the third copy stage after being selected by the Black Watch, he felt even more pressure. .

Gifts and misfortune, it really makes people laugh.

What kind of secrets are hidden behind the scenes of the so-called [Sacrifice Game]? After I officially pass two Red Moon level dungeons and come into contact with things above the Red Moon level, will it be time for the mystery to be revealed?

While thinking, the surrounding sounds became noisy.

All students have rested in peace and left this copy. Although they had committed evil deeds while alive, in the judgment of the black watch, such sins that were maliciously guided by the people behind the scenes did not seem to be within the scope of its judgment.

As for the headless or headed researchers and soldiers gathered around now, the culprits who founded this school and led things step by step towards madness. They still cannot rest in peace and cannot escape from this copy, because there is only one place they are allowed to return to.

[Your resentment and pain can only flow to hell, just like your sins]

Gao Hai spoke slowly and finished the sentence in a cold voice.

The black watch opened a crack again, swallowing everything in, sending these things into the bloody city and into the never-extinguishing sea of ​​fire.


The scale of the watch moved slowly at this moment, from 7 back to 6, to 5, to 4, and finally returned to the scale of 2 before stopping.

Compared to Touka's return to 0 directly after the end of middle school, it is still a bit worse, and the number of times consumed this time is also the highest. I can only say that it is really disgusting that someone is causing trouble behind the scenes. However, after harvesting more fuel, the watch's self-return ability has become faster again. If you keep this up, you will soon no longer need to care about the reply time after the copy ends.

"Then it's time to leave."

Standing next to the last remaining orphanage gate in the darkness, Gao Hai raised his head and looked at the two blurry school areas in the distance, as well as the third, almost invisible phantom further away. He turned his head, and there was no He left without the slightest hesitation and left this copy.


Disjointed voices sounded in my mind.

Among the chaotic light and shadow, some incomplete pictures fell into Gao Hai's mind.

[In other words, you obtained these magical things in a hotel and learned about the research methods there? 】

Someone was saying something, but the voice was muffled and I couldn't make out who it was.

[Yes,'s magical and terrifying. All my gains today started from there]

Another person's voice followed, this one was relatively clear, and it was definitely Sato's voice.

[If that’s the case, what would be the thing that left the deepest impression on you there? Is it some terrifying monster or an incredible rules mechanism? 】

The voice from the beginning asked again, sounding very curious.

[ a needle]

The next moment, Sato's low reply voice contained a bit of suppressed fear.

【Needle? 】

The inquirer was very puzzled.

[One pointer, one second hand, it should be the second hand. There is only that one pointer on that clock, that thing, only that thing that I can't... No, it's nothing, just pretend I didn't say anything, now it's time to work, we should prepare to arrest Chiyo Hachiya]

Sato's voice finally couldn't suppress the fear, but the topic ended at this time, and he refused to stop no matter what.

Footsteps rang, and Sato quickly left without knowing where he was going.

On the other hand, the person who asked at the beginning quickly made another sneer.

[Second hand? Heh, it must be what others have said. I really don’t know what to care about. Okay, next, it’s time to study my story. Although the rules of not letting these things leak out and having to control the scope of influence are really boring, this kind of problem doesn't bother me. Haha, you still call me "writer", do you think I can't hear that you are mocking me? I will let you know soon, my story is the best and most perfect, hahaha——】

The voice was full of pride and pride, but there was obvious noise interference at this time, and Gao Hai couldn't see the other party's appearance no matter what.

Probably, it's because the owner of this image can never appear again.

Thinking like this, Gao Hai quickly opened his eyes after these chaotic scenes disappeared and he felt that he had escaped from the dark and twisted copy space.

Then he saw Ai Hayasaka, who was sitting in front of him like a puppy, and Kaguya Shinomiya, who was holding on to the table on the side of the room and trying to stand up on his feet.

Of course, Gao Hai's vision was not hindered by any physical obstacles. He could clearly see everything that should be seen and what should not be seen, and it was immediately recorded in his own DNA sequence.

"Wu? Wuah?! Gaojun, you, you, you, turn around!"

Kaguya's panicked voice, which was already mixed with tears, rang sharply.

Although Hayasaka also covered her body subconsciously, her face soon turned ruddy, and her expression when looking at Gao Hai seemed to be a little expectant, and she had no intention of avoiding his sight.

As for Gao Hai, who was enjoying the long-lost light novel plot, well, he was very relaxed.




Volume 3 (middle): Closed Room


Conclusion of Volume 3

The middle volume of Volume 3 ends here.

Well, it was originally estimated to end in about 60 chapters, but it ended up being 70 chapters, which is about the same as 60 chapters after rounding up, so it's not a big problem.

Well, it's really difficult for me to control the length of the story. In the first half of the volume, because the Fujika chapter exceeded the preset length and soared to 350,000 words, in order to avoid being too long, the Hayate chapter was separated. As a result, the Hayate chapter is now 270,000 words, which is beyond my own expectations.

In other words, the two volumes that were originally put together now add up to 610,000 words, a total of 161 chapters. And considering that the second half of the volume also has two large maps, Yeluoshan and Baidos, plus a finale, I can only say that the 300 chapters I set for the second volume may still be too conservative.

Now looking back, when I wrote the outline, I thought that "the four maps and eight cores of the super-large campus ghost story dungeon are simply too cool", and I really want to go back and beat him up.

But anyway, this chapter is over, and the third volume is over. After a daily interlude, it will be the last chapter of this volume.

How should I put it? To be honest, I am not very satisfied this time. From August 18th to today, it took me almost one and a half months to write the Zao Li Elementary School chapter. As the first and second volumes of similar length to this volume, one was completed within a month, and the other took almost a month to complete. In comparison, this volume took too long to write, and there were too many delayed parts in the middle. I am afraid that the experience of readers who follow the update is not very good, and the writing process is also painful for me as an author.

The problem is actually very obvious. When the Zao Li Primary School copy was originally designed, there was no long enough and large enough rule planning. After all, this copy was just an auxiliary copy after the end of Fujika Middle School in the original setting. Because it was not intended to be too long at the beginning, the framework was relatively simple. In fact, only the rule of cognitive blocking was written at the beginning, and the rest were temporarily planned because this copy needed to be independent later, so it was foreseeable that problems would be encountered and the writer would suffer.

I can only say that this is a legacy issue extended from the Fujika Middle School chapter. I hope that everyone can be satisfied with this flawed story this time.

The next intermission will be much longer. After all, the protagonist does not have any urgent tasks this time, so it will be a normal intermission of fun. The relationship between Shinki and Chika needs to be managed, the relationship between Miko and Hayasaka needs to be cultivated, and Kaguya needs to get closer (really get closer, not persecute). In short, there will definitely be things that are popular, and everyone knows what our style is in this regard.

It is expected that there will be about 20-30 chapters in the interlude. Unlike the main line, which always has a large number of words, the interlude will always be shorter than the estimated length. In this regard, I can only say that I will try my best.

As for Kaguya's emotional line, although everyone complains a lot about the four treasure chests, it actually has nothing to do with the treasure chests. In fact, Kaguya's emotional plot is really difficult to control. In addition, after the introduction of Hayasaka, the differences in character personality led to almost inevitable differences in choices, and the result is like this. However, Kaguya's plot in the next interlude will be richer, after all, it is almost to the point of getting closer now.

As for the final part of the third volume (lower), readers who have read the Tanabata Miko extra story already know some of the relevant content, so I won’t go into details here. Readers who are interested can go to the extra story section to have a look.

In addition, Goto Ichiri, who was originally scheduled to appear in the second volume and ranked fourth but has been away from the main storyline until now, is finally in her turn. I don’t know why I always feel sorry for Pochi-chan. . .

Then, as usual, I’ll post the preview image of the second half of the volume. Some readers may find this image scary, so I’ll give a warning first. Readers who are afraid of this kind of image should not force themselves~

Interlude·Part 3·Part 2

Interlude 3-13: Rest after returning and a new red moon-level blessing

Until Kaguya finally couldn’t bear it anymore, she rushed forward without making eye contact and drove Gao Hai out of the small living room. Gao Hai, who returned to the corridor, looked at the corridor of the mansion that was already a little unfamiliar, as if he hadn’t been there for a long time, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I’m back.

Once again, we overcame the difficulties and returned to the real world.

After surviving the difficult exploration and battle, everyone returned to the real world together without missing any limbs.

Then, in half a month, I had to enter the dungeon again, damn it.

But there is no need to worry about this kind of thing now. In short, now I can finally rest and finally don’t have to continue working hard for a while.

"Please prepare a guest room for me. I need to rest. Thank you."

When Kaguya asked the maids in the mansion to help bring clothes over, Gao Hai grabbed one of them and asked her to find a guest room for him. He went in and fell asleep. He fell asleep in less than a minute.

Forget all the troubles and worries.

Don't think, don't leave yourself a trace of confusion, just close your eyes and welcome the rest after the battle.

He slept very steadily, deeply and comfortably. When he woke up, he didn't leave a trace of fatigue. He greeted a new day in a completely new state.

I don't know why the servants in the mansion looked at me with a wrong look in their eyes. These maids seemed to be a little afraid of me for some reason.

Strange, I didn't do anything worth paying attention to, right?

Gao Hai was very confused about why he was so eye-catching.

Obviously, in a relaxed state, he had completely forgotten about the two beautiful girls who stayed naked in the small living room yesterday evening, and naturally would not think about what the maids would think in their hearts after seeing him leave the small living room.

"Huh... I'm really back..."

It was not until he woke up and got off the bed that Gao Hai whispered to himself and felt relaxed from the bottom of his heart.

Then, he noticed that he was now wearing a very simple set of men's pajamas, and he was still covered with a quilt. You know, he didn't take off his clothes when he entered the guest room and lay directly on the bed. In other words, did someone change his clothes after he fell asleep? He didn't even wake up during this process?

Gao Hai realized something, and the next moment he pulled up his pajamas and sniffed it in front of his nose.

It was the scent of Hayasaka Ai.

So that's it, because she is someone I trust and has no bad thoughts about me, so I didn't have any instinctive defensive reaction at the time?

But, did Hayasaka come to take care of me right after she came back? Is it too hard, or are all maids in the second dimension so powerful? After being turned into a dog and locked up for several days, it is too much to return to work immediately.

While thinking, Gao Hai has already felt some changes in his spirit.

It was the blessing power that was stimulated during his sleep and has been silently integrated into his body and soul.

It belongs to the little girl named [Hachiya Chiyo], who was once carefree but was deprived of all happiness and eventually driven crazy to become a witch to destroy everything. After finally finding her own happiness, she gave Gao Hai the blessing power.

By the way, this is the third blessing from an underage girl I have received, right?

Close your eyes.

Gao Hai carefully felt this power at this moment.

Unlike the blessing of Hirano Sosuke, who mainly plays a head-on confrontation, the blessing power of Hachiya Chiyo seems to be more spiritual at present, which is a transformation of spiritual power.

The first ability that this blessing gives Gao Hai is the reshaping, replication, linking and transmission of spiritual power. It is a complex blessing with low consumption.

Through this power, Gao Hai can split and link his memory at any time, forget what he wants to forget, and recall it at any time when he wants to recall it.

Not only that, Gao Hai can also use the blessing ability similar to Xiong Mi's ability to create personality fragments. He can use his own spirit as a blueprint to create unconscious spiritual fragments to replace himself to resist various spiritual erosion damage, and can also embed these created fragments into other people's minds. In other words, he can now give himself and others a fixed san value protective shield at any time.

In addition, another powerful thing about this blessing is the linking and transmission of memory. Using the power of this blessing, Gao Hai can store the memories of teammates who are closely related to him and regard each other as family through the link between spiritual power. With this ability, Gao Hai can completely abandon the memory retention function of the black watch and make room for a new grid in the 12 intervals of the watch. At the same time, the watch function of sharing willpower within that range can also be replaced by this blessing, and the effective range of this blessing is larger, up to 30 meters.

In other words, as long as Gao Hai is willing, he can share the mental power of everyone within a radius of 30 meters at any time, but compared to the watch function, the compulsory effect of this blessing will be weaker, and it may be resisted by people who are unwilling to share and have strong mental power.

"This blessing... well, it can create a mental fragment in about 3 hours. Each mental fragment seems to have more than half of my mental strength. Well, the mental fragment itself has no thinking ability. It can be sensed by me when linked, but it seems that it can't be manipulated. Judging from this strength, well, a Dark Night-level player should be able to withstand 3 of my mental fragments, and a Red Moon-level player with strong willpower should be able to withstand more than 5 pieces."

It seems that the fragments of this blessing are automatically restored, and the storage limit is about 10. In a more numerical way, if Gao Hai's willpower is 139, then a mental fragment he created is equivalent to a mental shield with 80 willpower, and even if this shield encounters an attack that exceeds its upper limit, it can protect the spirit of the fragment holder at the cost of its own shattering. Considering that this thing can be stacked, even a weaker Dark Night-level player can stack 3 fragments. It is no exaggeration to say that players with enough fragments can ignore the rules of the ghost story and force themselves to step into the thunder and rush into the face.

Perhaps, for Chiyoko Hachiya, she has lost everyone and only has good memories to cherish, so she gave this blessing.

By the way, this blessing seems to improve willpower, but... Gao Hai feels that his willpower seems to be close to the upper limit, so the effect of this blessing is almost not exerted. If you insist, it may be just a few points of improvement, which is no different from no improvement.

Then, of course, the Red Moon-level blessing has more than one function.


Take a deep breath.

Then, the bloody light began to spread.

The ground was twisting, and dark red blood began to appear on the bed, curtains, walls and other things.

The faint suppressed crying and wailing spread.

The incomplete corpse began to appear on the ground out of thin air, twitching and trembling as if it was coming alive.

With his own will, Gao Hai twisted this guest room into the bloody horror scene around the weird beehive Chiyo.

This is the second blessing effect given by the "witch", a blessing that is similar to the expansion of the field, forcibly transforming the surrounding space within a certain range into a special area.

Although the scene may look bloody and disgusting, as long as they are inside this field, Gao Hai and the people he recognizes will be able to continuously recover their vitality and mental strength. Those who are not recognized by him will have their vitality and mental strength drained. The strange creatures will be hindered when breaking through this field, and the obstacle is close to the level of the Red Moon-level ghost story rules. Those who are not at a high enough level will definitely be intercepted. It is a more powerful blessing that combines protection, attack and recovery.

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